Savage Addiction

Chapter 24: CH 23

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Editor: Zoey0001

Li Mu didn’t work all day today. 

The white swan in his bed is delicate and clingy. It’s not enough to learn to ride a horse. He has to verify with him whether it’s cool or painful to milk the cows hard by practising some more.

“You have a point.” Ning You said, “I should be more rough with big cattle.”

Li Mu immediately received Ning You’s hint, thus increasing the intensity of his gnawing.

There’s no raincoat in the cabin and the wild species can only go bare-chested. Li Mu did what he said, making Ning You dirty inside and out. 

First, riding a horse, Ning You can still bear it. Second, pushing the car, his body is sticky and unbearable. Third, breaking the stump, his soul is screaming.

“I want to take a shower, Li Mu.” Ning You said with red eyes, “I don’t want to be so dirty.”

In the end, Li Mu chose to accommodate Ning You, he carried him into the shower room… and continued to bully him.

The long period of exercise consumed a lot of physical strength for the two of them, but Li Mu was able to carry Ning You back from the shower room to the cabin, while Ning You felt strenuous even moving his fingers.

“You should strengthen yourself with exercise.” Li Mu carried Ning You to the closet and found a clean plaid shirt for him to put on.

“I am usually busy at work.” Ning You stood still obediently, waiting for Li Mu to button him up, “There aren’t many opportunities to visit the gym.”

“You don’t need to go to the gym, you can exercise at home.” Li Mu stated.

Ning You has always listened earnestly to the elders’ words. But as for whether he can put it to practice or not, that is another matter. 

As for insisting on their words, Ning You actually doesn’t like other people’s advice, because he rarely gets substantive suggestions, but listening to Li Mu’s advice, however, he shows no opposition at all and an odd sense of menace emerged in his mind.

——Maybe this is the charm of mature men.

After the two finished getting dressed, Li Mu went to the kitchen to heat up the dishes, while Ning You sat in the dining room and waited.

He took out his phone and opened his memo, recorded all the positions he had just used and how he felt about the experience, and scored the overall rating according to difficulty and pleasure. 

Perhaps some people will tend to pose with low difficulty, but Ning You is different. The harder the posture, the more fulfilling he feels, and it turns out that the more difficult the posture is, the more it stimulates the nerves, so——

At the end of the writing, Ning You typed four characters at the end of the memo: Horse riding is the highest.

He put away his phone and fondly gazed at Li Mu’s busy back. The tight-fitting black T-shirt completely highlighted the good figure with wide shoulders and narrow waist, and chocolate-like abdominal muscles and strong thighs appeared in his mind.

“Li Mu.” Ning You couldn’t help but call out, “I’m so hungry.” 

“It will be ready soon.” Li Mu replied with his back to Ning You.

Ning You couldn’t help but want to laugh a little. Li Mu was so absorbed, that in matters of the bed he didn’t even understand his metaphor.

He opened the memo again and wrote a line: The big dark horse is very honest and adorable.

At this time, a WeChat message popped up at the top of the phone screen. Xiao Zhao found several return flights and asked Ning You which one he wanted to take. 

All flights will be the day after tomorrow, and the departure time will be in the morning and noon. In short, no matter which flight he takes, Ning You will return to Jin City on the same day.

Frejiis Rlcu Tbe kbeiv cba vfilyfgjafis lucbgf Wljb Itjb’r wfrrjuf, yea abvjs tf kjr gfjiis cba lc atf wbbv ab gfqis, rb tf qea tlr qtbcf jrlvf. Dea joafg j ktlif, Jbwgjvf Wljb Itjb, ktb kjr mbcrmlfcalber jcv wfalmeiber, mjiifv jujlc.

“Jtlfo Rlcu, atf qgbugfrr bo atf qjrrjuf tjr yffc jmmfifgjafv, jcv la lr fralwjafv atja la klii yf jyif ab qjrr atgbeut ys cbbc abwbggbk. Qf klii gfaegc ab atf nlmlclas bo atf jlgqbga lc atf joafgcbbc, jcv atfc rfa boo lc atf wbgclcu atf vjs joafg abwbggbk. Gb sbe atlcx atlr lr bxjs?”

“Why is it speeding up?” Ning You asked. 

“Chief Li has been putting pressure.” Xiao Zhao said.

Ning You was silent for a moment and said, “Then so be it.”

After hanging up the phone, Ning You lay listlessly on the table, Li Mu came over with a hot meal and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“I have to leave tomorrow at noon.” Ning You raised his head and put his chin on the back of his hand, unrealistically hoping that Li Mu would find a reason to keep him. 

But Li Mu didn’t answer, so Ning You didn’t continue, and both of them tacitly avoided the topic of parting.

The dining table was quiet for a while, only the sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding was left. In the end, Li Mu spoke first and asked, “Where else do you want to go? I will take you there.”

Village, I’ve been there. Lakeside, I have also been there. The beautiful white birch forest can be felt once again, but the mood of wanting to go is not as strong as the reluctance to part with what the cabin brings to Ning You.

“I just want to stay here.” Ning You said, “Don’t go anywhere, can you just stay here with me?” 

“Okay.” Li Mu’s answer was faster than Ning You imagined.

“Don’t you have to work?” Ning You asked cautiously. He knew that Li Mu had to patrol the mountain every day, and he had already delayed the other person’s work for a whole day, and felt more or less guilty in his heart.

“Do you want me to go to work?” Li Mu asked.

Ning You shook his head and said frankly: “I don’t want.” 

“Then the rest of my time is all yours.” Li Mu said.

Ning You raised the corners of his lips happily, and the depression just now swept away.

Since parting is something that can’t be changed, why let this matter affect your mood?

He bit his chopsticks, looked at Li Mu and asked, “So what are we going to do?” 

Under the dining table, a naked foot climbed onto Li Mu’s knee and plunged into the depths little by little.

Li Mu stopped his chopsticks, raised his eyes to look at Ning You, and asked without batting an eyelid, “What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know.” Ning You said.

That being said, the toes under the dining table resisted the dormant wild species. 

Li Mu also didn’t expect that this frail white swan’s lust to be not small. He put down his chopsticks and asked, “Do you still want to walk tomorrow?”

“Hmm?” Ning You revealed an uncomprehending look.

“I’m not going to take it easy anymore.” Li Mu said.

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Ning You hesitated for a moment, and obediently put his feet back. 

As far as the exercise just now is concerned, Li Mu treated him very well in bed. As long as he said he couldn’t stand it, Li Mu would definitely stop.

If you don’t need to meet people tomorrow, Ning You also wants to enjoy a simple and rough XING love. However, he is no longer young and must consider the consequences.

After dinner, Ning You consciously took the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen sink.

But just as he turned on the hot water and was about to wash the bowl, Li Mu took the bowl from him and said, “I’ll do it.” 

Recalling the first day when he first came to the cabin, Ning You was frightened by a brown bear, and the bowls and chopsticks were left unwashed for a few hours, and the first thing Li Mu did after he came back was to point to the sink and unreasonably remind: “Bowl.”

Ning You is used to enjoying special treatment, but there has never been a time when he feels happy like this.

Li Mu is obviously a person with his own principles. His principle is that one person cooks and the other washes the dishes. Of course Ning You agrees with this principle, but he doesn’t mind Li Mu breaking the principle for him.

He wrapped his arms around Li Mu’s neck, stood on his tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the chin, then slipped back into the living room without waiting for Li Mu to react. 

“Li Mu, you really should shave your beard.” Ning You said as he lay on the sofa lazily, “I don’t like people who don’t shave the most.”

“Is that so?” Li Mu didn’t care much and said, “You obviously like it a lot.”

Hearing this, Ning You remembered that in their exercise just now, he held up his chest and let Li Mu rub his small beans with his slag beards, so he immediately lost his confidence: “You’re talking nonsense…”

With the book “Postpartum Care of Cows” in his hand, Ning You idly flipped through it, and Li Mu came over after washing the bowl. He lay down on the sofa with Ning You lazily, and then put his arms around Ning You’s waist. The two of them looked at a book together. 

It was getting dark, and the heating was automatically turned on at the scheduled time. Outside the house, a cold wind occasionally slams the glass window, but inside the house is warm like a warm spring.

Ning You leaned in Li Mu’s arms, his eyelids slowly became heavy, but just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard a “thump” and the cabin suddenly turned dark.

“What happened?” Ning You propped up his upper body and asked.

“It may have tripped.” Li Mu put on a thick coat and went outside the house with a flashlight. 

The moonlight barely illuminated the environment inside the house, and there was no sound, and it’s terribly silent.

Ning You looked out the window, and saw that the light of the flashlight was shaking around the cabin, but gradually it was getting farther and farther away from the cabin.

“Li Mu!” Ning You shouted and chased in Li Mu’s direction.

Li Mu went into the forest and hadn’t gone far, he walked forward again and stopped. Just as he was about to return, a dark shadow swooped into his arms. 

“Where are you going?” Ning You looked at Li Mu anxiously and said, “Don’t leave me.”

The dense leaves obscured the moonlight, and Li Mu could barely see Ning You’s outline, but he could also feel how nervous the white swan was. He was simply at his wits end, and he helplessly comforted: “I’m not leaving.”

Ning You hugged Li Mu and didn’t let go.

“Let me take a look at the cable.” Li Mu said, “It should have been bitten by a groundhog.” 

“Huh?” Ning You was taken aback, “Then what should I do?””

“There’s an old stove in the attic.” Li Mu led Ning You back, “Let’s settle for it tonight and see what we do tomorrow.”

Back in the cabin, Li Mu set up a ladder, climbed to the second floor and took out a dirty old stove. While he was assembling the stove, Ning You stood aside and asked, “Do you need me to do anything?”

“You go pick up some…” Halfway through the conversation, Li Mu stopped, “Forget it, just go to the house and stay.” 

“Pick up what ah?” Ning You said curiously, “I want to help too.”

“Pick up cow dung.” Li Mu said, “Cow dung is fuel.”

Ning You shuddered, pretended not to hear anything, and said to herself: “It’s so cold, I’d better go inside and stay.”

Li Mu wasn’t surprised, he knew this result, how could the little princess go to pick up cow dung? 

The stove comes with a smoke pipe that reaches the attic which in turn was ventilated on all sides. Li Mu ignited the coal with cow dung, and then took protective measures against the fire. Although the room was still pitch black, at least they wouldn’t freeze.

The warmest place is naturally on the bed. Just when the two of them are ready to sleep, they take off their outer clothes and squeeze into the one-and-a-half meter wide bed.

The restriction of vision seems to always expand other senses. Ning You nestles in Li Mu’s chest, listening to the powerful heartbeat, feeling the warmth permeating through the skin, and suddenly becomes melancholy.

“Li Mu.” Ning You called out. 

“Hmm?” Li Mu responded.

“What should I do if I miss you?” Ning You still couldn’t help but bring up the topic of parting.

“You can come to me.” Li Mu said.

“But I’m getting married.” 

Although this is just a business, Li Zhao has also stated that he will not interfere in Ning You’s life, but marriage is not a child’s play after all, and Ning You does not want to do immoral things after marriage.

Li Mu was silent for a while, and just when Ning You thought he had fallen asleep, he slowly spoke, “Then don’t come looking for me.”

It’s for the best.

Originally, the two of them just met by chance, each with their own lives, and it was impossible for anyone to go to another environment for whom. 

If Li Mu returned to the city and became an nine-to-five office worker, Ning You mightn’t still want to be with him.

On the other hand, if Ning You came to the mountain forests and became a rough man picking up cow dung with his bare hands, Li Mu wouldn’t necessarily want to spoil him.

The reason why the two are attracted to each other is that their own characteristics account for a large factor, and these characteristics are created by their respective environments.

This is like an unsolvable problem. In the end, Ning You also agreed with Li Mu’s idea and gave a soft “hmmm”. 

——Let’s not see each other.

Ning You breathed a sigh of relief, and gradually let go of the burden in his heart. He shrank into Li Mu’s arms and chatted: “You will see my fiance tomorrow when you send me down the mountain.”

“Don’t worry.” Li Mu holds Ning You tightly around his shoulder, “I certainly won’t be jealous.”

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