Sasuke in Another Dimension

Chapter 16: Scavenger Guild

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The night at the end of autumn was cold and coupled with the tense atmosphere emitted by the two strong hunters on the runway made the air even colder. The bodyguards who were with Sasuke felt the tense atmosphere and got goosebumps even though their minimum qualification was a B-rank hunter.

"I'll say this once... If you don't return to Japan with me tonight, I will kill you right now."

Goto's voice conveyed killing intent, even though he was a man of high pride and a leader who used his brains too.

'It would be a waste if I killed him; his skills will be useful…'

Goto had the intention of using Sasuke as his underling.

Hearing that threat, Sasuke grinned like he was taunting Goto.

Sasuke felt that he had not heard or faced someone who dared say that in a long time.

Because he is the strongest shinobi, people who know him will choose to run away to save themselves from having to face Sasuke head-on.

"You can try..."

Sasuke just said a simple sentence.



"In that case, I'll kill you, brat!"

Goto moved at a speed beyond human understanding and quickly got in front of Sasuke while drawing his katana at him.


However, it was slow in the face of Sasuke's Sharingan and keen senses. He casually parried Goto's attack with Kusanagi.


Sasuke spun around and then kicked Goto with speed and strength that he didn't expect.


Puff! Puff!

'Ugh! such a heavy kick.'

With that kick, Goto was thrown three hundred meters away, destroying the runway due to his body's impact.


Because of that kick, Goto sat down limply while coughing blood incessantly. He felt his entire body shatter with just that kick.

'What a power...'

His eyes were wide open with a pale expression, and he was sweating from fear at the great difference in strength between them.

"Just that?"

From distance, Sasuke coldly asked him.

Hearing that... Goto's expression turned paler, and his body couldn't stop shaking. Instinctively,  he had to run, but his body didn't want to hear that.

"W-Why did you betray Japan!? With that kind of power, you can completely rule over Japan."

With a trembling voice, Goto asked Sasuke and wondered why he chose America.

"You misunderstood... I wasn't Japanese in the first place. If you continue to get in my way, I will kill you."

Sasuke didn't want to have anything to do with Goto anymore; he turned and walked toward the jet, accompanied by the bodyguards who followed him.


Goto just lowered his face, his body trembling with pain. He was aware that his anger and pride had almost gotten him killed like a fool.



On a swanky private jet, Sasuke sat reading from a large tablet. Next to him was Adam, who was still nervous because he was afraid after his boss' friction with Japan's strongest hunter.

Again, his normal mind had to be re-edited due to the extraordinary appearance of Sasuke's strength.

"Sasuke-sama... I wonder if you are not from Japan."

Adam asked curiously about the background of his boss; he thought that Sasuke went from Japan to America with the intention of participating in the S-rank raid at that time.

"I'm not, but you could say I'm their descendant."

Sasuke cut it short and said that.

"I see..."

Adam acknowledged that it was a fact because it is not strange that America also has people of various races who migrated from many countries. Also, Adam thinks that Sasuke was born in America because his English is very fluent, like a native American.

"Did you accompany the little girl yesterday to her home?"

Sasuke asked in a cold tone, but he felt a concern that he didn't show to Adam.

"We escorted Yoo Nari to her house safely."

"Yoo Nari... so that's her real name."

"Hmm, I thought that boss was close to the little girl."

"Not really, she just said that her name is Nari."

"Oh, I see..."

Adam assumed they had only met by chance because of the red gate incident yesterday. But he was a little surprised because he was concerned about the youngest daughter of the Korean chaebol family.


-Hello Oppa! This is Nari. Mom just bought me a cell phone. Oh yeah, the family wanted to invite Oppa for dinner; they said they wanted to thank her for yesterday's incident. So how is it? ;_; -

Sasuke looked at the notification on his cell phone and received a message from a number he didn't recognize, but immediately knew the sender.

'If I'm not mistaken, she wants to contact me, so this is what she means...'

Sasuke thought about what Nari's point in asking for his contact was for this.


Sasuke smiled and then immediately moved his finger to send a reply.


-WOAH! Then Oppa can come tomorrow night. See you later.

'If I'm not mistaken, tomorrow I'll be doing a raid on Queens, but that's fine.'


Next day.

The world is in an uproar again with news about the Scavenger Guild, which is a newly created guild in America. Which made it a hot topic because the founders of that guild were two of the strongest hunters in the world. The two strongest people who work together are Thomas André and Sasuke Uchiha.





In a press conference room at the Scavenger Guild headquarters, Thomas André, accompanied by his manager, Laura, stood facing hundreds of journalists who were eager to cover and photograph the two of them.

"Mr. André, what are your plans for the future after establishing a guild with Mr. Uchiha?"

"Well... I was planning to make this guild number one in the world, but I guess you already know that! Then, Mr. Sasuke said he would not interfere with the guild. You all need to know that he is the founder and investor of the Scavenger Guild.

"Is that the reason behind you becoming the guild master?"

"Yes, you're right. To be honest, I wasn't at ease at first because I knew he was much stronger than me.

Hearing that, the reporters diligently wrote down every word from Thomas as if he were demon-possessed.

"Master Andre... what is Master Uchiha doing right now?"

"HA HA HA! He was on his way over here and was going to try out the guild's training grounds. But I suggest not bothering him KUKKU."


in a gymnasium located in the basement and specially made for the Scavenger Guild's elite hunter training grounds.

Sasuke stood up and focused with his eyes closed.

Around him were sixteen circular bullseye targets and sixteen scarecrow-like targets.


Sasuke disappeared from where he was and then appeared at a height of ten meters.


Crossing his arm, with each gap between his fingers on both hands, there were two kunais that he held.




With his eyes closed, he threw fourteen kunai without stopping, then, with the two remaining kunai, he threw them at the other two flying kunai.



Sasuke changed the direction of the kunai from one that moved horizontally to one that moved vertically. But it was meant to change the direction of the remaining two kunais to hit the target.





With the echoing sound of Kunai hitting the target, Sasuke perfectly hit the midpoint of the sixteen bullseyes as well as the target located behind the high wooden wall.

As Sasuke hit the ground he opened his eyes with his Sharingan and Rinnegan glowing with power.

"Extraordinary! as one would expect from a national-level Hunter."

"He hit all the targets while blindfolded! and he hit the target behind that wall!"

"Is it that so?"

From the sidelines, the Scavenger Guild's elite hunters watched Sasuke warm up.

"Of course he's great; he's just using his physical strength and senses. It will take intense training to achieve that."

Not far away, a masculine voice was heard.

"Guild Masters!?"

Thomas walked into the gym with Laura.

"Adam, has he just started? Looks like I missed something interesting." Thomas asked with a big grin.

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"No, he just started, Mr. André."

Back to Sasuke

After hitting the bullseye, he focused his mana on the sixteen kunai that were still stabbing at the target.


A dark purple aura enveloped the kunai.

[Ruler's Authority]



Sasuke used his Ruler's Authority to pull out the kunai and then launch them toward the sixteen human-like targets.







The kunai that shot out at high speed pierced the scarecrow's head until it shattered. But with his incredible control, Sasuke stopped the Kunai from destroying the basement wall or floor.




The kunai that was floating in the air fell down immediately when Sasuke stopped using his mana.




"HAHAHAHA Mr. Sasuke, you are amazing!I didn't know you had telekinetic skills too!"

Thomas didn't hold back from shouting and praising his colleague.

"You are here?"

Sasuke, with a stoic expression, asked.

"Then how about we spar?"

'I wonder how far apart we are…'

Thomas grins as he is so excited about the idea.

"Hmmm alright..."

Sasuke didn't mind that; he was also curious about Thomas's strength.

'I hope the building isn't destroyed.'

Behind her expressionless face, Laura was worried that the guild's new building would not be destroyed by the guild founder's fight.

But it was different from Laura's.

Adam and Hunter watched the two of them with excitement and goosebumps.


Thomas channeled mana throughout his body, and yellow, shining line-like patterns appeared all over his body.


At high speed, he shot off the cracked floor. Even an S-rank would have a hard time keeping up with Thomas' movements at that speed.


Sasuke covered his entire body with a flow of lightning-elemental chakra.


Then he dashed towards Thomas like a flash.


Thomas clenched his fist and gathered mana in it. When he saw that, Sasuke did something similar: he wanted to fight fist with a fist.


The loud sound of a heavy impact echoed, and deep purple and golden yellow mana clashed and then exploded throughout the entire gymnasium.

"Ugh! The magical waves alone make me want to faint."

Adam, who was only a C-rank hunter and not even a hunter, felt a strong shockwave from their clashing fists.

Sasuke moved first, with their fists still connected. He borrowed Thomas' hand to perform hand seals.




Because it was too fast, Thomas was confused by his hands, which seemed to be controlled by Sasuke, who made some movements that he didn't understand but were familiar to him.

'He used my hand to cast a magic spell.

Thomas was familiar with Sasuke's hand movements after he saw the footage of him fighting Khamish. In short, he will do that if he wants to cast magic. Wanting to interrupt a magic chant or jutsu, Thomas swung his other arm at Sasuke.

But he's too slow.


Sasuke did a vertical kick to Thomas' chin, which sent him flying into the air.



"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" (Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu)

Sasuke jumps back a bit while completing the last hand seal of fire elemental ninjutsu.


A ball of fire eight meters in diameter shot out of Sasuke's mouth and shot quickly toward Thomas. Not only chakra, but he also mixes mana to accelerate its speed.


Thomas stared at a huge fireball. But he lost his footing because he was floating in the air because of Sasuke's kick. But he doesn't run out of options.


With telekinesis that was like an invisible hand, Thomas pulled his body aside to avoid the fireball.



The fireball hit the gymnasium wall until it was scorched and made the basement vibrate.

"That was close..." Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. Even though he has the endurance of a tanker, it's only a fool who doesn't want to avoid that attack.

"Over here..."

Like lightning, Sasuke appeared in front of Thomas and then kicked his chin again from below, sending Thomas flying vertically into the air.


Thomas protested because Sasuke's attacks were rapid.


When he floated in the air, Sasuke appeared below him like a shadow.


Realizing Sasuke was beneath him, Thomas tried to punch him but was quickly parried, and then Sasuke executed a series of kicks and punches at Thomas.








Sasuke attacked him until Thomas hit the ground again; the impact of Thomas' body shattered the gymnasium floor like a small meteor.



"It's over..."

Sasuke pointed his Chidori into Thomas' neck, making a small bloody cut there.


"Damn! I lose..."

Thomas slumped and coughed up blood from Sasuke's attack, and then admitted his defeat.

"Healer! Quickly heal the guild master!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Laura shouted an order for the Scavenger Guild's best healer.

'He beat Goliath in combat practice, even though they held back, but there is no way Thomas André wants to lose because he has high pride.'

Looking at Sasuke, Adam got goosebumps because of that teenager.

'I wonder where his limit is...'

"Adam... my next schedule."

Sasuke's cold voice woke Adam up. "Y-Yes sir… four hours from now, you will be conducting an A-rank gate raid in Queens."

Hearing that Sasuke nodded in understanding, I went out of the gymnasium and went to take a shower.

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