Saint & Wanderer

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: A Cold Tyrant & A Gentle Saint

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With the sun still high up in the sky, they had all just witnessed a monster they couldn't believe existed. And the head Alum showed earlier today didn’t seem to fit the humongous monster they just saw.

“...Hey, Alum… you fought ‘that’ alone yesterday?” Noel asks. 

“No, and yes? It certainly wasn’t that big.” 

Noel nods. He could tell by the size of the head alum showed them earlier that they were the same creature. But… as he glances at the barn, he feels shivers down his spine. 

“Are you going to take a look?” Alum asks. 

“....No, I think that would be reckless.” 

“In any case, I’m going.” 

“No!” Emely cries as she holds onto Alum’s hand. 

“.....I won’t then,” Alum childishly says as he glances towards the building. 

[...There are probably more of them in there.] he thought. 

“Emy, you can let go now….” 

“You won’t do anything dangerous… right!?” Emely says as tears run down her cheeks. 

[....She must’ve been scared.] 

Alum then gives her a gentle hug. He has never really shown affection for her publicly, but… at times when she’s stressed and anxious, he’d give her a comforting hug. 

After all, she’s been his guardian for 10 years, and he has grown to like her quite a lot during that time. 

But there was still one thing he refused to do. And that was to call her mother or anything like that. She was like his mother in the sense that her being his guardian. But the situation is quite complicated…. 

And while Alum comforts Emely, the other students start to cry as well since this whole ordeal is an emotional wreck. 

Miu was also bawling her eyes out. She tries to wipe away all her tears and lets everything out. She’s been so strong for putting up with it for such a long time despite being traumatised by last night and the events that followed. 

Noel was comforting her like the old times and patted her back as her tears wouldn’t stop. 

And as Alum looks around, he also feels his chest getting heavier. And despite being almost unresponsive when it comes to expressing his emotions, he still has them. 

“Emy… I’m sorry, but I have to see what’s inside. Otherwise, it could come to haunt us. Quite literally.” 

Emely didn’t say anything as she tightly hugged him. 

…After a short moment of silence, she loosened her firm embrace, letting him go. 

“....I know, but… you can’t die before I do,” Emely says as she looks straight into his eyes. 

Alum can tell that she is serious and nods. 


And with a determined look, Emely turns to everyone.

“The same goes for all of you.” 

…The response was silence, but that’s to be expected since no one wants to think of the possibility of that happening. 

[She’s going to try sacrificing herself if things get desperate….. But I won’t let that happen.]

The air around him suddenly turns cold in contrast to the recent comforting one he had, and now he looks at his classmates.

“Hey, all of you, do you know what your powers are?” Alum asks in a loud and stern voice. 

Eyerones attention was on him. And they were all surprised. 

Since Alum was usually a soft-spoken person. Not only that… he showed proper emotions on his face this time. 

And right now, his face was that of a determined tyrant. 

No one responded.

Alum wasn’t going to let them stay quiet, even if he had to force it out of them. He will ensure they all survive, even if he knows he will get hated for it. 

After all….

Resentment wasn’t anything new to him. 

“Are you telling me or what?” Alum asks coldly. 

This made everyone go from surprise to slight fear. Even Noel and Miu were taken aback by his demeanour. Meanwhile, Emely clenched her fist in frustration. 

“Who are you to boss us around?!” Oliver retorts as he manipulates the veins from the ground to snare Alum in place. 

Alum didn’t say anything as he glared at Oliver. 

And Oliver glares back. 

Tsk, not so tough, are we?” he snickers. 

He then glanced to the others to see their reaction, only to be surrounded by ice needles as he realised that blood was dripping down his left cheek.

“I guess these are a bit small, so don’t move. Unless you don’t value your life,” Alum calmly says. 


Alum then let out a sigh.

“By the time you prepared your attack, mine were already out. Of course, you wouldn’t notice since you didn’t pay attention.” 

Oliver starts to panic as he is petrified. And the only thing that ran through his mind was fear. 

[...He’d actually kill me….!?] 

The exchange was brief as everyone watched. Oliver gives in and removes the veins snaring Alum. Only to realise that they were already cut. 


Alum, then looks at everyone. 

“You either do as I say, or you can go on your own. And from the looks of it, none of you would survive long with monsters like these chasing after you. And if you kill me, your chance of survival after an encounter is probably close to 0%.” 

….Of course, this was a hard pill to swallow. After all, he meant every word of it, and they knew. 

Even Noel didn’t like where this was heading. 


Alum was trying to gather all the resentment onto him, making everyone forget about their fear towards the world and instead direct it towards him. 

He would love for them all to cooperate and think things through, but… that wasn’t possible due to them all being indecisive as they didn’t have Alum’s calm qualities. 

“....What do you want me to do?” Noel awkwardly asks. 

….Since his friend decided to take on the role of a tyrant, he had to play along. 

“You can create and manipulate fire. What more do you think you can do?” 

And even though it was an act, Noel felt like the old Alum had resurfaced and felt rather sad at the thought of that happening. 

“I’m not too sure, but….” 

As he said, he wasn’t sure, but he then created a small wind ball and a ball of light at the tip of his fingers. 

“What more can you do?” Alum asks as everyone is in deep thought, thinking their turn is coming. 

Noel concentrates more and materialises two swords in front of him. Each radiates elemental energy. And it was then something clicked with everyone, and they themselves started to materialise weapons out of thin air. 

“What can it do?” Alum asks with a hint of curiosity.

“I… am not sure,” Noel replies. 

He tries to grab both swords, but one disappears. 

“Seems like you have to pick one over the other,” Alum comments. 

“I somewhat guess that as well, then. I’ll try swinging it.” 

Alum nods. 

Noel takes a deep breath as elemental energy emerges on the blade. With a swing towards the river, a strong wind appears in the form of his slash as it splits the river in two, making a path and leaving a vacuum that pulls things in. 

Everyone stood there dumbfounded as they stared at Noel. 

“Not bad. How about the other sword?” 

Noel stood there, taken by surprise himself. 

“....Oh, right…..” 

Noel materialises the other sword, which sends flames and creates explosions.  

Alum looks at everyone else, and it seems like they made a line, and next was Miu. 

She had materialised a sword with patterns of feathers on the blade, and like Noel, she could use the wind element. She could manipulate water and heal wounds. 

While her attack power wasn’t high compared to Alum and Noel, her ability to heal was valuable as it was. 

“Next,” Alum coldly says. 

She feels hurt by his words, but… 

‘Sorry, I can’t treat any of you differently from anyone,’ Alum tells her in a low voice as she walks by. 

Miu understands, but… it didn’t hurt any less knowing it. 


Next up was Emely. She awkwardly looked at Alum as she received his cold glare. 

“You don’t want your students to suffer because of your incompetence, right?” 

And his words left the other students astonished, even his own guardian? Doesn’t he have a heart for his family and friends? They thought. 

“That’s right….” Emely replies with a sad expression. 

Her weapon was a bow, and as she drew her bow, a dark arrow appeared. 

As she fires, and the arrow hits the ground, it turns dark, and in an instant, spikes arise and soon disappear. Next up, she uses an electrical arrow, which does pretty much the same thing, splashing electricity in the area where it lands. 

“...Next,” Alum says as he looks at the next person in line. 

— :::: — 

After spending most of the day using their powers and getting used to them, they start to relax a little more and gain more confidence. They looked at Alum and felt a sense of gratitude, but they were still afraid of him. 

They were now having lunch, and they sat in groups. 

‘Is he trying to play the bad guy, or is he one?’ one classmate whispers. 

‘I don’t think he is, considering Miu and Noel are quite attached to him.’

‘Yeah… but the way he treated Professor Emely wasn’t acceptable in my opinion….’

‘Maybe he wants to set it straight?’ one asks. 

They all looked confused at the guy saying it. 

‘What do you mean?’ 

‘Think about it. Doesn't he treat us all harshly? Including Noel, Miu and Professor Emely.’ 

‘....You’re right.’ 

Realising this, they look at him with admiration of some sort, and well… that only lasted for a short while before he burnt down the barn with his electricity. 

And they hear screams of agony from the inside before it bursts, and a flock of ghouls run their way. 

They stare at him with utter disbelief as Alum traps them all inside 3 walls, and the only opening is the one facing the ghouls. 

In their hearts, they know he’s testing them, but… isn't this extreme!? 

“Try to escape, and I'll shoot you with these needles!” Alum shouts. 


And with no other options, they had to fight. 

Tears form around their eyes as they tremble. It was pretty challenging to use their ability in this stressful situation. Still, if they couldn’t, they’d be killed by either the ghouls or the monster closer to them. 

Oliver curses Alum. But thanks to him. He learned how to use his powers more efficiently by making the grass around them grow rapidly and creating vines to bind some of the ghouls. 

Of course, they aren’t as durable as Alum’s liquid ice, but it bought the rest more than enough time to set up traps. 

Kurt dug a bottomless pit so that they couldn’t cross over to their side, which allowed many of the other students who were ranged attackers to shoot the ghouls down from a safe distance. 

[Strange… these don’t regenerate…. But it’s good that they use the advantage I made for them. However, the melee fighters aren’t getting any action or experience. And they all need to know how to react once these things are too close for comfort.] Alum thought. 

And with a bit of thought, he creates a bridge for the ghouls to cross over, which only makes his already anxious classmates drown in terror. 

As a result, this was their breaking point as some fell down on their knees, watching the horde of ghouls crossing the ice bridge and closing in on them. 

Noel, Miu, Emely, Kurt, and Oliver keep fighting. 

Noel blasts them away as Miu creates a gust of wind strong enough to slow them down, Emely shoots them down as they approach, and Oliver squeezes them to death with vines. On the other hand, Kurt creates terrain that is hazardous for the ghouls to cross as they stumble and get thorn by the spiky ground. 

But it was too much for just the 5 of them to handle, and things didn't look good. 

And it was at that moment Alum intervened and snared all the ghouls with his liquid ice. His classmates noticed that the action had stopped and saw the ghouls being held in place. 

“Stop killing them!” Alum orders the ones still fighting. 

He then looks at his other classmates. 

“Get up,” he tells them with a stern voice. 

They were all scared, but… with the bit of strength they had left, they got up as he ordered. 

“Noel and the rest of you, step back.” 


Not saying a word and stepping back, they watched. 

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“Follow me,” Alum calmly says as he walks toward the ghouls. 

And they did as he told. 

Alum stands in front of a ghoul and even touches it. That’s how strong his hold on them was. 

He stares at Lena. 

“You first. Kill it with your weapon.” 


Lena is panicking and trembles. Her breath gets ragged as she walks toward the ghoul. It stares into her eyes, and she feels the hostility from it. This only makes her more nervous, and as she kills it, she falls down to her knees and pukes as pressure crushes her. 

Kurt watches this and has enough. 

“ALUM! THAT’S ENOUGH!” Kurt yells as he launches a rotating rock bullet at him.

And Alum dodges it without much effort, and the bullet kills the ghoul behind him. 

Meanwhile, Kurt realises what he did at the moment of his rage and is filled with regret. But that was not all. He is currently stuck onto Alum’s ice wall as he’d been dragged there by his water threads. Around him were needles of ice that perfectly surrounded his body. 


Alum sensed that Kurt had given up, and he let him go. He then looks at the people he ordered to follow him. 

“Next,” Alum calmly says. 

— :::: — 

In the snowy mountains, a certain Saint heals soldiers affected by corrosion. It was eating them away as their flesh decayed.

Every soldier here fought the ancient dark beast, the Selges. It isn’t known why it awoke from its slumber, but the soldiers have been sent to seal it away again before it fully awakens. 

Of course…. That was the plan. 

And unfortunately for them, by the time they arrived, it was already fully awake, heading toward the capital city. So with this in mind, they called reinforcement, and at first, only The Hero was sent, but as it turns out, it was very resistant to anything that wasn’t light magic. 

Hence, they sent their Saint as well. 

So in front of said Saint, soldiers cry as they feel grateful for her healing them and restoring them back to health. 

There were just too many soldiers for the medics to cleanse and heal. After all, both healing magic and cleansing magic had high mana requirements and took a hefty toll on the caster. 

But this wasn’t too much for their Saint. After all, her mana pool was tremendous. 

And in the background, explosions were echoing through the snowy mountain range. 

“....I will be going now. More healers have been sent here,” Amethely says as she looks at the miserable state of the camp. 

There are some corpses decaying since the healers here were exhausted and didn’t have enough mana to save them, and it wasn’t a pleasant sight or smell. 

Still… it wasn’t something she hadn’t seen before, and she’s a Saint that treats all kinds of injuries. Albeit, this is her first time getting dispatched to a battlefield. 

“Thank you, Saint Amethely!” the soldiers express their gratitude as they cry in tears of joy. 

Amethely shakes her head and gently smiles. 

“No need to thank me, and rest well. Once all of you get back, spend some of that time with family and friends.” 

Amethely reassures them as she gently gazes at the tornado created by none other than her big sister. 

“So have faith in Chely and everyone, okay?” 

As everyone present looks at her with admiration, but she worries for everyone and her sister, who is in battle right now. 

She takes deep breaths and strengthens her body with enhancement magic as she materialises her divine blade: The Celestial Construct. 

In an instant, she launches herself into the air and flies towards the giant tornado. 


Chely fights off the colossal Selges that covers itself in darkness as it ejects homing projectiles towards all of them. Each acidic projectile explodes and corrodes the area it lands, or worse, kills or inflicts them with corrosion as they rot away in minutes. 

And right now, they are all in Chely’s storm barrier as she restricts the area so that the beast’s attacks wouldn’t get out. 

But unfortunately for them, Chely was running low on mana, as the barrier had been up for quite a while, which exhausted her by the hour. 

Despite her massive amount of mana, she can’t finish it off. It covers itself in darkness, and the only way they’ve been able to massively deal any damage to it is through light magic. 

Their mages were getting exhausted as they’d been casting high to mid-level light spells. And little by little, chipping its defences. 

Tentacles fly their way and smash on their barriers, and things are getting worse as they run low on high-performance magic cores that generate their barriers. 

Also, the mountain terrain made it hard for them to transport powerful magic weapons. Thus they had to rely on long-distance magic artillery. 

And that's why they had to keep the beast in place because the magic requirement to charge and fire the acceleration mana gun could take up to 15 minutes between each shot, or they, risk bursting the barrel itself. 

The artillery weapon is located in the capital since it is the only one advanced enough to reach this far. 

The projectile is also enchanted with light magic, which results in each hit dealing incredible damage to the Selges. 

But the problem was that it restored itself back to health before the next round. Their goal was to chip away at it until it couldn’t regenerate anymore. 

But that proves to be pretty challenging since they’re the ones being chipped away with corrosion. 

Cleansing and healing that corrosion also requires a lot of mana, hence. They are running low. 

And as their barrier is cracking. Then a beam of light incinerates the tentacles, and a hole in the clouds opens up as the projectile reaches them. 

But, their barriers have cracks, and the explosion would surely kill them, however… Amethely arrives in time and protects them all. 

The explosion of this round causes the foundations of the mountains finally collapse, and the whole thing begins to fall.

“I’m terribly sorry I’m late, everyone,” she apologises. 

But they just shake their heads. 

She smiles as she looks at her older sister charging in for an attack now that its black armour was destroyed. 

Amethely chants light into her blade, buffing everyone in the vicinity, including Chely, and they feel incredibly stronger. 

She had increased their defence as well as their attacks. She infused their weapons with a high-level infusion spell and clad them in light. 

This armour of light had the property of a catalyst and allowed the ones she buffs to chant mana through her as she acted as the source. 

All in all, their Saint is one of the most valuable individuals because she can strengthen whole armies. Not only that, her personal combat capabilities are just slightly below The Hero.

“Thanks, Ame!” Chely yells as she cancels her storm barrier to smack the beast with so much electrical energy that it incinerates the mountains behind the beast.

And of course, it was Amethelys mana she used….

“Sister, please don’t use all my mana, or you’ll trouble everyone!” Amethely cries as she charges in with everyone. 

Chely smiles as she hears her sister’s complaint. 

“We’ll just have to finish this fast, then!” Chely shouts. 

And, of course, that was possible since they’d been chipping away its armour for hours. That last shell from the advanced mana acceleration canon did its work, as the Selges didn’t have enough mana to sustain its regeneration. 

As they attack the weakened Selges, and its cries echo through the mountains, it blasts itself to make Amethely and the others distance themselves from it. 

And then the Selges shrunk in size and converted the body parts into mana, it was now desperate, and everyone except for Amethely and Chely suffocated by the heavy mana in the atmosphere. 

A massive energy ball of acid and dark electricity the size of a mountain was above them all. 

“A suicide attack!” Chely angrily yells as she flies towards the massive energy ball. 

Even if they kill the beast, if that goes off, they’re all very screwed. 

Because with that amount of mana, a blast radius of 7-10 kilometres was very real and wasn't a joke. 

“Wait, Sister!” Amethely cries as she grabs Chely.

Amethely stopped her since she knew Chely would try to redirect the attack. 

“....What are we supposed to do then!” Chely responds with frustration. 

“With this,” Amethely says as she looks at her weapon, she changes its shape and expands it. 


“It’s okay. I think I got enough mana for it.” Amethely reassures her. 

After all, changing the shape and size of The Celestial Construct required a massive amount of mana.

Amethely’s divine weapon. The Celestial Construct is indestructible and can take any shape and be materialised without mana. However, changing its shape on this scale requires so much mana that Chely was scared Amethely would break her mana foundation and be unable to use magic. 

But Amethely creates a dome around the blast, and as it goes off, nothing happens. 

And the Selges collapse on the spot, lying dead as it had converted its own life force into mana for that one last attack and failed. 

Amethely smiles as she looks at everyone cheering, her vision becomes blurry, and she can’t sustain herself in the air and faints. 

Chely has a grim look on her face as she catches the unconscious Amethely. 

‘She broke her mana foundation again…..’ she mutters in frustration. 

Typically, if that were to happen, the person or creature wouldn’t be able to produce or make mana flow in their body. Or, in the worst case, fall into a coma. 

However… for some reason, Amethely recovered every time, but… it couldn’t be taken for granted that it would the next time. 

— :::: — 

The next instant Amethely wakes up, she is in the Kilenloths church’s treatment facility. And beside her was Chely. 

“...Good morning, Ame,” Chely greets her with a faint smile.

Feeling weak and sluggish, Amethely sits up as she’s being attacked by a headache. 

She knows the reason for it; her mana flow is abnormal, and her foundation is broken, so she feels strange. 

“Good morning, big sis… what happened to the subjugation? Amethely meekly asks. 

“You’re so reckless,” Chely complains. 

“I’m… sorry,” Amethely apologises while looking down in shame. 

Chely gets up and is in tears and hugs Amethely. 

“....What if you didn't wake up? I was worried, you know!” 

And as she cries, Amethely hugs her back. 

“I'm sorry… for how long was I unconscious?” she asks. 

“5 days…” Chely replies as she hugs her more firmly. 

To be honest, Chely didn’t think it was necessary to completely block the attack and instead redirect it. But knowing Amethely, she’d feel guilty if it took innocent lives by the corrosion it would spread.

“I see….” 

“We lost some good soldiers, but most survived, thanks to you.”

“I only did my part… and there was reinforcement on the way….” Amethely says to undermine her achievement. 

[She’s always been like this….] Chely complains in her head. 

“It doesn’t change the fact you were a major part of it.” Chely wouldn’t back down.

“....R-right…..” Amethely awkwardly says. 

“Well, I’m glad you woke up before I got dispatched again,” Chely says as she sighs in relief.  

“...Huh?” Amethely stares at her sister, not fully understanding. 

“There was a spatial quake recently, right? And Sir Rigeld appointed me to greet the wanderers who fell through the unfortunate crack.” 

“....I see. That’s rare.” 

“The quake was in the southern plains and should be about 3 days from here,” Chely continued. 

Chely then looks into the distance.

“We will take them in before they get kidnapped by an unethical organisation. After all, if they don’t bring powers into this world, then their concept is enough.”

“Right… do they look like us?” Amethely curiously asks. 

“They’re human too, from another world, that is,” Chely replies. 

“I see… they’re like us…..” 

“And apparently, Keilyn said one of them is a tyrant.” 


“That’s what she saw in her vision, at least,” Chely nonchalantly replies. 

Amethely then feels slightly conflicted. Are they really taking in such a person? 

Seeing her sister slightly gloomy, Chely pats her head and reassures her. 

“Don’t worry. I won’t let any harm come your way,” Chely says with a wide grin. 

“....I can defend myself even without magic,” Amethely says as she starts to sulk. 

Chely puts her hands on Amethely’s face and stretches her cheeks. 

“Come on, won’t you let a big sister be a little cool, at least~!?” 


Chely bursts out in laughter as Amethey pouts. 

Pft… aha.”

Amethely was giggling as well.

Hehe~ then take care of me, big sis!” Amethely says with an adorable smile. 

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