Sacred Blood

Chapter 3: Chapter Three—The Long Dirt Road

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“Well, this is a surprise. I thought Aries was the smart one, but I guess you’re both idiots,” Emma snapped, fuming with anger as we three sat at the table eating bread. Emma aggressively chewed her food, staring at me. I didn’t provoke her wraith often, but it wasn’t pleasant when I did.

Liam lets off a nervous cough, “Emma, it was my idea,” he defended, trying to pull Emma’s anger from me.

Emma points her finger at him aggressively. “I know it was, and now Aries is going to have to enter to keep you alive, you bellend,” Emma replied, her anger now showing in her finger as it shook. “I bet he doesn’t want to do this! Aries stayed with your dear sister and let Liam get his head bashed in. You’re too pretty for this type of thing. Men at these tournaments are boorish and only think with their cocks.”

“We will be fine because Aries thinks with his head on his shoulders,” Liam grinned, winking at me.

“My poor Aries,” Emma said, frowning at me like she might start crying. She wasn’t being dramatic; she truly was devastated.

“What about me!?” Liam shouted.

“What about you? You’re already dead to me; I figured I would get over it now rather than later,” Emma said with an emotionless face.

Maybe devastated was not the word.

“So cold,” Liam mumbled, staring down at the table.

Emma takes the tournament paper and reads it. “So you’re to meet at the forest of death, sounds peachy,” she said, flipping the paper over her head, taking a big bite of her bread loaf with a deadpan countenance. “You know when I said venture out into the world, Aries, this isn’t what I meant,” Emma mumbled with a mouth full of food, turning to me with pronounced disappointment.

“I know,” I said, looking down at my hands in shame. This was a stupid idea, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to see the continent a little. After my anger at getting dragged into this had subsided, I started to like the idea of travelling. Leaving Emma behind alone was the only thing keeping my enthusiasm tempered.

“Does Allen know he’s losing his only productive worker?” she asked, chewing the loaf of bread in her cheek like a chipmunk.

“He does.”


“He offered me 30 copper coins a day to stay,” I said as Emma choked on her bread.

Emma patted her chest, coughing. Finally, she gets the food down after some effort. “You said no?!” she shouted with wide eyes.

Liam laughed, “Takes a lot for you to choke, sis,” he grinned.

“Shut it, dead man,” she snapped back.

I nodded, “I said No—I can’t abandon Liam.”

“Of course,” Emma replied, looking at the stone fireplace crackling as the wood collapsed on itself. “But you can aban—” she stopped short of finishing. There is a long pause as Liam looks over at me a couple of times; The silence was painful.

I coughed, breaking the quietude. “You’re not stopping us?”

“No, you both are men that can choose their paths,” Emma said, not looking at either of us. We sit quietly for a while, staring at each other. “I will fill two satchels with as much food and herbs as possible. I’m assuming you two are leaving in the next couple of days. The Death Forest is outside Rimrock. That is a three-week walk.”

“Tomorrow was the plan,” I said as Emma put her finger up to her eye, wiping tears away before they fell.

“Okay,” Emma mumbled, standing quickly, and walking into her room.

Liam and I glanced at each other, frowning. Emma did not take this well, and we couldn’t act surprised we knew she feel this way.

“I’m going to wash up,” Liam said, sliding from his chair and making his way to the creek outback.

I get up, putting the leftover food away in the cupboards. I can’t help but feel horrible for leaving Emma alone. Acting like Liam was the sole person at fault for this was a lie. I could have talked him out of it, But my subconscious didn’t put up a fight cause I knew I couldn’t bare to swing that scythe anymore.

Cleaning abruptly stopped as I leaned on the table with my hands, and I stared at the wood surface, endlessly going over this in my head. Maybe there was something that could stop my enthusiasm. The fact that Emma wasn’t enough for that made me feel incredibly guilty.

Was I going to leave Emma alone? Could she handle being alone?

I walked over to Emma’s door, knocking gently on it. The old wooden door swung open from my tap. Emma was lying down, curled on her bed with her knees to her chest, facing the wall. I closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her back while she cried. Emma ends up turning around after some time, smiling at me sadly.

“My Aries, running off to win himself a wife,” Emma said, holding back her tears with a smile. I hate seeing her like this—it only makes me regret my selfish decision more.

“I’m not going for that reason.”

“Then what?” she sniffled.

“For you,” I said, looking out the opened bedroom window. A cool breeze blew my dirty blonde hair around. “I want to give you a better life.”

“That’s blasphemy, you know, Going to that divine tournament with another woman in your heart,” Emma joked with a smile, punching me on the shoulder.

“I reckon most will have a wife at home.”

“Those cocksuckers,” Emma laughed, grinning at me as she put her hand on my knee, squeezing it.

“I will bring Liam home, I promise.”

“I know you will, Aries, but most importantly, bring yourself back. I don’t want to see only one person walking through that front door,” Emma said, sitting up. She cupped my face with her hands. “I couldn’t take the heartache of losing you two. You’re family.”

“I promise,” I replied as she smiled, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the bed with her. I lay next to Emma while she ran her fingers through my hair, humming a gentle tune in my ear. I find my eyelids feeling heavy, and before long, everything fades.


The sun creeps over the window frame, hitting my face as I rolled over, yawning to a missing Emma. I pulled myself from the bed, walking into the main room to Liam and Emma, busy stuffing various things into satchels.

“About time,” Emma smiled. Liam completely ignored my arrival. A man on a mission is stuffing everything he can into his bag—Emma motions to the bread sitting in a bowl on the table. I sit, eating while I assume Emma fills my satchel for me. Liam has such a determined look that I’m sure it will fade within hours of our walk. Nonetheless, I’m proud of him for committing to something for once in his life.

I take in my home one last time—I will miss the old musty smell of this cottage, the grey brick walls, and the horrible misshapen front door. Then there’s Emma… I’m going to miss her the most.

With some effort, Emma waddled over, dropping a satchel next to me. “It’s heavy, but I’m sure you can handle it,” she smiled, flexing her small arms at me with a wink. I returned the smile before Liam came over, dropping his bag on the table and shaking my bowl.

“I hope we can make the entire trip without having to go hungry,” Liam worried, looking concerned as he touched his stomach like he had phantom hunger at the idea.

“I’ll make a bow if we need to.”

“I’m going to cry,” Emma said, looking at us both with her hand over her mouth.

“Don’t. We will be back,” I comforted, picking the satchel up and tossing it over my shoulder. As we make our way out the front door, Emma grabs me, hugging me tightly.

“don’t let him die? He’s an idiot, but I love him,” she pleaded as I hugged her back, rubbing her side.

“I know, Emma.”

“I love you too… But, I should stop you,” she said, stepping away, staring me in my eyes. This made my heart ache so much.

“You’ve done enough for us. So let us do something for you. Plus, it will be an adventure. Liam needs to culture himself a bit,” I said as we both looked at him and laughed.

“Good luck with that,” Emma snickered.

Emma lectured Liam on listening to me, and he nodded at her every word like a small child. She whacked him a few times and gave me another hug after the tough love ended. She held the hug for over a minute.

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She pulled away, taking two fingers, kissing them before pressing them on my lips, “May the goddess light your path during the darkest moments and fill your heart with courage during the most trying times—My Aries is going to father the next speaker,” she smiled.

“Or your brother.”

Emma’s face looked worried. “Oh, that poor woman,” she giggled, resting her hand on her hip.

“Bye Emma, I love you,” I said before turning to the dirt road, continuing to wave bye from behind.

We pass Allen’s red barn, looking out to the field of men cutting the wheat; I would not be missing that back-breaking work. The walk to Rimrock would probably feel like rest to my body. Walking with Liam that distance would, on the other hand, be mentally exhausting.

Liam and I travelled for hours, not saying anything, which is odd. I figured he would talk my ear off for three weeks. Surely he was going to say something annoying soon. I could sense it.

“Did you fuck my sister last night?” Liam asked as I turned to him slowly, probably with a look of total disgust and disbelief on my face.

“Did you not say anything for six hours because of that?” I replied, swatting at his head as he dodged, walking in front of me backwards.

“Well? I swear I’m not mad,” Liam said with a serious face.

“No, of course not. She’s my sister too. I would never.”

“Mhm, strange you spent the night with her, plus there is no blood relation,” Liam questioned with a grin. “Not that it matters with nobles, sick royal fuckers, marrying their sisters and shit.”

“I don’t think that’s true, Liam.”

“Okay, okay,” Liam conceded, throwing his arm over my shoulder, “I believe you.”

I tsk at Liam, giving him dagger eyes as we walk down the dirt road next to the wheat fields. We oddly don’t run into anyone for miles until we pass a town where a middle-aged man entered the roadway.

“Yo, you guys off to the Tournament?” The man asked with a rather large beard that spun into a braid at the end. He’s rough-looking, with his brown leather jacket and the thick strap holding his sword to his back. Sort of what I would picture a bandit would look like. 

“Yup,” Liam answered.

I’m unsure if we should talk to him. He might be looking too thin with the numbers for the tournament. But, on the other hand, I couldn’t imagine that only a few people would attend a life-changing event. Killing us would be more work than it was worth. 

“Well, shit, can I tag along? I’m sure numbers will help our chances,” he replied with a smile that didn’t fit his face well; It made me suspicious.

“I won’t stop you from walking with us.”

“Bloody hell, you’re one handsome bloke, almost as if the goddesses shit you out themselves,” he blurted, letting out a deep laugh, shaking his belly.

“Thanks, I think?” I was unsure if it was a compliment after the last part.

“Thomathy,” he said, sticking his hand out, “you two brothers?” he asked as I shook his rough, calloused hand. I could tell he was strong because his grip hurt a little.

“Yes, but not by blood. I’m Aries, and this is Liam,” I introduced myself, putting my hand out toward Liam.

“Ah, I understand. I have a few mates that I would say are brothers,” Thomathy said as I looked at the abnormally enormous sword on his back. The blade could do some damage if Thomathy could wield its massive size.

“That’s an impressive sword,” I commented, pointing to the hilt peeking over his shoulder.

“Ah yes, this is Margaret. She has been passed down for generations,” Thomathy said, patting the hilt behind his neck.

“What happens to Margaret if you win the tournament?”

“Good question. I guess the speaker won’t need a sword,” he paused, rubbing his beard lost in thought, “I guess she’ll turn into a decoration.”

“Worth it, though,” Liam said, and Thomathy laughed.

“Yes, especially if she’s got big tits,” Thomathy replied with a grin, tapping me with the back of his hand like I was going to agree.

“A man of culture!” Liam replied with excitement in his voice.

Liam jogs over, talking filth with Thomathy as we track down the dirt path twisting into a thick forest, leaving the endless plain behind us. I detach my mind from the conversation to minimize my brain rot. Luckily, the tournament was starting on this continent. A boat ride would’ve cost money we didn’t have. We were already at a disadvantage. Taking a boat would have probably crushed our chances of making it. 

While Thomathy’s mind was in the same gutter as Liam’s, he was a good man, at least from what I could tell. He was an adventurer, which I might have envied a bit—going around to foreign lands and seeing the sights of the world was a fantasy of mine. But meeting Thomathy gave me a wake-up call on how screwed we were. No combat training, no armour, and most importantly, no weapons. Liam and I just ran out here on a whim, unprepared like compulsive children. Emma was right; I haven’t grown up. Now I had to keep Liam alive until we could be eliminated the non-death-related way from the tournament.

“This is a suitable spot,” Thomathy said, turning back to me.


“A spot for a fire,” he repeated, pointing to the river bank, running along the road—The water ran to Rimrock. Thirst would be one less thing we could die from on this dangerous adventure. With the forest by us, hunting was an option if we needed food.

“Oh, sure,” I said as we all trot down to the bank, gathering stones and twigs to light the fire. Finally, we get a fire going after some effort—the humidity, as of late, had been terrible with all the rain. I take a loaf of bread out, breaking it and handing half to Liam. Thomathy pulled some stale-looking cookies out of his jacket pocket, crunching down on them, getting crumbs all over his beard; he seemed to enjoy them quite a bit with the grin planted on his face.

“I would offer food, but it might get rough if I share it three ways.”

Thomathy put his hand up, “I’m okay, brother. If it gets too bad, I’ll fish or trap a rabbit,” he replied, patting his belly, “plus, I got a bit of storage that I need to lose for the speaker,” Thomathy chuckled.

We all chat a little about Thomathy’s grand adventures to other lands before everyone retired to sleep. Luckily the bank was sandy, so sleeping on it wasn’t too bad. However, rest wasn’t easy while Liam snored up a storm of epic proportions along with Thomathy. I just sat, keeping the fire burning strong. It was a little cold but luckily no rain, which was common almost every other day in this region. 

Thomathy mumbled something after a few hours getting up as he stumbled over to the water, pissing a River that didn't seem to stop; I was genuinely impressed. He comes over, plopping down next to me as I sit with my knees in my arms, staring at the fire.

“Can’t sleep?” he asked, licking his dry lips and running his fingers down his beard.

“It’s normal. I have difficulty sleeping at night, but my goddess, I can sleep during the day. It bothers Liam, and he’s always complaining,” I laughed, looking at Liam’s sprawled-out sleeping position.

“Awake with the monsters,” Thomathy chuckled, picking cookie crumbs out of his beard.

“I guess.”

Thomathy face fell serious. “You do know he won’t make it in the tournament,” he warned, frowning at me.

“That’s why I’m here.”

“You won’t be able to protect him all the time. A lot of the trials will have you split up,” Thomathy said, looking at me with concern. I found his worry unusual for someone that just met us.

“You know this?”

“Thinking they won’t have individual challenges is naïve. I like you two. Turn around and give up on this little tournament. You two are young, don’t throw your lives away,” he said, joining my staring contest with the fire. Thomathy seemed too good of a man to join something barbaric like this.

“Liam won’t turn around, and I’m not leaving him. He won’t even make it to the first trial without me. What about you? Why are you coming?”

He paused for a moment, “Because there is nothing left for me in this world,” Thomathy replied, staring down at the sand.

“Oh, sorry.”

“Don’t worry about me, mate. Try to get some rest,” Thomathy said, patting me on the back before returning to the little sand hole he had dug from rolling around in his sleep. I somehow fall asleep with my chin resting on my knees, watching the fire slowly disappear.

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