RWBY With Devils Gacha

Chapter 74: It’s Atlas right? 1.74

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There was actually a staircase leading down from the entrance of the room ten. White tunnel with blue spots lights flickering slightly.

After walking fifteen or so steps down a big white room showed itself.

The room was simple and empty, if not for the right side.

The right wall had a metallic sheen to it and a small dark gap running in the middle of it, all the way from ceiling to floor?

Leaning close to the suspicious wall was a white table with numerous circular marks on it. I walked towards the table with height of three feet or so.

In the middle of the table a keyboard made of light was glowing in blue color. Above the keyboard a screen mounted to ceiling was hanging down.


1. New user.

2. Sign in.'

The text was glowing in blue on bright white background. It looked so good! I wanted to lift my hat to the one who designed this room. I liked simple but stylish decor like this.

I pushed the enter button on the glowing keyboard. The screen dimmed for a moment.

'Please enter a user name.(You can leave this blank) :____________'

I wrote 'Primrose' and clicked enter once more.

A moment of screen dimming.

'User name 'Primrose' registered.'

'Do you wish to skip the instructions?

1. Yes

2. No'

I clicked 'Yes'



I meant yes, in wanting to listen them!

'Let the challenge... begin!' The white screen showed a new text mercilessly without a chance to turn back.

Ugh... I took a lollipop from my pocket and unwrapped it slowly. A blue shiny candy. I put it to my mouth tasting the sweet taste resembling slightly blueberries?


...It didn't taste like blueberries at all!

It's a scam!

I put my protective headset on, while sucking the lollipop with wronged expression on.

The screen went black and a sound of mechanism moving started as the wall split from middle. Both sides of the wall moved slowly inside the walls showing a huge hall without a single source of light. Only darkness.

I watched as the screen slowly tilted towards the ceiling unblocking the view.

*Ta...tatata...* You need to oil this! I looked at the table making the sound.

Slowly the circular markings I noticed earlier opened, to push a blue automatic pistol up and ten magazines with twenty white bullets on each of them. Two hundred bullets... and two minutes to shoot over hundred targets.

Sounds fine to me?

I took the heavy blue pistol into my right hand. It had two black lines on each side of the barrel. I put a magazine inside smoothly. *Click*

This seem like... semi-automatic pistol?

The Blue gun had a small sliding button above the trigger on left side and black hammer behind it. Once the hammer was pulled back the gun would reload itself and be ready for shooting. After shooting the gun would reload itself allowing the user to continuously shoot each time the trigger was pulled once.

I slid the the button with my right thumb while catching the falling magazine with my left hand and reloading the magazine, once again.

Yosh... The same time i lifted my head up from the gun. Lights illuminated the dark hall.

It was huge... about the size of an softball field and had about same shape. The hall went wider and wider the further it went.

The hall was lit with small spot light mimicking stars on the ceiling.

It was an street splitting on two with numerous alleys and tall buildings on both sides and the end of the two V shaped streets.

It looked exactly like a streets of Vale... only shade darker and more eerie. Graffits and broken windows. Overturned trash can and cars with broken windows... there were countless marks from impacts, but no bullet holes. Must be due to the bullets not being powerful?

I heard a sound and people started appearing on the streets... walking casually. A pair of mother and child. A elderly faunus man walking slowly with a cane on hand.


There were at least twenty civilians walking along the two splitting streets.

There was even a man selling cabbages on the left street!

High tech... this place is so high tech!

What is this... Atlas?

3000 Lien was not cheap, but it was cheap if you considered the amount of Lien to maintain place like this no doubt.

And there seemed to be three other rooms like this too!

Oh... I remembered suddenly Coco's advice.

There didn't seem to be anything to shoot yet. So I moved all the magazines to my left fast on a row, with the magazine opening to my side, for faster reload speed.

I had the gun lowered while looking left and right in alert. It should begin soon.

I only know what Coco had briefly mentioned to me before so I was not sure what to expect.

The streets lights flickered slightly and a roar of best sounded at the end of the streets. *RrraaAAAaaww!*

I lifted the gun up.

The pedestrians stopped walking all looking around confused and scared.

Suddenly a big beowolf jumped through a glass window selling medicine on the right street.

A woman screamed and the grimm bit down tearing the woman into scattering red particles. I opened my mouth frozen for a second. As the Grim jumped on the small girl kneeling on floor I felt my heart speeding up.

"NO!" I yelled while shooting straight at the grimm.

*click.* *click.* *click.*

"Kyaa!" The small girl screamed before turning into red particles under the grimm's paw strike.

I cocked the hammer behind, furious inside for the misshap I had made.

*Bang! Bang!* The grimm torso was hit by my second bullet, turning into blue particles.

I didn't have time to get happy as more and more beowolfs started crashing from the shop windows and at the both ends of the streets.

I pulled the trigger continuously shooting all the black grimm one after another.

To my dismay the civilians all died one by one to the grimm.

I was simply not fast enough to shoot all of them in time.  After shooting seven grimm down I heard the familiar. *click.*

I pressed my thumb while taking a magazine from my left replacing it with the fallen empty one.

"Ah! My cabbages! My cabbages!" The man selling cabbages was kneeling before the ruined cabbage stand.

I looked at the man and the approaching beowolf trying to kill him. I didn't forget to reload the gun by pulling the hammer this time.

I shot the beowolf jumping on the cabbage seller.

"My cabbages! Oh my beautiful cabbages!" I ignored the man.

To my right a beowolf was jumping from top of a car.

I shot the open mouth and it turned into blue particles.

*SQWAAAaa!* A new sound and a small human sized nevermore dropped from sky.

I turned my aim to the flying grimm and shot!

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The nevermore made a fast turn to left taking the elderly man trying to crawl to side alley. His cane had went missing at some point.

I didn't shoot again immediately concentrating aura to my eyes. The nevermore slowed down... I saw the talons extending down ready to grab the old man.

With smooth motion I adjusted my aim and shot a little forward from the grimm.

Dark blue particles exploded and the old man vanished to side alley.

I smirked.

I let the aura flow to my eyes and allowed my perspective to scatter.

I looked forward and as a grimm creature in shape of a boar rushed out. I shot where it would go soon. *Bang!* Scattering blue particles.

To my left two nevermores dropped down. I watched the right one to dive down towards side alley and shot... a wing. Dark blue particles.

I turned to shoot the nevermore flying towards me as the feeling of slowed down went to normal.

*Bang!* The nevermore vanished past me. I had missed. Dam it.

The man selling cabbages had vanished to red particles along with the vanished nevermore.


I had no time to ponder.

I saw beowolfs running from side alley at the end of the street. I could barely aim at them before concentrating to make my vision better again.

I shot. *Bang!*

I aimed where the two grimm were running while shooting again. *Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!*

The other beowolf vanished as other turned into blue particles.

I looked at the right street seeing death stalker appearing at the end of street carrying something on its claws.

I frowned seeing the human shaped figures trying to break free from the grimm's clutches. 

At the same time the death stalker appeared more beowolfs had run from the left side.

I decided to shoot the easier targets on my left.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!...*


I reloaded the gun and turned to right. The death stalker by now had gone away and two another beowolfs were running towards me.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!...*




"Haahh..." I breathed out, as the hall I was shooting on turned pitch-black. Like everything I saw was only my imagination... a lie. I know it was, but I still felt shaken to bottom of my heart.

How scary!

And this scenario didn't even seem unlikely.

The walls slowly closed once more and the screen slowly moved down.

*Ti...tititi* I hate this sound... it reminds me of something unpleasant.

I watched the screen lit up to white.

'Challenge over. Please drop the gun and magazines down, after disarming the gun.

The circular holes opened on the table at the same time and a glowing blue arrows appeared above them.

'Drop gun here. 01.' Was on the left.

'Drop all 10 magazines here. 10.' Was on the right.

I dropped the gun after taking the magazine out and the bullet loaded still into the pistol.

I put the white bullet into the magazine and dumped them all down to the hole.

'Drop gun here. 0.'

'Drop all 10 magazines here. 0'

'Thank you, you may leave now.'


I turned hearing a sound from behind. There was a door leading to the stairs from where I came from. I didn't even notice it closing?

'You shot:

Normal targets 57/100, 287 points

Civilians 0/28, 0 points

Special targets 3/30, 34 points

Civilians saved 3/28, 30 points'


'Your score: 351 points.'

How much did Weiss get?

'New Rank gained.

95: Primrose (351 points.)'


Nice! I won.

I lifted my hand high up while making a fist to air.


I turned around and started walking outside smirking... he he he... just you wait Weiss.


I walked the steps up slowly while dropping the protective headset to my neck. As soon as I lowered the headset, a weird sound traveled to me through the door just three steps above me.

Well who cares.

I calmly walked outside with a smile on my face.




The room was cold. I shivered as I walked out. Everything seemes to be normal... Wait where are the bodyguards?

There were new people. All were taking a wide breath from my friends and the receptionist woman seemed to be trembling while holding a paper of some sort before her face.

Both Coco and Weiss however turned around from the screen smiling as soon as I came out. As if the doom and gloom in air previously was just a lie.

I heard someone sniffing behind the counter.




I closed my eyes while crunching the lollipop with my teeth...

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