Saving Unpermitted

Chapter 30: Saving Unpermitted Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 - One Eye 

Luo Duan looked at the empty vase and didn’t answer. Since he knew that Ai Xiaoxiao wasn’t his own doctor, he closed his eyes and put on a pretense of wanting to rest undisturbed. Ai Xiaoxiao was too lazy to even be ashamed of herself. After stroking two more walls, she hummed a folk song and turned to leave.

Sure enough, the moment the door was closed, the veins started leaking from the wall and the lump of liquid fell down again.

“I… help… you… you…” Its voice was discontinuous, like an old radio with a bad signal.

The slightly pungent smell of pus from swollen wounds suddenly rose in the air. Luo Duan didn’t respond to this invitation and totally turned a deaf ear to it, as if the lump of liquid was really just an illusion. Seeing that he still hadn’t talked after a long while, the lump of liquid slowly retracted to the ceiling, and the wall returned to its original state again.

But it didn’t leave. Luo Duan could still feel its aura hanging behind the wall. At present, that thing didn’t seem to want to hurt him, nor did it want to be exposed to others. Luo simply ignored it, waiting to see what else it could do.

There was no free lunch in this world. No matter how desperate he was at this point, he wouldn’t accept the help of a monster.

Ai Xiaoxiao knew nothing about the happenings in the room, so she strode out of the ward and looked through Luo Duan’s medical records.

Various indicators were abnormal. This person’s body was on the verge of collapsing, and some organs even appeared to be slightly eroded. If Luo Duan failed to die on the battlefield in the next six months, only a longer torture would await him.

Ai Xiaoxiao chewed the bubble gum in her mouth, took out a torn-out small notebook and wrote down Luo Duan’s name and medical record number. Done getting what she needed to get, she stuffed the notebook into her pocket, then opened the door.

“Miss Ai.” The researcher in the room nodded at her.

“Let me make it clear first, I won’t stay here for too long.” Ai Xiaoxiao couldn’t bother being polite with her opening sentence: “What I took on was Zhu Yanchen’s contract, and once the time is up, I’ll leave at once… Will you pay on time?”

The researcher’s expression twitched: “Don’t worry, Marshal Zhu does have an account on reserve.”

“Oh, good. Then as stated in the contract, within one year after Zhu Yanchen’s death, I’ll be responsible for the maintenance of the synthesised humans’ health. Even if the leader personally requests it, I won’t extend or shorten my working hours. I will take the amount that has been agreed upon; you definitely can’t reduce it, but any bonus is welcome.”

Ai Xiaoxiao’s tone was rather cold. She spoke while nibbling on the peanuts loudly in her mouth and counting them on one hand.

“I will neither participate in your discussion, provide any information outside the scope of work, nor accept any opinions from the research institute. During this year, the relevant teams need to absolutely obey me, and I have the right to gather more personnel from the opposing party —  That’s all, I’ve written it here in black and white. To prevent you from refusing to pay, please sign on the ‘Acknowledged’ column.” 

The researcher heaved a heavy sigh. Zhu Yanchen was already dead and he still couldn’t live a peaceful life — Dr. Ai’s thirst for money and domineering character truly lived up to their reputation. Seriously, did Marshal Zhu hire a grandma so he could have a ‘fantastic’ time serving her?

If Zhu Yanchen was still alive, there might still be room for negotiation. But Zhu Yanchen’s contract that was pretty much his will was something that not even Yi Ning might be able to interfere with. Ai Xiaoxiao had excellent skills and was well-known among the community. If they forcefully replaced her, not only would it offend the citizens, but the Zhu family would also not let the matter go so easily, even if letting her stay might bring shame to their name.

Forget it, they endured Zhu Yanchen for so many years. It would be nothing to endure another Ai Xiaoxiao.

“It’s not your money anyway.” Ai Xiaoxiao said again after seeing the researcher still hesitant to sign after a long time: “Hurry up, I have to clean up my new room.”

“Miss Ai, I’m a little curious. How did Marshal Zhu convince you?” 

The researcher signed his name and pushed back the contract. He still couldn’t help asking a question — Ai Xiaoxiao was notorious for being disobedient. Didn’t the research institute also try to hire her, yet in the end the effort was all for naught?

“Convince me?”

Ai Xiaoxiao stuffed the contract into her bag.

“I’ve secretly picked up a lot from him, so I’m just paying back the favour. You’ve worked with him for so long and you still haven’t seen anything?… Tsk tsk, it seems that I was right to not join the institute. I’ve always thought that your eyes aren’t very good, now it seems that it’s even more serious than I thought.”

After all that, she left behind a researcher with his jaw dropping and went straight out the door.

Researcher: “……”

He had heard that Ai Xiaoxiao was a straightforward person, but this almost sounded like she had a grudge against the research institute. Secretly picked up a lot from Zhu Yanchen? The researcher recalled Marshal Zhu’s research reports that often went off-topic by miles and shook his head dejectedly.

Forget it, perhaps Ai Xiaoxiao simply liked to watch them being unhappy. Her attitude problem shouldn’t be that big of a deal.

“Oh and, about your special ward.” Barely a few steps out of the room, Ai Xiaoxiao turned back again. The researcher who was half-way shaking froze in his tracks. “You’d better find someone to measure the concentration of the erosive substance. The air inside doesn’t feel right.”

“We’ve installed a military purifier at the entrance. Any fully-developed Erosion Marsh will definitely not be able to enter. It’s impossible to completely eliminate the erosive substance, since those players have a lot of erosive substance in their bodies…”

“It won’t take much time to measure a bit, I’m sure there’s  a problem there.” She gritted her teeth: “If you can, please try to do it today —”

Her attitude softened slightly. This was the first time she used the phrase “please”, but unfortunately, the researcher didn’t let her finish the sentence.

“We might have to wait for you to become the next leader, then you can carry out the measurement yourself. It’s a rule that the special ward’s environment is only tested once a month.” The researcher pulled out a polite smile: “Currently you have no right to command us.”

Ai Xiaoxiao coldly cast a gaze that was as sharp as a knife and walked away.

She really likes to pick on trivial stuff, doesn’t she? At least I got back one win, the researcher thought as he let out a sigh of relief.

Ai Xiaoxiao arrived at her temporary residence and threw the bag on the table. She had to admit that the room quality at the headquarters was good. The TV in her room was also on, but unlike the special ward, her TV was broadcasting an entertainment programme.

It was Xia Liang’s tour performance. Miss Xia’s dress was elegant and her makeup was truly appalling. She was walking on a stage where an artificial mist was lingering, singing a very emotional love song. Her voice was clear and beautiful, but Ai Xiaoxiao only felt upset — She had always disliked this sort of Miss High and Mighty who was oblivious about the real world, especially those loud-mouthed ones who would scream at the sight of corpses.

She fiercely turned off the TV.

Everything went wrong today.

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Perhaps one’s luck really meant to have such ups and downs. Zhu Yanchen being alive was a great thing, but then — On the day Zhu Yanchen’s death was announced, she tried to contact Lao Dong, but Lao Dong said that he wouldn’t be able to meet until a week later.

Now that there was no battle to command, what could an old man be busy with?

As a result, Ai Xiaoxiao had to deal with the research institute first, which wasn’t a pleasant task. She hated it to the core, and she couldn’t bother to hide her emotions. This definitely wouldn’t get any better in the future, but…

Ai Xiaoxiao pulled out the contract again, silently read the amount of payment she would get several times and finally felt a little better.

Speaking of which, she would meet Lao Dong soon, and she hoped her luck today would improve. After tidying up the room, Ai Xiaoxiao sat down by the bed. She rubbed the cover of the little notebook and began to think about stealing the measuring device to inspect the special ward herself.

At the border settlement.

One after another, Shu Jun and Zhu Yanchen stepped into the Longevity Bar. Although the place was named as a ‘bar’, they sold all kinds of things here.

It was breakfast time and the bar was bustling with business. A bamboo holder full of buns was steaming hot, while a wire rack was thickly stacked with hot, crispy fried dough sticks. The smell of deep-fried pancakes lingered in the air, and on each table, the side dishes were neatly arranged, each plate filled with meat marinated in thick sauces.

After selling the monster skins and having his own income, Shu Jun was willing to spend quite a bit. He happily bought a lot of food and took Zhu Yanchen to find a corner. But, among the bunch of hunched-back men in the bar, the two of them were tremendously eye-catching. The other guests didn’t even bother hiding their glares.

The two of them — one was an army leader, the other a star player — had long been used to this situation. As usual, Zhu Yanchen slightly pushed the mask away and calmly ate the porridge, while Shu Jun gleefully used the tips of his claws to pierce the steamed bun’s skin.

Most people would fall into this pattern. If the person being observed desperately tried to avoid the gazes, the observers’ curiosity would be even more piqued; but if the person being observed stayed still like a mountain, the observers’ pleasure would be greatly reduced. After watching the white-haired young man finish swallowing the steamed buns then start chewing on fried dough sticks, the other guests gradually turned their attention back to their own breakfast.

“The fried dough stick is good.” Shu Jun took a big bite of the dough stick and waved the remaining half in front of Zhu Yanchen a few times: “These are a bit too soft. I’m going to buy some more, would you like some? Or you don’t like things that are too oily —” 

Very naturally, Zhu Yanchen grabbed Shu Jun’s wrist and took a small bite. 

“It’s a bit oily indeed. No need, help me get another bowl of porridge.” He said.

Shu Jun glanced at the spot where Zhu Yanchen had bitten, his movement stuck in the air for a moment. Marshal Zhu’s action was too straightforward. He really couldn’t tell whether this was the upright style of a pragmatist or an intended gesture of intimacy.

……At least he could have bitten the other end. But Shu Jun felt that he really shouldn’t be worrying about this trivial issue. Stuffing the whole fried dough stick into his mouth, Shu Jun looked at Zhu Yanchen deeply.

The latter was eating the porridge at a constant speed, his face expressionless as usual.

Forget it, we’re both sleeping in the same bed, there’s no reason to care about this. Shu Jun shook his head: “Or shall I bring you some buns?” 

The moment his voice fell, a sudden silence cast over the entire bar. Shu Jun immediately closed his mouth and subconsciously lowered his body.

“Listen well, here’s some news.” A shifty-eyed thin man entered the bar: “Blackbird team is recruiting three NPCs to lead the way, and they will need to depart in five days’ time, heading to the northwest of X City. This is a challenging job that requires experienced people who could pass the Three Assessments.”

After that, he went to the bar owner and swiped some electronic money, then quickly left.

Shu Jun: “……” 

He could still understand the first few sentences, but the last part was jargon that he was clueless about. Zhu Yanchen used his chopsticks to tap the rim of Shu Jun’s bowl and drew his attention back.

“Do you understand that?” Shu Jun lowered his voice amidst the noisy commotion inside the bar: “What are the ‘Three Assessments’?”

“You have a good body, receive recommendations and are willing to accept unrestricted inspections against your combat power.” Zhu Yanchen lowered his gaze: “In short, they don’t want people that are overly deformed, don’t have someone that can guarantee their capability and can’t participate in battles. This is the highest requirement that the coalition government gives out when recruiting people from border settlements.”

The two of them didn’t have to worry about any deformity on their bodies, and they obviously didn’t have to worry about their combat powers, but regarding having someone’s guarantee…

“Huh, are you two here too?” A thick voice came, and two hands that seemed as big as fans slapped on their backs. Zhu Yanchen smoothly kept up a straight face, but Shu Jun had just bitten a bun and almost choked

“Uncle Xiong.” Shu Jun wiped his chin. The man was wearing a mask, but the two brown lumps on his head were really easy to recognise.

“You call my brother Pan ge but call me Uncle Xiong, is this the right label?” Uncle Xiong said unhappily: “Just call me Xiong ge — what are you two planning, you want to take on the NPC mission?”

“We’re thinking about it. Xiong ge, how about you?”

“Hey, my brother won’t let me go even if he dies. He’ll break my leg if I dare to mention the idea. This job is really dangerous, you two have to think carefully about it.” Uncle Xiong rubbed his nose: “But if you two really want to go, I can give you a lead.”

“Tell us more about it.” Shu Jun pulled a chair over to let Uncle Xiong sit down.

“I know the most ruthless person in this area. He has done more than a dozen NPC missions and is still alive. Isn’t that amazing? I heard people say that the higher-ups wanted to make him a fixed NPC, but he insistently turned down their offer. He’s a really skilful one. Of course, of course, your two are also skilful. So I was thinking, if you really want to go, my brother can be your guarantor. Later, you two can just keep staring at that guy, whatever he does, you just follow. You’ll be able to pass.”

“He’s nicknamed ‘One Eye’, his real name is Yu Jin, and he’s considered to be the top here. We’re quite acquainted with each other, later when I have time, I’ll introduce you two to him.”

‘Yu Jin’ sounded a bit familiar, but Shu Jun couldn’t remember where he heard it. He smiled and agreed, intending to continue to gossip with Uncle Xiong, but then he subconsciously glanced at Zhu Yanchen beside him.

And Shu Jun forgot what he wanted to say.

Marshal Zhu was looking at him with extremely intense eyes. As sharp as a stalactite, his gaze was quite complicated, as though it was mixed with suppressed longing, reminiscence and an inexplicable sense of anticipation. Even when their four eyes met, Zhu Yanchen didn’t withdraw his gaze. A few seconds later, he turned to Uncle Xiong and, for the first time, spoke on his own volition.

“Thank you. We’ll purchase some weapons later, and please help us make an appointment with him…”

“……If possible, it’s best that we see him today.”

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