Scavenger in the Magus World

Chapter 26: Chapter 26 – Farewell Outland

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To become a True Mage, a 1st rank defensive spell model of a suitable element is required. The acolyte's mental energy must exceed 15 units and be sufficiently pure and stable. You also need Tears of a Mortal and a potion of Ascension. And of course acolyte should be relatively young.

Tears of a Mortal were an extremely expensive and rare treasure, but it was quite possible to get them. Their task was to help break through to the True Mage stage using longevity of their body. Smaller doses were used to break through to the True Knight. For this reason, only young acolytes usually succeeded, the rest simply became corpses after using them.

Ascension potions are almost impossible to get. The materials for their manufacture, as well as the method, were only known among 2nd rank Mages of the central part of the Southern Continent. However at times organizations and families on the outskirts received such. Another thing is that in order to get them from these organizations, one had to have sufficient talent and be no older than 30 years. At the same time, often in order to obtain a potion, it was necessary to conclude a contract with the appropriate organization for up to 100 years of service.

No one will give such a potion to an old man like me, because it makes no sense to conclude a contract with a walking dead.

Sometimes Mages appeared who managed to find other ways to progress using the remains of the ancient Mages. Usually these were found among the anomalous zones that torn apart the Southern Continent.

The zone between Outland teleportation formations and central part of the Southern Continent was also partly one of these anomalous zones. However, the unexplored sites of such anomalies were too dangerous, so the likelihood of surviving and finding something useful was too negligible.

The central part of the Southern Continent had the most Mages, with about 25 Rank 2 Mages, though Kyle didn't know the exact number. But there were about a thousand 1st rank True Mages, if not more.

If we take the central part of the Southern Continent as a starting point, then on the other side of the portal from here was the south-western part of this continent. It was there that Kyle appeared 12 years ago.

In this territory there were only 13 different families, schools and other small organizations that united in the Orion coalition to defend common interests in the face of danger, for example 2nd rank Mage . Of course conflicts flared up regularly within the coalition itself.

In particular, the appearance of Kyle turned out to be one of the reasons for such a conflict. Nevertheless, in the end he went to Garrow Academy. One of the pillars of the academy was a fire Mage with a fire element transformation above 50% named Nocturne, who took Kyle as his student.

However, information about Kyle's rare blood affinity leaked out, and a few years later, a rank 2 Mage from the central part of the Southern Continent came after him. Realizing that he will not be able to keep the student, Nocturne dutifully handed over Kyle, cursing those who denounced him to himself.

- Since then, I have been living under the guidance of a rank 2 Mage. He even gave me an advanced meditation technique. After reading it, I understood why my appearance aroused so much interest.

Affinity with the element of blood is very rare. Blood is made up of many other elements. This is the same as getting an affinity for milk or wine for example, which is rather unusual. Of course affinity with the elements implies a certain variability for most Mages, but it is rarely so exaggerated.

Judging by this meditation technique, if I will manage to get high progress in transforming the elemental essence of blood, I will be able to manipulate bloodlines to some extent. No one has seen bloodline mages for a long time, at least not strong enough Mages. However, many Mages do not lose hope in trying to extract the bloodlines of powerful creatures and use them for themselves.

In general, I have received quite a few benefits, although I am also being monitored. On the other side of the formation, there are several Mages escorting me. In any case, if not for my current mentor, it would be difficult for me to return here. Only the local formation in both directions will cost 600 magic crystals. The formation to the Central South Continent is even more expensive. I don't know when I will be able to visit this place again. - Kyle said with a wry smile.

- This is great. At least until the peak of 1st rank Mage you will be safe. Count yourself lucky. By then, you'll be old enough to clean up your own shit. - I sincerely rejoiced.

Kyle once again rolled his eyes and continued.

Either way, I can't stay here for long. I didn't expect you to become a novice, so the only thing I can offer you is to come with me to the southwestern part of the Southern Continent. Or you can wait until the next set in three years. In theory, there shouldn't be any problems.

I will contact my first teacher Nocturne and you can get into Garrow Academy as a guest student. There will be no special requirements for you, but you will be able to expand your horizons in many areas. I hope you make a decision within a couple of months.

- How many people can I take with me? - I clarified.

- No more than a thousand. Or you can wait until the next set in three years. Then the number of places will be much less. And besides, you can be in trouble ... Nocturne has power only in Garrow Academy. However, I'm not sure how the rest of the coalition will react to your arrival.

- There's nothing to think about. I'll just go with you. I'm not afraid of problems, but I'm not looking for extra ones.

We'll have to send people to their destination in advance. After all, everyone will not fit on Kyle's silver wolf. Selection should begin immediately.

My current Squires and Knight Apprentices were already between 32 and 40 years old. Many had families and children. I was not going to take crowds of children and wives with me, so most of the family soldiers will stay here. Though I still considered young orphans and other children with the talent of a Knight, which I was now openly testing, as candidates.

I called the only True Knight Sellinger and told him what to do. Sellinger himself never had children, so he decided to take part in this journey.

Bertram was already too old, and after meeting Kyle, he clearly did not intend to go anywhere, hoping that he would never have to meet the True Magician again. He worked hard and had a son and a daughter. I gladly left the city of Harin in his hands.

Kyle showed me a way to roughly estimate a child's mental strength. Although the method was rather crude and did nothing to evaluate talent, it at least reduced the chances that the child would die from trying to master the transmission ball meditation technique. Even though there were no guarantees.

Bertram knew how not only to have fun but also to work. He devoted many years to alchemy, so I learned a lot from him. He also created some interesting recipes that my people will benefit from.

So I suggested that he use the ball to transfer the meditation technique to one of his children. Judging by the test, a girl was the best fit. Bertram accepted the gift, but the children were still too young, so he was going to let her use the ball only when she turns at least 10 years old.

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Soon, the whole procession of nobles from the battlefield arrived in the city and humbly visited my residence, bringing a bunch of gifts. Now even Duke Murphy always smiled and bowed slightly in front of me.

It turned out that in the camp of the enemy there was a real massacre. When Murphy and the others arrived there, they were so frightened by the result of my "message" that they immediately decided to visit me with gifts. In particular, they brought me what was left of the corpse of the royal Mage Merlin and even various armor of the slain Knight's Apprentices.

Upon learning that my son is a True Magician and I am going to the continent of Magicians, they seemed to have completely lost their shame and literally fawned over me in the hope that I would take their offspring with me. I had to brush them off like flies, since I didn't want to take the offspring of nobles with me, even though they were more likely to have talent.

But still, Duke Murphy persuaded me. He offered as many as twenty sets of magical iron knight armor, literally taking them off his Knights. The magicians were not particularly interested in this, but I still needed those. Rock shed often, but not as often as I would like, and dark gold had many other uses.

In return, he asked me to give his offspring a chance if the opportunity arises, but if he remains mortal forever, then such is his fate. I could only agree to such an offer because I had nothing to lose.

Rashford did not raise this issue, although I certainly would not have refused him. After all, the two of us essentially stood on the very foundation of the Tarrister guild. Despite the fact that we had misunderstandings, but without his full support from the very beginning, it would have been extremely difficult for me to move forward.

Earl Lawrence has been on pins and needles before, given that we once had a conflict over Isabelle. Now he even came to me almost crying and handed over three magic crystals as an apology.

What he didn't know was that I didn't hold a grudge against him at all. If he hadn't sent Bertram to me, I don't know how long it would have taken me to find the Magician. And without the Magician, I would never have found a meditation technique for myself. Of course I also met Isabelle thanks to him.

Looking at Lawrence with a slight smile, I said.

- If you have children, I am ready to take one of them with me. I can promise that this child will be the first in line to receive the meditation technique.

Initially, the first in line should have been 25-year-old Francis, from whom I received a book with runes. However, he gradually got used to a dissolute and rich life, so I simply bought him off with a bunch of gold.

Lawrence was amazed and excited. He immediately began to praise his little daughter and promised to send her to me as soon as possible.

Soon, a list of those who would go towards the formation right now was drawn up.

One True Knight. Seven Knight's Disciples. 185 experienced Squires and 75 children in total. 50 of them were mostly children of Squires whom they decided to take with them, taking or leaving behind their wives. The remaining 25 were children and young people of various ages with the talent of a Knight. Another two dozen were volunteers of various stripes like teachers, builders, cooks and so on.

With them I sent the children of Murphy and Lawrence. A large procession, led by people in various knightly armor, set off forward at a high pace. There were tons of gold in the wagons, which I was going to take with me for promotion in a new place of residence.

The neighboring kingdom army also suddenly appeared, they decided to try their luck after figuring out that a battle had taken place between the troops of King Ardel and Murphy. Of course, it did not end well for them and they ran away from where they came from.

In the meantime, I ordered the topics to be rewritten on any material that I had but not yet had time to thoroughly study. I continued to exchange experiences with my son. As it turned out, his knowledge was rather limited apart from combat magic.

A couple of months later, Bernard and I sat in the garden and watched his children run around. It was a goodbye, because we both knew that we would never see each other again.

- Maybe you should also get a few extra children? You seem to be pretty good at that. - Bernard said.

- No, one is enough for me. Now this is the problem of the younger Tarrister. - I shook my head - You remember how I raised Kyle. Of course, maybe I was too strict, but I hope that you will at least partially follow my example. This world is not a very friendly place. In the next ten years, you should not have problems, but then everything will depend on your small ones.

Bernard nodded.

- I will force my son to become a Knight's Apprentice even if I have to beat him with a stick. Given the resources you left me, even a monkey could become a Knight.

Finally, I said a warm goodbye to my friend and walked towards the exit where Kyle was already waiting on the silver wolf. With me, I collected a rather large chest in which lay all the most valuable, except for Rock who climbed over the body of the wolf taking various forms.

After another couple of months, we finally caught up with my people and soon arrived at a defensive formation on the border.

The formation was deactivated and the entire delegation went inside. At first, there was a deserted wasteland, which eventually gave way to a completely ordinary environment in the form of a small town. In the middle of it, there was an open space leading into a rather large teleportation formation.

I looked at the formation with interest for a while, but quickly realized that I could only partially recognize it. Many runes and methods of their influence were unfamiliar to me.

Everyone lined up inside the formation. The local acolytes placed the magic stones in the formation and began to activate.

The formation platform with us inside was covered by a barrier. In the next moment, everything around was instantly distorted, but after a moment it returned to normal again and we were in a different place. I did not notice any special negative effects other than a slight disorientation.

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