Sasuke in Another Dimension

Chapter 18: A-Rank Dungeon

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The sound of a car door slamming was heard after Sasuke and Adam got out of the car.

"It's quite big."

Sasuke commented on seeing the blue gate, which was roughly ten to fifteen meters in diameter.

"How are the preparations?" He glanced to his side, and at that moment, Adam, who was holding a tablet, started to speak.

"Everything is ready; the magic crystal miners and magical beast carriers are also on standby." Adam did a brief report.

Hearing that, Sasuke nodded in confirmation.

Sasuke took off his hat and mask and gave them to his other assistant, then immediately walked towards the gate. Adam and the people who were present stared at that historical moment in amazement. The man who once hunted dragons alone did the highest-ranking dungeon raid without a raid team, which usually consisted of a minimum of twelve people.

'This man is on a different level.'

Adam got goosebumps, seeing a teenager who hadn't even reached twenty yet walk alone into the gate like it was another day for him. But he lowered his gaze, and his eyes revealed sadness at the thought that the world was so cruel to take the teenager's peaceful life with the heavy burden he carried for the benefit of the world.



A magical sizzling sound as an object enters the gate is heard, and a handsome teenager dressed in all black enters it.


Sasuke paid attention to his surroundings. The dungeon he entered was like a large rock cave with dim light; the only source of illumination was a magical crystal attached to the cave wall.


A pack of magical dogs the size of a lioness approached with murderous intent; they growled, their drool dripping profusely.


Taking several shuriken, he threw them with great precision at the vital points of the magical dog herd.




Sasuke walked slowly forward past the herd of mobs, then he felt a presence that was stronger than theirs.


He stopped then, a few meters from his position. He saw thirty Nagas carrying spears with three-pronged blades at the ends.


are a race of creatures that are half human and half snake. They are large, about 2-3 times larger than the average male human, and have shiny blue skin, sharp teeth, glowing red eyes, and a light blue dorsal fin. Nagas are strong enough to compete with A-Rank Hunters and have scales thick enough to make armor or shields.


'Even though they are A-rank, they were weaker than the Centaur-beast army at the red gate back then.'

But apart from getting information, Sasuke plans to quietly meditate inside the gate, because mana in dungeons is richer compared to earth. So he plans to kill them all except the boss.


Sasuke ran quickly toward them.

[Ruler's Authority]

Instead of using chakra, Sasuke uses that skill to control his mana and then channel it into Kusanagi, making it sharp and strong. Besides, with mana and both gates open, it continuously strengthens Sasuke's body, making him very fast and agile.



The Nagas thrust their spears, but Sasuke dodged them easily.





He succeeded in cutting them up but found only twenty-nine bodies lying there.


He looked around him, searching for the existence of the dungeon boss with his senses and the power of his eyes.

'Found you!'


Sasuke ran so fast that his body became a blur, his eyes glowing red and purple and leaving long trails of light. As it got closer to the target, its camouflaged body made it seem like it didn't exist, but the magical beast couldn't hide from its "Eyes."


Realizing his whereabouts had been discovered, he launched an attack with his weapon.



Sasuke dodged and then jumped into the arms of the huge Nagas, but he looked like he was running through the air because of the Nagas' stealth skill.

Because this Naga is the boss, Sasuke doesn't want to let go of his head just yet.


Sasuke returned Kusanagi to his scabbard. Then he clenched his fist and gathered an amount of mana that would not kill the magical beast.



He punched the Naga in the head, paralyzing it and nullifying its stealth ability.


His massive body fell to the surface for the first time.

'This monster has the ability to disguise its physique so that it is invisible; even traces of it disappear like it doesn't exist. Is it because he is special?'

But because his eyes can see mana, the magical beast's efforts are in vain.

"For now, I will hold you first."

Sasuke makes hand seals.




Large tree trunks with large diameters grew around the fallen dungeon boss, wrapping around it and immobilizing it.

"Ninmu kanryō." (Mission complete)

Not feeling the presence of the remaining magical beasts, after making sure of it, he will notify his subordinates to immediately work on mining magic crystals.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" (Shadow Clone Jutsu)


After the smoke cleared, a Sasuke clone appeared and rushed toward the gate exit to alert his subordinates.

"Okay, I'll start."




"Doton: Doryūheki" (Earth Style: Earth Wall)


After performing many hand seals, Sasuke slammed his palm into the ground.


A thick earthen wall appeared and then closed off the part of the cave where Sasuke and the dungeon boss were. After that, he sat cross-legged and meditated so he could speed up the process of absorbing mana into his gates.


(Adam POV)

I looked at my watch, and it showed that it had been less than ten minutes since the boss came in.

"Hey, Mister White! Was that the real Sasuke Uchiha?"

I was distracted by a voice from beside me.

"That's right, Mr. Carlos."

I answered the warm, forty-year-old man happily. He is the captain of the mining team, which I trust, and I believe he has good capacity in his work. He also has a solid crew, which makes him very effective at mining and transporting magical beast carcasses.

"Hmmm... what a young man." Carlos nodded as his fingers stroked his beard.

"Then, while waiting for him back, I want to smoke first." Carlos turned around while waving his hand.

"Just relax, old man." Adam smiled at the old man's casual demeanor.

But then.

"Prepare the mining team."

(General POV)


Adam and Carlos turned around with shocked expressions when they heard a very familiar voice.

'Soo fast! But is that true?'

Carlos's forehead was sweating profusely; he had never had this kind of experience. Usually, it takes hours for a raid team to clear a dungeon, that's not counting the dungeon bosses they leave behind so the mining team can enter and collect dungeon resources.

"Are you sure, sir?" Adam, who was still shocked, asked nervously. Maybe the boss came back because he left something behind or wanted to go to the bathroom. Right?

Hearing that, Sasuke nodded, confirming the question.

'Sigh... as expected.' Adam was still not used to this abnormality.

"But before that, you two follow me." With a commanding tone, Sasuke spoke to Adam and Carlos.

"Yes Sir."

Adam and Carlos spoke simultaneously.


-Inside the gate

"These are A-rank Nagas."

Adam and Carlos got goosebumps; their eyes opened wide to see the pile of Nagas' bodies, which were like half snakes and humans, and their eight meters tall bodies also added to their horror.


It didn't take long for them to arrive at the end of the cave, but the cave was blocked by an earth wall jutsu.

Sasuke then spoke while looking at them seriously. "Don't disturb this wall. Here is where the dungeon boss is and where my real body is."

Carlos was confused, but Adam seemed to understand what his boss meant.

"So you're just a clone?" From information from Kamish's dungeon break, it is known that one of Sasuke's abilities is to make clones of himself.


Sasuke just nodded.

'Omg. I didn't realize that this was a clone; I felt that he was the original. Adam couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake.

"Okay, then we'll..."


Before Adam finished, the Shadow Clone released his jutsu because he felt his job was done.


Adam and Carlos became awkward as the Sasuke clone suddenly vanished like smoke.

"Don't worry, Mr. Carlos, maybe you will get used to it."

Adam refers to Sasuke, who often goes missing suddenly.


(Sasuke POV)

"...I still have a long way to go."

After an hour or two of meditation, I realized that the second gate was still far from its potential. Even though I was actively withdrawing mana, after those two hours, the flow of mana to the gate was noticeably lacking.

"Mana here is still lacking for me."

It was so frustrating that, other than in dungeons, there was no other place that was rich with mana.

"Perhaps this is my limit for today."

I decided to end the raid. Maybe I'll get a solution soon.

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"Hmmph. Sorry to keep you waiting"

I sarcastically looked at the Nagas I locked up with Mokuton.


The magical beast looked at me cynically, but it was clearly scared.

"What's with that look? Do you really want death?"

[Strong human... are you satisfied with this little glory of yours?]

Hmmph, is he being sarcastic? Even if I change my way of life, I still hate losing, so I will seek more strength for myself.


'Did I just understand their language?'

Realizing this I smirked, it turns out my guess was right, ever since I got that skill I can understand their language.

[Don't worry, your other companions will also catch up with you.]

So this is the language of magical beasts, it's a strange sensation to be able to speak fluently without this kind of study and practice.

[So you speak our language... What are you doing slaughtering your own kind? Did the monarch send you here? No… are you a Monarch yourself?]

He suddenly became polite, just now he said, a Monarch?

[What do you mean Monarchs?]



His reaction suddenly stiffened as if broken, was it a security system implanted to contain information from leaking out?

"I'll try another approach..."

I closed my eyes and channeled the chakra into my right eye.


I'll just dig into your mind if you don't want to spill it.


(General POV)

"All I see are blurry shards of memory."

The result was unsatisfactory even though Sasuke dug into the Nagas' memory with his Sharingan.

"The enemy is one step ahead..."

He wondered if the enemy was one step ahead of implanting a memory-erasing program or if they had erased the memories of these monsters in the first place.



Sasuke was annoyed, and he unknowingly released his Chakra, making his wood-style Jutsu crush the dungeon boss's body until he died.


Sasuke canceled Mokuton and approached the body of the dead Nagas then searched his body to retrieve the magical crystal that was in his body.

"Quite good..."


As expected of an A-rank boss, its core was enormous, following its gigantic body. But his luck didn't stop there.

"...another runestone."

Sasuke smiled, It seems today is not too disappointing. On Nagas' body, there is also a blue runestone.


Without thinking, Sasuke destroyed the stone after he was sure that it was the one he meant.


The skill used is the same as the dungeon boss's. But his reaction was quite normal after getting the skill. Sasuke thought that this skill might be useful or not, considering that it would take up quite a large amount of Mana if it continued to be used even though he had Mana which he believed was large for the size of only two gates.


Sasuke turned around and left to exit the dungeon while carrying the body of the dungeon boss with the Ruler's Authority.


-Outside the Gate-

A teenager appeared from the large gate, behind him was a huge Nagas body, as if floating in the air in a deep purple mana.


"Good work..."

After placing the body of the magical beast. He praises his subordinates for doing their tasks so well.

"No sir... It's thanks to you that you killed these monsters very quickly haha."

Carlos, the captain of the mining team, felt embarrassed to be praised by someone like Sasuke. But as usual, Sasuke just nodded in reply.

"Sir... the car is ready for your departure."

Adam bowed respectfully to Sasuke as he informed him of his departure.


Sasuke walked towards the black luxury car that had been opened by the driver, Adam followed him then sat in the front passenger seat as the car slowly advanced towards Sasuke's apartment.

-On the way to the apartment building

Sasuke watched the New York street scene bustling with vehicles. He was relaxed, not feeling the noise or shaking that was felt because of the comfort of his car, whose price would make the common people dizzy.

'After this, I have to come for a dinner invitation.'

Sasuke thought that his day was not over yet.

"Please stop at a good cake shop first."

Sasuke thinks that Nari likes sweet things. 'Huh... I hate sweets.' Sasuke dislikes sweets, in contrast to his older brother Itachi.

Adam was taken aback, then smiled warmly at seeing the normal side of Sasuke.

"Yes Sir."

'He's still only human, and a teenager at that.' Adam thought to himself.

Sasuke didn't know what his secretary was thinking, so he closed his eyes and thought about how to get stronger.

After a while

"We arrived, sir."

Adam said that after opening the door for Sasuke. Then Sasuke got out of his black Rolls Royce.

"Sigh... The place is crowded."

His expression was still serious, but he was surprised to see the line toward the dessert shop. Instantly, he became lazy.

Ladurée is the name of the shop, located at W Broadway. This shop sells French desserts and is known for its macarons.

"Adam... I think the line is too long, right?"

Sasuke becomes doubted seeing the long queue.

Even though he is very arrogant when fighting but actually he is actually a humble person when mingling with society, even though he is already famous.

"It's okay, sir; I'm a VIP customer." Adam proudly displayed his VIP card.

"Ah… sorry to bother you." Sasuke grinned with dead eyes, looking at Adam, and thought maybe this guy has a sweet tooth.

"Sir, we must hurry."

Sasuke's bodyguard seemed to urge him to enter the shop immediately.


Sasuke was confused even though he didn't show it, but actually, he was insensitive and self-aware that he was in trouble.

"KYAAAA! It's Sasuke!"

Like an epidemic, the screams let people know who owned the luxury car.

"That Sasuke?"


"Oh god... It's real life Sasuke!"

"God dammit! soo handsome!!!!"

"Fuck! I won't miss this!"

The people who were lining up in front of the shop, even people who were walking or were around him, stopped for a moment and looked at the handsome man. Glances of awe, surprise, and delight were all fixed on him.

'Sigh… I forgot to wear a mask.'

Sasuke realized why his bodyguard said he had to hurry, and he regretted it. This man is completely insensitive.





There were sounds of people taking photos and flashes of cameras aimed at Sasuke, but not only that, women and men were pushing each other to get closer to the world Idol, it seemed to have become a battleground for photos or autographs.





The guards moved quickly to make barricades, Sasuke helplessly greeted the people briefly and then entered the shop alone.


"Welcome, sir!"

Sasuke was greeted immediately with respect by the shop owner.

"What would you like to order, sir?"

The man, who looked to be in his forties with a nice beard and a fancy suit and was supposedly a shop owner, asked him.

"I want dessert for a gift." Because he was in a bad mood, Sasuke said it coldly and emotionlessly.

"Y-Yes sir, for gift box we recommend the Prestige Box, this package contains forty Macarons recommended by the Chef directly." The man explained his shop best.

"Sigh... I want one box, please." Sasuke sighed and ordered it.

"Please wait, sir."

Sasuke leaned against the wall while standing and crossed his arms. He realized that the shop's visitors were staring at him intensely, but he just gave up and waited.

"Sorry for the wait..." The man who had just arrived brought an elegant box and handed it to Sasuke.


Sasuke accepted that and then gave Adam's VIP membership card and his black card to pay.

"No need, sir, it's on the house." The man refused to be paid because Sasuke's arrival at his shop would definitely become famous because of the media's coverage.

he smiled.

"Really? Then, thank you.


The shop bell rang as he came out of the shop.


The man was so happy that he forgot to ask for a photo together. Meanwhile, Sasuke and his entourage headed toward his apartment.



Smartphone notification sounds can be heard from the passenger cabin of the car.

-Oppa! This is the address, don't forget to come at 7 p.m. -

Sasuke read the message and looked at its content.

'It's one floor below me.'

He didn't know about this coincidence, but luckily he didn't have to go far.


He replied to the message shortly. Then he looked at the clock on his phone, it was almost six o'clock.


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