Scavenger in the Magus World

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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When the topics for conversation dried up, Gray ordered us to get lost and never come back.

With mixed feelings Isabelle and I left the old man, this time I decided to finally go to Rent and see the survived children from my childhood.

The monitor at Rent was unable to infiltrate the gang, so information was scarce. However, I knew that at least one of the children of my house had advanced in the gang and became a warden in one of the gambling houses.

- Are you okay? - Isabelle asked.

I lowered my head slightly and looked into her eyes. Her serious and worried face instantly melted my heart. Smiling, I answered.

- Promise that you will stay with me forever, then I'll be fine.

Isabelle blushed and gave it a thought.

- You're not going to lock me up somewhere, are you? I don't want to sit in some house for years on end, will we travel everywhere together like now? - she asked.

- I promise that almost always I will take you with me wherever I go. I'll be by your side until death do us part. - I solemnly promised.

- Well, then I don't mind.

- Don't mind what? - I clarified.

- I promise.

- What do you promise? - I did not lag behind.

Hesitating, Isabelle finally spoke.

- I promise to stay with you forever...

I smiled sincerely and kissed her on the lips. Isabelle blushed even more and turned away, but she had nowhere to run, so she remained in my arms while sitting on a horse.

Rent was very close, so I asked Isabelle to cover her face before entering the city, promising that this was a temporary measure. After all, I still had to face the consequences of killing Delric, there was no point in creating new problems.

First of all, we went to the gambling house. A different contingent hung around here, from ordinary drunks to second-rate nobles and other relatively decent people who usually went up to the second floor of the institution.

Among local entertainments, cockfights and other types of animal competitions were popular. There were other entertainments like throwing small balls into the hole, however cards and dice were the most popular.

In order to weed out the poor from getting to second floor there was a fee. I had to pay 10 silver to go upstairs.

Jayden was sitting at one of the tables playing a board game with someone. It's been 11 years, so I had to refresh his memory so that he would finally recognize me. After a little chat, we got down to business.

- Do you want to know which one of us betrayed you years ago? - Jayden asked.

- Not really, it doesn't really matter, we were all children. However, I would not refuse to see the others, I hope you will help me with this.

- In this city, besides me, there are only two people Mary and Rafael. I have no idea where is the rest.

Mary works in a brothel and will replace the owner in the future.

Rafael unfortunately too addicted to games and drinks. It was he who betrayed you then. Although he joined a gang, due to his addictions, he was not even trusted to look after the children. But he still gives visits there from time to time and extorts money from them. - Jaden shook his head in disappointment.

I explained to Jaden the main purpose of my visit, namely the intention to ransom all the children. I don’t know what he thought to himself, but he was very surprised, and then almost burst into tears, repeating what a good person I am.

In any case, he suggested that I meet with one of the local underbosses named Miser. He looked after orphanages and brothels, having complete autonomy in these matters.

First I decided to visit Mary. Although she was glad to see me, but I quickly realized that, unlike Jayden, she was not eager to mess with me. Apparently, she was quite satisfied with her life.

After a little chat, we parted ways.

Soon I met with the Miser and a couple of his people and suggested that I will ransom all children of both genders under the age of thirteen.

I perfectly remembered how we were treated, so I was sure that not only would there be no informers among them, but they would gladly take the chance for a better life, at least most of them.

Having previously bargained, I gave a deposit of 10 gold pieces and we went to the dilapidated houses in which the orphans were kept. Even on the approach, we heard screams and sobs, after which we went into one of the houses.

This time it was Raphael himself who gave the children a nightmare, which I learned about when I heard the words of the Miser.

- Rafael! Bastard don't touch the kids. - Miser got furious when he saw the non-marketable appearance of the product.

Seeing the Miser, Rafael changed his face and left the children alone. I asked Rafael to come with us, his perplexed look in my direction was answered by the roar of the Miser, and he silently obeyed.

Isabelle was amazed by the picture that opened up, it was difficult for her to imagine such a childhood. However, I took her by the hand and we moved on.

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Soon I asked to gather all the children together and a whole crowd of children gathered in a small courtyard of one of the buildings. I stood in front of them and, having examined them a little, turned to Rafael.

- Rafael come here.

This time, Rafael realized that there was no point in being indignant and hesitantly approached.

I grabbed his hair with one hand, and with the other I made a sharp movement, drawing the sword and swinging it around the neck. Everything happened in an instant. Rafael's head remained in my hand, and his body limply fell to the ground. I turned his head towards the children.

Rafael's face changed as he tried to comprehend what had happened. Soon Rafael's face froze.

- What the hell? - yelled the Miser.

The rest of the bandits took out their weapons. Some of the children were delighted, some were confused and scared.

- Wait! Hide your weapons. Miser this is Sam, he grew up in one of the orphanages, Rafael betrayed him once, this is nothing more than personal scores. - Jayden tried to defuse the situation.

- Rafael was still part of the gang, albeit shitty, but part. How are you going to compensate us for this? - the Miser did not retreat.

- If I say I’m a Knight’s Apprentice, will that change anything? - I was curious.

Miser frowned. He understood that it was impossible for an ordinary person to cut off Rafael head so cleanly from the position in which I was, on the other hand, he also could not say for sure whether I was a Knight's Apprentice or not. However, is it worth the risk? He soon smiled.

- How about a token fee of 5 gold? I'm sure Rafael will be delighted in the afterlife to learn how much his pathetic carcass cost, what do you say? - Miser screwed up his eyes.

- No problem. - I turned back to the children - My name is Sam. As you have already heard, I grew up in this city, in one of the orphanages. I've come to take you away from here. All who come with me will be well fed, educated and trained combat.

No one else will dare to touch you without my permission. Of course, I hope that you will come with me voluntarily. Mister Miser here can attest that he will gladly let you go. - I turned to Miser

- Of course! This rich Knight has descended to you rogues, it would be better for you to get out of here, otherwise ... - Miser grimaced trying to scare children.

Soon all the children agreed and I gave another 25 gold pieces to Miser. The Miser must have laughed at my stupidity to himself. He will easily pick up a new batch of children.

In modern times, some families did not just leave children to their fate but simply killed newborns, realizing that they could not take care of them.

I thanked Jayden and left him my contact in the city, just in case.

Having bought almost ten wagons of horses and stocked up on supplies, I set out with the children for Harin.

I couldn't force Isabelle to hide her face forever, so I let her reveal her appearance to the kids, and she soon got along with them. We had a couple of weeks to go.

Initially, my primary goal was to become a Knight's Apprentice. I wanted Gray to be proud of me and know that his efforts were not in vain, so I was ready to take any risks in order to be in time before his death.

However, now the situation has changed a bit. Although I still wanted to become a Mage, but after meeting Isabelle, I realized that I did not want to leave her alone. In addition, if you constantly walk on water, sooner or later you will get wet.

Even if I started to constantly rob the nobles and the rich, this would not necessarily guarantee me getting what I needed, obviously with Delric I was very lucky. But the consequences of such robberies on an ongoing basis can be deplorable.

Earlier between trade and banditry I chose banditry. However, I have now decided to change my course of action. Of course the gang is not going anywhere, but in the long run I had other plans, namely the creation of a guild.

The city of Harin was relatively young and did not yet have a full-fledged guild. Even in neighboring cities, guilds were relatively weak. Also the capital was pretty far from here. Thanks to the library and the librarian Farez himself, I initially considered two options - a merchant and a bandit.

Of course, there was no way an ordinary merchant could match my ambitions, so I was going to gradually establish an entire merchant guild and become its leader.

There are merchants who travel between villages and their lords buying and selling goods, like the one I originally went to Harin with. For example, he bought the skins of animals and brought them to the city for sale. There are artisans in the city who take the skins for processing and sell them to the final buyer, or a little cheaper to a merchant in a shop who gradually sells the goods.

The bottom line is that the guild will take on the role of an intermediary in all transactions between various chains of merchants and artisans. A merchant who buys skins will now be able to immediately hand over their goods to the guild for sale upon arrival in the city. The craftsman will be able to take as much leather as he can process and he will not have to worry about whether he can sell it, he will simply donate everything to the same guild who will take care of the sale accordingly and so on.

This will greatly increase the performance of all circuits. Gradually, more and more merchants will appear who want to bring goods, because the guild will immediately buy them out, no matter how many there are.

At the same time, there will be more and more different artisans who will know that their goods will definitely sell for a decent price, no matter what they produce.

Of course, many things need to be taken care of in order to establish such a guild.

For example, an army is needed to protect the interests of the guild and give impetus to its development, which is what my gang will actually do now, and soon the growing children of both cities and beyond.

Starting capital, so that the guild can not only pay for the goods that it receives for storage and sale, but also provide loans secured. Perform the functions of a pawnshop, bank and much more. Fortunately, I managed to accumulate some capital.

At first, you will still have to act like a gang using force and threats, combined with benefits, forcing merchants and artisans to join the guild. It is possible to squeeze out shops and buildings, but as the guild grows, this problem will disappear by itself.

Well, the main problem is the fact that all people, including merchants and artisans, belong to the lord of the city Viscount Rashford, so the first thing I will have to do is talk to him and adjust my actions depending on the results.

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