Santa’s Secret Transfic Anthology Vol. 2

Chapter 10: Starship Shell — by maelucky — Holiday Treats #9

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/ Holiday Treats #9


Starship Shell


A short wholesome adventure into space filled with a crew of beautiful alien women and their captain. While they await in orbit outside of a nearby planet they celebrate an alien gift giving holiday. Their faithful captain learns that self exploration can sometimes be as rewarding as exploring the vast reaches of space. Join the crew of the S. S. Ngeirta in this holiday special full of love and seasonal foreign fauna.



Captain’s  log, stardate -173018.0152.

We are in orbit outside Bebgheist awaiting a resupply from our allies on Gheb Station. Chief engineer Zaiova has recently fallen ill with a case of nest longing. She has been far from her brood for longer than most, having joined the S. S. Ngeirta from her former voyage upon the S. S. Heilpeberk. I've been adrift in space quite a bit longer myself, but I must say I don't miss my planet. Perhaps it is because I never understood Earth's insistence on binaries in all things, but I feel more at home in space. Of all the alien civilizations I've studied and immersed myself in, very few have had social rules as strict as on Earth. As well, us humans are simply a miserable species. No human man is happy in their own skin, a fact of life not true to most other species. Zaiova's planet seems a much friendlier world, however. Were I her I'd be much happier, and I'm sure I too would come down with nest longing. While we await resupply, and to soothe Zaiova of her ailment I offered that we throw an Avaonzidt celebration as they would this sun cycle on her planet. It is said the host of an Avaonzidt party is traditionally required to wear a large flowy vibrant gown, regardless of gender, in order to ward off the flies of Avaon in the canyons of Zheivyda. I suppose as the captain of the ship I may be FORCED to–


"Captain, we are decorating the native fauna. Would you perhaps desire to join in the festivities?" Says DeDe80, cold and flat as ever belying her true feelings.

"Yeah quit writin in that diary o' yours 'n come to have some fun with us cherie '' Says Faishem, teasing me as always.

"I- it's not a diary!" I say shutting the log indignantly. "It's a captain's log! For captains! like me, and you'll address me as such!!!"

"Ooo, someone's getting rosy in the cheeks. Besides, you don't let anyone read it. How is it not a diary hon?" Ghhhulik says, draping her arm around my chest and the backrest.

Her other hand rests on my shoulder, somehow firm despite her rather gelatinous form, as DeDe's eyes shutter taking a photo.

"I swear Ghul if you weren't my lieutenant commander…"

"Alsa don'tchew record the logs anyways Dede?" 


"Aw, lay off them girls! cappy went through all the trouble of throwing me an Avaonzidt feast let's cut them some slack." Zaiova says, sweetly saving me from their relentless subordinance once again.

Pulling me up from my chair with her smooth soft scaly hand she drags me closer to the tree. I doubt the bridge crew feel the same way I do. In fact most of them are not typically the kind to date men, but I would do anything for these women. It would be a lie to say I had never been attracted to them, but I had long since given up hope in that department. Plus the last thing I would want would be to be the male captain hitting on all of his female subordinates. The thought alone sickens me. So as Zaiova pulls me in close to her, close enough to stare deep into her beautiful reptilian eyes. Close enough to study her soft textured features, and her beautiful sharp powerful jawline; So close I can almost touch– I feel a sharp pang of guilt and shame over my male gaze, and suddenly find the floor much more interesting. She leans in and whispers in my ear.

"So are you excited to wear the dress tonight, Cappy?" Sending shivers down my spine.

"I- I wh- guh" Damn, work brain.

"N- n- no! Of c- course not!" I say, defensively stumbling backwards.

"Oh? Well you don't have to then."

"B- but it's tradition!"

"Not everyone follows that archaic tradition. Not since we left the valleys."


"I… um. I just want to get into the spirit of the holiday! Yeah, that's it. that's why."

She wouldn't understand that this would be any human man's greatest dream.

"You'd look might fine ina dress cherie!" Mocks Faishem.

"Yeah you would look real cute hon. Then again when don't you." Follows Ghhhulik, cruelly.

"Stop. Please stop making fun of me."

"Cappy, they're not–"

"DeDe80, You'll be honest. Am… am I ugly, is that why you are all mocking me?"

"Attractiveness is a rather subjective trait."


"That said, subjectively, you appear to have many qualities I myself find quite desirable. You are kind, intelligent, timid in most social situations but a confident headstrong leader when we face danger. As well your face is quite symmetrical and has many feminine features I find admirable."

"You really think so DeDe?"


"Heh, and here I thought you were a lesbian" I joke.

"Affirmative." She says, tilting her head with a faint look of confusion.

Oh, right. I asked a direct question and she answered honestly. That doesn't mean she's into me or anything.

"I agree with DeDe. now lets get us to some gifts an' such."

"Yay! let's get you in the dress Cappy!" Said Zaiova, pushing me into the washroom on the bridge.

Thank the heavens, we will finally be able to get the conversation off of me. I can't wait to show them all what gifts I got for them. I had to have a few gifts shipped from Ordavia, even. I don't like when too much attention is on me. It's a wonder I ever made captain.

"The dress is in the zipper bag, Cappy! I'm so excited I haven't had a proper Avoanzidt fest in years!"

"Sorry about my outburst earlier. Today is all about you. I meant to ask, are you s- sure you don't want to wear the host dress?"

"Don't be silly, it's not Avoanzidt without a little drama! My family always fights during this warm sun cycle… It's strange the things you miss. Anyway you planned the party, and I really am excited to see how you'll look in the dress! As are Faishem and Ghul I know." Says Zaiova, as I slowly unzip the black bag the dress was stored in. Red layered cross over halter neck cloak sleeve dress with an open back covered by a thin long black shawl hung in front of me. Scanning down the length of the dress under each thin layer was a different color first red then black then orange and yellow reaching all the way to the floor. Hesitation flooded my thoughts. I may never again get a chance like this though. Or at least not for a long time. Few people celebrate Halloween in space afterall. I undid my clothes quickly, careful not to look down or at the damned full length mirror next to the washroom sink. On Earth some might find it odd how eagerly I planned for this moment. Despite the unspoken truth that all men wished to be women, people always seemed to judge the idea of crossdressing very harshly. Another cruel contradiction that often made me feel alien on my own planet. The dress did not come with the proper underwear, but luckily I had prepared by wearing the exact articles of clothing I needed under my uniform. A benefit of being captain was that no one routinely checked my quarters, where I kept my secret stash of clothes. Gingerly unwrapping the dress the moment of intense anticipation finally comes as I slide the dress on over my head. I am overwhelmed with joy but a brief moment of weakness and I look into the mirror. I always dreamed of space as a kid, escape from home, escape from family, escape from self. Sometimes it seems the self leaves me involuntarily.




"Zeeva dontcha think she's been in'ere a while." Says Faishem.

"yeah hon, I think I hear her crying should we check on her." I say.

"Oh no, I was hoping the dress would cheer her up. She's been so gloomy recently. I thought maybe if we had a big party, like back at home, it might cheer us all up some…" Says Zaoiva.

"Aw hon, it'll be okay. This will be the best Avaonzidt if it kills me." I say, gently kissing Zaoiva on the head.

"Hopefully Ghul, You do not die." DeDe retorts.

While walking to the lavatory I can hear the faint sobbing come mysteriously to a stop.

"Honey, can I come in?"

"I- I can't..." Says Captain Langley 

"What's that?"

"I can't get out of my dress."

"I'd be happy to help get you out of your clothes, captain if I may be so bold."

"Yes please, the zipper is stuck." She says, ever so oblivious, as the door opens.

As the door opens I can see her, in all her beauty, standing with her back to me facing the mirror. Holy shit, I am gay as fuck. Her eyes still wet as she looks away from the mirror, looking like her dreams had been crushed. Still waiting for me to unzip her dress, I cup her cheek in my palm.

"What's wrong, hon? You look amazing."

"N- no I don't! Quit pitying me. I am your superior officer!" Langley says, turning on her heel, her nostrils flaring as she gets dangerously close to my face. 

Our height difference, never more obvious than now, her glaring up at me.

"You're adorable when you're mad." I say pinning her against the mirror. 

"T- the dress, I can't. I… m- my body it's wrong." She says, cheeks red coyly looking away from me.

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"S- s- apologies for shouting, lieutenant. Can you let me go now?"

Damn she's such a useless lesbian.

"Sigh. Oh, hon. Well then, I guess we should open gifts early."

"W- what why?" she says, cautiously following behind me like a frightened deer.

The room is silent, as she walks out in the beautiful dress– for just short of a minute.

"Captain, pardon my forwardness, I believe that dress accentuates your form quite well." Says DeDe.

"Cappy, the flies wouldn't dare to approach!"

"Captain's not feeling so well, I think it's time for the gift we had planned." I say.

"Oh, Ghul! I can't wait. I spent so long working on it. I'm so excited!" Zaoiva says.

"S- shouldn't I give out gifts first?" Captain says, gripping the edge of one of her dress layers.

"No, no, no cherie! We got you something special, to show how we much 'ppreciate yer cap'nship. 'sides, can't have you feeling uncomfortable all night." Faishem says, grabbing the transmorgrifier.




"The transmorgrifier is designed to read and record signals from the cerebral cortex that make up the somatosensory homunculus. Then it will restructure your skeletal, muscular, and endocrine system on a cellular level, in an attempt to emulate the recorded image of your somatosensory homunculus." DeDe explains, strapping the EEG cap, and positioning me over the device.

"Girls t- this is really nice but this won't work." I say

"Oh, don't worry. There was an issue in earlier tests with the inverter regulator, and I had to replace the photovoltaic cells but I have confidence it should definitely work this time." Says Zaoiva.

"Not that you need the help, but machine right there should definitely give you yer dream bod." says Faishem

"N-no I mean, I've heard of this before. How it can give trans people their desired body. But it won't work, because I'm n-not. I'm just a guy. I'm doomed to be like this forever."

"Doomed? Do you not want to be a guy hon?" Ghul says.

"Uh, I- I, wh"

Damn it. Quick brain, think of something!

"I just thought you'd want to fill out the dress better."

"O- oh, yeah that's all I want. F- for the party."

"It's not like you'd want to be a girl at all. You would be trans, if that were the case and you aren't that."

"W-wait a minute. There's nothing wrong with b- being trans. I wish I was b- but sadly I'm not, and wanting to be a girl doesn't make me trans. No one likes being a guy on Earth, we are just stuck like this. You wouldn't understand it's a human thing." I say as Ghul rolls her eyes at me.

"Well, reckon ye aren't on Earth are we Cherie? Who says ye cannae choose something else out here?"

"Evidence suggests most human males do not want to be women anyway captain." DeDe responds.

"Yeah if they all did, why wouldn't they all just become girls? We have the technology, cappy." Zaiova says.

"It's okay to want this cap. We all support you. Hell we went through quite some trouble to get you this special gift anyway." Ghul says.

"Plus it restructures your cells based on your own internal desires, cappy, so if it isn't for you it simply won't work." Zaiova says.

"O- okay then… I guess I'm ready." I say, just before Zaiova turns the machine on.

A large humming fills DeDe's lab, as a bright glow emanates from the salvaged technology beneath my feet. The light seems to penetrate my every pore, like tendrils snaking under my skin. Suddenly a sharp pressure in my shoulders and hips. The stasis beam keeps me from doubling over in pain, as my bones crack and stretch. My ribs ache sorely, and my face feels on fire. The fire spreads down my body as it feels a million needles pierce my chest. As the sharp pain begins to stop, a dull ache starts just below my gut as if I am being pulled inside myself. The stasis beam fades, and I fall backwards into the smooth silky arms of Faishem. Near fainting the last I see is her one remaining gorgeous teal accenting her cool cerulean skin.

"Aw, she's so cute!" Says Zaoiva, as I lose consciousness.

I always dreamed of one day just waking up as a girl, who hasn't. So when I woke up in medbay one can hardly blame me for questioning reality. 

"'Ey, good lookin'. How you feeling there?" Faishem asks. "Had us worried for a bit."

"We took reading while you slept. Your reconstructed body has an immaculate physique." DeDe says, reading off her holo  pad.

"Come on, I'm sure you'd like to have a look yourself, hon." Ghhhulik says, helping me off the medbay table.

As I stand on my feet, however, I realize just how much smaller I must be now. I was never taller than Ghul, who stood at an intimidating 6'5"; the size difference between us now, however, was quite noticeable.. Whereas before I was a few inches shorter, my eyeline ended just above her collarbone. The hint of which peeking just above the top of her starfleet uniform.

"Is this real?" I ask.

"See for yourself." She says, leading me to the lavatory.

In the mirror I see a beautiful gray pale creature with long ears and fins on the side of each eye that nearly rivaled Faishem's. Her hair, long but shaved on one side, hanging long and glorious on the other. Her body, short and full of curves wearing a stunning dress. Despite how alien the figure in the mirror is though, what I see most was me.

"How do you like her captain? Do you finally see the beautiful woman your crew has always known you to be?" Ghul asks.

"You're not just saying that to pity me anymore are you?" I respond. 

She firmly plants her head in her palm, and lets out an exasperated sigh.

"It's never been out of pity, you oblivious fool. I like you, we all do."

"R- really?" I ask, spinning around.

It all makes so much sense now all along I thought they just saw me as a poor wounded beast to mock and pity. All the physical contact and compliments, all the effort they put into making sure I'm happy. How could I have been so blind.

They're actually my friends! We've been gal pals all along. They certainly knew I was trans before I did. 

"All this time you all have been my fr–" I start, cut short by Ghul grabbing me by my chin and kissing me deeply.

"H- holy shit Ghul!" I exclaim 

"Do you all feel the same way?" I ask over her shoulder, as the crew walks into the room.


"Yeh sure are dense then there aren't you Cherie?"

"Sure do cappy!" 

"Please call me Astra! oh, but Ghul I thought you and Zaoiva were a thing."

"We are! I'm also dating Faishem and DeDe and Faishem and DeDe are together as well!" Zaoiva explains.

"I'm dating Faishem as well." Responds Ghul.

"Right 'at is mon amour. Monogamy is a human invention after all."

"A rather illogical and inefficient one at that." Says DeDe.

"You are the best crew a gal could ever ask for! I can't possibly top yalls gift tonight but I hope I have many more Avaonzidts left to try!"


thanks for reading i hope you had a happy avaozidt!!! the gift giving holiday that happens on a specific date sometime during a season in a year (probably) i hope you get to be gay and dress pretty to scare off massive alien flies if you want to read more of my work feel free to check me out at i can be a bit slow to update sometimes but feel free to see what ive got so far!!!

— maelucky


/ Holiday Treats #9
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