Scavenger in the Magus World

Chapter 19: Chapter 19 – Scavenger

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The first thing I did upon returning home was to reproduce two magical portraits from memory. It was enough for me to recreate the image of Merik in my mind, and then transfer this image to the canvas. One portrait before the murder and one after. I have ordered the guild to contact all branches. Those will send people in search of information about any Magicians or people with similar signs. The probability of success was not high, but if you manage to find the stash of this acolyte, you can find something useful.

Starting to rake up what Merik left behind, I was pleasantly surprised. Apparently, he really planned the exchange of knowledge in my magical library from the very beginning, because he turned out to have a full-fledged combat spell of the 0th rank "Sonic Sword".

The element of sound was extremely rare, and so were the spells to it. At the same time, they were hardly in high demand for the same reasons. Especially since among the Mages there are few Knights. However, for me this find was very valuable because I had not previously found even minor sound spells.

Among other things, there were records of several ordinary spells, one of which, judging by the description, deactivated my magic trap. More basics of necromancy and transmutation.

Of course, the main prize was a smoking pipe. I have been a witness to it work since the beginning of the battle. This defensive artifact managed to absorb a huge amount of bolts and arrows without showing any weakness.

Instead of tobacco, there was a groove inside the pipe for a magic crystal, and apparently a fire element. The most common crystals were black with mental energy, but there were also magic crystals of various elements.

But I could not understand what is the meaning in such an artifact. Here the user had to spend their own mental energy to activate it, albeit not much. It's easier to create the formation of the desired spell and use a regular magic crystal to activate it. Most likely, the creator had a shortage of magic crystals, or this pipe was created as an experiment. I was sure that only a True Mage could create such an artifact.

I took out the red crystal and examined it. The crystal remained cold, but the flames raged within it. Obviously, this Merik turned out to be thrifty and prepared as many as two such crystals for recharging the artifact.

Inserting one of the crystals into the slot, I activated it with my mental energy and the same ghostly fiery barrier formed around me. The tube itself, when activated, was covered with ghostly formations around itself, when I deactivated the artifact, the formations decreased again and disappeared into the symbols on the tube.

It was an excellent rune technique. Unfortunately, I could not understand how it all works, I will have to postpone it for the future. After a little fooling around, I returned to my usual routine. Training in the use of spells and elements.

On the agenda was the question of how to improve the quality of my defused magic trap, as well as the continuation of experiments with the sound element which was really hard for me. Unfortunately, my mental energy was limited, so when it was depleted, I again began to read and analyze various magical records.

In particular, I studied a lot of magical knowledge even before being an acolyte, and now I re-read it again. Now my memory was much better than before, so I hoped that this time I could absorb most of the information.

My guild information network was working at full capacity and I regularly received reports of all kinds of rumors and events in the kingdom.

Many said that I killed a rank 3 acolyte only thanks to the help of the entire city which is basically truth. Others, foaming at the mouth, argued that I, on the contrary, saved the inhabitants of the city by fearlessly engaging with the Mage in close combat as a True Knight. In any case, this news has become quite popular lately.

There were even rumors that my rise was connected with garbage and pawnshops.

My fascination with pawnshops was well known to both commoners and nobles, and many once laughed at me for spending a lot of money on tons of rubbish. However, now there were rumors that I once found an ancient artifact in some garbage heap and my rapid progress is connected precisely with this. Someone chatted that I found the soul of an ancient Magician, someone claimed that I summoned a powerful demon and he gave me power.

There were noble people who decided to do the same, trying to find gold among the shit. They set up pawnshops for the poor in their cities that competed with my own, hoping to catch their luck by the tail.

I didn't care if they had Magicians under them to check the garbage or not. I sent people to give one polite warning, if it didn't work, I just killed the owner and took his property. I already found useful materials in the garbage and the amount of garbage entering my city grew every day. I didn't want to put up with any competition.

Of course, the lords of the cities were furious at such impudence, but in reality they pretended that nothing had happened. Everyone understood that if a True Knight and a Magician came to their souls in one person, the probability of their survival was low. Only the royal capital could escape my influence.

Garbage from the pawnshops of almost the entire kingdom now flocked to me.

Beggars appeared everywhere for whom the delivery of garbage to the pawnshop became an actual job. They found stones of various sizes, wood, worn leather, and anything in general. They dragged these goods in packs and for each item bought by a pawnshop they received a copper.

Such people were called scavengers and this profession became quite popular among the lower class. Many people in other professions, such as leeches, rat-catchers or house pipe cleaners, quit their difficult jobs and took up garbage collection. Even the most impoverished beggar with an addiction to alcohol could quite well earn his living by this method.

Among the scavengers, professionals appeared who were respected and gained fame. More and more secret techniques were developed to search for garbage and separate existing garbage to increase earnings. For many it has become a family business.

One day, a beggar came to the pawnshop literally trying to sell his own shit. The pawnshop employee was so enraged that he ordered the guard to kill the beggar on the spot. Many beggars nearby who were initially on fire with the idea shook their heads in disappointment when they realized that their shit was worthless.

Although the rumors were different, the lower class often sincerely believed that I was simply helping all the poor in the kingdom, since I myself was originally one of them. Among these people the name Tarrister became very popular.

But the rare bandits who robbed carts with my coat of arms and found a pile of garbage inside cursed me heavily. Now only the insane could covet my wagons knowing all of them is full of useless rubbish.

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This report brought a smile to my face.

In general, the situation was stable. I sat in my city and did not try to expand my territory by force to neighboring lands. So despite the fact that I caused concern among the royal family, one city was still not a reason to take any action. At least that's what I thought.


Capital. Royal Palace.

King Ardel stood at the window and silently looked into the distance. Behind him at the table sat the minister and other important people of the kingdom, including Duke Murphy who controlled the area that included the city of Harin.

- So this commoner doesn’t want to appear before his king? - asked Ardel.

- I'm afraid not, Your Majesty. - Murphy replied.

- How is it that nearly half of my subjects are indebted to the Tarrister Guild? Have you decided to sell your kingdom for gold? - continued the king.

Some of the people at the table lowered their heads in humility. Murphy's eyes twinkled. Meanwhile, the king continued.

- How did it all get to this stage? Why do I hear the name of this commoner and his guild more and more often, but I still haven't seen him in person?

- He remained a simple Knight Apprentice for a long time, partially owning only one city. The growth of his personal power and the power of the guild happened quite rapidly and suddenly. - Murphy tried to justify himself.

- Well, what now? Are you able to suppress this guild now?

- I'm afraid it will be problematic. According to the reports, his city's army is quite strong, considering the guild... I can't guarantee victory. - Murphy replied.

Although outwardly he looked rather submissive, he chuckled to himself with contempt.

His area was originally one of the poorest, but over the past 15 years, its development and wealth began to progress rapidly. Murphy has long been one of the guild's nominal owners. Many could guess about this, but not many knew for sure. Out of the nine people on the guild council, three were his representatives, as he chose the right moment to take his own. Murphy made huge profits and only rejoiced at the rapid growth of his influence and wealth.

On the other hand, the king thought first of all not about the development of his kingdom as a whole, but about his own power. He was afraid that if the guild continued to develop at such a rate, the guild's decree would soon become more important than the king's decree.

If the guild, and Tarrister in particular, were weak and helpless, then perhaps Murphy would not have been able to protect their common interests. However, everything was exactly the opposite. The guild had great power and Tarrister himself had also become a man that not even a king could ignore.

King's reaction was too late!

The king laughed.

- These commoners. Why is this law still in effect since the war? A commoner will forever remain such and Tarrister is a prime example of this. Let's abolish this useless law. - said the king.

Here the minister rose and objected.

- I beg your pardon, your majesty, but among the current Knight Apprentices, there are many commoners with origins from the time of the war. I'm afraid if we do this, there may be riots... It would be wiser to wait until they die, after all, this title is not inherited.

After some thought, Ardel told everyone to get out, after which he sent for Merlin.

Soon an elderly Mage appeared. He was dressed quite luxuriously, emphasizing his status with a magnificent hat with a fiery feather and a staff with a pommel in the form of an angel.

At the same time, his face contrasted strikingly with his attire. It was pale and haggard. His eyes gleamed rapaciously from under a light black mist swirling around his face.

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