Savage Addiction

Chapter 11: CH 11

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Editor: Zoya001

Since neither option was perfect, Ning You returns to the original plan – why doesn’t he just wear the pants? 

The changed underwear in the dirty laundry basket hasn’t been washed yet, so he left it for now.

As for Li Mu’s overalls, Ning You put them aside. He brushed his teeth, applied body lotion, and put snacks on the low table in the living room. It’s inconvenient doing all this while wearing loose pants.

However, since he doesn’t need to get up during the meeting and Li Mu should be returning home after the meeting, he can wear the overalls in advance to avoid embarrassment.

After preparing for the meeting, Ning You’s figure appeared on the video screen. 

The black T-shirt with a round neck almost bared all his collarbone. The broad shoulder line made his face small and exquisite, and his skin exuded excellence after taking a shower, appearing a little less stern and slightly soft compared to when he is at work.

[Xiao Zhao: Chief Ning, do you live in a herdsman’s house?]

Assistant Xiao Zhao sent a message through the private chat window.

[Ning You: It’s a forest ranger’s house. He’s not at home right now.]

Ning You picked up the glass, taking a sip of kavas.

[Xiao Zhao: Does the forest ranger have such good taste in life?]

Most of the other employees on screen focused on the information in their hands, or wandered their eyes from left and right, reviewing the information on screen. Only Xiao Zhao stared straight at the screen, obviously observing the environment Ning You was in.

[Ning You: ?] 

[Xiao Zhao: La marzocco coffee machine]

When Ning You first came to the cabin yesterday, he noticed that the coffee machine used by Li Mu was the same model as his. However, he himself has no particular enthusiasm for coffee, so he didn’t pay much attention to this coffee machine.

[Xiao Zhao: This one costs about 40,000 to 50,000 yuan]

[Xiao Zhao: Are forest rangers so rich?] 

The price of 40,000 to 50,000 yuan is just a small sum of money for Ning You, but he is aware of salaried employees. He doesn’t think that the salary of a forest ranger can afford such products that most of Ning You’s employees can’t afford.

Associated with the suspicion of Hari’s bloodline, a huge question mark popped up in Ning You’s mind, and he suddenly realised that Li Mu didn’t seem to be as simple as he thought.

“So, let’s begin.”

The person in charge of the manufacturer’s company connected to the screen, and the sound of the meeting’s host allowed Ning You to temporarily place Li Mu at the back of his mind. 

Coafg j yglfo fzmtjcuf bo qifjrjcaglfr, atf wffalcu boolmljiis yfujc.

“Ktf mbcmfqa bo Rlcu Jijc’r Gfqjgawfca bo Kfmtcbibus tjr jikjsr yffc nfgs jvnjcmfv. Ynfg atf sfjgr, kf’nf gfujgvfv Rlcu Jijc’r Gfqjgawfca bo Kfmtcbibus jr jc lwqbgajca merabwfg. Dea atlr alwf…” Ktf qfgrbc lc mtjguf bo atf batfg qjgas rjlv lc Scuilrt, ibbxfv ja atf lcobgwjalbc lc tlr tjcv, jcv mbcalcefv, “Djrfv bc atf meggfca ifnfi bo ylbafmtcbibus, atf lwqijcajyif qtsrlmji fzjwlcjalbc lcragewfca lr ralii lwwjaegf?”

Ning You didn’t answer immediately, but called the name of a project leader.

The person in charge who was named began to explain the experimental data in detail to the other party, and these data were already familiar to Ning You. 

Implantable physical examination instruments is currently the most important project to Ning You at present. Simply put, it is to implant a micro device in the human body to monitor human data in real time. If there is an abnormal situation, a preliminary diagnosis can be given as soon as possible.

The concept of the project is groundbreaking in the early detection of major diseases such as cancer, but the most difficult aspect of this project is not the medical diagnosis, rather the device chip.

The production of chips requires lithography machines. Although DUV lithography machines can be mass produced domestically, Ning You’s project needs more advanced EUV lithography machines, and the relevant technologies are in the hands of foreign manufacturers.

“Judging from the simulated data, the accuracy of the implantable physical examination instrument is less than 70%.” The person in charge of the other side said, “And it may also be accompanied by an unpredictable rejection reaction.” 

“These are problems we need to solve next.” Ning You continued, “But please understand that we must first make the product before we can proceed with the next research.”

“Mr. Ning, do you know how many units of our EUV lithography machine can be produced each year?”

“I know, it’s very little.” Ning You said.

This is something that money can’t buy, and because of this, Ning Clan’s Department of Technology is the buyer, but it depends on the wishes of the other party. 

“We appreciate the innovative spirit of Ning Clan’s Department of Technology, but we are sorry to say that we still prefer our products to be used in more realistic projects.”

To say that they are interested in a new project is just a decent rejection.

Ning You exhaled and rubbed the center of his eyebrows with a headache. Although the result was not ideal, it was what he expected.

There seems to be an unwritten international rule that no one is willing to sell to China if it involves highly sophisticated industry technology. This lithography manufacturer has been very affectionate and not influenced by politics and interests, but it is clear that this project did not impress them. 

“Chief Ning, we are competing with an enterprise that develops automotic vehicles.” Someone said comfortingly.

“I know.” Ning You raised his head, “I just… feel it’s a pity.”

“Then, Chief Ning,” someone asked, “Are we going to continue this project?”

Ning You didn’t answer. 

After the meeting, Xiao Zhao sent a message through private chat. She spent the longest time with Ning You. There were some things that other employees dared not say, but she could speak bluntly.

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[Xiao Zhao: Chief Ning, if you don’t want this project, let’s give up]

Ning You doesn’t like these two words ‘give up’, but without the most important chip, this project can’t continue.

[Ning You: I’ll think about it again]. 

[Xiao Zhao: You can think about it after your vacation]

[Xiao Zhao: You’re on vacation now, why don’t you relax a bit?]

Xiao Zhao is right, Ning You really need to relax.

He needs to put aside all socialising, all work, and let himself spend a leisurely vacation. 

Although from his point of view, this vacation is not considered good, he has to admit that when he is by Li Mu’s side, what he feels is a completely different world which is really helpful for changing his mood.

Just thinking of this, Ning You received a social call.

He exhaled, adjusted his mood, and politely answered the phone: “Hello.”

Li Zhao’s voice came from the other end of the phone: “I heard that this project is not going well.” 

Implantable medical examination instruments require the cooperation and research of multiple companies, and the Li family run a pharmaceutical and chemical company, which is one of the reasons why Ning You chose Li Zhao as his fiance.

He always believes that when electronic technology develops to a certain level, the trend will turn to biotechnology. Therefore, he has always been optimistic about the pharmaceutical industry, but the projects in his hand… It’s really a bit too far ahead.

“Well, it may have to be cut in half.” Ning You said.

“It’s okay, you can start all over again.” Li Zhao said, “I believe in you, you can do it.” 

Ning You didn’t answer immediately. In fact, he thought he couldn’t.

Obviously this path is no longer viable, he just needs to take time to digest this matter. Li Zhao’s encouragement was said lightly, however, it didn’t sound very comfortable in Ning You’s ears.

It’s like having a ten-metre-high wall erected in front of you, with someone who can’t jump high next to you, encouraging you to jump over it.

But then again, Ning You didn’t blame Li Zhao, because he knew that Li Zhao comforted him out of good intentions. 

He replied “thank you”, chatted casually with Li Zhao, and then hung up the phone.

Now Ning You’s mood is that he doesn’t want to work, socialise, or anything. He slouched on the chair and let it go for a while, but after he completely relaxed, he was greeted with a protest from his stomach.

Looking at the time, at 12:50, Li Mu should be back soon.

Ning You decides to satiate his hunger with snacks first. After all, with his current mood, he really needs snacks to comfort him. 

He stood up with the intention of going to the living room and had only taken a step when his baggy overalls slid from his waist to his ankles, revealing two bare legs.

This is not really a big deal, but it just so happens that the door to the cabin was pulled open at this point and Li Mu walked in through the door.

Ning You directly froze in place. He saw Li Mu’s eyes fall straight to his legs, then reacted and hurriedly squatted down to pull up his pants.

“You didn’t see anything!” Ning You said hurriedly. 

Li Mu returned at an untimely moment when he caught his pants slipping from his waist, which looked just like a strange uncle taking off his pants obscenely in front of children.

Fortunately, the black t-shirt was long enough to cover his most critical parts.

Li Mu on the other side also didn’t expect that as soon as he got home, he’d witness a panicked white celestial swan. He deceived himself and pretended nothing happened.

“I saw it.” Naturally, Li Mu would not be so kind, and while changing his shoes, he said, “Taking off your pants in front of me.” 

“I didn’t!” Ning You defended anxiously.

“You can wear my shirt next time if you want to go bare-assed in my house.” Li Mu teased as he walked towards the kitchen, glancing down with intent as he passed Ning You, “At least it won’t be exposed so much.”

“I didn’t bare-assed…”

Ning You’s voice got smaller and smaller as he did wander around the house bare-assed for half a day before Li Mu came home. 

If he had known it would be like this, he would definitely not have worn pants just now.

After all, bare legs are always hundred times more elegant than pants falling off.

Li Mu went to the kitchen to cook. Ning You was afraid that a careless situation would occur again if his pants slipped off, so he went to the closet, while Li Mu was not paying attention to change his black T-shirt to a plaid shirt, and then put the embarrassing pants back in the closet.

Returning to the dining room again, Ning You walked to the coffee machine and asked Li Mu, “Did you buy this coffee machine?” 

At this time, Li Mu was peeling potatoes. He looked back subconsciously, but the knife almost cut his hand.

Only to see that Ning You actually changed into his shirt, and stood next to the coffee machine with two bare legs. Not even noticing that the buttons were buttoned the wrong way, the neckline was loose and most of the shoulders were exposed.

Li Mu put down the knife with a “bang”, without the previous teasing thought. He frowned and said: “Put on the pants for me.”

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