Sanguine Symphony

Chapter 13: Chapter Twelve

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Setting his duffle on the desktop Darren seated himself in the visitor’s chair. The desk wasn’t the only thing in the office that was run down. The cabinets were beaten up and dented, and the ceiling had those foam panels and was stained yellow with water damage. His eyes went to the door behind the desk from which the smell of dirt was trickling. Something else was trickling from it as well. The scent and sound of debauchery. From what he could tell, Piggles was in there with two belle sang. Darren couldn’t resist gagging and honestly thought he had puked up some blood in his mouth. Standing, he prepared to leave, but the door opened, and out came two fully dressed girls with Piggles closing in behind.

Darren watched as Piggles tugged on his suit jacket. He looked very smug as the girls left. He then turned to Darren and grinned. Darren avoided eye contact with him and looked down. His eyes caught sight of a bit of Piggles’ shirt tails sticking out of his unzipped fly and he frowned. Piggles laughed and straightened himself.

“Don’t get too excited there, Hayes.” Piggles chuckled. “I’m all spent for the time being.”

Darren’s face automatically twisted in an expression of disgust that he couldn’t resist. He was appalled that Piggles would have any inclination to suspect that he was remotely interested in him.

“I’m…not…” Darren trailed.

“Ah, yeah.” Piggles nodded and sat behind his desk. “I’m not a six-eight skyscraper with blond hair and a twiggy body.” He laughed as he shuffled through his desk drawer. Removing a cigar, he cut the end off and lit it up. The look of disgust on Darren’s face intensified. “So, let me ask you this, Hayes…” Darren wondered what the hell Piggles was setting him up for. “What do two lesbians do on their periods?” Darren stared at Piggles like he had grown an extra head. “Finger paint!” Piggles brayed with his jelly body rocking back in the chair. His mouth fell open and he slapped his ham-sized palm on the desktop making it shake, rattle and wobble like it was going to fall apart.

Closing his eyes, Darren tried to scrub out the disgusting imagery that had just invaded his mind. Why the hell did he have to put up with this shit? It didn’t make it any better that Piggles had just been in the room with two females.

“Come on, Hayes,” Piggles started. Opening his eyes, Darren looked at Piggles with a frown still etched on his face. “You used to be married to a woman,” Piggles continued. “You gonna tell me that you let a little blood get in the way of you getting yours?”

Darren sat quietly thinking about how he could answer that. Piggles was an abomination to the male gender. He was indeed a pig just like his name suggested. After rubbing his temple with his fingers and trailing his hand down the side of his face, Darren cleared his throat, sat back, and said, “I respected my wife during those times.”

“Yeah…” There was disbelief in Piggles’ eyes. He then smirked and leaned toward Darren. “Tell me you don’t miss it?”

“Miss what?” Darren was growing annoyed.

“Pussy.” Piggles chuckled. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like dick too, but nothing can trump the pussy.”

“I don’t miss it, no.” Darren shook his head.

“Come on,” Piggles probed deeper. “You can’t tell me that you don’t get tired of taking it up the ass all the time, cus I know tall tree ain’t letting anyone ride his back.”

“Okay, Piggles.” Darren looked directly into his eyes. “My personal life is not up for discussion. I love Daniel and would never betray our relationship and the trust and bond we have by kissing and telling.”

Piggles was silent as his beady little eyes observed Darren. Darren could feel that he wanted to push a little more just for the hell of it. Piggles was an asshole, chauvinistic, prick and it was obvious to Darren that he desired him. By closing the door on his personal life, Darren was disallowing him to get off on the juicy details.

“Now, you called about my dressing room,” Darren stated, keeping the conversation on a professional level.

“Yeah.” Piggles grinned and stood. “Right this way.”

Grabbing his bag from the desktop, Darren tossed it over his shoulder and followed Piggles. They traveled a few feet away to a room at the end of the hall. A painted star with his name didn’t greet him. No, on the door hung a dry-erase board that had his name scribbled on it in blue marker. It was obvious that the marker had been drying in the process as the letters at the end of his name were lighter than the others. It was just fucking depressing and ghetto as fuck. It was worse than the hole in the wall that he and Daniel played at in Brisbane where the stage was no more than a five-by-five square with the bar jammed right next to it.

Twisting the doorknob, Piggles pushed the door open and stood aside. Darren cringed as he pushed past the grotesque man not wanting to touch him. Stepping into the room, Darren immediately got the whiff of piss hitting his nose. Looking around, he spotted a dark area on the worn-out burgundy carpet in a corner. Someone or something had pissed there. Darren supposed it was one of those old stains that remained wet and mucky. His eyes moved over the rest of the carpet. It was bare in places showing the padding and concrete floor beneath it. There was also a couch in the room made of faux leather. It was cracked and peeling exposing the threads and cushion beneath. The vanity was ancient with some of the light bulbs around the mirror burnt out with the paint chipped and exposing the rusted metal beneath, and a leaning metal locker-style cabinet was pushed against a wall. It was just completely fucking pathetic.

“All right, Hayes,” Piggles spoke. “I’ll leave you to it.”

Darren felt Piggles leave and he just sighed. He was starting at the bottom again. Tossing his bag on the couch, he slipped out of his coat and tossed it over too. Closing the door, he examined the walls scribbled with names in marker. Someone named John had put his number on the wall and assured everybody that he gave the best blow jobs. Shaking his head, Darren just dipped into the bag and pulled out his posters.

There was a poster for every album and single Darren and Daniel had released. Darren unrolled the poster of their black and white debut album. He and Daniel had fought right before the shoot. Daniel looked pissed off and Darren was caught in the middle of an eye roll. He couldn’t remember what they had been arguing about. Something trivial and stupid no doubt. With tape and poster in hand, Darren set to decorating the walls like he was a kid in the seventies decorating his bedroom. Some fucking light might be able to shine into his gloomy ass existence. The posters reminded him of a past he needed to return to and were very encouraging.

Around the room, Darren moved as he tried to cover up its ugliness with memories. Hanging the last poster, he smiled. It was the “I Want You” single cover. He was standing and Daniel was sitting on this sort of weird futuristic artsy chair that looked like someone had unfolded some sort of creature’s ribs. They wore jackets and pants sets that reminded him of astronaut outfits. His hair was in twisties, and Daniel’s was beautifully tousled. He remembered looking at the cover and lusting at Daniel sitting there with his long, elegant legs spread apart. He wanted to crawl between his thighs, push him back on the chair and have his way with him.

Smiling at the naughty thought, Darren had to admit to some of what Piggles was probing about. Though he didn’t miss being with women, he missed the feeling of being inside someone. It was a man thing. Once a man had been inside of someone, male or female, they would always lust after that feeling. The very first time he and Daniel had sex, he offered to mount him. He laughed and said, “Darren, that would be like a midget riding a Clydesdale.” So, he’s been on the bottom ever since. It didn’t really matter to him. He could assume whatever position in bed as long as he loved the person.

Gazing around, he felt better. Not great, but better. Music was around him and in him. He needed to create, and the moment was now. It was in his soul, it needed to get out like a monster clawing at his flesh. Tapping his fingers on his thigh as he continued to gaze at the poster he began to sing. It felt alien, he had to admit. He hadn’t heard his singing voice in years. It was on the higher side, though he could go low too. His voice had been likened to Michael Jackson and Prince, and Rosie O’ Donell compared it to George Michael. All great men whom he had idolized.

“Well, you know every time I look at that expression printed on the page, I think I hear you

Whispering the magic and the compliments I need so badly

So, baby come on, yeah, so baby come on

Now I've been running circles around the notion that you'd find me, baby, one day maybe

By all the psychic powers of suggestion I've been sending your way

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So, can't you hear me say?

I want your arms all around me

I want your face, yeah, all around me

I want your perfume, all around me

I like the way you move

And do the funky groove.”

Darren didn’t know why he picked to sing “All Around Me,” but it was a fun song that could pick anyone’s mood up. He recalled the routine he and his backup singers did during The Future of Earthly Delites tour. He was dressed up in a white satin jacket and a black shiny vinyl top looking like some freaky doctor in a gay triple X feat about to perform the ultimate enema. His girls wore black vinyl miniskirts, matching bralettes, and vinyl coats edged in fur. One wore a blue coat and the other wore pink. Hey, it was the nineties. Anyway, Darren really showed his true colors during that routine and actually throughout the entire show. He was beautifully queer sashaying and prancing around. All of that repressed sexuality oozed from his pores and unknown to him, Daniel’s bicuriostiy had been piqued.

Darren was thrusting and bumping his hips now fully alive in the privacy of his dressing room. His hips swiveled seductively, and his feet glided as his healthy frame twisted and turned. The entertainer in him had been ignited once again and not a damn thing was going to stand in his way. Clapping his hands on beat, he launched into the little rap part of the song that was just so damn ridiculous and entirely him.

“Like cold chardonnay, chilled for a day

You’re smooth and crisp and on display

Like Cartier, Armani, like TAG, Gucci, Versace

In the middle of the night, you're a kiss so long

You're the only good thing when all is wrong

You're a magic time-reversal clock

You're the fries on the side with a cherry on top

You're sleek, velvet, gold lamé, patent leather, enchanté

You're a legend, you're a glamor queen

God, I'm running out of words, but you know what I mean...”

Then, just like during the tour, he burst into a bit of Donna Summers. “I feel love, I feel love, I feel love.”

Spinning around Darren faced the door, but it wasn’t just the door that was there. Piggles was filling up the space and licking his hoggish lips as his gluttonous eyes devoured his beauteous form. There was no telling how long he had been standing there and no doubt he had been homing in on Darren’s ass while he danced, bounced, and jiggled around. Since he was engrossed in his merriment, Darren hadn’t noticed that he wasn’t alone. He was not pleased. He did not want to be an unwilling participant in a fucking jerk-off session.

“Can I help you?” Darren snapped with his irritation clear and present.

“Yeah…” Piggles grumbled dissatisfied that the show was over.

“What is it?”

“The king wants to see you.” Piggles smirked. “He got a studio set up and he’s there now. Come on.”

“Yeah, sure,” Darren replied hotly. “Next time knock.”

“Oh, simmer down, Hayes.” Piggles chuckled. “Ain’t like I never seen you jiggle and jerk around.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Darren responded as he pulled his coat on.

Damn, he was going to see the king…He had honestly put on the wrong shit that night. Standing there, he paled. So much for feeling beautiful. He already had Piggles ogling his ass and now he was no doubt going to have to deal with the king lusting after him. Fuck this, Darren thought as he buttoned his jacket and tied the belt. Looking at Piggles he saw the disappointment on his face, and he smiled triumphantly as he followed him out. Jerk off to this you pathetic bastard. Of course, though, he was going to see the king. Therefore, his triumph was going to be short-lived.

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