Saving Mirai

Chapter 45: Chapter 44: good night Sana

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It is early in the evening when we teleport to the palace, in the study to be precise. 

My parents and Mizuki were already waiting for us there. 


I of course was now back in my toddler speech Sana form, "a little cutie foxy woxy" if I have to quote Mizu. 

Well whatever, I have to endure this a bit longer, as it is almost time that I get changed back to my normal form. I have to attend to my goddess duties tomorrow. Nothing special happened at Acria, so I didn't miss much. 


After sharing our thoughts of our little outing, I told them about my short experience as a real fox. 

Apparently this is a rare thing, most foxes wouldn't just mingle with a kitsune. Maybe because I am a goddess? Maybe they think I am more like them? Who knows.


When I was done explaining my events, Mizuki shared her feelings as a fellow kitsune, which made us laugh in the end, as she was unconsciously fluffing her tail. She looked so adorable when she got caught. Yes, she really is one of us now, in all ways.


I now sat on Mizuki's lap, listening to their conversation. By this point, I was getting really tired of my long day running with the fox parents.


Mizuki then started treating me again as if I really was a two year old. 

"And now, Sana, you will have a nice, warm bath. Running with your foxies made you all sandy and dirty. 

I picked some nice pink cat-kin pyjamas for you, you will look adorable as a little cat."


I looked up at her, thinking "really?" and then said "don't wanna bath. Sana sleepy." My time to have some fun!


But the joke was on me, they all decided to cooperate and continue treating me like an infant. Oh dear.

Mizuki started petting me, which made me feel all warm and drowsy. Then she said "here is your plushie, remember? You dropped it on the floor when you got back." 


I then replied "nooooooooo, Sana big girl. No plushie."


Mizuki's eyes sparkled, "yes, Sana is a big girl isn't she? Who is a big girl, yes you are." Then she nuzzled me, earning some laughs from the others. What happened after that, I will never know, as I fell asleep. All warm in Mizuki's safe embrace.


Mother Miyako, then walked to me, while I was still asleep, she whispered "tomorrow you will be regular cute Greya again. Thank you sweetie, I hope we can do this again, someday."


Apparently my brain decided to betray me and made me reply "mmm yes mommy", not remembering any of this. Not even the kiss on my forehead.


But the others do remember, as the mother Miyako replied "awwww, I will hold you to that promise my darling daughter. I have witnesses. Now rest for a while, as you need your strength for tomorrow." 


At this point, a smiling mother Ima left our company, leaving me asleep on Mizuki's lap.


About an hour later, I woke up from a sudden jolt. I realise that we are now walking to the bathroom. 

Shocked, I look around, trying to identify who is here with me, ah it is mother Miyako and Mizuki.


I replied with a sleepy "nooo, mommy. Sanna wanna sleep."


She then replied "awww, I think she really is too tired. After we adore her in her cat pyjamas, Sana will sleep in her crib in your room."


Mizuki nodded, smiling at my inability to properly stay awake. Definitely my mother Ima's fault, tampering with my mind. 


Mizuki then said "don't worry little one, I will watch over you when you sleep. But first a warm bath."


I said "nooo. Pwease, nooo." I somehow really started to cry. This is so embarrassing, but I now really feel and act like a child.  


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Mother Miyako then replied "oh don't be such a baby, come on honey, let's get you in the bath. It is nice and warm, and then you can go to sleep."


Mizuki then said "see you later sweetie," gave me a kiss on the forehead and then she wanted to go to her bedroom.


Mother Miyako then asked "Mizuki, please prepare her bed, I am sure she will sleep like an angel when we come to your room in half an hour."


"of course mother."


Mommy then takes me in her arms while I see Mizuki smiling like a true big sister. 


While we are walking towards the bathroom, I hear mother Miyako say "Greya, before I forget, don't think about revenge okay? This was our deepest wish, to have a little one in our family. A wish that is now finally fulfilled. Even if only for a short while. Will you play along a bit longer?"


I then thought about my response, but I was feeling too tired to reply.


She then tried again "honey?"


I don't remember the question so, alright, "yes mommy, I wuv you too"


Then she replied "awwww you are too cute. And daddy, do you love him too?"


I didn't reply.






She then slowly puts me down on a sofa in the corridor near the bathroom.

Then she notices that I am already asleep, and says with a low voice "awww. You really were tired. You worked really hard ever since you came to us. I promise we will take good care of you, my little Greya. Let's get you in your bed. The bath will have to wait for tomorrow."


She walks back to Mizuki's room, and very softly knocks, while slowly opening the door.

Mizuki seems to understand her intentions and comes closer, she sees me sleeping in mothers arms.


Mizuki whispers "Awww, she already fell asleep. Poor thing. Let's get her in her crib." 


Of course they placed it there for my humiliation only.


They put on my pink cat-kin pyjamas while I noticed nothing, I was fast asleep. 


They put me in a crib, next to Mizuki's bed. Then they put my new plushie next to me, as well as my other plushie that I received when I first arrived on Mirai. Then the lights dim. 


The queen then smiles and whispers "goodnight, my darling daughters. I am looking forward to having some more quality time together." 


Mizuki whispers back "goodnight mother, thank you for everything. I will look after her. I really think she enjoyed  our time together too, even if she won't admit it."


Then they both look towards the balcony, where the open curtains are moving in the summer night breeze.  

Two moons lighting the starry night sky, as two daughters are lighting the heart of a queen.

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