Sasuke in Another Dimension

Chapter 26: England in Chaos Part IV

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Demons on the lands of England put the world on alert.

Hunters in many countries, especially in Europe are prepared and vigilant because one of them may be next after England is finished.


"Yes! as you can see that the hunters are having a hard time... they have been fighting for the past week; even as, an A-ranker, I can feel my back shivering because of the emission of magical energy here."

A reporter was on the helicopter, along with several staff and pilots.

"Can the hunters defeat the big one?"

The staff member on the helicopter asked while watching the battle below them, as he was referring to the big enemy commander.

The reporter shook his head before saying "I don't know; all we can do is pray and..."


A loud sound like an explosion rang out to the ears of the people in the helicopter, and the reporter who was facing the camera couldn't help but turn around and look down. The cameraman tried to record it, and a man in a black robe appeared on his camera screen.

"I-It's him!!"

The reporter shouted enthusiastically at the sight of the newcomer he recognized so well.


New York.



The streets of all the metropolises are increasingly filled with people and today... there was silence as Lancaster was knocked unconscious.

It had been over a week since the billboards among their cities had shown the horrors that had occurred; it had been several years since the dungeon break had been shown uncensored, making the large screens display dead human bodies, and not a few of those watching had vomited or fainted.

Shibuya, Tokyo.

The time was nine hours ahead of London time, and the Shibuya crossroad was more crowded than usual.

It was noticeable that some people were shouting encouragement, silently praying, or recording the billboards with their smartphones.


The footage showed a reporter covering the event, then his lips stopped moving as a huge crash was heard.

All eyes are drawn to the screen, and silence ensues.

The screen showed a blurry object that landed perfectly on the ground.


"He's here!"

"Hunter Uchiha Sasuke! He finally appeared!"

"More! I need more!"

"Ahh! I'm sure of it! Those red eyes! I'm sure it's Sasuke-sama!"

The streets cheered wildly as their hands rose to the sky like it was a party, but of course, it wasn't.

The silent streets were replaced with shouts of joy as they saw the hunter they had been waiting for at such a crucial time. And the expressions of joy and relief did not escape the faces of the three teenage girls who were stopping by for a moment.

"Heh... he's handsome as ever, isn't he, Kaguya-sama?"

Hayasaka, who currently disguised herself as a butler, asked her employer with a flat voice and expression. Instead of answering, Kaguya just rolled her eyes because she knew that Hayasaka did that because he (she) wanted to tease Fujiwara, who was with them.

Fujiwara glanced at Haysaca-kun with a shocked, and a few drops of blood flowed from her nose as if something had awakened from her. Then she said in a high tone.

"Woah! S-So you really like boys huh!"

Haysaca-kun a.k.a Hayasaka adjusted his (her) glasses and then nodded with a satisfied face.


Chomp! SHHHH!

Elva exhaled a heavy breath, then a cold wind came out of her mouth violently towards Sasuke.


Sasuke saw great energy spreading rapidly, making the surrounding environment freeze. His's hand moved quickly to cast a hand seal.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!" (Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu)

A huge fireball shot out from his mouth towards the blast of cold wind.



The two attacks clashed, then canceled each other's techniques.


As Elva was enraged, she raised her arm, and golems over 10 meters tall appeared from the ground.

at the same time.

Medusa started casting magic, and a summoning circle formed on the surface.


When the magic circle ignited, a high beam rose into the sky, and when it was extinguished, various kinds of giant snakes appeared around it, their eyes targeting Sasuke hungrily.

Sasuke was surrounded, his gaze parading over the monarch's two servants.

Then golems and giant snakes moved in on Sasuke.

Medusa snake darted out and opened its mouth, its massive fangs trying to bite Sasuke.

"The snake is fast."

Sasuke dodged to the side so fast that the snake was fooled and only bit the afterimage.

He was still running around the big snakes, then he took out Kusanagi from the sheath, and when the deep purple mana enveloped Kusanagi, Sasuke jumped on the body of the snake that attacked him, then he surfed while cutting the snake's skin; when he surfed, he left a trail of deep sword cuts.


The snake hissed and then fell lifeless, and when Sasuke was done with it, he repeated the attack, from the snake's body to the other one with his extreme speed.

"How dare you do that to my child!?"

While Medusa was furious to see her snakes die, Sasuke saw that there were only a few snakes left.

The remaining snakes opened their mouths, and then green liquid came out of their fangs with high pressure.


Purple ribcage surrounded Sasuke, and at the same time, a burst of venom successfully hit him, making Sasuke bounce to the surface.

When the venom hit the surface around Sasuke, the ground began to melt making a large crater around him, as Sasuke drowned in the lake of venom.

not wasting this opportunity.

Fwosh! Crack!

Elva opened her hand, then a swirl of cold wind came out of it toward the venom lake and made it freeze.

Elva stared intently at the green-colored ice lake while she was still not sure if Sasuke could be defeated easily.



FSHHH! Boom!

The explosion of energy made a big crack in the ice, and at that moment they saw the humanoid Sasanoo, who was still covered in the liquid poison of the medusa snake, but they didn't see any of the poison that manage to damage Sasuke.

After looking so bored at Elva and Medusa inside the Susanoo, Sasuke said.

"These two women can perform interesting magic as well as poison attacks, then... what about the others?"

As Sasuke finished wondering about the enemy's techniques, he searched for the whereabouts of the other two, who had disappeared from his sight.

when he didn't try to find them.

Sasuke felt huge energy from behind him.



Lucifer sent an X-shaped sword slash of energy to Susanoo's back, and the lightning slash that slid quickly managed to open the skin of Susanoo's back.



Scar had already transformed into the form of a black-furred wolf.

After Lucifer's attack, he clenched his arm and struck the spine of the Susanoo, causing Sasuke's Susanoo to shatter and made him throw from it.

Sasuke landed on the ice surface, and he tried to stabilize his body as he still slid on the ice.

But while his eyes were still focused on the wolf, suddenly a large black shadow covered him.

When he looked up, the Ice Golems were jumping toward Sasuke with both of their fists standing behind them and wanted to hit Sasuke simultaneously.

The Sharingan seemed to make time slow down. He could see the swinging blows of the Frost Monarch servant's ice golems clearly, and at that moment Sasuke's hand moved to make a hand seal.

Large amounts of chakra and mana flowed to prepare the technique.


"Mokuton: Kajukai Korin." (Wood Style: Deep Forest Bloom)


Before the ice golems could swing their fists, huge trees grew up and held them back, wrapping around their bodies and squeezing them to shreds.

The huge tree trunks continued to form a forest formation and moved quickly toward Elva and Medusa, who was closer to Sasuke.

"Shit!" 2x

They ran from the huge tree that kept chasing them like a horror movie scene. For the first time; pale white faces and sweat on their faces decorated their beautiful faces.



"Kyaa!" 2x

The tree caught them and wrapped around them until they choked and could not escape.


Scar had the same experience as the two; he used his full strength to avoid the trees; at that time, he had transformed into a giant wolf. His body towered as high as 100 meters tall. Scar sprayed a burst of energy out of his mouth to destroy every tree that tried to bind him.

Flower buds began to grow after a long period of the jutsu, then the buds slowly bloomed and released green pollen into the atmosphere.

"Ughh! The poison from a human can make me dizzy like this."

While she was bound, Medusa could not help but inhale the pollen from Sasuke's jutsu and render herself unconscious.


On the other hand, Elva was desperate to keep the pollen away with her wind spell, but that only made the situation worse; with the wind, the pollen could spread more widely and evenly, then she was unconscious after inhaling the pollen from the tree.

The tree formation stopped after a long time; the jutsu had turned the grassland into a dense flowering forest that extended several kilometers outside the demon castle walls.



"Do you think your spell can bind me?" Human..."

Scar was still standing strong with his huge body, as he spoke angrily.

In addition to his huge body, he was also seen wearing dark green armor that protected his chest and most of his body except for his legs.

Lucifer was seen bursting into the air after he escaped from Mokuton formation. Lucifer has transformed into his demonic form, two horns appear on the sides of his head, and he also wears gray demonic-like armor, and two daggers on both arms.

After he jumped, he landed right on top of Scar's head.

Sasuke saw the giant wolf, and Lucifer on top of him. This sight made him smile slightly, then he said.

"This vibe is like I'm fighting someone with a tailed beast with him."


"You smile in a situation like this!?"

Scar gathered a large amount of energy in his mouth, as the ball of energy grew larger and larger.

At the same time, Lucifer combines his mana with Scar's making the energy ball covered with yellow lightning.


The ball of energy shot toward Sasuke, making the dense forest he created become destroyed, and the houses in the demon castle also affected by it.

In a split second, Sasuke thought about whether he should suck it up or fight the energy with his strength one-on-one.

Chakra and mana gathered in large quantities, as a dark purple aura gathered around Sasuke and formed a large skeleton, the skeleton grew taller as the legs began to form, the skin began to coat the skeleton, and the skeleton of the skull turned into a tengu with a long nose. On the left arm, there was an arrow weapon and a sword on the right arm.

Susanoo put an arrow made of black flame into the bow and launched the arrow toward Scar's attack.



The two attacks clashed together causing a huge explosion, the hunters could see the two giant attacks several kilometers away clearly.

The ground shook like the earth was hit by a never-ending earthquake.

The two behemoths' mana emanating from them, sent a cold chill down the spines of hunters. S-rank or not, their expressions radiated the same fear as the mana from those two seemed to affect the earth's sky.

The hunters, could only watch from afar and wait for the outcome of this battle without being able to do anything.

Although they were far away, the effects of the battle were far-reaching for miles and miles.

"Prepare for the shockwave!"


They could see the shockwave coming quickly, the tankers lined up neatly in the front row then mana shields formed from their iron shields that had mana flowing through.



"This is a battle between monsters..."

"The power of this scale is already beyond human capacity."

Hunters began to murmur after the shock wave subsided, but their memories were still warm with the shock wave alone making tankers desperate.

When the battle had moved on, the reporters covering had also moved with their helicopters, even so, the pilots did not dare to fly close cause the magic power alone made could make them unconscious.


As time passed, the battle was almost over the surroundings in Black Mount became unrecognizable.

People in all parts of the world cheered with joy when they saw that the four powerful enemies had been defeated.

"It worked!"

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"He's done it again!"

"Now kill them!"


The four had almost exhausted all their mana.

Elva and Medusa were still locked in mokuton, while Lucifer and Scar were wrapped around a wooden dragon.


Lucifer laughed like a maniac, then he exhaled heavily and said.

"Why stop here Mister? Although the four of us were defeated, this war has no winner, at the same time the Monarch's army is preparing for a larger scale of war, you lowly humans will only perish!"

Sasuke won the fight, but he had not won the war.

With that fact, Lucifer laughed out loud, he believed that if all the Monarchs united, this man had no chance.

"That's futile Uchiha Sasuke! Your plan to spread mana on earth right? was I not aware of that!? These lowly creatures even can't use mana properly. That's why... They're just a lowly pile of meat!"

Lucifer didn't stop babbling, at the same time Sasuke just looked at him while crossing his arms.

"Don't worry about it, I promise you that I will kill those monarchs with my own hands. As long as I live, I will protect this world from bastards like you."

"Now... I'll put you all to rest."

Rinnegan began to take a large amount of Chakra.

Mana began to violently cry and create a storm around Sasuke.

Inside the Susanoo, Sasuke made one hand seal by clapping his palm.

"Chibaku Tensei!" (Planetary Devastation)






Scar who was bound with the Wood Dragon Jutsu desperately tried to break free from the Wood Dragon's bond, as Rinnegan locked him as the core of Chibaku Tensei.

Scar who was in the form of a 100-meter wolf suddenly continued to fly into the sky and became the center of gravity that attracted all objects around him.

As Chibaku Tensei continued to attract every object.

The ground, Demon Castle, Stob Ghabar mountain over 1 km tall was broken and continuously lifted by Sasuke's Jutsu.

Scar's roar was no longer heard and he had become a small satellite that continued to rise at a moderate speed into the sky.

Lucifer who was laughing madly was buried and became part of a small moon, as well as Elva and Medusa who could not possibly escape from this Jutsu.

Hundreds of thousands of hunters were behind the battlefield and billions of people were silent, as Sasuke turned the surface and mountains into a new moon.


Clank! Clank!

Hunters were seen falling to their knees, or unconsciously dropping their shields or swords, as they looked up into the sky.

Billions of people watching this on the battlefield or on TV were silent. The cheers stopped, and their joy turned into fear...

But chaos ensued in England, Europe, and the US.

In England and surrounding countries, people flocked out of their homes, buildings, underground stations, etc, to witness this miracle, as Chibaku Tensei continued to rise and grow.

Alarm sirens were set off in cities across England and western Europe.



England's military air force was on the move, Fighter jets were seen streaking toward the new moon, and Helicopters were seen pacing all over the city.

"This is not a drill! I repeat this is not a drill! Leave immediately and take cover in the basement!"

The helicopters began to conduct evacuation for the residents by warning them with loudspeakers.

"Hurry! We have to take cover!"

"Hurry up! Hurry!"

Some people started running, and slowly everyone ran to seek shelter underground.

Chaos also occurred in the US, where the headquarters of the hunter bureau was located.

"Director! What is he trying to do with it!? If it keeps rising and starts falling, England and parts of Europe will be destroyed!"

Several high-ranking politicians and military generals were seen in disarray.

"25,000 feet, 26,000 feet, 27,000 feet, the altitude continues to increase and is expected to enter the stratosphere... No, sir! It's starting to move faster and heading towards the mesosphere!"

The control room was in chaos, with papers flying around, people screaming, and the sound of computers ringing out.

David Brennon's eyes shot open, a pale face and sweat poured down his face as he looked at the screen that showed a round object that look like a baby moon with an estimated diameter of 5 km and still growing.

He did not know what to do, as he did not understand how deep Sasuke's power was, his heart was beating fast for his age, along with a fragmented memory that suddenly recalled to him.

His memory is still warm.

In a hotel room in San Francisco, the room was destroyed only by a magic aura that violently came out of Sasuke's body, and then Sasuke threatened him; "But, if you guys want to do something behind my back, I will hunt you down even if I have to fight this country alone."

David understands that, as the US has a nuke that can threaten other nations, and now the game has changed.

'He has the power to eliminate the US from the world map.'

"213255 feet... 223469 feet... Sir! It's starting to stop... Jesus! It's starting to fall back to earth!"

David snapped out of his thoughts, and his gaze refocused on the screen.

"Sir! The satellite detected the increase in Mr. Sasuke's magic power!"

"Sir David! The Susanoo... The Susanoo... it's starting to change!!!"

The control room was silent, everyone staring at the screen with another shock.

back to England.


Hunters started running back as huge meteorite begin to fall, even though they were quite far from Sasuke.



Rachel punched Thomas on the cheek and then pulled his shirt collar roughly. Her face showed anger; she didn't care or fear his national-level hunter title; she stared at Thomas like a lioness.

"What is he trying to do!?"

"That thing can destroy England and kill my people at the same time!"

Thomas looked at Rachel, as his lips moved, and said.

"Don't worry."

"Although I've only seen his true power now, that guy doesn't do stupid things like destroying your country with meteorites."

Rachel was getting angrier; now tears were coming out of her eyes which were already swollen with fatigue.

"Nonsense! He-"

"Look at that!"

Someone shouted, stopping people in their tracks.

Rachel's conversation was also interrupted when someone shouted, then she took off Thomas' shirt and turned around.

As she watched, her body shivered as she felt the surge of Sasuke's magical energy.


a few minutes ago.

Sasuke stared at the Chibaku Tensei, which continued to shoot upwards. He used [Ruler's authority] to make it rise faster into the sky.

Chibaku Tensei stopped right at the mesosphere, or about 60 km from the earth's surface, and began to fall back to earth at high speed.


a meteor 6 km in diameter burned up as it rubbed against the earth's atmosphere; the light itself was so bright that the night sky in England became bright, and parts of Europe could see the bright light falling to the earth.

as the meteorite began to fall, Sasuke flowed his huge chakra and combined it with mana.

Sasuke's four gates seemed to light up, as Chakra rushed out of him. The humanoid Susanoo began to grow larger, while at the same time, the emission of Chakra and his Mana spread around like a storm.

Susanoo's body grew large and transformed into a helmet-like form that featured a long tengu nose, two spikes in each eye, a slit that ran across its mouth, three slits in each cheek, an additional slit in its chin, and a pair of katanas in each wing arm.

Chakra and Mana, which had roughly come out, slowly stabilized around Sasuke. The Perfect Susanoo formed 1500 meters tall with its wings large open.



The fighter jets of the England air force that were flying past the Susanoo and the Helicopters that were illuminating it with lights looked like flies flying around Susanoo.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing now! Is he a god!?"

A reporter commented with horror as the helicopter flew further and further away from Susanoo.

Not only he, but everyone started whispering the same thing and agreed with the reporter's words.

Then the reporter's face became ugly because of another horror scene.

"The wings are going to flap! Oi pilot! faster!"

With the reporter's words, the pilot increased the helicopter's speed to the maximum.

(AN: Cameraman never die.)



Susanoo spread his wings and flew into the sky.

Sasuke collected chakra in Susanoo's left arm, and Chidori shone brightly while the voice echoed throughout the sky. Not only that, but Sasuke condensed Amaterasu and combine it with Chidori, using the power of the [Ruler's Authority] to make it even stronger, and shot Susanoo to fly faster.

From afar, Thomas, Rachel, and the Hunters noticed the blue and red lights that shot in opposite directions.


Sasuke said coldly as he stabbed Susanoo: Chidori, into the falling meteorite.



Susanoo: Chidori made the meteorite shatter into small rock fragments and ash.


More than a hundred thousand hunters shouted as a huge explosion echoed throughout England and was visible in the surrounding countries. Hunters could not help but block the flashing light with their arms.

"Guildmaster! Meteorite from 12 o'clock!"

Thomas looked at the rest of the sizable meteorite heading toward the troops.


A thick, armor-like skin coated Thomas, and his body transformed into that of a human-shaped monster.


He flew towards the meteorite, then he used the power of [Ruler's authority] on his left arm and hit the meteorite until it shattered.


Thomas landed on the surface, but he saw many other meteorites still falling toward them. But his eyes fell on the giant who flew past the meteorites. Thomas gasped, but he understood Sasuke's meaning.

"Tanker Shield!"

Instantly, all the tankers lined up and created a protective barricade.


when Susanoo landed on one knee. An earthquake occurred accompanied by a shock wave that led the tankers to combine all their forces.

"ARGHH!" x1000

"More Power!!!"

Tankers flowed their mana to the maximum. At the same time, they stared at Susanoo, who was as tall as a mountain, blocking the moonlight from them. Susanoo's wide wings began to move and protect all the hunters from the meteorite shower.



"So big!"

"So this is the real size of Susanoo."

"I got goosebumps, man!"

"After this is over, I'll tell my family about it."

"I know, man! The Bureau should change Hunter Sasuke's power profile on their website."

"Yeah, He is the God of Hunters now."

"I like that; how about a god among men?"

The hunters under the shadow of Susanoo's wings began to whisper, their eyes radiating fear, awe, pride, relief, envy, etc.

"Hunter Thomas Andre... I'm sorry about my anger earlier."

Rachel felt embarrassed by her angry outburst, but it was quite natural when the meteorite had just threatened the entire kingdom.

"Just relax! Hahahaha! Who would have thought that guy had god-like powers?"

Thomas laughed as he raised his thumb to Rachel.

Rachel smiled warmly for the first time, then said

"Thank you..."


Sasuke felt that the meteorite shower was over, so he released Susanoo.


After Susanoo disappeared, he landed on the ground right in front of many hunters. He looked toward the sky and then tried to sense the mana around him.

'The Mana is starting to mix; I can feel that the Mana is becoming much richer than before.'

Thomas, accompanied by Rachel and Lancaster, walked up to Sasuke, and they talked while waiting for the transportation to pick them up.

Dont forget click the heart!

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