Sanguine Symphony

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine

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The ride around New York was soothing as Darren people watched through the car window. Beautiful shop lights and signage glowed against the night lighting up the streets and the faces of the people bustling back and forth. Tucking himself in the corner of the backseat, Darren wrapped his arms around himself and relaxed. A thought struck him. Earlier he had been thinking about going to Central Park. Sitting up, he instructed the servant, “Take me to Central Park.”

“Right away, sir,” the driver replied and altered his course.

It didn’t take long for them to reach Central Park and once the car was parked, Darren instructed the driver to wait for him. After unwinding the bloody cloths from his healed hands, he discarded them and exited the car. Standing in the cool night air, Darren breathed in. He got the fresh scent of nature but of course, that heightened sense of smell kicked in. Undertones of car exhaust, city life, and other toxic bullshit ruined it. There wasn’t a winning situation when you were a vampire.

Tucking his hands into his coat pockets, Darren started along a lonely path. His destination was the reservoir, and it didn’t take long for him to reach it. Leaning on a rail he observed the twinkling blackness of the water, and a smile came to his lips. He would stay there forever if it were possible. Nothing but him and the reservoir. Complete calm and tranquility. No fucking psychotic boyfriend, pain, sadness, anger, nothing. He closed his eyes and let nature take control of him. He was drifting away in bliss until it was disrupted.

“Jesus Katy, I told you she’s my cousin…What? No! … She’s in town for my mother’s birthday…You know that. You’re going to the party too…Katy, stop this shit and let me come home…”

Fuck me. Darren’s mind complained as he opened his eyes. A guy was walking along the path coming toward him. He had his cell phone to his ear and obviously was arguing with a significant other. Darren’s eyes were trained on the man as he moved to the reservoir and stood only a few feet away.

“Fine!” The guy gave up and ended the call.

There wasn’t anything unique about the guy, just your general run-of-the-mill average height early thirties brunette city slicker. The only thing interesting was that he was wearing mix-matched clothes. He was wearing a blue dress shirt, red plaid pajama bottoms, a sneaker on one foot and a work boot on the other, a tan leather coat with a sherpa lining and collar, and a New York Yankees baseball cap. Obviously, the man had rushed in getting dressed as his girlfriend tossed him out. However, the man’s appearance didn’t matter as Darren’s stomach clenched. He only had that one mug of blood earlier and hadn’t been able to finish his blood wine at the club. Deep inside his soul, a primal need began to stir.

Now Darren hadn’t hunted since leaving Australia. Why? It was just too much fucking work. Tricking the prey, stalking the prey, the use of seduction…Fuck that. Why go through all that trouble when he could have blood delivered to him? Right now, his refrigerator was stocked with gallons of blood. One thing though. He didn’t want to go home just then. It was time to turn on the charm. Without further ado, Darren made his heartbeat, and his lungs breathe. Easing up to the man, he asked, “Long day?”

The guy started a bit and swung around to face Darren. After a moment of staring, the guy nodded his head and said, “Y-y-yeah man. It’s cool.”

“Doesn’t seem cool,” Darren spoke in a low tone as he continued to inch closer to the guy. “Relationships can be so difficult, can’t they?”

“Yeah, you got that shit right,” the man agreed, and Darren could sense his alarm slipping away to be replaced by a twinkle of ease. “My girl tossed me out.”

“That’s rough. What for?”

“She found my cousin’s name in my phone and went crazy. You know how chicks can be.” The guy smiled. Darren was getting somewhere as the smile meant he was comfortable.

“Yes, I know, but that’s why I gave up on them a long time ago.”

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Darren leaned into the victim and when he looked up their faces were mere inches away. The guy froze and Darren could hear his heartbeat picking up. Confusion now washed through the man and Darren drank it in.

“Only a man can satisfy another man,” Darren stated in an alluring tone as he brushed his fingertips over the back of the victim’s hand that was grasping the rail.

“I’m…” The guy blinked. “I’m…straight.”

No, you’re fucking dinner, Darren replied in his head. Darren then laughed and it sounded like beautiful chimes in the wind. “I’ve heard that several times before. Trust me, I’m good at what I do.”

As Darren drove the seduction, he sensed intrigue stirring in his victim with desire lingering just behind.

“I’ve never…” the man started.

“Shhh…” Darren placed a finger at the man’s lips and leaning in, he nuzzled against his cheek. Drifting to his ear he whispered, “I’ll show you.” His tongue whipped out with the tip tapping his ear. He felt the man shiver and he grinned. “Come stay with me tonight.” He grasped the man’s hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.

“Okay…” The man issued an adorable, tickled laugh like a girl who had been asked out by her crush.

Truth was, Darren hated pursuing and preferred to be pursued as long as the pursuer was someone he desired. However, when a person couldn’t tell their stomach from their backbone, shit switched up. Smiling with triumph, Darren led the man to the car by his hand. He had him on his web and there was no way he was getting out. Reaching the car, the servant was waiting and opened the door for them. He didn’t question the presence of the victim as it wasn’t his place.

“Do you have a name, handsome?” Darren asked once they were in the car.

“Mike,” the victim replied.

“Well, Mike, this is going to be quite the experience.” Darren leaned into the guy and began to trail his fingers up and down his neck along his carotid artery. The pulsing rush of blood was so inviting that Darren wanted to devour him right there. Mike’s blood was pumping hard as he had completely fallen under Darren’s charm. “Take us to the Sterling,” Darren ordered the servant.

“Right away, sir,” the driver replied.

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