Scavenger in the Magus World

Chapter 24: Chapter 24 – True Mage

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Outland staging post number three. In this simple way the nearest talent collection point to the kingdom of Arun was called. Outland was not a small territory, so there were other staging posts, but they led respectively to other parts of the Southern Continent and other Mages were responsible for them.

Usually two rank 3 acolytes were on duty here, looking after the teleportation formation. True Mages of the Southern Continent usually appeared only during the recruitment period and usually waited on the other side so as not to waste the magic crystals in vain.

The protective formation that created the border for the soulless remained activated all the time, so only a True Mage could try to overcome it and thus gain the right to use the teleport.

The cost of using the teleportation formation was 300 magic crystals. If you add the resources for the defensive formation, talent check, paying acolytes, and other small expenses over a 5 year period, it could be between 500 and 1000 magic crystals.

At the same time, this transit point was the closest for a huge number of kingdoms and empires, which means that hundreds of soulless people came to check. On average, from three to five hundred, sometimes it reached a thousand. Thus, every five years, the staging post brought in at least several thousand magic crystals in profit.

It wasn't that much, but combined with the new recruits, the profits were palpable.

If a True Mage appeared in the Outlands, he was politely asked not to create problems for the coalition's business and not to shine. Or teleport to the main part of the Southern Continent.

Accordingly, the same rules applied to those who returned here from the Southern Continent for any reason. Both cases were extremely rare. Be that as it may, some kind of observation was carried out behind Outland, so if a completely insane True Mage appears here killing too many soulless, then other True Mages will go after his soul.

Acolytes at the staging post who stayed here between sets were the ones who volunteered for this mission. In fact, they had few responsibilities and, apart from the obvious restrictions on freedom of movement, they went about their business here. There were well-equipped residences with everything you need. Each of the acolytes could take their slaves and subordinates with them for the duration of the mission.

Suddenly, a large teleportation formation activated. An anomaly appeared in the area above the formation, warping reality. In slow motion, a microscopic dot appeared in the middle of the anomaly, which in the next instant materialized on the platform. The environment returned back to normal.

Protective screen disappeared and a man appeared on the platform, sitting on a large silver wolf.

The man looked extremely young, he seemed to be barely 18 judging just by his appearance. Nevertheless, powerful mental energy diverged around him, saying that he was a True Mage. Deep blood pools in his eyes impassively observed their surroundings.

It was Kyle Tarrister.

The two acolytes left their residences and came running to pay their respects and answer any questions Mage might have. Although formally their task was to look after the formation and those who use it, but in reality, none of them were going to ask questions to the True Mage, only to answer any question.

- Greetings Lord Mage. - two acolytes bowed.

The residences of acolytes could be seen In the distance, which were now overgrown with other buildings around, creating something like a small settlement. The servants and families of acolytes remained there.

Looking around at the acolytes, Kyle remembered one of them. He was still quite young, around 35 years old. This acolyte did a talent check last time, luckily Kyle's talent was slightly above average so he wasn't given any trouble. However, many other children were far less fortunate. This acolyte was extremely cruel and dared to kill children with a low level of talent, taking all their property.

Kyle didn't care about breaking any rules, the Mage World was ruled by force, nevertheless, the very idea that this bastard could kill him if he had a low level of talent caused him to reveal his kill intention.

Feeling the evil mental pressure of the True Mage, acolytes turned pale and fell to their knees. Kyle cast a spell and a bloody shadow swooped down on one of the acolytes in the blink of an eye. He did not even have time to think about resistance when the bloody shadow completely covered his body. A few moments later, only a skeleton covered with dried human skin remained from the acolyte, which were  lifelessly laying on the ground.

The second acolyte was horrified and began to tearfully beg for mercy.

- Tell the one who comes to replace him, even if one of the children in Outland is not talented enough, they must return home alive, do you understand me?

- Yes, lord! I swear on my life that I will make sure something like this happens ever again! - the acolyte beat his head on the ground.

Kyle ordered the border defense formation to be deactivated and gave the acolyte a comm-print to deactivate it when Kyle gonna return back here.

The silver wolf was about 5 meters in size and had a remarkable physique. Silver wolves were the main business of the Hardiger family and there were several places to rent them for travel.

Usually such wolves were leased out only under the guarantee of the relevant organization, which would pay for the losses in the event of his death. Or it was necessary to leave a deposit of appropriate value.

The wolf could easily maintain a speed of three times the maximum speed of ordinary horses for a long time, in addition, he could move in almost any terrain.

Kyle was returning home after 12 years.

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Initially, he was not very positive towards his father. The last years under his strict leadership were not the happiest memories.

Nevertheless, over the many years of being an acolyte, he was on the verge of death more than once. He had no choice but to admit that he was better prepared for the harsh reality than the rest. The Knight Apprentice's physique also proved to be extremely useful both in terms of survival and advancement.

He remained at the level of a Knight Apprentice. Although he tried to regularly perform the Knight Technique to keep fit, that alone was not enough to progress. Well, there was simply no time for constant physical training. However, now that he had become a True Magician, he was going to use alternative means and eventually advance to a True Knight.

In any case, he had to admit that his father was right in a way.

But still deep inside Kyle had some resentment. Although he did not intend to kill his father any longer, the thought of how this once tyrant would now kneel before him, showering him with gratitude, warmed his soul.

He purchased a transmission ball with basic meditation techniques and some other materials to help his father finally fulfill his dream of becoming a Magician. In his head, he imagined the scene of how his father would accept his handout with admiration, scattering in gratitude. At the same time Kyle will finally be able to repay the debt for everything that he received from father many years ago, thereby closing this issue.

And finally he will find out what really happened to his mother.

After only two months, he arrived at the city of Harin, looking at it from a hill. Although 12 years have passed, the changes were too dramatic. The former small city of Harin with a castle in the center was now just a small piece of a huge city.

In any case, the first thing he planned to do was visit his mother's grave. It was located outside the city limits in a hard-to-reach place. The father was worried that someday the city might fall, so he did not want to bury Isabelle in the city.

Kyle gave a mental command and the wolf rushed in the right direction. He soon discovered a hidden burial site. On a small engraving was the name Isabelle Tarrister. Kyle used a spell. A small trickle of blood seeped into the ground and then into Isabelle's coffin. Soon it returned to the surface and turned into a small bloody skull. Finding Kyle in front of him, the skull lashed out at him with fury, seemingly trying to gnaw him to death.

Kyle's face turned pale. Even though he knew it was possible deep down, he didn't want to believe it. However, now everything has become clear.

He himself killed his own mother.

No wonder his Father hated it so much when Kyle asked about his mother fate. How exacly Sam was suppose to answer such question?

Suddenly, Kyle felt an elemental wave passing by him.

- Huh?

He returned to the wolf and, saddling it, looked around the city. Bells began to ring in the city. Residents left the streets and hid in buildings and alleyways. On the other hand, there were more and more soldiers on the streets.

- Is it because of me?

Kyle decided to find out what was the matter and went towards the city. The city was not surrounded by walls on all sides, there was only a low foundation. The wolf jumped over without problem and rushed towards the Tarrister residence.

More and more soldiers with crossbows flocked to the residence, Kyle decided that it was worth sending the wolf away so as not to fan the chaos and avoid injury to the wolf. He himself went towards the acolyte of the 3rd rank near the residence. Feeling the mental wave of the True Mage on him, the acolyte turned pale and fell to his knees. The soldiers raised their crossbows, but were in no hurry to open fire.

Suddenly, Kyle felt the resonance of blood and looked up at the sky. A dark golden knight flew across the sky heading straight for him. He was still too far away and it was not possible to probe him with mental energy.

There was no doubt that his father was in the sky, the resonance of blood could not deceive him. But flight spells were quite rare. Kyle himself has not yet seen this for his element. Was his father a True Mage? This simply could not be possible.

- Lord Mage, I am Bertram, assistant to Lord Tarrister. I hope you wait for his arrival. I am sure he will be able to solve any issue that worries you. - said the acolyte servilely.

Kyle just nodded and watched his father approach. Soon, he finally realized that his father was still a rank 3 acolyte. But at the same time, even this was unimaginable, especially considering the flight. Kyle hoped that his appearance would shock and excite his father, but it turned out a little differently.

He almost twisted at the thought of what would happen if he imposingly handed over his handout to his father, who was already at this level. He would just make himself look like an idiot and nothing more. Luckily, the package stayed with the wolf, so Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. In the future, he will pretend that these are just extra consumables as a gift to his other children or students.

On the other hand, he will now have to find another way to repay his father...

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