Saint & Wanderer

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Goodbye One Weeks Effort….

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In the busy streets of Ilifel, Amethely walks around in disguise and looks around. It was something she’d do when she was off duty. And ever since her mana foundation broke, she could not do what she usually does. That was to conduct experiments in her lab. 

Although she could do research without magic, it was rather tricky if she was going to put her theory to the test. 


[Kei isn’t free today, and sis is on another mission… leaving me all alone again….] and thinking so, she wanders into a park. 

She doesn’t have many friends…. Well… Keilyn was her only friend, not counting her sister, of course….  

Amethely has always been shy and done her own thing. She’s a successful magic researcher and the current Saint. But that alone doesn’t make her friends. 

She keeps walking and finds a bench near a fountain, taking a seat and watching the birds play in the fountain. Some animals come and cuddle close to her. 

“You guys…!” she expresses joy as she pets them. 

Although she lacks human friends, small animals would comfort her when she enters the park. 

‘Ame Ame, why are you sad?’ they seem to ask. 

Or, well… they actually did ask that since she can understand them. 

“...I was feeling slightly lonely, but I’m fine now that all of you are here!” she brightly smiles. 

‘Smile bright smile bright!’ the animals expresses in excitement. 

And to outsiders looking in, she seems strange. 

But at the same time, they find it endearing since most people know her as The Saint, an elegant beautiful girl and not the clumsy, shy Amethely. 

Although she tries to disguise herself, she is pretty bad at it, and everyone knows, but they keep quiet for her sake since it seems like she doesn’t want them to know. 

And with the giggles from the passersby, she turns red and shyly waves at them. 

— :::: — 

After spending time in the park with the animals, she heads to the sanctuary, where her grandmother rest. In front of the tomb, she places her grandmother's favourite flowers and prays. 

“....Grandma… I messed up again today, and people were laughing at me… also, also… my foundation is broken again… which made big sis worry…. And today I was discharged, but lonely since Kei still has her duty….” 

She sighs a little but softly smiles. 

“I hope I recover soon since I don’t want to worry everyone….” she said. 

Then she puffs her cheek and gets a little grumpy. 

“But they could at least let me help with the preparation to welcome the wanderers!” 

She was a little grumpy since they told her to rest…. 

“But… what do I do? They will soon arrive, and I’m not mentally prepared to meet them!” 

She then looks up into the sky. 

“Grandma! Please lend me your strength!” she said as she cheered herself. 

After visiting her grandmothers grave, she explores the library. She usually didn’t entertain herself with literature, at least fiction. Still… she was interested in what people her age do and what was the best way? Of course, read it in a book! 

But how would she start? She knew she was looking for something popular with people her age, but… she realised she didn’t know much about it and decided to ask the librarian. 

Walking up to the counter and switching her composure, she was now in Saint Mode. Which makes talking to people much easier for her. 

“Excuse me, Miss Librarian,” she says softly and elegantly. 

The librarian turned around and was stunned for a moment. 

“....Sa— Ahem, what can I do for you, young lady?” she asks with a nervous smile. 

Amethely smiles with slight worry as she lightly giggles. 

“I’m sorry to take your time, as embarrassing as it is… I don’t know what category of literature is prevalent with individuals my age….” 

She looked at her with widened eyes, surprised that The Saint would be interested in something such as that, but… 

“Y-yes… over here,” the librarian said and guided her. 

Reading the label and curiously looking around, Amethely felt excited. 

“T-this is the young adult section, and what people The Sai… young lady’s age might enjoy.” 

Amethely’s eyes sparkes as she puts her hands together in delight, and the bright flowery atmosphere seems to blind the librarian. 

“Thank you,” Amethely thanks her as she grasps her hand, expressing her gratitude.

The librarian feels like her heart is jumping out of her chest and shyly replies with an embarrassed smile.  

After some help from the staff, she skimmed around and found something she was familiar with. 

[The Grand Sages & The Hero….] 

She picked up the book and remembered the fairy tale her grandmother would read to her before bed. 

‘How nostalgic… hmm? It’s a ‘young adult’ version?’ 

Of course, fairy tales like these have many different versions, and the one she was familiar with was the one told to children. 

The one she has right now is about betrayal, revenge and love affairs. In contrast to the one she was familiar with… this was… mature, alright. 

[.....M-maybe another time….] she thought and returned the book to the shelf. 


In the end… she did borrow the book and walked out of the library. The day had barely passed, and the sun was still high up in the sky. 

She sighs as she feels hopeless, not knowing what to do with her extra free time. 

“....Maybe I should just head back to the lab….” she ponders and head to the academy. 

— :::: — 

In the meantime, Alum recovered enough to get out of the tent, and it should be an hour before sunrise. But that certainly wasn’t the case. 

As he walked out with Chely, he saw the sun high up in the sky. Now… there isn’t anything strange about seeing the sun. 



He looked closer at his timepiece, realising that something wasn’t working as intended.

[...I just had it maintained last year….] he thinks to himself, making a slightly sour face. 

This, of course, didn’t go unnoticed by Chely. 

“What’s wrong?” 

“....No, just… something personal,” he replies in a neutral voice. 

“If you say so… Anyhow, the other wanderers are in the forest right now?” 

“Yes, we built a base there.” 

“Hmm, that is a little far from here, but… do you mind if only the two of us go? The town isn’t in a good state, so… I want the soldiers to stay stationary here and request help from the nearest city….” 

“If that is fine with you, I won’t mind.” 

“...Alright,” Chely said and whistled. 

And after a little while, a loud roar could be heard from the sky, and a ginormous creature landed before them. 

Jade green scales and ocean blue eyes, and a mythical aura, it stares at Alum. 

[....A dragon?] 

“This is Iristolth, my companion,” Chely proudly said. 

“....Nice to meet you, human child. As little Elly said, I’m Iristolth, The Great Storm Dragon.” 

[....It spoke…] 

“Nice to meet you as well, Iristolth. however… I’m not a child, and my name is Alum.” Alum politely said. 

The dragon looks at him with slight bewilderment and amusement simultaneously as it tilts its head. 

Interesting… Well then, Alum, I see that you have some unique powers… are you aware?” 

“....I don’t find them that peculiar. Well, I don’t know what is and what’s not.” 

Chely stood there silently and watched the two of them speak. 

[....Is it normal to casually speak to a dragon in his world?] she thought.

But she then shook her head. 



“Sorry, Iri, but can you allow Alum to ride on you?” 

“...Well, if you’re the one asking, I guess I don’t mind,” Iristolth replied. 

“....Thank you,” Alum politely Iristolth. 

“In exchange, tell me about yourself, traveller.” 

“Iri, can we take it later?” Chely asks. 

“...Well, certainly.” 

Alum glances at him to affirm that he is okay with it, to which Iristolth responds with an understanding gaze. He jumps up, and so does Chely. And when they secured themselves, Iristolth took off. 

As a result, a strong gust of wind was created, and Chely cast a barrier around them so they wouldn't get blown away or freeze from the cold winds. 

While in mid-flight, Chely and Iristolth asked him a little about the world he came from. He just said that it was a technologically advanced world where magic didn’t exist. 

“...How would you describe this world then? Chely asks. 

“I'm not sure, and I haven’t seen enough of it to conclude, though. The things I did see are fascinating,” he replies. 

Chely giggles a little. 

“I see, then. What can you do with magic now that you couldn’t do in your own world?” 

“A lot of things, I suppose… then again…. Can you imagine yourself manipulating natural phenomena freely without magic?” Alum asks instead. 

“....No, I certainly can’t. How do you do that, then?” 

Alum, ponder over the question a little.

“Through inventions…. If we can’t do it ourselves, we make something that can do it for us.” 

Ohh~, I can imagine that. Although everyone can use magic, not many can use advanced magic. Though there are tools for that.”

[....She certainly doesn’t seem like a bad person…] he thought. 

However, Alum still didn’t trust her since he didn’t know the motive behind taking them in. It wasn't a stretch for him to consider the possibility of them becoming experimental subjects. After all, they are from another world. 

And back in his world, the same thing would basically happen. 

Even if Chely herself was a good person, the same thing was uncertain for those in power. 

So he can’t conclude that they have good intentions. But what could he do? 

He knew she was more powerful than him, and refusing wasn’t an option. Not only that, he felt agonising pain every time he used his new powers, so escaping wasn’t an option either. And based on the fact they knew he wasn’t from this world and that they found him meant they could locate the others as well. 

As for how to reply to her analogy…. 

“Well, we aren’t capable of creating those phenomena without tools to begin with… but I guess it’s close enough,” he comments. 

“I see,” Chely replies. 

She knew he didn’t trust her, but… how could she gain his trust? If you gain the trust of the leader, then you have the trust of his people as well. 


It wasn’t like the empire had anything special for them in store. At least anything she was aware of, but she doubted they would hide important information such as that from her. 

Though, she knew one of the motivations behind bringing the wanderers to the capital instead of any other city. 

It was the safest place in the empire. Neither the mad scientists nor great evils couldn’t possibly manage to kidnap them from there. 


From what she heard, Alum might be very difficult to abduct, but that couldn’t be said about the other wanderers she wasn’t aware of. 

He's able to sneak around unnoticed by most things. He has overwhelming mana control, and despite having a damaged mana flow, he can still perform magic with precision. He’s what people consider an anomaly. 

“Say… you’re leading the other wanderers, correct?” Chely asks. 

Although she already knew, she still needed to confirm it since there wasn’t any mention of anyone with a similar look or vibe. 

“....Depends on how you look at it, I suppose.” 

“What do you mean?” 

“....Well, I make them do what I want them to do, even if I need to threaten them a little,” he replies nonchalantly. 

Chely went quiet, she wasn't an advocate for that style of ruling, but she couldn’t condemn him for it since she didn’t know how they operated, thus. She stayed quiet. 

[....He certainly fits Keilyn’s description right now….] 

At first, she didn’t think he did since he seemed level-headed and understanding. But hearing him speak of his own people like tools, she couldn’t help but feel slightly disgusted. 

[But… will they overthrow him now that he’s a lot weaker?] 

In that case, she had no obligation to save him. After all, the fighting between them is simply just between them. Besides, she was told to bring them to the capital, not interfere with their internal affairs. 

[Still… maybe they shouldn't find out about his malfunctioning mana flow…] 

“...Will you be fine with that…?” Chely asks. 


“...You’ve lost your powers and control over them. So… will that be okay?” 


Going quiet and looking into the distance, he sighs ever so slightly. 

“I don’t really care, to be honest. They do well without me now, and if I’m weaker or isn’t present. There shouldn’t be any issues.” 

….Hearing him say that gives her mixed feelings. Which one is he? Considerate? Or cruel and calculating? 

— :::: — 

After a not-so-long flight, they arrived at the forest and landed near the base, where there was a larger open area. 

Iristolth lands and Chely tells her to wait. She frowns a little and curls up, pretending to sleep. 

“...Shall we go then?” Chely asks. 

“...Right,” he replies. 

He walks ahead of her and comes to a halt. 

“Oh… before that, I want you to not draw your weapon or fight nor show any hostility.” 

Chely is a little hesitant but nods. 

“I trust you.” 

“....Are you not going to ask why?” 

“Well, if the situation looks grim, then I can’t promise, though,” she replied in a polite tone that sounded as if she was somewhat joking. 

“...Alright then,” he replies, somewhat nostalgically. 

Although he can’t put it into words, however… she feels slightly similar to Noel, and he can’t help but take a liking to her. 

“We just need to follow this river, and there will be a small path hidden behind some branches which lead to our base,” Alum explains. 

Chely sensed that her sigh of trust was well received. She smiled faintly. 

[Really, this guy…..] she thought and walked next to him. 

After following the river and entering the hidden path, Chely senses something coming their way, it was a projectile, and it was travelling fast at that. 

But since Alum told her to trust him and not react, she pretended not to notice it. 

On the other hand, Alum blocked the attack with a thin sheet of thin ice. 

[.....He must be in agonising pain… but… he seems calm as if it doesn’t affect him.] 

“Good, you’re learning!” Alum yells monotonously. 

The person that launched the projectile showed themselves. 

It was a young man with blond hair, green eyes, and a somewhat mean-looking face. 

“....So you weren’t captured, Chief.” 

“....Daniel, I told you not to call me that. Also, you all should come out of hiding.” 

Following his command, the others came out as well. It was the ones in charge of hunting and protecting their camp, which consisted of 2 rangers and 3 melee fighters. 

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Chely, who watched their interaction, thought that maybe his reputation wasn’t as bad as she thought and that they probably won't try to harm him if they knew he was injured. 

“Anyhow, gather everyone and pack everything. We’re leaving.” 


— :::: — 

After walking through the dense path in the forest, not saying a word, they arrive at the base. 

Looking around, Chely could tell they had put a lot of effort into it. 

Veins were sticking out of the trees and refined stone, which made up bridges between them, housing which seemed to be made of wood and stone, and even simple elevators. 

This sight reminds her somewhat of how the elves in the fairy tales would live. It looks elegant by most standards. Which makes it strange since it's in a vast, deadly forest. Though… it could even be mistaken for a lost elvish settlement. 

“....Looks cosy,” Chely comments. 

“Well, they went all out, figuring out how to use their powers and all that,” Alum replied. 

They took the elevator and were greeted by the others soon after. 

“Yo, Al, didn’t think you’d come back with a beauty.” Noel teasingly says with a wide grin. 

Of course, that comment wasn’t taken lightly as Miu elbows him on the side. 

Ouch! Miu!” He cried. 


Chely was taken by surprise. 

The atmosphere was rather welcoming and not what she expected from people who are led by force and violence, especially in front of the person in said position. 

“....It’s not like that,” Alum replied in a somewhat softer tone than usual. 

Chely glace at him for a brief moment. 

[...So, they are his close friends?] 

Noticing her glance, he tells them to all gather.

…..And gathering everyone, he introduces Chely. 

“This is Chely Ilis. We will be going to the city from now on.” 

While everyone was a bit confused, they stared at her and Alum. 

“We will leave once you pack the things you need or want. Any questions?” 

Nobody was saying anything, but he could tell that they felt a little unsure, maybe due to them building this place up, or they were cautious of the place they would be going to. 

“Fret not. We will not harm you in any way. However… we do want to cooperate,” Chely reassures them. 

They look at each other and, with their minds made up, they decide to go. 

And after packing everything, they went to Iristolth, who was peacefully sleeping. 

“....Is this really safe?” Miu cautiously asks. 

Chely then reassures her that Iristolth is friendly and won’t hurt them. 

With a gulp, many cautiously got on Iristolth’s back and looked very uncomfortable. 

— :::: — 

In a forest far east of Ilifel, a man is being ferociously chased. With his comrades dead, he tries to find the closest tunnel and enter without being noticed. 


He screams in pain after noticing he lost his leg, which makes him roll into a tree and hit his head. 

Arhhhhg,” he groans. 

In front of him was a girl shorter in stature, dressed in all black. Emotionlessly staring at him, her blade was drawn. The blade’s luminous moon glow is as beautiful as they come. 

“...You’re needlessly making my job harder,” she comments. 

Her tone was cold, and her eyes equally so. 

[Shit… why her of all people!?] 

But… that doesn’t matter. 

He activates the pill that is inside his body. As the mana in the air becomes heavy, he turns himself into a chimaera, making him gain unrivalled strength that normal humans wouldn’t be able to achieve. 

Draining his sanity as the beastly instincts kick in. 

Despite all this, all his limbs lay on the ground as he was airborne and fell flat like a lump of meat. 

He watched her approach, and her blade didn’t even have a single drop of blood on it. 

“...It’s a pity. You all are the same. Either killing yourself or trying to fight back with external sources of power.” 

And at that moment. His body boiled and exploded. But before the explosion, the girl had already isolated him in a barrier. 


Sighing slightly, she turns around and is approached by the rest of her squad. 

“Did any escape?” she asks. 

They shake their heads, telling her that every last one destroyed themselves. 

“...Good riddance…. For now, our investigation is done. Well then, let’s head back to the capital.” 

“As you command, Princess!” they all replied. 

— :::: — 

In a room filled with vegetation and beautiful flowers, Amethely rolled around in her bed as she read the book she had just borrowed from the library. 

Since it was more interesting than she thought, she couldn’t help but feel excited, after all… there were many things people wouldn’t let her do since she was injured.

Still… she feels nervous about meeting the wanderers, especially since they will soon arrive. The day after tomorrow, they will hold a ceremony for them too. 

Hugging the book and wondering what sort of people they are, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. 

— :::: — 

Everyone boarded the ship after a short ride on Iristolth. It was enormous, and everyone seemed amazed by it. 

It was a cylinder shape and looked somewhat like a giant bullet. They were also impressed by the interior. It was decorated with vegetation and looked welcoming as well as classy. 

They all got a room each, with a soft bed, shower and change of clothes. 

After being told how to use the things in the rooms, they all washed and changed into the clothes they provided.  

They were then gathered in the lounge and had things explained about how the city worked. They also got to ask questions about the world and so on. 

The instructor explained that they arrived in this world through a spatial quake. A natural phenomenon that occurs ever so often in empty places such as plains or deserts. 

It isn’t known why exactly, but most of them are predicted by the Oracles. In most cases, monsters come through, but in rare instances such as this, wanderers come through. 

“...Then, is there any way back?” one classmate asked. 

Everyone probably wanted to ask that as well, so… 

“Well… not that we know of, these phenomena are extraordinary, and we think that the celestial spheres clash, resulting in space-time cracks. Meaning that your world and ours would’ve already moved away from each other,” The instructor said. 

Now that their hope of returning is entirely gone, they sit in silence to gather their thoughts, and to be frank, all of them have already accepted this fact. 

“...What is the capital like?” Emely asks. 

“Well… the city is built out of anti-magic materials and is surrounded by massive barriers, which deny mana so that spells are useless in the city.” 

“....There are exceptions, though,” Chely comments as she enters the room. 

“...Miss Hero?” the instructor asks in surprise. 

“Well, go on…” 

“...Right, as The Hero said, there are exceptions, such as magic inventions that get approved, labs or training fields. Thus, the state offers you options: join the military to become a trainee or live as a citizen. If you chose to live as an immigrant. In that case, we will provide you with education and jobs, but… often than enough, wanderers like yourself usually have high magic potential, which is why the military was also offered as an option. Of course… we will do a proficiency test before you decide….”

Everyone glanced at Alum as if they wanted to ask what he thought they should do. Usually, they rely on Emely, Noel and Miu. However, recently, they’ve been relying on him as well.

“Well, you decide for yourself,” Alum dismissively states. 

They were surprised since they thought he’d order them as usual, but… since a few days back, he’s not been demanding compared to the incident at the shed.

The instructor looks confused and glances at Chely.

“Is he the leader or something?” 

“As you can see,” she replies. 

“Well, it would be beneficial if they joined the military since they are wanderers and that….” the instructor comments. 

[We indeed need more personnel, however… they are unfamiliar with this world…. Besides, I want to respect their decisions, although we want to observe them so that they won’t run amok or ruin markets like in the distant past….] 

Chely looked at the instructor and sighed a bit. 

“Well, wait for them to do a proficiency test before anything,” she said. 

Even though she already knew that one of them was more powerful than most individuals on the ship. 

A little while later, after the lecture, Alum spends time on the ship's deck, watching the ground below and the vast forests. 

In the distance, he sees a city, which is very far away, but still visible. Behind the city, there are huge mountains, reaching up above the clouds. 

Hearing footsteps, he sees Chely in the corner of his field of view. 

She leans on the railing and glances at him. 

“Aren’t you going to tell them what to do?” she asks. 

To which Alum slightly shakes his head. 

“No, they can do what they want. Besides, the city sounds safe, and there is no reason for me to lead them anymore.” 

“....Is that so?”




Standing there in silence, Chely didn’t know how to start a proper conversation with him. He’s a little difficult, and she wasn’t that talkative herself. 

“....You know… the trainees and the people you helped, they are grateful.” 

A little surprised that Chely brought that up, he nodded. 

“I see. What will happen to them?” 

Noticing that he showed some interest, she smiled a little. 

“They have been evacuated to a town close by… are you perhaps worried about them?” 

“....Why would I?” he replies. 

“If you aren’t, why bother to ask?” Chely teasingly asks. 


“Now… why did you help them in the first place?” 

She looks straight into his eyes and wishes for him to be a person that isn’t unreasonable. After all, she wouldn’t want to stain her hands red from the blood of talents like him.

“....It’s because it was convenient. Clearing the monsters alone is quite the hassle,” he replied. 

But he’s contradicting himself. 

“...Based on the reports I’ve gotten, you distracted an Armoured Death Blade to let the two others flee, supplying them and making sure that it couldn’t follow after them.” 


“Besides, even with all the supply they got, weren’t you the one that cleared most of the dangerous monsters?”

Alum didn’t say a word. But based on the reaction alone, she concluded that she was correct, and she found it cute when his ears turned slightly red. 

Not long after the silent moment, 3 people approached them. It was Noel, Miu and Emely. 

“What’s up, Al,” Noel greets him cheerfully.

He also notices Chely and teases her a little. 

“...Are we interrupting?” he smugly says with a grin. 

This did not sit well with her, but as she was about to say something about it, Miu had already pinched his arm and scolded him.

“Noel, that’s rude! I’m sorry about him, Miss Hero….” 

“...Sorry for being rude,” Noel apologised as well. 

[...Well, I wasn’t angry about it.] Chely thought. 

“You just looked tired and worn out,” Noel later comments. 

Taken by surprise, her eyes widened. 

[....How did he know?] 

“...No need to worry about me,” she replied. 

And Emely, who had been quiet all this time, walks up to Alum and hugs him. 

“I’m sorry I overheard, but you’re such a good boy, Al!” she said and patted him on the head while he was locked in her embrace. 

“....I’m not a child. Stop treating me as such,” he retorts. 

But it wasn’t enough since he didn’t push her away. 

Chely was astonished since his whole vibe changed. He was flustered, and apparently, that was a rare sight since even his friends teased him about it. 

The atmosphere was light-hearted, which made her relax a little. She smiled gently as she watched them, excused herself and went back inside. 

— :::: — 

It was now dark, and the sun had set. Nebulas could be seen as well as rings from other planets in the solar system… even the peculiar small dim star, seen in even daylight. 

Luna was finally done hunting the cultists that attempted to destroy a city nearby. However, their plans didn’t go through. 

As she was about to rest in her study, she heard a knock. 

She opened the door, and It was her uncle standing there.

“....Sorry to bother you this late, Luna,” he apologetically said. 

“Don’t worry about that… do I have a new task?” 

Rigeld looked at her with a faint smile. 

“Yes, I want you to conduct a proficiency test for the wanderers.” 

Luna tilts her head, slightly confused.

“...Something as mundane as that?” she asks. 

“Is that a no?” 

“....Well, I don’t mind.” 

“I see, thank you,” Rigeld replied. 

Luna was still confused but too tired to question his decision. 

Rigeld then excuses himself and leaves her study. Sighing to himself. 

[....She doesn’t even realise how overworked she is….] he thought as he walked down the hall. 

— :::: — 

The following day, Amethely was greeted by Keilyn as she heard a knock on her door. 

“Ame, wake up~ its morning, you know?” 

“...Kei,” Amethely answers as she opens the door. 

“The wanderers are here.” 

“....Huh? Already?” 

“You can’t go looking as sloppy as you do now…. You know?” Keilyn comments. 

“....I’ll be ready in a few minutes then.” 

Feeling slightly nervous since she will be meeting people from another world, she takes a deep breath, calming herself down. 

“Alright!” she cheered. 

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