San Fu

Chapter 4: 4

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“Hey, the fuck?” Duan Feifan turned around in shock.

He wasn’t sure if Jiang Kuo was just an idiot or if he was determined to make trouble, but this was the first time that someone persistently provoked him within a matter of two hours.

He was very shocked.

After two seconds, Ding Zhe said, “Damn, just listen to that engine.”

“You probably didn’t get enough oxygen in your brain,” scolded Duan Feifan.

Dong Kun looked at him as didn’t know if he was scolding Ding Zhe or Jiang Kuo.

But when he looked at Jiang Kuo in the driver’s seat who looked like was about to fall asleep within five seconds, he was certain that it was for Jiang Kuo.

That calm face after provoking someone challenged Duan Feifan’s temper.

“Come,” said Duan Feifan walking to the middle of the road and waving his hands, “Come!”

“Feifan,” Ding Zhe came over, “Don’t be like that.”

“You can curse all you want,” Dong Kun also came over, “But let’s save crashing into a car for later.”

“Both of you, out of the away!” Duan Feifan’s morale almost got washed away by both of them.

Ding Zhe and Dong Kun didn’t say another word but also didn’t move away. After all, they were upperclassmen, and seeing a conflict between two freshmen at hand, they had to ensure the safety of both sides.

“Come on,” said Duan Feifan looking at Jiang Kuo, “Aren’t you in a hurry?”

“That bastard…” Jiang Kuo took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead, “What the fuck am I supposed to do now?”

“Just fight it,” said Dapao, “You started it, and he’s playing along so well.”

“Next time,” Jiang Kuo gritted his teeth.

He was just about to raise his hand as an apology to Duan Feifan, when Duan Feifan suddenly yelled, “Coming or not?!”

Jiang Kuo’s hand that just got lifted from the wheel almost slapped onto Dapao’s face.

He grabbed tight on the steering wheel.

And slammed on the gas again.

Over the years, this was the first time when he wanted to back down and the other person wouldn’t let him.

“Jiang Kuo,” Dapao grabbed his arm.

Jiang Kuo ignored him.

“Didn’t that day I said that there’s still some good left in you?” said Dapao, “I just thought of one, do you want to hear it?”

Jiang Kuo hit the gas pedal once more.

“You never did anything illegal!” Dapao yelled, “You never ran a red light. You always stopped for pedestrians. You’re a good law-abiding citizen! You even ran into a tree to avoid hitting a cat!”

Jiang Kuo swung his hand free and the car dashed forward.

Almost immediately, he pressed hard on the break.

The car stopped just as it touched Duan Feifan’s legs.

“I’ll let you see what true driving looks like,” said Jiang Kuo.

“Fuck you,” Dapao cursed while still in a state of shock. He gritted his teeth and added, “That Duan Feifan is also a fucking master… Doesn’t he have any sense of danger?”

The two beside Duan Feifan still had their hands on Duan Feifan, but both took a step back. Duan Feifan didn’t budge though.

This time, he hit his palm on the hood and looked at Jiang Kuo, “Get off.”


No more shopping for clothes for today. I’ll just wear that old man’s shirt tomorrow.

Jiang Kuo opened the car door.

Just as his foot landed on the ground, he noticed that Duan Feifan’s face also changed, and he followed Duan Feifan’s glance.

“The warning lights are on,” said Dapao pointing at the dashboard.

After he hit his palm on the Porsche 911, its headlights fell off.

Duan Feifan looked at the headlight that slid forward half an inch and went out in disbelief.

Was that the so-called internal energy?

And how low of a quality is that headlight?!

He stood straight and looked at Jiang Kuo who just got off the car.

Jiang Kuo walked up and was inches away from his face before stopping.

Then, he squinted his eyes and glanced down.

“Look what you’ve done,” said Jiang Kuo.

“You’re blaming it all on me now?” said Duan Feifan.

“Not really,” said Jiang Kuo looking at him as he placed a finger on the headlight and pushed it back. The headlight went back to where it was and lit up again.

“What the?” Duan Feifan forgot that he was still pissed and exclaimed in amazement.

“I bumped the car yesterday,” said Jiang Kuo, “It won’t stay, and I was about to take it to the shop this afternoon.”

“An accident car?” Duan Feifan said.

“I just hit it, once,” said Jiang Kuo, “You’re the accident.”

Duan Feifan’s face went back to how it looked back before, and he didn’t speak.

“Please, let us through,” Jiang Kuo looked at him and took a deep breath, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Duan Feifan said.

Jiang Kuo returned to the car and found that the Dapao had taken out the toolbox.

“What’s that for?” said Jiang Kuo staring at him.

“Just in case it starts falling again,” said Dapao shacking the back tape in his hand, “If it fell because of a hit from a palm, I’m afraid it won’t survive any high speeds. Will you want to try to find it on a highway?”

Jiang Kuo thought about it for two seconds and got out of the car with the tape.

Under everyone’s doubtful gaze, he started attaching the tape across the headlight.

Then started tearing.

For some reason, even after pulling the tape to about twice its original length, it still wouldn’t fucking break.

Just as he was about to use his teeth, a hand reached over and took the tape.

Jiang Kuo turned and saw that Duan Feifan had the tape that he had been stretching. He pulled out a new one and tore the tape easily with his fingernails pressed down.

He then put the tape on the headlights.

Just as he was about to pull another piece, Jiang Kuo took the roll of tape back and mimicked what he had done. . Press and tear! The tape was torn like before.

This was another meaningless skill that wouldn’t have much use, so as always, he achieved proficiency with just one try.

After putting the tape on, he glanced at Duan Feifan thinking if he should say thank you.

Duan Feifan patted him on the shoulder and said, “Nice.”

Jiang Kuo gritted his teeth tightly, repeatedly comforting himself by thinking that if it wasn’t for Duan Feifan, he would still be here ripping tape in front of everyone.

He didn’t say anything else and went back to his car.

Watching the car disappear into the dust, Duan Feifan fanned the dust in front of him.

“I thought you were about to start a fight,” said Dong Kun.

“We haven’t got to that point yet,” said Duan Feifan, “Let’s go.”

“What do you mean?” Ding Zhe just returned to his senses, “He was about to run you over.”

“He won’t,” said Duan Feifan, “Don’t you two have brains?”

“Not two, just one,” reminded Dong Kun, “I don’t think he would run us over either.”

“Then why did you step back?” said Ding Zhe.

“I was afraid that he couldn’t stop in time,” said Dong Kun.

“Then your tiny step wouldn’t have helped anyway,” said Duan Feifan.

“So…” Ding Zhe was still having a lingering fear about that, “He does have some skills to be able to stop that quickly and accurately in such a short distance. Must have been practicing long before getting that license…”

“That old man of mine always liked to throw knives blindfolded, and he could even hit a bullseye once every three years,” said Duan Feifan.

The two turned to look at him at the same time.

“I just fucking want to beat him up.” Jiang Kuo said as he stared at the red light in front of him.

“Forget it, this person doesn’t look like an ordinary freshman, leave some room for him.” Dapao waved his hand, “And you just got to the school. If you got sent back by the school, Boss Jiang will beat you up again for sure.”

Jiang Kuo frowned and said, “Say, why can he have a single room, and how does he know the upperclassmen?”

Dapao was silent until the next red light and finally said, “Probably he repeated a grade.”

“… That must be it.” Jiang Kuo nodded, “What a school this is, giving a repeater a single room. Such enlightening news!”

Dapao thought about it and laughed.

“We’ll know eventually,” Dapao opened his phone and started searching, “Let’s go buy your stiff first.”

“You should also find a hotel near the school,” said Jiang Kuo, “I’ll drive you over later.”

“I’ll take care of myself,” said Dapao, “Did you forget that you won’t have your car with you anymore this afternoon?”

“I wonder how long it will take,” Jiang Kuo sighed.

“It won’t matter,” said Dapao, “Do you think you’ll drive to classes every day?”

You are reading story San Fu at

“It’s not a surprise,” Jiang Kuo frowned, “Didn’t you see how far the classrooms are from the dorms?”

“You’ll die of laziness one day,” Dapao sighed, “They won’t let you park right under the dorm building.”

Nothing had been smooth so far, from driving to the school, then going in the school, to coming out of the school,  but the shopping still went well.

It was quite a nice city, and Dapao also found a mall where he had a black diamond membership card.

Within two hours, Jiang Kuo picked out everything and requested the mall to deliver everything to the school. His car wouldn’t be able to carry that much.

“To the school?” The manager wrote down the address.

“Yeah,” said Jiang Kuo.

“Is this the address to your dorm?” asked the manager.

“Yes, and if the security won’t let you in, just give me a call,” said Jiang Kuo.

“Sure,” said the manager, “Do you want to take another look at what we have? If you need a break, we have a VIP room available.”

“There’s no need, thank you.” Jiang Kuo looked at the time. “Wait for an hour before delivering the items.”

“Yes.” The manager nodded.

He was starving and planned to eat something first. The last time he ate was when Dapao forced him to eat two sausages when they took a break at a rest area.

But when he actually wanted to eat, he didn’t seem to have a good appetite.

Dapao got both of them a bowl of ramen, which tasted exceptionally good.

After eating and parking the car in the school, he already got a call from the manager saying that the delivery was here.

When Jiang Kuo was instructing the driver to drive to the dorm building, he was regretting his decision a little.

In fact, as he was driving back to the dorm, he already had been regretting it. This was the time when everyone finished eating as was returning to their dorm.

After the manager started carrying shopping bags large and small down the car, Jiang Kuo asked Dapao, “Do you think the school security will help us with these if we ask?”

“Do you think they are security for your family’s property company? Of course not!” said Dapao.

Jiang Kuo was silent. He didn’t want to do it himself at first, but since he didn’t bring any luggage. Dapao and he probably had to take two or three trips to carry all these to his dorm.

“Let’s go,” said Dapao as he handed two bags of clothes to Duan Feifan while picking two bags up for himself too. He then whispered, “If you meet Duan Feifan again this time. A fight will be inevitable.”

“You think I’m afraid of a repeat student?” Jiang Kuo glanced at him and looked toward the manager, “This way.”

Fortunately, his room was on the first floor.

“It was just a guess, we might be wrong,” said Dapao from behind.

After walking past 107, Jiang Kuo glanced inside and unexpectedly saw that the repeat student, Duan Feifan was sitting quietly in his room with Dong Kun, each on a recliner.

It was just a matter of hours, and he got another recliner!

Jiang Kuo now was regretting that he thought that he would only stay here for a few days before moving out. When he was at the mall, he should have bought a mini sofa or a massage chair.

“Who are these people?” Duan Feifan looked at the door.

After Jiang Kuo walked past, round head followed with a lady in suits with a man in a uniform. Behind them, there was another man in T-shirt.

Everyone’s hands were full with shopping bags.

“Damn,” Dong Kun jumped from the recliner and stuck his head out the room, “How did he get that many people to help him?”

“I heard that they are from the mall,” Ding Zhe said as he walked over with several bowls of spicy hot pot in a bag.

“What kind of service is that?” Dong Kun was stunned, “I would’ve bought a bunch if I knew such thing exists…”

“It won’t matter how much you bought,” said Ding Zhe as he placed the good on the table, “You must be VVIP or VVVVVIP.”

“Doesn’t he have any luggage?” Duan Feifan took a bowl from the bag, “Can he even fit all that in his room?”

“He doesn’t,” said Dong Kun, “Probably re-bought everything… I thought you would be the only freshman who came without luggage.”

“That’s because I live nearby,” said Duan Feifan, “Also, I will be bringing from my house later not from a mall…”

Jiang Kuo’s shopping bags were piled up on the floor, and the other three in the room were looking at him in silence.

“Where’s the wardrobe?” asked Jiang Kuo looking at one of them. They all introduced themselves before, but he had already forgotten their names.

“That row over there. The one beside the door is yours,” said the person looking at the bags, “But…”

There was a row of wooden cabinets, quite new.

Dapao went over and pulled open the cabinet door.

Jiang Kuo glanced at it and was stunned. There were three layers on the top, the one on the bottom was higher, and the width of the cabinet was only about two feet.

“This probably isn’t even as big as a fridge.” He said.

“It’s still bigger than those that had two top and bottom doors,” said Dapao.

“Not enough space to hang my clothes…” said Jiang Kuo looking at it, “What are these layers for?”

“Normally it’s enough, but you defiantly can’t with that many. You can just stack your clothes on the top layers.” The person seemed to be a bit contemptuous, “Don’t tell me you don’t know how to fold clothes.”

“It’s not that,” said Jiang Kuo, “I just think it’ll be more convenient to hang them.”

“Let’s make the bed first, didn’t you want to sleep?” said Dapao/

“Yeah,” Jiang Kuo nodded, and the two started making the bed.

Half an hour later, Dapao looked at the countless folds on the sheets and gave it a tug. The folded then all moved to the other direction. He sighed, “Should be good enough. You won’t feel it sleeping anyway.”

Jiang Kuo glanced at the other three beds, and except for the dauntless-looking man’s bed, all looked much like his. Well, that means at least I passed.

As for the rest of the items, Jiang Kuo stuffed them in the corner of the room that belonged to him.

“Alright, we’ll leave it like that for now. I’m so sleepy.” He said as he fell on the bed. He wanted to take a shower first, but since his roommates did seem welcoming, he felt too lazy to do it now. From his wallet, he took out several membership cards and handed them to Dapao, “Go find a hotel first, and see which one you can use. If the repair guy called and I didn’t wake up, just him to the parking lot.”

“It’s my number that I gave, just call me when you are awake.” Dapao took the card and looked around the room before walking out the room, “Later!”

“See ya,” Jiang Kuo closed his eyes.

After sitting for a while in silence, the others in the room started chatting quietly. 

Thankfully, he couldn’t hear what they were talking about. Although it was lunch break was long over and they were definitely unhappy with him, they still tried to be quiet.

Jiang Kuo felt that he only took a second to go from feeling sleepy to falling asleep. Moments later, he was unconscious.

When he woke up, he was still in his original position, and his entire leg that was partially off the bed was numb.

Moving his leg a little, the numbness shocked his entire body. Luckily, it was dark already, and no one could see the painful expression on his face.

It’s dark?

He suddenly realized and took out his phone. It was already eleven o’clock.

There were several messages from Dapao.

– Awake?

– No?

– See you tomorrow.

Jiang Kuo fell back to his pillow and continued to sleep.

But in less than five minutes he opened his eyes again. His back and forehead were already wet and sweaty.

The dorm room only had two ceiling fans swinging back and forth, and the wind that it blew came over like a lump, cooling virtually nothing. He was surprised to how he even made it to so late at night.

After struggling for two more minutes, Jiang Kuo quietly sat up and got off the bed. He took his phone and wallet with him and left the room.

It might be because of the heat and the hours he slept, he was wide awake now, and it wouldn’t be possible for him to fall asleep in such a hot room.

He wanted to find Dapao and got a room in the same hotel just to survive tonight.

There were still lights in the hallway, and several rooms were still lit with people chatting inside.

Jiang Kuo walked toward the entrance while searching for Dapao’s contacts on his phone. Just as he was about to make the call, he felt a chill down his feet.

The weather changed?

But when he stopped, the chill went away.

Well, nope.

He hesitated and took a few steps backward, he felt another chill on his angles.

How he was sure that it wasn’t the weather, it was air coming from a dorm room next to him.

He looked up at the room number.


The repeat student not only get to stay in a single room, but he also gets AC!

Jiang Kuo was shocked.

Looking around, there wasn’t anyone nearby.

So, he leaned over and bent down to get his hands closer to the door crack below.

He could clearly feel that there was not only light be also fucking cool air coming from that crack.


When the door was suddenly opened, Jiang Kuo still had his hands beside the door feeling unsettled.

When he felt the cool air rushing toward him as the door opened, he felt even angrier.

It wasn’t until he saw the pair of feet in slippers in front of his face that he stood up.

Duan Feifan only wore a large pair of pants and was looking at him in disgust.

After a while, he asked, “What ya doing?”

Translated by: Summit

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