Scavenger in the Magus World

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

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A few months later. Kingdom of Erins. Capital.

King Richard was not an acolyte. In his position, there was no point in risking his life in an attempt to become an acolyte because it still did not increase life expectancy. He barely became a Knight's Apprentice thanks to the help of the Leicester family and decided to stop there. Although he was essentially an ordinary mortal, he nevertheless remained the son of Stephanie Leicester. He was the father of Joe Lester.

The death of the most promising son undermined his position a little. Nevertheless, he managed to prove himself well as king. Besides he was still a descendant of the True Magician, so nothing threatened his position.

Of course, he was just a puppet under the control of the True Mages of the Leicester family. However, even as a puppet, he had enough power in his hands. No rank 3 acolyte would dare to underestimate him.

Even before ascending the throne, his life was pretty good. And now he has gathered for himself a whole royal harem of beautiful female representatives of various mixed humans. He sincerely enjoyed his life and was sensible enough not to create problems for the kingdom and to carry out all the tasks. True Mages turned a blind eye to everything else.

His last task was to find out everything he could about Sam Tarrister and the people with whom he came from Outland, and it was necessary to do this quietly and without harming them. Although this man was his son's killer, Richard didn't care. He was motivated only by the order of the True Magician Creston.

Once the order came, Richard did his best to get the job done as instructed. This was the only case where a small mistake could cost him his life.

When all the data was collected, he entered a small room behind the throne room and placed the papers on a small plinth. It lit up and all the letters on the paper came to life and soared into the air gradually dissolving.

- Lord Creston, that's all the data I could find. Is there anything else I can do for you? - Richard asked obsequiously.

- No, you can go.

With a sigh of relief, Richard left the room and soon went about his business.


The true Mage Creston was the current head of the Leicester family. He was already 160 years old, but his progress as a Magician had long since stalled. Although he could hardly be called the strongest Mage of the family, he still held the most authority as a direct descendant of the family's ancestor. It was thanks to his help and guidance that it was possible to significantly increase the strength of the family and even raise two True Mages.

He himself was not particularly fastidious and lived in seclusion in the small town named Dawn. His territory occupied a good third of the city and almost all of it was covered with gardens of various kinds.

Even his own house was made entirely of wood and vines. Beautiful flowers grew everywhere on the walls and windows. He was fond of researching various plants, and not necessarily magical ones.

Sitting in his house, he began to study Richard's report. Shortly after he finished, an orchid grew from his palm, each flower petal representing one of the acolytes located in one of the cities of the Erinz kingdom and beyond. There were also three larger flowers, but one of them finally wilted.

Sighing, he said - General Assembly.

Every acolyte, king and second True Mage received a message and a conference was soon established. Creston decided that the acolytes of the family should hear their conversation. Of course, they could only listen, but not participate until they were directly approached.

- Hi Creston. What happened? - said a rough voice.

- Long time no see Lothar. I hope I don't distract you too much?

- Of course not. I'm still trying to improve the shadow movement. I think I will finish soon. Speak up.

Stephanie has been missing for over a year. Her whereabouts and condition are unknown, and there is no contact with her. The last lead was a certain Sam Tarrister, a rank 3 acolyte whom she most likely went after. He killed her grandson Joe.

- This bitch has disappeared who knows where before what’s the point of making a fuss? - Lothar asked.

- It is hard to say. I sent my children to Tarrister's settlement. They followed the tracks of her unicorn. There were clear signs of a battle. Someone was clearly covering their tracks. It is difficult to say exactly what happened there, but it is easy to assume that she found Tarrister, after which the connection with her disappeared.

- Hah. Are you saying the acolyte killed Stephanie? I'm sorry, but I think you're exaggerating.

- I don't know who killed whom, but I do know that she disappeared after meeting him. Why would she disappear because of some acolyte? I have a bad feeling about this.

- You want me to deal with this Tarrister? - Lothar stated.

Creston sighed.

- You got me wrong. If I wanted to deal with Tarrister, I would have done it myself. He sits in his settlement as if nothing had happened. But if I showed up there after Stephanie, he or whoever helps him might misunderstand my intentions. I don't want to make things worse. Stephanie was not weaker, but rather even stronger than you and me. Why would I try to do something that she couldn't do? On the contrary, now all representatives of the Leicester family are listening to us. From now on, all of you are temporarily prohibited from entering into conflicts with Tarrister and any of his people.

- Haaa? Old man are you completely crazy? - Lothar asked in bewilderment.

- You can laugh all you want. However, I am still the head of the family. I swore to my ancestor that I would keep this family at all costs and that is exactly what I am going to do for the rest of my days.

If Stephanie is dead, it's obvious that this Tarrister has a patron. Perhaps his son's teacher and 2nd rank Mage, perhaps the reason is something else. In any case, we can't do anything to him since Stephanie couldn't. If so, then we just have to do everything possible to smooth the situation. Then even if Tarrister one day comes to us, at least it will still be possible to carry on a dialogue.

We must deliberately try to help his settlement and people. Of course, without fanaticism. It won't cost us anything, but it can help in future negotiations. I really don't want to believe that Stephanie has left us. If she's still alive and ever comes back, it'll never be too late to get rid of Tarrister and make things right. I will be personally responsible to her for my decision.

- All right Creston, let it be your way. But what do you want from me? - Lothar stated.

Creston coughed slightly, then continued.

- The fact is that in his submission there is only one acolyte, a girl named Nissa. Apparently she is the daughter of a noble from Outland. Other than his son, Tarrister doesn't seem to have anyone closer. She is currently a student at Garrow Academy. I found out that he even killed several acolytes of our side branch because of her. In general, I was hoping that you would try to take her as an apprentice. She has an affinity for the element of darkness, maybe your elements are even somewhat similar...

- Stop stop! Creston are you kidding me? You blew an elephant out of a fly. Even assuming that Stephanie is dead. I can still understand that you chose to cowardly refuse revenge and take a passive position not wanting to harm the family. But you literally decided to lick that Tarrister's ass? Why should I participate in all this farce?

For a while they argued. As a result, Lothar still gave up and promised that he would visit the academy and try to buy Nissa from the greedy Nocturne.

The acolytes listened attentively to the whole conversation and every at least somewhat important member of the family will be informed of Creston's order.

King Richard, having heard the conversation, gave the order to seize Sellinger's wife and cut out the entire gang with which she tried to conspire to attack the settlement of Tarrister.


A few more months later. Garrow Academy.

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The first time after the departure of Lord Tarrister, Nissa had no problems. Over the years Tarrister not only killed her offenders, but judging by the rumors, he became something like a slaughterer of acolytes. Even a few students of the True Mages began to take him seriously. This impression was only strengthened after the True Magician Harlow personally struck up a conversation with him.

Nevertheless, time passed. Gradually rumors began to circulate that Tarrister had murdered an apprentice True Mage of the Leicester family. Comparing this with the fact that he suddenly disappeared from the academy, many have come to the conclusion that he must be dead.

At first, Nissa was still untouched by anyone and she continued her training. But among the dead and missing acolytes, there were those who had friends at the academy. She has stopped leaving the academy since her last mission. Previously, they did not dare to create problems for her, but recently everything has changed. Now Nissa remained alert even within the walls of the academy.

When she returned from the laboratory, three acolytes blocked her path. Two were older, but the youngest spoke. It was Miles and he was one of the few survivors of the encounter with Tarrister. Although he cowardly left his sister to die, nevertheless this did not prevent him from hating Tarrister, and Nissa with him.

- What do you say Nissa? That ugly old man won't help you anymore. If you do me good, then I can be your new daddy. What do you think?

They laughed together.

Meanwhile, Lothar appeared at the academy. Literally black as a cloud, he materialized in front of the gates of the academy. The acolytes at the gate bowed in unison and greeted him. Entering the academy, Lothar moved towards Nocturne's office, trying to contain his annoyance at the whole situation.

It turned out that Nocturne was not there, although this bastard knew for sure that he would come to visit him. Lothar cursed this asshole to himself and decided to take a walk around the academy. He soon found his target.

Nissa tried to fight off the three acolytes. However, the forces were not equal. The golem watched the beating impassively with a recording device. She punched one in the groin, but the other knocked out several of her teeth in response. Nissa fell to the floor and tried to get up again.

- Oh, you bitch ... - Miles began to speak, but suddenly fell silent.

All three froze, noticing that a True Magician suddenly appeared next to Nissa. At the same moment, he spread his mental energy around. Three acolytes felt an inexpressible horror. It seemed to them that they saw their bodies being devoured by a bunch of nasty bugs. After a couple of moments, they were already lying on the ground, twitching in convulsions with terrible screams.

The golem tried to neutralize the intruder, but its head suddenly exploded and it fell to the floor.

- Bastard, do you think I won't kill you for something like this? - Nocturne's angry voice sounded.

- You are the only bastard here. You should have met me at the entrance to the academy and bow to me as I walked in. - Lothar didn't back down.

Nocturne appeared in a fiery flash next to Lothar. His whole body was covered with fire, his eyes resembled red-hot coals. Only a True Magician who crossed 50% of the transformation of his element was capable of such a thing. His mental energy lashed out at Lothar.

Lothar didn't back down. He has recently managed to achieve a 50% conversion. An oppressive atmosphere hung in the air, but Lothar soon turned pale. Nocturne's mental energy was clearly stronger.

- You will have to pay for my golem, it was a priceless treasure and was worth a thousand crystals. - Nocturne announced.

- Go to hell. This piece of iron cost a dozen magic crystals at best. This is what you owe me for putting things in order instead of your own lazy ass.

The mages continued to insult each other. Meanwhile, Nissa had already cleaned herself up and stood farther away with her head bowed. The three acolytes also came to their senses, but did not dare to move. There were other acolytes around, and even one of the True Magicians, but they just stood nearby and watched the performance with interest.

Harlow returned to the academy after a whole year spent on a useless expedition. He was battered and terribly annoyed by the fact that he had not been able to achieve the desired result. He wanted to find out from Nocturne where Tarrister was and kill the bastard. However, Nocturne stated that Tarrister was not to be touched. All Harlow could do was grit his teeth in indignation. However, he could partially recoup on Nissa.

Feeling the mental waves in the academy, Nocturne rushed to the scene. Harlow followed and became one of the witnesses to the skirmish. What surprised him even more was that he saw here the same Nissa that Nocturne was talking about.

Finally Lothar spoke of the reason for the visit.

- I came to this dirty hole to find myself an apprentice. This girl's element is similar to my own. I'm willing to pay a hundred magic crystals to cancel her contract with the academy.

- Haha. - Nocturne laughed. - Nissa is a young and promising acolyte on the verge of breaking through to the 3rd rank. A thousand magic crystals no less.

Lothar turned purple with anger cursing Nocturne. Meanwhile, Nocturne himself narrowed his eyes. It was rather suspicious that Lothar had come after this girl, given that Tarrister must already be dead. Unless... Stephanie could not kill him for some reason? Although Tarrister did not look particularly frightened during their conversation, but then Nocturne simply decided that the naïve fool did not understand what he was talking about. But how could this happen?

Meanwhile, Lothar, despite all his indignation, tried to calm down and took out a thousand magic crystals.

- Here, you can count.

Nocturne was smitten. Harlow was amazed. Nissa's eyes widened. All the acolytes were also amazed by such a deal. It must be understood that the element of darkness was not so rare and Nissa was clearly not the only candidate in this regard. Any acolyte would jump for joy at the opportunity to become a disciple of a True Magician and would gladly pay any price for it. This pretense of Lothar was too far-fetched! The eyes of the surrounding Mages sparkled and everyone began to build their assumptions strangely looking at Nissa.

Nocturne suddenly asked.

- Is Stephanie alive?

There was deathly silence around. Everyone waited with interest for an answer. Lothar himself did not know what to say. How does he know if this bitch is alive or not. As a result, the silence dragged on longer and longer.

- She disappeared somewhere, as usual. - Lothar replied, clearing his throat.

Nevertheless, the imaginations of those around him quickly began to bloom like flowers in the spring. Everyone knew that Stephanie was going to kill Tarrister. And now she was the one to disappeare.

Nocturne suddenly realized what it was all about. If Stephanie was dead, that explained everything. Lothar came to bow, but not directly to Tarrister, but to Nissa. But how the hell did that old fart get rid of Stephanie? Even for him, this would not be an easy task. Does he have patrons? Or some ancient artifact?

He could have just contacted Tarrister, but he suddenly realized that he wouldn't believe Sam nonmatter what would be his answer. There is clearly a secret connected with Stephanie's disappearance.

Little did he know that all his guesses were wrong.

Not only he had such thoughts, everyone around him began to build various conspiracy theories in their heads.

Harlow paled. He just wanted to take revenge on Nyssa in revenge on Tarrister. However, if Tarrister had somehow caused Stephanie's death, he wanted nothing more to do with him. He breathed a sigh of relief to himself.

All three True Mages looked at Nissa in unison. From an ordinary acolyte, she suddenly turned into an item of unknown value.

Although she knew Sam better than anyone else, even she found it difficult to believe that he could kill the True Mage. He even moved with difficulty!

The acolytes who attacked Nissa were on the verge of losing consciousness even without mental attacks. Their legs turned to jelly. Their brains seemed unable to digest what was happening.

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