Sanguine Symphony

Chapter 1: Chapter One: Vampire and Human Overview

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Vampire Overview


Vampires are humans that have died but have been brought back to life through some intervention. It is a corpse that is animated and has all characteristics of a human being though it does not have the normal bodily functions of a human being. It must feast on blood to ‘live.’ Younger vampires do not eat or drink human food, have a heartbeat, or breathe. They also feel cold to the touch. Animals are sometimes wary of vampires that they meet. Most vampires, besides aînés and supérieurs, do not know the identity of L’ancienne but when she is around, they will feel her immense presence of importance and will want to respect her.



Ages and Powers:

All ages are determined from the time of the embrace. Abilities are inherited as the vampire age.


Jouet (Toy):

0 - 9 years: Infant

abilities: enchantment/charm, telepathy

blood lust is extremely high, must feed twice every day, and then some

The reason behind the name of these babes is the fact that new vampires are usually very carnal and sensual using that to trick prey. Therefore, they are referred to as toys as in sex toys.


Larve (Larva):

10 - 49 years old: Child

abilities: enchantment/charm, telepathy, living image

blood lust is extremely high, must feed at least once or twice every day


Pupe (Pupa):

50 - 99 years old: Teen

abilities: enchantment/charm, telepathy, living image, eat and drink

blood lust is still high, but waning, must feed at least once a day



100 - 499 years old: Adult

abilities: enchantment/charm, telepathy, living image, eat and drink, master of shadows

blood lust is controllable, must feed once a day


Aîné (Elder):

500 - 999 years old

abilities: enchantment/charm, telepathy, living image, eat and drink, master of shadows, hypnosis

blood lust is very controllable and can go without feeding for a day or two

Usually, three per city but maybe about two to three others running around. Only elders can be the head of the council.


Supérieur (Senior):

1,000 – 4,999 years old

abilities: enchantment/charm, telepathy, living image, eat and drink, hypnosis, master of shadows, the form of the beast

blood lust is extremely controllable and can go without feeding for three or four days

Usually only one per state or province. Most seniors have the role of king or queen and preside over a state or province.


L’ancienne (The Ancient):

5,000 and older

has all abilities plus pyrokinesis

can go a week without feeding, but no more

Rules over ALL vampires. If there are any others besides Iecunos, they are hiding.



Details of Abilities:

enchantment/charm - this ability allows the vampire to charm someone into falling in love, lust, or awe with them, it can be as simple as gaining someone’s trust or as extreme as getting them to worship them


master of shadows - this ability allows the vampire to manipulate shadows and to change their body to a form of shadows


form of the beast – the vampire can shapeshift into animals be it the traditional bat, cat, dog, wolf, etc.; they cannot turn into humans, insects, or swarms of animals


pyrokinesis – the vampire can set people and objects on fire with a thought; only L’ancienne has mastered this ability


living image – the vampire is the living image of a human being, they feel warm, can breathe, have a heartbeat, and look human; this is a valuable ability to trick others into thinking that they are alive and human


telepathy – the vampire can communicate with someone with their mind, and they may also read their thoughts


eat and drink – the vampire can take in and digest a small amount of food; they can take in as many liquids as they want; larvae and younger vampires would vomit up any food or liquid that is not blood; this is a valuable ability to trick others into thinking that the vampire is alive and human


hypnosis - by locking eyes with the victim the vampire can give them a one-word command that they must follow; during longer sessions where the vampire and victim are removed from distractions the vampire can remove or rewrite memories or implant false thoughts and hypnotic suggestions into the victim’s mind; through regular conditioning, the subject may become more pliant to the vampire’s will and increasingly susceptible to a vampire’s influence.



Inherent Powers:

fast healing


saliva heals


fangs - are sharper than normal humans when retracted but others don’t notice this, when hungry or ready to defend themself, they elongate and descend from the roof of the vampire’s mouth; fangs can be removed as a form of punishment and will not grow back which would make it harder for a vampire to eat and defend themself


long nails - nails are naturally sharp and can extend up to three inches and can be used in defense


superhuman strength


superhuman stamina


superhuman speed


enhanced senses - very keen vision, hearing, and smell


empathy - perceive emotions like fear, lust, anger, deceit, and happiness with their mind and senses


unaffected by disease


recognize - vampires can recognize each other and know their age just by looking at each other, they can also feel their presence in an area




loss of blood - the loss of an extremely large amount of blood will weaken and eventually kill a vampire if they are not fed more


vulnerable to fire - vampires are afraid of fire and are flammable; however, they can smoke, light matches and fires, etc.; the younger the vampire, the more fear they have of fire, and it’s subjective from vampire to vampire


bloodlust - vampires crave blood, even the older ones that don’t have to feed regularly; they crave the taste, texture, and color; it is not odd for a vampire to work in a blood bank or to have several jars of blood stocked in their houses

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silver - burns and makes them weak, but does not kill


poison - while poison will not kill them, it will make them extremely ill


dead blood - blood from a zombie, a corpse, or from the continual drinking of blood from someone after their heart stops beating will poison and sicken a vampire and might even kill them depending on how much blood they drink; vampires will know dead blood from the smell and look of it; it tends to be thicker and brownish




In case of death, the vampire’s body will burst into flames and the ashes should be scattered to ensure that they do not come back or that a necromancer will not collect them and bring them back.


decapitation - completely severing the head off or severing the spinal cord results in death


fire - if it consumes their entire body or if they are trapped in it and can’t get out or can’t put the fire out


piercing the heart - by use of a stake or a knife or any other object, the vampire dies


removing the heart


sunlight - if the vampire stays in sunlight too long, they will burn


major brain trauma - major trauma to the brain will result in death; for instance, a small-caliber gunshot wound to the head won't kill them but a rifle or a shotgun to the head will


removing the brain




Council: there is a vampire council in every city headed by a supérieur or aîné and involves five members. All issues are voted on and the council head has the last word but can be overruled by the king or queen of the state or province, which in turn can be overruled by Iecunos. Only supérieur, aînés, and imagos may sit on the council. The council's purpose is to uphold Les Lois de Vampires (The Vampiric Laws) and deal with intra-species and extra-species disputes as in hunters and other species of supernatural. The council is called Le Parlement Infinie des Êtres Nocturnes (The Infinite Parliament of Nocturnal Beings) or The PIEN. The law enforcers of the council are called Le Baiser de La Mort (The Kiss of Death), and they are to seek out, track and eradicate vampire hunters and Blood Reavers worldwide as well as deal with intra-species and extra-species affairs. Les Gardiens de Sang (The Blood Guardians) and Les Limiers (The Bloodhounds) are the two divisions. Les Gardiens de Sang handle intra-species affairs and ensure that Les Lois de Vampires are upheld while Les Limiers handle finding, locating, and eradicating hunters and Blood Reavers.



Les Lois de Vampires:

A general unwritten rule as to how the vampire should exercise respect to all vampires older than them, pay taxes to The PIEN, approach the council of a city on arrival to pay respect, adhere to any orders and decisions that the council make, report any findings that might be detrimental to the race to the authorities and keep from garnering attention from hunters and Blood Reavers, which will, in turn, lead them to The PIEN. If captured by hunters or Reavers, vampires are to withstand torture and die for their kind respectfully without revealing any knowledge they look for about The PIEN.




Fables were created over the years to trick humans into believing that actual vampires weren't what they are. These fables help to keep the truth about vampires a secret and look to confuse the populace.


unable to swim or cross running water


repelled by garlic, but it does smell incredibly awful to their heightened noses


having no reflection


having to be invited into a home before entering


repelled by religious increments and holy places


can fly


cry and ejaculate blood




Though vampire males continue to produce seminal fluid, they cannot reproduce like humans as they do not produce sperm. However, they can create more. Vampires must completely drain the human’s blood until the heart stops beating, killing them, and then force their blood into the corpse’s mouth and down its throat. Soon the corpse will awaken and take more of the vampire’s blood. Be careful, they will be extremely hungry. The new vampire will soon gag on the taste of blood and vomit as blood is an acquired taste that a vampire must get used to. This ritual is called the embrace and the vampire is usually referred to as the creator and the human that has been transformed is usually called the creation. Vampires can also be made through a blood transfusion if at least three pints of blood have been transfused from vampire to human. They can also be created through necromancy. As a note, female vampires do not ovulate or produce eggs.




Some vampires can emit the subtle scent of mold, earth, or decay. Some don’t emit a scent at all. There is a belief that the scent is linked to the vampire’s nature but there isn’t any evidence of this.



Effects of Blood on Vampires:

Once a vampire tastes the blood of a victim, they will have a connection with that victim and can find them wherever they are.



Substance Abuse:

Vampires can be inebriated and high off drugs and alcohol as well as if the host they are feeding off is drunk or high. It takes a lot of drugs and alcohol to be effective unless feeding off a drunk or high host.



Vampire Blood Effects on Humans:

When a human being digests vampire blood, things can happen, or nothing can happen at all as everything is subjective from person to person. Reported effects are as follows but are not limited to these: feelings of euphoria, sexual arousal, increased strength, a healthier and youthful appearance (some even bathe in it), increased alertness, etc. For this reason, Blood Reavers hunt vampires and drain them of their blood. Like any other drug, vampire blood wears off and must be administered repeatedly. However, vampire blood is highly addictive.




Counting obsession: Some vampires are obsessed with counting things, particularly seeds, flower buds on bushes, berries, beads, etc. Sometimes they become so entranced in doing it that they forget about their intended task. Some vampires are also obsessed with untying knots.




It is a known superstition that vampires must have the soil of their homeland near or in whatever they sleep in or else they will perish. Some believe this superstition, while others do not.




Vampires ‘die’ when the sun is fully in the sky meaning they become inert and fall to sleep wherever they are. The vampire cannot be awakened for any reason except when there is immediate danger nearby. Once the sun sinks beneath the horizon, the vampire awakens. The vampire has no control over this process and cannot choose when they fall asleep or wake up.



Human Overview


These are the subgroups of humans as the supernatural view them.



Belle/Beau Sang (Beautiful Blood; singular and plural) - This is a trusted human pet used as a stable blood source for a vampire. Belle sang are female and beau sang are male. The sang have networked and found their way to the vampire subculture. They are very precious to the vampires, and some are even kept as breeders, especially if they are extremely beautiful. Some bloodlines of sang go back as far as seven centuries. The sang all start out the same, worshiping the dark horror movies featuring vampires, hanging out in cemeteries, and drinking animal blood, and then one day they find their way to the right club, and they’re called in upon the flock. Only highly valued and loyal humans will be chosen and sworn to secrecy. If they break that trust it will not end well for them. The sang know that many raves and clubs are run by vampires (especially Gothic and BDSM clubs) and know where to find them. The telltale sign of a sang is a black rose with a drop of blood running down the petals in the form of a tattoo or an adornment as in jewelry.


Hunters - These humans know of the existence of the supernatural, be it vampires, werecats, werewolves, shapeshifters, magic folk, etc. They seek to put an end to these abominations and evil-doers. Since the days of the Inquisition, hunters have passed down the knowledge of the hunt generation after generation. The most notorious hunter of all time is Van Helsing, whose bloodline continues to haunt the supernatural world. The only thing hunters have to aid them in their quest to purify the earth is their boomstick, silver bullets, and stakes. Hunters do not use magic. Hunters also seek to purge the world of Blood Reavers, whom they find despicable and an abomination to humanity. Alexander Puntt is the leader of the hunter organization.


Magic Folk - Be it witch/warlock, mage, sorcerer/sorceress, wizard, whatever, these humans deal in the arcane and magic. They know the secrets of the unknown and the supernatural. Most would readily make truces with both the beast and the undead and hide from the hunters. Like the supernatural, they hide their existence and knowledge of what they are. While others hide in darkness, the magic folk hide in plain sight. The one magic that has been outlawed among the magic folk is conjuration and necromancers are shunned as they can create vampires but not control them as they can zombies. There is a council that rules over them.


Zombies – Necromancers created these former human beings. They are not the dull-minded fiends you see in movies staggering about and groaning for brains, but they do rot. To keep them from rotting, they must eat fresh live meat. Males can produce seminal fluid but not sperm if they don’t rot. Females cannot become pregnant. Zombies are to do the bidding of the necromancer and will only get to rest (die) when the necromancer decides to release them.


Blood Reavers - The most hated enemy of the undead, Blood Reavers seek vampires out for their blood's drug-inducing properties, which they sell on the black market. These vile creatures know about as much magic as the Magic Folk, and they need to in order to get the job done.

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