Savior! Redemption in Another World!

Chapter 53: Party Shopping

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Snapping my eyes open, I found myself laying on a very comfortable couch, with Teresa looking over with an extremely worried expression.

Her hands are rested on my chest, and I can feel healing mana seeping into every part of my body.

Interestingly enough, unlike with my own healing magic, this stuff gets rid of all my sore muscles, weird pains, and makes my body feel good as new!

"Ah, good morning." I snicker and sit up, as the healing mana stops pouring out of Teresa's hands with a yelp of surprise.

However, instead of a funny reply or a smack in the head, Teresa embraces me with a hug.

"Woah, not that I don't appreciate the hug, but I'm more confused now than ever," I say, my mouth moving before my brain catches itself.

"How are you so nonchalant? You passed out cold, eyes and mouth still open. I thought that assassin had poisoned you or something, but no matter how much I healed you nothing got better. I could feel you breathing and your heart beating, but it's like you became a corpse. I was worried you asshole." Teresa said, finally relaxing before shoving herself off of me.

"My bad, I met with God for a moment," I say, slapping my hand over my mouth moments later. Thankfully, Teresa seems to have taken it as some sick joke.

Which, is actually funny if you think about it.

"Not funny! I thought you were dead!" Teresa said, her tone getting harsher, yet anger was surprisingly absent from her voice.

"I mean it's kinda funny, also so what? I've known you for what, less than a month? I didn't think we were that close. You didn't seem to mind it so much when your other guards died." I say, as the glint of anger that I had been so used to made its grand return to Teresa's voice and eyes.

"That's not true at all! You were just passed out from dumping mana into a poorly thought out spell that you didn't notice! Besides, you've saved my life twice now, whilst those guards even belong to me. Do you know how hard it is to find good help?" Teresa began to ramble, yet after my negotiation with Greed/Ego, my beating from Teresa earlier today, and my negotiation and processing with Hunter's Mark, I feel like garbage.

"Well I'm sorry, I didn't realize your guards nor I meant so much to you. I'm beat, so I'm probably gonna wash up and head to sleep, nightfall is right around the corner and we both need rest for tomorrow." I say, sitting up and stretching.

"I think you're a little behind, by now it's well into the night. However, I think you're probably right. Have a good night, we have a busy day tomorrow." Teresa said, stretching and yawning.

God damn it! I forgot that conversations with Ego take way longer than they feel! Rushing back to my bedroom, I take a very quick bath and go directly to sleep.

I want to recover as much mental strength as possible for tomorrow since I guarantee I'll have to act as a mediator between Ivy and Teresa.

Just what have I gotten myself into.


I have severely underestimated both Teresa and Ivy.

Well, I half expected Teresa to be able to keep negotiations and such in a favorable light, beloved royalty and all that, but not to this extent.

Looking at the two of them now, going through different shops, plotting out different routes and ideas as well as party composition, you'd think that they've known each other for years.

Happily laughing, shopping, and planning as if yesterday had never happened.

That just leaves me and Flare to carry most of the supplies and let the brains buy everything we need. With my money of course.

"So uh, is Ivy usually this, compatible?" I lean over and ask Flare, as she just replies with a shrug.

"Never around me, I've known her for three years, and she's never been like this with someone new. It took me nearly two years of friendship building to get to the point of casual shopping buddies. That being said, she might act like this in every new party she joins." Flare replies, a more intrigued tone than anything else.

"Wait what? Have you never been in a party with Ivy?" I ask as we continue to watch Ivy and Teresa shop, using my money and putting most of the supplies in my storage bag.

Anything that won't fit being handed off to either me or Flare.

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"Nope. She said would always make some excuse to not party up with me. I was starting to wonder if she hated me." Flare replied as Teresa shot a glance back at us. We may have been a bit too loud, hopefully, Ivy hasn't heard much.

"It sounds more like she was worried about going adventuring with you. You're B-rank, right? Maybe she's worried?" I ask, taking another bag and glare from Teresa.

"Yeah, I'm B-rank, just like her. So why would she be worried about my strength?" Flare asks, completely missing what I was suggesting.

I don't think it's your strength she's worried about, it's her own.

"Alright, that should do it!" Ivy and Teresa confirm, freeing me from yet another awkward conversation.

I really ought to work on my people skills. This is my comeuppance for never going to parties huh.

"How much did you end up running through?" I ask, taking my storage bag and realizing the gravity of my financial situation.

"About an oro and a half in total," Teresa said with a gentle smile. That witch! That's all of my money!

One Oro is worth around one thousand Soldi, so they just spent the equivalent of fifteen hundred Soldi!

"What could you possibly have bought with all of that money!?" I ask, my anger tone being betrayed by a noticeable voice crack.

"These," Teresa says, gesturing to three small silver bags, handing one each to Ivy and Flare. "Minor storage bags. Each of ours is filled with camping and travel supplies, a spare set of clothes, a spare weapon or two, and rationed food. Your bag has the larger tent, various other useful things, and your bedroll. Unless of course, you were planning on having the four of us stay in one of your famous travel domes." Teresa finished with a sneer, yet I realize now that maybe the expenses were a bit necessary.

It's not as if I won't be earning money along the way either. We'll have guild work to do and my salary from Teresa, so I'll be fine.

"Actually, how much are you paying us to be your guards on this trip?" I ask, realizing I never asked that question.

"For you, fifty Soldi a month until I take the throne. For you two," Teresa said, looking them up and down. "You'll start with twenty-five Soldi a month each until you prove to be useful or turn up dead."

"Sweet!" Ivy said, jumping at the opportunity of steady and stable work.

"Why do we get half?" Flare said, angry at the idea of such cheap labor.

"Can either of you be compared to Antonio in strength?" Teresa asks, more specifically looking at Flare.

"Nope." Ivy quickly answered with a swift head shake.

"Probably, he's a magician and I'm a swordsman," Flare replied, looking me up and down.

More up than down, given I had cast Alter Ego this morning.

"Oh? Alright, if you can beat Antonio in a duel, you'll get his salary and he'll get yours." Teresa says with a smirk.

"Hey! What do I get if I win?" I ask, feeling as if I'm on the losing end of this deal.

"Not fired." Teresa shrugs, gesturing for us to follow her. "Cmon, you two can conduct a Fae Duel outside the city walls."

A Fae Duel? What the hell is that?

Glancing between Ivy and Flare, there seems to be no confusion between either of them.

Great, more weird magic, but this time with my job on the line.

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