Saving Mirai

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: a trip to the Shrine

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In the morning I felt refreshed and ready to go exploring. It is already a bit later than expected, I must have slept longer than intended, probably still due to jet lag. My alarm would have awoken me if I would be at risk of being late, so I still have some time for whatever I planned today.


I believe the Tokyo AI prepared a trip to a local shrine for me for today's enjoyment activity. 

It has been a while ago when I read about Japanese shrines, they always felt a bit mysterious to me. I can't wait to see one in person. "Let me check first", I said, while tapping on my hand. My schedule for today was displayed as a hologram, floating in the air.

Yes, it was already scheduled and yes indeed for today. The taxi will pick me up at 11:00 and then drop me off at the shrine, giving me 3 hours to explore all of it, and then bringing me back to my temporary new home. 


I still have an hour left to prepare, so I can take my time.


After washing up and getting dressed, I take my small backpack out of my travel bag and put my hiking boots in them. Also some water and cookies, for there is always room for some cookies in my stomach. 


Making sure I left my room as clean as when I arrived, I decided to go outside. Almost leaving the room, I remembered at the last moment to fold the futon, it was considered polite, I believe. Well Akemi might not believe my folding was very neat, but it is the thought that counts, right? She probably wouldn't care either way as an android. Never thought those books I read and documentaries I watched many years ago would prove useful.


After informing the android Akemi that I would be exploring Tokyo for a while, and eating outside, she nodded, then said smiling, "have a nice day".  


She returned my shoes, but I told her I would put on my other shoes outside. I returned the slippers, put my hiking shoes on and went outside.


The taxi arrived on time. A polite male android wearing unblemished white gloves guided me inside. Then we were heading towards my destination: a real shrine.


I could hardly wait. I was looking forward to the trip like a high schooler on a field trip, I couldn't suppress a big smile. Exciting, what will I see today? Everything will be a first experience.


The android taxi driver was of the silent type, which I very much appreciated. Apparently we first needed to travel directly next to the heart of Tokyo. I could see the enormous skyscrapers in the distance getting bigger and bigger. They were even bigger than the ones at home. And there were many, many more of them. 


Today is the first day of December. The start of a new month that also symbolises a new beginning in my life. Well, at least that is the plan. The morning sun occasionally breaks through the clouds and reflects on the buildings in the distance. It should be a sunny day today, much warmer than in New London. Yes, I can get used to this.


The taxi travels at great speeds, leaving the skyscrapers behind me. The urban high rise is gradually being replaced by more and more green. 


Then we take a quieter route at lower speeds, speeds suitable for people like me who prefer to take in the sights. We enter a rural area, then a forest area. The taxi lowers in altitude to street level, so I can only see trees moving by. The driver decelerates as the taxi approaches the entrance of the shrine. 


After coming to a complete stop, the silent android finally speaks again "Mr Andrews, we have arrived at the requested location. One more thing, your travel agency AI requested me to convey the following message to you "please note, you are requested to not walk in the middle of the path leading to the shrine, it might be  considered disrespectful by some locals. For more information, please use your hand com. Have a nice day. End of message." 


I wanted to pay the fare, but the android immediately informed me "no need Mr Andrews, the price was included in your travel plan. Enjoy your stay."  


I thanked the android and he departed immediately. I wanted to ask more about why it was considered disrespectful to walk in the middle, but I was alone again. So I guess I really have to use my hand com. That's how people call those things by the way, but I am an exception: I couldn't care less.


I decided to check my all-knowing computer by tapping on my hand. "Computer, in Japan, why is it not allowed to walk in the middle of the path to the shrine?" 


The computer then replied "according to the travel brochure that was included with your ticket, it is allowed. But it is not considered respectful. The middle path is dedicated to and reserved for the local deity."  


"Ok, end the query". Yes, that explains that. Nothing screams more "I am a tourist!" than acting carelessly and unknowingly offending the locals. 


I do as I am told and proceed to the entrance. A huge beautiful torii (arc) welcomes me. I walked under it and almost stood in the middle, remembering I was told not to do that, not even a minute ago. I don't know if the left or the right side of the path is considered "normal", but as people drive on the left side of the road here, just let's stay on the left. 


"Is it me, or are there no tourists here today?", I speak audibly. Well other tourists than me that is. 

There are only a few people. Nobody is walking a dog though, ah right a shrine, of course not.  


Wondering why this place looks a bit too abandoned by tourists for my taste, I ask my computer for more information. It replies that this is not a frequented tourist spot, but a less widely known shrine dedicated to a goddess who the locals still pay respect to. I stopped the information overload and continued my walk. 


Why would a Tokyo AI send me here if it is not a tourist spot? Maybe the AI just glitched? 

To my left and right were lanterns, not yet lit of course, but imagine the view at night! 

Well maintained bushes and trees greeted me everywhere. The path leads to an entrance in the forest. 

A small sign in the Japanese language shows a 1.2 and a Japanese character. I wave my hand in front of it and my computer interprets it as 1.2 kilometres to the actual shrine. I decide that I will survive the 1.2 kilometres with my sturdy hiking boots, and relax as I walk, still keeping to my left. After a while I can see the actual shrine. 


It is a beautiful old building. Well maintained with a curved roof and many ornaments. It just breathes a warm welcoming atmosphere. You can feel that you are in a place of worship, a place that demands respect. It is really quiet here, the only sounds are the wind in the treetops and the occasional crow that makes itself heard, "kaaaa..  kaaaaa."


Right next to the shrine is a huge tree, some enormous branches reach down to just over my head as I walk under them. The tree is decorated with ribbons and some even have Japanese characters on them, which must have some special meaning. I decide not to intrude on that, and leave the tree and the ribbons be.


As I walk closer to the shrine, I notice two huge statues of foxes on the left and right of the entrance. 

Surprisingly, there is nobody around. I feel a bit guilty, "should I really be here all alone?"  I say out loud.

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"Yes, of course you are welcome here", a gentle female voice tells me, again in English, but this time I notice a small Japanese language influence in those words. I immediately turn around, placing my hand on my startled, rapidly beating heart. 


"Sorry to startle you, are you alright?" she asked, with honest concern in her eyes.  


"Yes, yes, I am fine. Sorry, I didn't notice you before." 


The young lady, a human, then giggles softly, bows for a few seconds and continues: "My name is Ima, the miko (shrine maiden) of this temple. I take care of the building and welcome our visitors". 


She is not much older than 16, wearing something that looks like a white and red coloured kimono. But this kimono somehow looks more authentic and more expensive than the android's kimono at my hotel. 

Ima has long, black hair, adorned with a silver hairpin. 


Wait, taking care of the building she said, is she a janitor maybe? No can't be, her clothes are spotless, besides her kimono looks more like, like, I don't know, I suck at fashion. Let's call it a kimono for official purposes for all I care. 


I respectfully bow as well and reply "nice to meet you miss Ima, I am Peter and I was recommended this shrine for a, and I quote, spiritually refreshing visit".


She laughs, showing a genuine warm smile, then says "excellent, you have certainly come to the right place then. Would you please wash your hands with purified water using the wooden ladle over there? It is spring water, but please do not drink it. It will clean your hands and your spirit as well, allowing you to enter the shrine."  

I did as she asked and then followed the still smiling Ima into the shrine. 

The fox statues seem even bigger when standing right next to them, scary so. It feels like they are watching me, but it must be my imagination. 


"Would you like me to take off my shoes here?" I ask her.


"No, you don't need to do that here. The first part of the shrine is for everyone to enter, no need for such inconvenience. Only when entering the centre of the shrine, which only I am allowed to do, you would need to take off your shoes. You may either sit down or keep standing here, just take all the time you need to refresh your spirit. And perhaps if you like, say a few kind words to our goddess?"  


"Okay, thank you very much for your kindness. By the way, if you would please forgive my curiosity, what is her name?" 


Her smile disappears for a second, her face showing a brief serious contemplating expression, then smiling again.  "Sorry, I needed to think for a second there. We express her name in the most respectful way of our Japanese language, so I would not wish to bother you with pronunciation difficulties. Just know that she welcomes you". She smiles and leaves me be. 


"Okay, that happened" I thought. Not strange at all. Well who am I to complain in a shrine of all places? 


I look around and see another statue, but I cannot see its details as I would need to enter further into the shrine. Even though I am alone at the moment, I feel like I am being watched. A creepy, but also comforting feeling. Not knowing exactly what to do, I sat down on a wooden bench. Closing my eyes and relaxing. 


I decide to pray, or at least try, while speaking with a low volume, not wanting to be overheard, "dear goddess of this shrine. I am only visiting here today. You sure live in a beautiful country, and the people here have a warm heart. I have always wanted to visit a shrine, this one is amazing, but I don't really know what to do. So my apologies if I sound disrespectful. I am not really used to praying. Not even sure if I should, I am afraid I might even insult my God, being a Christian and all. Am I even praying or just talking? Whatever the case, I mean no disrespect to anyone. Ah, sorry, I need to focus. Actually, I could use your wisdom in my life if you would please. I am at a loss what to do. My life is boring, my work is boring and after visiting this beautiful country, I will have to go back to that boring life of working with data algorithms all day long. I would do anything to finally be really alive and have some fun in life. I am sorry, I should not be asking so much, so anything you can do to give my life some meaning would be helpful." 

I stand up and feel lighter already. No, I feel a deep sense of relaxation, a feeling that my heart is cleansed. I clap my hands twice, because that is what I remember from the documentaries, not sure what the meaning is, but it feels right to do. I bow and then slowly exit the shrine.


Outside I take a deep breath. Fresh air enters my lungs as I feel alive. The first time in years, having done something that is or at least feels meaningful. 


Ima returns at that moment and shows a warm smile. She looks at me and says "thank you for visiting, you are always welcome here." Shen then enters the shrine to sweep the floor that I just walked on.


I follow her right up to the entrance and say "sorry, did I dirty the floor? That was not my.." and suddenly a very deep rumble starts. The ground begins to shake, more, more, an earthquake! A big one too!


Horror images float in my mind, remembering the earthquake history of Japan. This could be another one of those mega-quakes. I run inside and want to grab Ima's arm and pull her outside, but a support beam in the shrine collapses and traps her inside. She is stuck. 


She yells out in Japanese, I don't need to translate, she is in pain. 


For a split second my brain calculates all options: run outside and call for help, or try to free her. I quickly tap my hand three times, indicating an emergency responder request at my location. 


Then I try to free her. She shouts while crying from pain "go go go, save yourself, you will die!" 


But something tells me to stay, I shout: "no, I will not leave you here to die alone." The quake continues and dust is entering the shrine, limiting the view. We both cough as the quake suddenly stops. 


I then say "Ima, Ima, can you hear me? Stay with me! I called the emergency services, the quake is over, I will help...." 


But before I can finish my sentence, another beam falls, in a shrine that has survived many earthquakes, during many centuries. This time however, the beam falls right on my head... no pain, no screaming, no blood, just complete blackness and utter silence.

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