Chapter 3: Part 3: Denial , POV: Sam

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“It's not a curse… it’s a blessing.” Xeno claimed and mumbled as Zack & I left for the closest subway station.

“Blessing my ass, I’m a monster. I can literally shoot out flames and burn up anything if I touch it!” I wanted to shout back at him but didn’t because we were getting to the crowds of people. 

 From then on Zack and I just sat in silence. Said nothing, zip, nadda on the way back to our apartments. He just waved when he got off the station. 

I didn’t speak to anyone until I got into my house. Opening the door I could see both my mother & my father watching the television about the alien spaceship crashing into buildings only a bit over ten blocks from our building. 

“SAM! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN EXACTLY YOUNG MAN!!?” My father yelled at me without even looking away from the screen. 

I came up with an excuse at lightspeed, “I was near the area with a few friends and when we saw the ship, we dashed away until we ran into cops who escorted us to a building with shelters. I was there till just now when I was allowed to leave and come home.”

My father turned around and looked at me, “you sure? Are you safe? Injured!?” He frantically asked while patting me down.

“Just my shoulders ‘n back are sore from wearing my backpack for hours.” I brushed him off. 

“That’s good at least,” he returned to the TV, “As long as you’re fine then this family will be fine.” 

I poured out a glass of mango juice and just went to my room. After throwing my bag next to my desk and setting the glass of juice on the desk, my legs gave up. I dropped to the floor and just started heavily breathing. 

“Am I sick!?” I immediately thought and checked my forehead for anything. No heat swelling up. 

I bottled up my own thoughts for too long and now my inner conscience is shooting myself with thoughts right now: 

“What the hell happened today?” 

“Aliens are actually real!?” 

And most of all, “You’re a Fire spitting monster.” I wish I could just forget everything that happened in the past two days and just go back to before I knew all of this stuff. I couldn’t bear to think about my homework or anything school related right now. I can’t deal with this. I drank the glass of juice and started to exhale deeply. 

It didn’t help. I fell back to the floor and even more thoughts from my inner conscience pelted me relentlessly. I just layed there. On the floor of my bedroom cramped as hell in between my bed and my dresser, barely enough room to walk. It didn’t matter to me though. I was busy attempting to process everything. 

“Aliens are real, I can shoot fire, A space wizard alien wants me to fight aliens!? With what!? MAGIC!? WHAT IS MAGIC!? I THOUGHT MAGIC WAS JUST CARD TRICKS AND ILLUSIONS CREATED BY TECHNOLOGY AND STUFF IN ANIME!? WHAT DID HE DO TO MAKE GLOWING ORANGE CIRCLES THAT SHOT WIND!?” I probably laid there for hours. All I could do was question everything in existence. 

At some point I got up in a manner that could only be comparable to a slithering slug and just dropped onto my bed. I passed out into a horrifying dream. 

It was like something out of a superhero movie, except I wasn’t a superhero and instead being shot at. New York was being invaded by aliens and almost everything I cared about was burning to the ground: The school, my apartment building… the really nice pizza joint a few blocks down the street. 

I woke up in a cold sweat and just sat there for hours and locked myself in a room. I didn’t want to do anything or move. I just wanted to lie around and do nothing. Granted I always wanted to do that but that was because of the stress from school, but this overlooming terror & stress is much… much more. 

I opened my window and I could hear many sirens of police cars, they were driving through the streets. I checked the news on my phone to see what’s going on. The police are trying their best to keep people away from the alien spaceship while doing counts of people affected.  

“I bet no one in this city is sleeping peacefully tonight” I tried to crack a half-hearted joke…

Right then I got a text message from an unknown number, “Who the hell is this?” I wondered as I opened the phone.

“Who are you?” I texted.

The little bubbles implying someone is messaging said back, “Its Sheila =^● ⋏ ●^=”

“HUH!?” I exclaimed out loud and then texted back, “how did you get my number?” 

“I checked your phone for your number and pasted into my contacts (◐ω◑ )” She replied instantly.

I can tell these emoticons are gonna get annoying really quickly” I thought in my head.

“When’d you do that?” I attempted to interrogate her. 

“In the Coffee Shop ,” she started to type again, “I also did this with Zack’s phone.” 

Damn she’s sly and quick.”

But then she texted… “So, are you gonna try to live normal or fight aliens?” 

How would I know the answer to that? I’m terrified like anybody else in New York right now, possible wizard or not. I’m pretty sure the UN are going nuts too about aliens being real and that new military fighting power is possible to create floating orange circles that shoot wind that can fend back said aliens. I just shut off my phone and tried to lay in bed. Unsurprisingly, not a wink of sleep was casted onto me. 

My alarm clock rang… I guess it's time to get ready for school. I grabbed my bag, phone & keys to just go anyway. 

“I can barely function well mentally but like hell am I going to miss a day of school. My parents would kill me,” I whispered to myself as I stepped out of the doorway and locked the door. 

Taking the elevator down I could feel a sense of dread, like an overlooming terror was still active and on the loose. My legs started to get weak but I grabbed the sidebar of the elevator. I started to breathe heavily and my eyes started to flutter into a blurry, “What the hell is happening to me!?” I felt nauseous and queasy. My head was starting to burn up and my hands were feeling incredibly warm… and then, they ignited. 

“GAH!” I exclaimed out loud, my hands were ignited into a flame. I patted my hands against the metal walls of the elevator but the fire wasn’t put out.  And then I just slapped my hands onto the walls and held them there until the fire was suppressed. I took a good look at my hands and they weren’t burnt at all, not one bit. And even more so there was no smoke in the elevator either. 

“I’m a demon.” I thought to myself. I’m terrified of my own abilities. I tried to call up Zack but he didn’t respond. I dashed to the subway and then to school to find either Sheila or Zack to relate with me. 

I found Zack at his locker and I tapped him by the shoulder, “Zack oi! I called you, why didn’t you pick up!?” I asked him. 

He turned around and he visibly had much worse eye bags than me, clearly visible and almost a purple-ish hue, “I zapped out every single electronic that I own.” He whispered to me.

“What!?” I was baffled.

“Do you not get it, I accidentally overloaded each device I own with electricity and short circuited & fried everything. I don’t know how to control this.” He seemed to stare with a blank emptiness in his eyes and then started to mumble, “My life is over, I can’t do anything I love on the computer anymore. I can’t make games, I can’t PLAY games, I can’t watch anything, what do I do now? Go upstate and live in self isolation!?” 

I grabbed Zack by the shoulder, “Get it together man we’re in School~!”

He then grabbed me and pulled both of us into the Janitor’s closet, and he flicked the lights on, “DON’T YOU GET IT!? WE’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE AT SCHOOL! WE’RE MONSTERS YOU IDIOT!” 


“That’s exactly what we do,” he let me go and I fell on the ground. 

“Really, that's it? Just give up that easily?” I wouldn’t think Zack would just give up… “You’re just gonna give up that easily huh?” I said aloud to him from the floor when Zack’s hand was on the handle of the door. 

“EASILY!? EASILY MY ASS!” He turned around and shoved his foot into my torso, “I TRIED SO DAMN HARD TO DO ANYTHING, I TRIED TO WEAR ELECTRICAL INSULATED GLOVES, I TRIED ANYTHING ALL NIGHT, I EVEN WRAPPED MY HANDS IN ELECTRICAL TAPE… and yet I find nothing.” He slumped and just left without another word. 

I sighed for a second and just as I was about to get up Sheila appeared at the doorway and snarkily commented, “messy situation huh?” 

She grabbed my arm to help me up, “Yeah it's messy alright, I don’t know what to do anymore.” 

“I’m just tryna forget everything that’s happened in the past week or so,” She explained, “Also I saw Zack storm off from here so I assumed you two got in a fight.” 

“Why would you think that?” 

“Well I don’t know any of Zack’s other friends/siblings so-”

As I stepped past her I told Sheila that, “Zack has one twin brother” and I waved my hand to indicate to Sheila to get out of the closet. 

She shut the door behind her. Awkwardly the Janitor was right there as we left, “Why were you both in the storeroom just now?” 

Sheila told him, “He accidentally tripped & fell, then he somehow landed pushing into the closet!” 

The Janitor looked actively confused, “Yeah… okay then I guess? Just hurry up, the first classes start in a few.” 

“Mmkay then,” I said in reply as we both scurried away.

Right before Sheila walked into her class I pulled a bit of her fishnet sleeves and asked, “Has anything happened to you lately?” 

“Besides it being incredibly inconvenient to drink, brush my teeth, shower or do anything with water… I’m doing fine!” She pulled her sleeves back, “Thank you very much for releasing your grip.” 

She walked into her class and then…


“Ah. I’m late to class…” I dashed to my classroom and walked in three minutes tardy. My teacher scolded me but I genuinely couldn’t care right now.  

“I honestly don’t know why I even came here, I should’ve stayed home.” I thought and I’m sure the other two are thinking as well. I tried my best to study and do normal school stuff until I walked into Calculus. 

“Oh man, my head is starting to feel wobbly and tired like an extreme migraine.” I was able to sit down before… I collapsed. 

I couldn’t hear anything on the outside, I could see dreams or visions or whatever. I could see New York on fire, my apartment building, everything. And the root of these flames… me. I was the root of the fire, my eyes were pouring tears while even more flames were spitting out of my body. “I need to control my flames” I thought before seeing lightning starting to crackle overhead of New York City, and waves crashing in the hudson river, “They need to control themselves too.” I shot awake and I was in the nurse’s office, first time I've actually been in here actually. The room was all white with some light gray at the bottom, I laid in one of those flat top things with the paper over them for disinfecting. And there were small rooms with the flat tops with cubby holes and a chair inside. No doors separating just curtains that you could pull over.

The nurse walked in and opened the curtain, “You have a tension headache from overstressing.” The nurse tried to explain, “I know school is hard and you may have let a lot of homework pile onto you. And then everything crashed down onto you all at once.”  

As she walked back to her desk I said, “Yeah… thanks,” and attempted to play off that it was homework.

“If you need anything, come ask me or I can call home.”
“You don’t need to do that, I’ll just go back to class after I lie down for a bit.”

“... Alright then!” The nurse said in an uncomfortable voice like she wasn’t sure of me being fine. 

I looked down at my hands, “There is no way I could burn anything that big… the last time I ever shot fire was from whatever Xeno did to me and only a few flames shot out of me not even catching my clothes on fire. And I was so tired I dropped to my knees.” 

Can someone get stronger with magic? “Is it the wizard and not the wand?” I tried to joke to myself using a quote from a movie. 

Zack walked through the door of the nurse’s office, “How ya feeling?” 

“Good, why are you here?” I asked him.


“No, like why are you here? We argued this morning and we almost fought!” I sat up and pointed at him as I said that.

He set his bag in the chair on the other side of the room, “Sure we argued, but friends are friends dude. I ain’t gonna cut you off cause we argued for a few minutes in the morning.”

I sighed, “hmph alright then, I lied back down.” 

“I still care about you.. As a friend of course. But y’know I just wanted to know how you’re doing.” He mumbled.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” I smirked, “Anyway, I can’t think of what I’m going to do.” 

“I’m just gonna try to forget and move on with my life. Maybe live upstate. This is a cowardly move but I’m not gonna sacrifice myself.” Zack shrugged off, “What of Sheila?” 

“She’s hiding her emotions for now.” I told him. 

“Not surprised,” He looked outside of the curtains and asked the nurse, “Can I get two cups of water?” And stepped out for just a second and returned with two styrofoam cups of water. 

He handed me a cup, “thanks. Can you go get Sheila?” 

“Probably after school but not like right now. Why?” 

“We need to seriously talk.” I said with the most serious tone Zack’s probably ever heard me. 

He started to cackle, “pfft ahaha, alright man, why so serious? I’ll go get her, anything else you need,” he smirked, “Master~?” He sarcastically said. 

“Shut up dude,” I lightly hit the side of his arm and smiled. 

“There see? You’re getting better.” He grabbed his bag off the chair and left, “Lunch is ending soon, meet where we normally do? At the front on the side of the pillars?

“Of course! Where else would we be?” I laughed. I got up to grab my phone out of my bag to check messages and such. 

Nothing really, though the news is still exploding about the alien ship… not exactly a surprise. I wonder why the hell we’re still going to school during this crisis?” I thought in my head while scrolling social media sites. 

I eventually got bored of seeing more and more aliens and didn’t want to put myself into another tension headache so I just logged onto a phone game I was playing until… “AGH!” My phone suddenly heated up to a bit too hard to touch. “I still don’t feel any heat in my hands,” I sighed instead of saying that aloud, “And I wish I could control it-”

The nurse opened the curtain and cut off my train of thought by saying, “Are you alright?” 

“Yeah I’m fine.” I said while grabbing my phone which had cooled down a tiny bit, “I was just about to leave anyway.” 

I turned back around to her and asked, “And oh uh what period is it now?” 

The nurse sighed, “5th.” She rolled her eyes. 

“Thanks so much!” I said running out the door and up the stairs to my next class.

I tried to study for the rest of the day in school but genuinely nothing could go through my ears and stick. Everything would just immediately leave my ears because all I could care about was meeting up with the other two.  


“Finally, the bell!” And I dashed out of my last class like a bullet. At the bottom of the first floor near the front doors I leaned down to catch my breath and started wheezing heavily, “Man I need to exercise more”

And then somebody grabbed my shoulder from the back, “Heya Sam, can ya check on my brother for me? He’s been acting weirdly since last night!”
I turned around, That voice, and from what he said… It was Zack’s Twin brother, Will.

“Hi hello, Will” I meekly said. Unlike his twin, Will was more sporty and physically active than his other half. He also had gold dyed streaks in his hair… Anyway, Will was much more outgoing than his brother and only knew me as ‘Zack’s Friend’. As far as I know both of them rarely speak to each other just on rare occasions. 

“So yeah can you check on Zack or something today afterschool? I got basketball practice.” 

“Uhh sure, I was gonna meet up with him anyway.” 

Will slapped me on the back, “Thanks! You probably know him better than I do!” 

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“That’s really sad considering you’re his Twin!” I pointed out sarcastically. 

“Well it's not like we talk all the time, just when something important is happening or if one of us is dying y’know,” he attempted to explain, “y’know sibling rivalry and whatnot.”

“Uh huhh, well I’m gonna go-” I pointed at the school doors that students were pouring out of. 

“RIGHT! Yeah I’ve gotta go to the gym cause basketball and… you already know.” And he sprinted away. 

I just sighed and weaved my way through the droves of people leaving school. By the big pillars on each side of the school gate, Sheila & Zack were already there on the left one from the point of view of the school. I walked up to them and said “hey” casually. 

“Sup,” Zack said while leaning against the pillar.

Sheila looked up from your phone and waved, “hey hey.”

“Lucky, you can use your phone…” Zack sighed, “I really wish I could.” His eyes started to gleam, not in a good way but a pretty crazy way, like a beast in hunger.
I grabbed his shoulder, “calm down everything’s gonna be fine~,” correction: I TRIED to grab his shoulder but once it touched me I got zapped, “AH!” 

“Don’t touch me, I’m just a walking open battery at this point that overloads any electronics.” He mumbled. 

“Calm down, you'll be fine!” Sheila slapped the back of Zack’s back, [Zwip!] “AH!” 

“Yeah no, no one touches Zack.” I cleared up a new rule. 

“Hey does that mean if I touched Sam I would burn myself? Or if y’all touched me it would feel like putting your hand into a pool of water?” Sheila inquired

I was so confused by what she said I just… “heh?” 

“Y’know cause we touched Zack we got shocked and his thing is lightning and since you’re fire and I’m water I thought,” She kept trying to explain but then just decided,”Ahhh forget it it’s not that important anyway.” 

“Okay seriously, we need to talk about this somewhere safe, somewhere quiet. Where is that?” 

Zack muttered something barely that we couldn’t hear.

“Heh? I didn’t hear that.” Sheila angled her right ear to Zack.

He mumbled softly while looking away from us, “The computer lab…” 

“Oh that's a possible spot, just why did you have to be so awkward about it?” I chuckled.

He turned the other way from us and murmured “... because I can’t use any of the computers.” 

“Meh whatever,” Sheila grabbed the hood of his sweatshirt with her left hand, “I don’t care enough about your petty problems, let's go~!” And then she for some reason accidentally let go of her grip, “AH! I didn’t mean to do that.”

“What happened to you?” I pestered her by tapping at her left hand.

She grabbed my  hand and swayed it away, “Thanks for stopping-”
“You forced me to-”
“YEAH SHUT UP! Okay but I felt my hand getting all liquidy? I don’t know how to describe it, just like it's not solid so I let go of how weak my hand reacted.”

“Are you sure you’re good?” Zack questioned.

“Are you!?” Sheila remarked jokingly, “Motherfucker, you get depressed seeing a screen?” 

“PFFTTT,” I started to cackle, “AHAHA!”

“Shut up Sheila you get a  muscle spasm whenever you grab something with any force!” Zack fired back. 

Sheila was ready to smack him but I grabbed both of them by the shoulder, “Stop fighting,” I grinned creepily, “let's just get to the computer lab and discuss what needs to be discussed.”

The three of us just started to walk there and we bantered. When we got there the door was locked, so Sheila went across the hall to a classroom where a teacher was still there and asked for him to open the computer lab. 

We told him that you can just lock the door right back once we were in since the doors were built to still be able to be opened from the inside even if locked on the outside. He agreed and we thanked him. 

I walked in first, then Sheila and she closed the door in front of Zack’s face and smiled at him, she turned around and cackled at me. 

“Open the door for him.” I told her. 

She was still sneering at Zack through the glass and was ignoring me… after a few seconds she said “yeah yeah, I will.” and slowly pushed the door open. 

The second she did Zack whined about it similar to a 12-year-old, “Fuck you for that!” His face was red. 

“Yeah Yeah whatever” She slammed the door behind him, I sat on top of a desk and Zack pulled out a chair… and then Sheila turned around, “So, what’s there to talk about.” 

We went silent. 

I sighed, “Should we join the organization they were called, what are they?”

“The MRF,” Zack said and took out something from his pocket, “I took the guy’s business card.”
“Ooh Gimme Gimme,” Sheila said, grabbing the card and I got off the desk to look at it. 

“Uhhh…  Quinn, I can’t read that last name.” Sheila struggled. 

“Yeah, it's not important right now,” I mentioned,  “where is it? I know Brooklyn but where?” 

“Uhhh I can’t check that because I can’t use electronics,” Zack slumped down back into the chair, “Can one of you google it?” 

Sheila whipped out her phone and then it just slipped out of her hands and shut off, “Ah!” She tried to pick it up but couldn’t, “Bah I give up, Sam you do it.” 

I took out my phone and started googling but my phone started pinging notifications of overheat notices and then shut off . I tried to turn it back on but nothing happened. 

“What?” Zack raised his right eyebrow staring at me. 

I shrugged, “I think I overheated my phone?” I set it down. 

“I ain’t getting burned again, Zack you try it.” Sheila put her hands up and leaned back.

“Well I don’t wanna short circuit another electronic-” He then put his hands on a keyboard and short circuited a PC… which then led to the power cord and that then short circuited the lights of the room too. 

“Great. Absolutely fabulous. We can’t even control our own powers.” I said sarcastically. 

“Hold up, let me try something,” Zack got out of his chair and closed the blinds for the door, “I’m going to try and do the process that the Wind guy did, well try to mimic the energy leaving my body.” 

Sheila and I shrugged toward each other then backed away while Zack got into a stance and just started to tense his hands and groaned. 

“Broskie you sound like you’re constipated-” Sheila commented. 

“Shut up, you wait for when this works- AH!” Lightning ignited into his hands and crackled all around his hands. 

“Hahaha, told ya I would be right!.. Now what?”

“The fuck you mean now what!? This was your idea!” I shouted at him. 

“I didn’t think that far ahead!” He fired back. 

Sheila crossed her arms, “It's usually Sam with the not completely thought through ideas.” She then stared blankly and grinned. 

“Shut up! And how do you know? We haven’t been talking for a while.” I pointed out. 

“I’m observant.” She crossed her arms again. 

“That’s not important right now,” Zack cut our argument from escalating any further, “Can we solve what to do with this?” 

“I don’t know, throw it at a Computer.” I shrugged.

“Alright,” AND THEN HE ACTUALLY DOES IT! It causes the computer to overflow with energy and the PC explodes a bit, we just tried to ignore that that happened.

“WHY WOULD YOU ACTUALLY DO THAT!?” Sheila and I shouted at him, “THAT WAS A JOKE!” I added on. 

“I couldn’t think of anything better,” Note to self: Zack is bad at coming up with ideas when under pressure… I already knew that though, so I guess mark that again

“It’s fine, it’s barely noticeable from the outside-” Just as he said that, the front exploded out and smoked.

“... I think,” Sheila stuttered for a bit, “it's safe to say, we should run.” 

I just plainly said, “Yeah.”

And then we dashed out the door, but right before Zack closed the door I realized, “Ah shit, I left my phone in there.” 

“I’ll go get it!” Zack replied fast as hell and darted in there. 

“Wait Zack I don’t think you should grab Sam’s phone-” Sheila didn’t even get to finish it before he grabbed it. But, Zack didn’t short circuit my phone and he was fine holding it. 

“HEHHHH!?” All three of us shouted and it echoed down the empty halls. 

“I can grab electronics fine!?” He followed the shouting!

Sheila told us to shut up and then I whispered, “I think it’s because you used some of your electric powers or something.” 

“Yeah you could be right,” he said as he put my phone in my pocket, “It’s probably better if you didn’t touch your phone and melted it,” he grinned slyly, like what you’d expect a fox to do. 

“Let's just go home. My mind is getting too tired to comprehend what's been going on for the past few days. I just want to eat a nice meal and sleep” Sheila ranted. 

“Fair.” I calmly said. 

The three of us left the school and parted ways to our homes… I was alone, again

“I’m terrified of my own thoughts, I don’t trust myself to be left alone with these powers.” These words kept flooding my mind, “When I’m with the other two, I feel more relaxed… but now. I don’t know anymore.” 

I couldn’t even slug my way into my bed, I just slid down the side of the door in my room. I must’ve been there for hours because at some point, the sum came down and the moon rose up. And out of nowhere after hours of the same thoughts, “Tears? Am I crying?” Yup, I was crying, “but why? I’m so scared. It’s cold and dark, even though I’m supposed to be burning everything.” I held out my hand and stared calmly.

“So what if I did what Zack did today? In calm situations he knows what to do… but under pressure, it’s my turn. And yet, under all this pressure,” I took a deep breath and tried to focus. “Under all this pressure, I’m doing nothing.”  

Suddenly, a flame ignited in my hand, “so can I control this?” I toyed with the flame moving it around little by little but still never got up. 

After a bit I stopped focusing on the fire and closed my fist. The flame dissipated, “So I can control this.” 

[Tap Tap Tap]

Somebody was tapping my window over and over but my blinds were shut so I didn’t know who it was exactly, “it’s probably Zack” I thought, “but why wouldn’t he just walk in through the door.” 

I got up and as I opened the blinds I said, “Zack why didn’t you just take the front door- You’re not Zack.” It was Xeno, he was standing on my fire escape just looking at the sky until I said something. 

“Hello Fire one, may I come in?” he asked politely while bowing.

“Uhh, I’d prefer if you didn’t because my family could be asleep and I don’t want to disturb them,” bullshit reason but I didn’t want to let a tall blonde dude in menacingly white armor wielding a spear amok in my  own home.

“That’s fine, I just need a minute with you.” He explained. 

I looked around him and said, “alright speak,” I noticed a brown satchel on him, “That’s new.” I thought. 

As I expected, he turned the brown satchel around towards his front but before he opened it he said, “I wanted to come here to try and convince you again to join the organization Mr. Quinn runs. He’s nice but can get too into his work sometimes. I wanted to show you what Magic could really be like.” He actually closed up the satchel again. 

“I didn’t come here prepared or anything I just wanted to show you.” He tutted his hands and the orange circles from the battle he fought appeared again, “This is magic, well not magic in its core but the kind I was taught. These circles are my writing language and I form spells with the power of Magic.” He kept  tutting and the details in the circle kept getting more and more intricate and then BAM! Xeno pulled his hands away and the circle faded into the air. 

“What? What was that? You just destroyed it?” I questioned him. 

“No, I casted it. This kind of spell is easiest to cast when you pull your hands away quickly.” 

“Nothing’s happening though-” I was proven wrong. Lights started to flicker around us, it was like being in a grassy field at night with fireflies illuminating everything around you… but we were on a fire escape in the center of New York City, “it’s beautiful.” 

“It gets even better.” Xeno responded and the lights started to whire around us and create new lights in combinations, a mini light show with so many colors even ones I didn’t think I could even imagine, “That’s magic to me. It’s an endless world of creativity and talent, but.” Xeno pulled his hands inwards and all the lights came into his palm and glowed a dark maroon. 

“There are those trying to control it, correct?” I assumed. 

 He expanded the ball again, “correct. The Zankoku Empire are subjugating everything in the known universe into their own hub of magic…,” He closed his left fist and all the lights disappeared, “they even took my home away. I’m here to convince you to raise your first to learn to fight back so your home won’t be destroyed like mine was.” 

I stood silent for a second and then said, “I’m still hesitant but If I can control it-” 

“Exactly!” Xeno opened his black satchel, “I wrote this out for you to learn magic if you decide to join! I need to convince the others too so I must go, thank you for listening to me!” 

He put it in my hands and before I could say anything, he jumped down the fire escape and left already, “Damn he’s fast.”

I stepped back into my room and started to flip through the papers, “Wait a second,” The more I flipped through the more I noticed, “These are all handwritten and it's like tens of pages filled with magic.” Xeno didn’t type these papers, each of them detailing something about magic or a specific spell. 

“If he’s THAT convinced and determined to have me join them, and I’m just sitting here… doing nothing. I can’t stand for this!” I grabbed my coat and dashed out the door and said to my father in the kitchen, “I’ll be back soon and ready for school tomorrow don’t worry about me.” 

I sprinted all the way to the subway station then to Battery Park, “There might be someone there, just in case.” The park was closed but I ended up hopping the fence. I felt the cold metal on my hands but the second I got over the fence my hands weren’t cold but rather hot. 

I ran to the part where the three of us were caught by FBI agents and started shouting, “HEY! GOVERNMENT BASTARDS! TAKE ME TO MR. QUINN OR XENO, EITHER OF EM WILL DO!” I started to look around and I saw an agent running to me from the path with a finger on the intercom on his ear, probably to call someone. 

“Don’t move. I’ll take you to Quinn.” The agent stated.

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