San Fu

Chapter 1: 1

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Jiang Kuo stood on the balcony in the bedroom. He stared at the phone screen and when he saw Jiang Lele send the signal, he immediately vaulted over the railings of the balcony and jumped out. 

The bedroom was on the third floor, beneath the balcony was mother’s yoga terrace. He could jump down even with his eyes closed. 

Although he knew that mother wasn’t home and no one would see him, Jiang Kuo still glanced at the window. 

Auntie Liu was holding a rug, holding the window and watching him with a shocked face. 

This scene was truly too unexpected. Jiang Luo maintained the half squatting position he had when he first fell, not knowing whether he should greet her along the way. 

What are you cleaning the windows for at this time!

Do windows need to be cleaned everyday?! 

The infallible plan of running away didn’t include a scenario of “Auntie Liu’s cleaning the yoga room’s windows”. Jiang Kuo quickly put his finger to his lips, but before his finger could reach his mouth, the Auntie Liu that never cooperated with him already screamed, “Jiang Kuo—” 

“Fuck.” Jiang Kuo jumped onto the flower racks by the terrace and went down. 

“Mister Jiang— Jiang Yushan—” Auntie Liu shouted as she chased to the terrace, “Jiang Kuo jumped off the building—” 

Jiang Kuo rushed to the walls of the backyard, but before he could reach the closest wall, he needed to wrap around the pool, then jump over two layers of flowerbeds, and finally, he’ll have to step over the koi pond his father had built to wrap around half the yard before he could successfully complete this time’s escape. 

As he climbed the wall, he heard a shout from behind him. 

“Bastard!” Father shouted righteously, “You got some guts now!” 

Jiang Kuo almost slipped into the koi pond because of that. He held the wall and looked down— this pond was full of ancestors, and the top-level ancestor had just swimmed past his crotch. 

“Go— Run faster—” His father’s voice was very clear, yet the tone seemed to be amiable, “I’ll have to trouble you, Lao Chen. Bring some people, break his leg and drag him back for me!”  

Jiang Kuo’s attention immediately went back from the school of ancestors to the escape route. He stepped onto the stone twice and ran up the wall, shouting back, “I’ll call you when I get to school!” 

When he landed on the outside of the wall, he heard his father’s answer, “Stop dreaming! I’ll flatten you together with your school!” 

That’s not possible, it’s illegal. 

Because he didn’t have any luggage and because he could already see the soldiers in the corner of his eyes, Jiang Kuo’s running speed was shocking. He even took out his phone and started typing. 

“Da Pao!” He called out, “Are you in position?”

“I just need to press down the pedal.” Da Pao said lazily, “What’s that sound? Panting?”

“Panting your mom1, drive over!” He shouted until he wanted to cough. 

Da Pao’s reaction time wasn’t bad, the sound of the engine starting immediately transmitted through the phone. 

Jiang Kuo glanced behind. Although Lao Chen and the others couldn’t catch up, they still swung their elbows and ran as fast as they could. 

He couldn’t relax his vigilance, his father was truly pissed this time. The property management building was less than a hundred meters from his home, maybe his father would deploy the security team later to camp on his escape route, 

It was good that this happened suddenly, in addition that his father probably thought that this bastard here didn’t deserve a security team. Thus Jiang Kuo safely reached the gates of the nieghborhood, seeing the car that just parked at the side of the road. 

The car was his. A very glaring silver-green sports car. 

Long time no see baby. 

It had truly been a long time. Because his father wanted him to reflect on himself on the “Why do you want to go to this useless school? Don’t tell me it’s because you want to study, if you wanted to study you wouldn’t have ended up in a school like this”, and then cut off all his hobbies. 

This car had been driven to his father’s friend, Uncle Yang, who had brought up his child the best, to watch over. Even the car keys weren’t left at home. 

Not only this car, all his equipment had been cleaned out, even the segway2 wasn’t let off. 

But now, the car was right in front of him.

This step was definitely out of his father’s calculations. 

The window of the front passenger seat was already down. Jiang Kuo borrowed the momentum of running forward and jumped, holding the roof of the car and jumped into the car. 

“Gogogogo,” Jiang Kuo leaned back onto the seat, making sure that no one was chasing behind him, “Go directly to the highway.” 

“Wait, let me get the GPS…” Da Pao didn’t move, his finger hovering over the control panel, “Where is the destination? Is there an address…” 

“Drive first.” Jiang Kuo slammed his palm onto the screen. 

The screen paused for 2 seconds. When Da Pao sped away, it played an explosive song for everyone. 

“Your saved song?” Jiang Kuo asked. 

Da Pao didn’t bother answering, just tilting his head, indicating for him to look behind. 

There were only two doors in the car. Because Jiang Kuo found it annoying, he never let anyone sit at the back. 

So when he turned his head and found someone sitting in the back seat, he was pretty shocked. 

Yang Ke. The ‘Good Father’ Uncle Yang’s child. The person he was always compared against. 

“Why is he in the car?” Jiang Kuo turned back and looked at Da Pao, then turned around again to ask Yang Ke, “Da Pao already gave you money right?” 

“Yup.” Yang Ke nodded. 

The car was driven out because Yang Ke had taken the car keys and brought Da Pao into the Yang Family’s garage. But it wasn’t for nothing. Because he did something that could have gotten him beaten up, Jiang Kuo got Da Pao to give him 10 thousand dollars and a new phone. The exchange was over, he shouldn’t have been in the car. 

“Then what is yours truly still doing here?” Jiang Kuo asked, “Finding excitement?” 

“Bring me to the resort at Nine Day’s Waterfall on the way.” Yang Ke said. 

“On who’s way?” Jiang Kuo’s voice rose, his every pore emitting annoyance. 

Nine Day’s Waterfall was a project developed by his father, though he wasn’t too clear where it was. The town was at the southernmost end of the city. Not only was it not on the way to his destination, it would also take several hours to drive over. If they really went they’d have to sleep overnight on his father’s territory.

He glared at Yang Ke, “Our debt has been paid, don’t play with me. Da Pao, drop him off at the intersection ahead.” 

“Alrighty!” Da Pao answered, his voice clear and loud. 

Yang Ke’s phone rang. He raised it and shook it in front of Jiang Kuo, the name displayed: President Jiang. 

Jiang Kuo didn’t speak as he watched him. 

This part was actually in the back up plans within his escape plans. Since the car’s target was too obvious and easy to notice, so even if no one would believe it, the only possible suspect was Yang Ke. 

But Jiang Ke didn’t actually prepare a script for Yang Ke. He just told him to say that he was forced to do it and to give them a wrong route to delay time. 

Except Yang Ke was now on the car. And both of them are arguing. 

Now Yang Ke’s confession was out of their control. He was very clear on the escape route and their current location, as long as he revealed it, with his father’s personality, there’s no way he was getting out of these three roads today.  

Yang Ke accepted the phone call, took a deep breath, and his voice became somewhat nervous, “Uncle Jiang.” 

Jiang Kuo couldn’t help but stare at him. His acting is pretty good, huh. 

“Xiao Ke! Are you with Jiang Kuo? What’s going on?” His father’s voice was very loud so Jiang Kuo heard very clearly. 

“Xiao Kuo he… You know I could never beat him since I was young,” Yang Ke’s voice trembled, “I… didn’t have a choice, I’m still on the car.” 

Da Pao whistled quitely. 

Jiang Kuo raised an eyebrow, giving Yang Ke a thumbs up, “Insane.” 

“Where are you guys?” His father’s voice was still very loud, bringing an air of murder, “Don’t be scared and tell me. I’ll tag the car down in 10 minutes!” 

“Where’s at…” Yang Ke rubbed the phone a few times and pressed it against the car seat, clearing his throat as he shouted, “We’re at Youth Street…” 

After shouting he hung up, put the phone into his pocket and looked at Jiang Kuo. 

Jiang Kuo stared at him for a few seconds before turning to Da Pao, “Go south and go out of the city from the sand quarry, take the county road.”

Da Pao turned and looked at him, “Nine Days Waterfall?” 

“Nine Days Waterfall.” Jiang Kuo leaned against the seat, reaching out to turn the rearview mirror over, watching the calm Yang Ke, “Go and commit suicide?” 

“I helped you.” 

“Helped me get rid of a kidnapping and beating pile of shit,” Jiang Kuo said, “And I should thank you?” 

“Aren’t you thanking me right now?” 

“That’s me having morals!” Jiang Kuo raised his voice. 

“You don’t have to have any,” Yang Ke said, “Let’s see if your father believes you or me.” 

“I have the car record here,” Jiang Kuo pointed at the camera on the car, “Every bullshit you said, there’s a record in there. Let’s see who he believes.”

“But you won’t use it” 

“So confident?” Jiang Kuo turned around. “How many pandas have you raised from that?” 4

“Because you have morals.” Yang Ke laughed 

“Get out!” Yang Ke shouted, “Da Pao! Throw him outside after we get out of the city!”

“Alrighty!” Da Pao also shouted. 

The address Yang Ke told his father was on the north side of the city— which had to be passed through if one wished to go on the highway. The place was believable by itself, adding onto Yang Ke and his phone’s acting, it was even more believable. 

So his father would definitely send people to block the highway. Jiang Kuo had about half an hour before they noticed something was off, it was enough time to get out of the city. 

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Even if they called and asked Yang Ke again, it would be useless. In Yang Ke’s script, Da Pao had already smashed his phone. 

“Not pushing all the blame to me,” Jiang Kuo said, “Should I thank you again?” 

“How about pushing all the blame onto me?” Da Pao said, “My dad can’t do anything to me, much less President Jiang.” 

“That’s even less believable,” Yang Ke said, “You’ve always been the underdog of Jiang Kuo after all.” 

“Your mom!” Da Pao slammed the steering wheel, “Stop trying to provoke us! We did trouble you today, giving an inch yet you want to take a mile! Believe it or not I’ll throw you out right now!” 

“Drive your car.” 

The time he estimated was pretty accurate. Just as the car drove onto the country road, even before Yang Ke was thrown off the car, Jiang Kuo’s phone started ringing. 

Except the number displayed wasn’t Jiang Yushan’s, but Jiang Lele’s. 

Jiang Kuo let out a breath of relief, picking up the phone. 

“Out of the city?” Jiang Lele asked. 

“No.” Jiang Kuo replied, “Am I that stupid? Of course I wouldn’t go the Youth road, I’ll go…” 

“Stop pretending, it’s just me.” 

“Just got out.” Jiang Kuo glanced out of the window. 

“How are you going to thank me?” 

“Even with your dear brother…” Jiang Kuo’s words weren’t finished before she cut in. 

“Every time something like this comes up you use your dear brother excuss. Just who was so indignant that he wrote a blood book with red ink asking to thoroughly investigate whether the hospital had reversed our orders?”  

“Let’s not dig into old history…” Jiang Kuo said awkwardly, “Say it, what do you want?” 

“How about that motorcycle? Didn’t you always think it wasn’t powerful enough? I don’t think so.” 

“Dad locked the car in the security department’s garage.” 

“I’ll get it,” Jiang Lele said, “Whenever you want to drive it, I’ll rent it to you, 5% off an annual membership.” 

Without waiting for Jiang Kuo’s reply, the line was cut. 

“What’s the situation?” Da Pao asked. 

“Going perfectly.” Jiang Kuo looked down and took out his SIM card, “Where’s the SIM card I told you to buy?”

“Here,” Da Pao dug out a SIM card from his pocket and threw it towards him, “Lele cheated you out of your money?” 

“Gave me a deal. She wants my motorcycle.” 

“It’s not like you drive that,” Da Pao said, “If it wasn’t for him dragging Auntie out, you don’t even know when you could leave.” 

“Mhm,” Jiang Kuo made a sound of acknowledgement. 

“The intersection in front?” Da Pao asked. 

“Hmm?” Jiang Kuo looked up. 

“You said you’d throw me off at the intersection in front.” Yang Ke explained at the back. 

“Let’s go.” Jiang Kuo waved his hand and glanced at Yang Ke, “Shut up and stay still, thank you.” 

Going around to send Yang Ke wasn’t much of a problem. When his father thought he would go towards the north, he went south. When his father remembers to search in the other directions, he would already be going north. 

Plus Nine Days Waterfall could be considered the most dangerous place of “the most dangerous place is the safest place” right now. 

When the car stopped at the intersection of the country road, the sky was already dark. 

Jiang Kuo went down the car, preparing to drive instead. 

“Get down.” He looked at Yang Ke in the back seat. 

“We’re not there yet.” 

“Do you see the sign?” Jiang Kuo pointed at the road sign in front, “Nine Days Waterfall.” 

“In 15km.” Yang Ke reminded him. 

“If I dropped you off the moment I left the city, you would still have 300 kilometers to go,” Jiang Kuo rested his elbow onto the car door, “Exercise a bit.” 

Yang Ke got out of the car. After all he’s known Jiang Kuo for so many years, even if they hated each other they still understood each other very well. Like Jiang Yushan, the calmer Jiang Kuo was, the more determined he felt. 

“Such a strong will for vengeance.” Yang Ke carried his bag. 

“Your first day knowing me after all.” Jiang Kuo wrapped around the front of the car and went on. Da Pao swung open the door of the front seat as he pressed onto the acceleration paddle, speeding away. 

“Slow down!” Da Pao shouted, frantically trying to pull on the seatbelt, “Your seatbelt!” 

Jiang Kuo didn’t slow down, only raising his right elbow for Da Pao to pull over the seatbelt. 

“How about I drive instead,” Da Pao said, “I’m scared you’ll take this as a racing track when you’re excited.” 

“Help me see how to get to the closest country town.” Jiang Kuo turned on the music, dialing up the volume. 

“The closest country town is behind. You might as well have driven in directly just now,” Da Pao said, “You could’ve brought Yang Ke in too, make him owe you one.” 

“And I need him to owe me?” How important is he?” Jiang Ke squinted, “What kind of favors does someone like me need?” 

“It’s better to have one than none,” Da Pao thought out loud, “You having one is better than nothing. I’ve been following you for so many years loyally, do I have a problem?” 

Jiang Kuo didn’t speak. 

Da Pao’s thinking took a long time, long enough for the car to drive out of the proximity of the street lights and into the darkness. Yet he still didn’t finish thinking. 

“Find a place to eat?” Da Pao forcefully changed the topic. 

“You just want my money,” Jiang Kuo said, “I won’t bother arguing with you.” 

“Did I hurt your ego?” Da Pao changed the topic again. “I’m really hungry, my tongue is about to come out.” 

“Slap it back!” 

Seeing Da Pao’s hunger, he probably couldn’t save his tongue even if he went to the nearest country town, so he had no choice but to go to the nearest village. 

After driving in the dark for about an hour, Da Pao couldn’t help but exclaim when he saw the light in front of them. 

“If I were to eat a buffet right now I could eat the boss to kneeling.” 5

“I don’t do buffets,” 

“I know you don’t!” Da Pao said, “I’m just giving an example…” 

“You give your own example,” Jiang Kuo said, “I’m just giving my own thoughts, in case you feel like eating buffets after making that example.” 

There weren’t any buffets in the end. After the car drove into the village, they only saw a few small restaurants with no customers— the kind that had a sign in front saying ‘Parking plus water and food hotel’. 

“This one?” Da Pao leaned against the window and looked out, “How about that one, Little Swallow Stir Fry something something. It looks pretty clean…” 

Jiang Kuo didn’t say anything, pressing onto the pedal and zooming past the few restaurants, making the two passersby that were talking turn their heads. 

“Oi!” Da Pao still understood him very well, “Don’t be so picky right now! Having something to eat is already good enough, it’s just a village, it’s not even a country town. Do you want to go to a Michelin three star restaurant or something?” 

“Find a restaurant in the middle of the village,” Jiang Kuo honked and sped past a slow car, “These look like illegal shops.” 

There were quite a lot of people in the most luxurious restaurant in the middle of the village. The private booths were all full and there was even a wedding in the hall. 

The car stopped at the parking spot in front. Jiang Kuo sat in the car as he watched Da Pao wolfing down the food from the takeout boxes placed on the hood. 

“You’re really not eating?” Da Pao asked, “You can’t be too pretentious sometimes. Don’t judge the restaurant by its cover, it might taste pretty good.” 


They went in for a bit just now. The hall was full of people and kids ran everywhere, there was even a weird trash bag on the ground. Forget about eating, he didn’t even want to stay inside. 

“You should’ve said it earlier,” Da Pao said, “Then I could eat inside.” 

“Then go in.” Jiang Kuo impatiently tapped the steering wheel. 

“Where are we staying later?” Da Pao took a sip of soup. Although his dinner was a mix of takeout boxes on the car hood, the food he ordered was nothing less of a full out Fmeal, not even missing out on the soup and a plate of dessert. 

“Stay my ass. Where can we even stay here?” 

“Then what?” Da Pao started, “Running away at night too?” 

“Exactly, running away.” Jiang Kuo raised his brows, suddenly feeling happy as he tapped the window. 

t/n: yoyooo summit’s out of commission so im your new translator for this novellllll 

Ill be retranslating all chapters so any inconsistencies in the tl can be eliminated 

Hopefully i can do weekly updates with this one but we’ll have to see how it goes 

Translated by: Viole

Edited by: Summit

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