RWBY With Devils Gacha

Chapter 63: Jaune Arc 1.63

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Jaune Arc

Okay. "I can do this." I have already come this far. There is no reason to give up now. I just have to think why I have to do this. I closed my eyes for a moment remembering my dad.

Huntsman just like his father and the father's before him. Arc that wasn't an Huntsman or hero? Ridiculous.

The words of mom said still reverted inside my head... 'Don't worry if you have to come back from Beacon. We will always be here for you.' The encouraging smiles of my family...

I felt my fist hurting and gently opened it... I can do this.

I have always wanted to be an Huntsman, the protectors of people, the slayers of grimm.

Soon I would be one too, then I would show my family that I'm not weak.

"Just wait for me Beacon..." While muttering I checked the address on the email in my scroll for the hundredth time.

I didn't think Vale would be this big... it's nothing like Ansel. My eyes followed two girls both wearing revealing clothes... until they passed me.


"Ouch! Hey Watch where you are going!" I looked backwards hearing the sudden high pitched yell.

Between the two girls I saw earlier a person walked  accidentally against one of them. She was reading a newspaper, with two holes in it... must have been torn... such bad luck.




This should be it? I was in front of a green building with windows covered by blue curtains. Some light escaped from the gaps telling there was indeed people inside... probably.

Over the door was a sign 'Antique old, but gold.'... Hey maybe it's actually not that shady inside? There's no rule saying that person making fake transcripts must be shady too? Right?

Dad always said that all you need is confidence. I walked to the door and knocked twice.

... no reply.

"Hello?" I spoke towards the door.


I tried the door handle and felt it moving down. *SSSskkkrrriii...* The door opened slowly while also informing everyone I was here... It's cost efficient?

The shop had dim yellow light and old grey wallpapers. There was countless strange things on display cases, glass cabinets... "Atshiu!"... dusty too.

"Well... look at that. An actual, living, customer."

"You must not see them often, huh."

I turned my gaze from an old mirror to my right.

Behind a sturdy brown desk an old man and young man were playing chess... The young man seemed to be winning.

"Well don't be shy. Come here." The old man had raspy voice. I'm glad they seem easygoing.

"Hey! I'm Jaune Arc. I got this address from someone named Bob, told me to come here to make a deal." I spoke with confidence. They seem like an easygoing pair, I wonder if Bob is the older man.

"That would be me?" To my surprise the young man with short black hair and pink eyes stood up, offering his hand for a shake. He doesn't seem like bad guy.

As I took his hand a sudden pull forced me to my knees. Oww... "W-what is it?!" At my question the pair of pink eyes narrowed.

"I hate snitches... are you one?" I shook my head furiously. Bob gave me an sharp look his pink eyes turning a shade darker.

"You were looking for something to be made?" The man... Bob let go of my hand and I stood up feeling the burning skin on my wrist... I was not wrong, he is shady!

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How did it come to this...

I had decided to tail Jaune Arc, The criminal. To gather future blackmail... *cough* to gather some useful information.

While masterfully tailing the suspect I had bumped into an innocent girl... such misfortune.

The really unfortunate thing was that after walking for a moment I noticed I was holding on to an unknown wallet... smooth.

After walking back and returning the wallet to the grateful girl I had lost the suspect!

What now...

I had thrown the newspaper I randomly found on a bench away. Even the coffee lollipop I was eating had almost been eaten completely.

I walked for a moment on the street getting more and more unwelcoming stares... I should go back home... As I turned I saw a familiar blonde haired man walk out of an green building.

So that's where it is.

The blonde boy had an conflicted expression between excitement and regret? His face was twitching while smiling. Must have paid a long Lien for the transcripts. Hu hu hu... stupid.

So I got what I wanted the location of the one making the fake transcripts...

I feel so unsatisfied... It's not like I even want to go to Beacon... and if I did I would not use fake transcripts to get in... that's just asking for trouble.

Also who knows how long the con artist will live here. So the time I come here looking for fake pass or license to be made... it would most likely be useless.

No... I need to talk to the suspect to get the information... also I want to say something to this dude.

With that being clear I walked towards the blonde boy while also smiling.

"Excuse me." The boy turned surprised hearing me. "Yes you. I have something to share with you"

Jaune was looking left and right, clearly on guard about something.

"Ye-yes wh-what is it?" The boy chuckled nervously... disgusting.

I opened my mouth to ask the question before realizing I can't just ask him straight if that is the shop he got fake transcripts... I closed my mouth. Instead I spoke something else.

"Did you know Huntsman use aura. to fight against grimm." I abandoned the useless question and decided to use manipulation for my nefarious goals instead.

"What is an Aura?" Jaune spoke and I showed my hand making it glow pink for a moment as I saturated it with my own aura.

"This is aura. Sorry... I just had an sudden urge to share this knowledge with a random person... After all there's no Huntsman without Aura and they use it to protect the wonderful people of Vale. It's fantastic right? Such an noble thing to do, not to mention how useless they would be without it..." I kept blabbering on and on how important aura was for Huntsman before looking at my scroll mock surprised.

"The clock! I have to go. Okay bye!" I run away without looking back leaving the blonde scratching his head in confusion.




Well that was that...

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