Say your Stupid Line

Say your Stupid Line

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Say your Stupid Line

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“Don’t do it. You know better. Nope nope nope.” Aster told himself as he watched the stream of an old friend. A lost friend, but one he cared for deeply.
“Sometimes you wish life was like a novel.” He forcefully laughed at his own ironic situation. He scanned the page hesitant to leave another time. He felt his memories of her repressed, that time between coming back to page lessened with every subsequent red x.
“I want to say hi, say thank you. Even if it has been 28 months. I’m different now, stronger now…” He paused unsure of what he was even saying. It was pointless words; he wasn’t convincing anyone here as the only one in the room was himself. But he said them regardless, tried to find a deeper meaning outside his own self wallows.
“But how strong do you have to be to let go?” He mumbled as his finger hovered over the purple unban request. And with a shot for inspiration and a toke filled with desperation, mudded his mind for later excuses his finger fell and the purple button turned grey.

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