Scavenger in the Magus World

Chapter 41: Chapter 41 – Mengel Teleporter

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Even in my own meditation technique, the transformation of the elemental essence is tied to the human body of the Magician. My Soul Shield meditation technique and other techniques are created for the human body and its features.

However, my current body is really a problem. This doll is immune to any damage. No elemental energy can penetrate. The lightning of the Mage World seemed to be really able to overcome this barrier, although I was not even sure that this lightning consisted of a magical element at all. In any case, it is clear that I can not do this. This means that the standard path of Mages is closed to me. Most likely, I will forever remain as Mage of the 1st rank, although right now I didn’t care about this much.

Of course, I will have more than enough time to find a solution. I felt the vibrations of the world around me and the rag doll was no exception. Well, if the vibrations do not help, I will look for another way.

However, I turned off the original path a long time ago. The sound element was weak in terms of elemental energy damage. Take Nocturne for example. Of course, I did not know the exact numbers, but my knowledge was enough to give an approximate picture.

Nocturne's base Fireball does 25 damage, for example. If the transformation of the elemental essence is 50%, then it turns out somewhere around 37.5 points of damage with the element of fire. On the other hand, sonic elemental damage is quite low, even assuming a rank 1 Sonic Blast can deal 10 sonic elemental damage, although I doubted it, when the element was converted to 50%, it would only be 15 damage. Soundwave damage is treated as physical damage, so it will not be affected by the element's transformation. Rather, its damage will depend on other factors, including my mental energy.

Either my main element was basically bad in terms of elemental damage, or the problem was in my variation of the sound element. Still, the same element of fire of two fire Mages may differ in essence.

Thus, I turned off the path of using the sound element for damage a long time ago, and focused on other virtues of my element. Therefore, my fighting style primarily involved using my element to increase its physical impact or other impacts and more effectively use my own body to deal damage.

Even if I ended up not in this doll but in the Soul Pearl, I would probably still not be able to go through the transformation of the element, so I had been preparing for this for a long time. The path of the elemental Mage was closed to me, at least in the near future.

For me, competing with other Mages in terms of elemental damage is akin to suicide.

If you have a huge creature with incredible strength in front of you, it is obvious that using the same strength to defeat him is rather stupid, you need to look for other ways.

For this reason, I was so interested in the issues of creating golems, gravity control and teleportation. These are the things about which I have been collecting all possible information since my arrival at Garrow Academy and through which I was going to equalize my chances with other Mages. Finding an alternative path to actual power was my only option.

The rain gradually subsided, apparently the Magic World was no longer going to beat me with lightning. Taking off into the air with the help of the element of wind, I went towards the nearest multi-colored lightning. However, flying in the area, I could not find any signs of lightning or anything unusual at all. Perhaps these lightnings were intangible. There is no other way to explain the lack of destruction around.

Returning back, I collected my belongings and again moved another 50 kilometers. This phenomenon could attract too much attention to me.

Having settled in a new place, I took out honey in one of the boxes and was going to modify the golem, but I remembered the amulet that Stephanie left behind. The last time it was sealed, however, a lot of time had passed since her death. Besides, now my mental energy was on a completely different level.

Focusing on the amulet, I gradually corroded the remnants of Stephanie's mental seal, after a couple of hours the process was completed.

As soon as I tried to test the amulet with mental energy, the blue crystal in the amulet glowed and my body was covered with ice. The trap was clearly not simple, the idea was not only to seal the target in a block of ice, but also to kill the body of the intruder. But my rag doll didn’t care, all the attempts of ice to freeze my body were useless.

I had to lie down on the ground for a while being sealed in an ice block, gradually corroding it from the inside. When I got out and again examined the amulet with mental energy, it became clear that the appearance of the amulet was just a protection and a trap. The real artifact was inside.

It turned out to be a small metal sphere. True, given the size of my rag body, this sphere was almost half my height. There were many small runes on the surface of the sphere.

When I sent my mental energy into the sphere, three options arose in my mind.

Energy 95%

1. Teleport an object to an isolated space.

2. Pull the object out of the isolated space.

3. Instruction.

I chose the instruction and information about the capabilities and functions of the artifact entered my mind. It was called the Mengel Teleporter. The essence of the work was that this artifact acted as an intermediary between the user and the hidden space. One teleporter was set up in a hidden space no one knows where. The second, respectively, in the artifact itself.

As instructed, I focused on a small branch on the ground and gave the command to teleport. Mengel's teleporter caught fire and something similar to what I once saw when activating a smoking pipe from Outland happened. One of the runes lit up brighter than the others and a teleportation formation materialized from it.

The difference from a simple artifact from Outland was that pipe had the runes lit up in ghostly formations next to the artifact. But this time  happened something that I had never heard of before, the formation was as if etched into the very air. And it appeared right above the branch that I wanted to move. In the blink of an eye, a small formation activated right in the air, the branch disappeared, after which the teleportation formation also disappeared.

The instructions explained that the size of the formation depends on the size of the object or objects to be moved. But this size cannot exceed five square meters. When trying to teleport another intelligent being, a mental request will be sent to him asking if he agrees to teleportation. He can also return as he wishes. Unfortunately, the instructions did not say anything about the principles of the artifact. However, the mere ability to observe formations and runes is an invaluable reference.

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After experimenting a bit, I wanted to teleport myself, but still decided to send Rock first.

- Rock I'll send you to another place. First give your consent, and then think to yourself that you want to go back. Understood? - I sent a mental message to the lizard.

When I was convinced that Rock understood everything, gave the command to the artifact. This time, the activation did not take place immediately, after a moment, Rock apparently agreed and a formation commensurate with him appeared above his head, after which he disappeared in a flash. In the meantime, I moved away with the artifact to another place to observe if Rock will be able to return back next to me.

Foolish Rock lingered a little, but still, a minute later, the formation next to the artifact appeared again, Rock materialized from it and began to shout excitedly, running around on two paws and gesticulating with two front ones. Smiling, I submitted a request to teleport myself inside and after a moment I found myself in a completely different place.

Under my feet was a teleportation formation that was at the center of this subspace. Looking around, I estimated the surrounding area to be about a hundred square meters. True, the height was limited. Both outside space and in the sky there was impenetrable darkness. Nevertheless, it was quite light here due to several pillars with bright light sources on top.

The space was divided into four zones. On one side, an unrealistic amount of crystals were piled up. True, not magic, but some other crystals. They strongly resembled the staff that Magessa Stephanie had. These blue crystals were of all sizes and types. Almost a quarter of the space was simply littered with them.

The other quarter was something of a residential area. There were several decent looking houses, with a small lake in the middle.

The third quarter looked like the remains of a small garden. Only a small number of plants from the Southern Continent were now planted, the rest was empty. Looks like Stephanie did some of the work here. The ingredients that grew in the garden before must have died out without care in the first place.

The fourth quarter was like a small workshop. I got off the platform and went there. Judging by the remains on the ground, the workshop was intended for processing these same crystals. Stephanie most likely created the staff herself and she did it here. On special rune machines, it was possible to process crystals as your heart desires. Unfortunately, some machines have become unusable, but even what is there is enough for processing.

After walking around for a bit, I found Stephanie's personal belongings in one of the houses. There were about ten thousand magic crystals, a couple of artifacts, a bunch of various materials and records. Interestingly, in her house, next to her things, I found a pedestal of blue crystal inside which was another Mengel Teleporter in the form of the same metal sphere. Apparently this sphere should be near the materials if you want to pull them out without going inside. Otherwise, one would have to drag personal items to the local teleportation formation.

After leaving subspace, I returned to the Southern Continent again. Rock bit the sphere and excitedly jumped around, he was clearly asking for subspace again. I decided to send him inside, there were so many blue crystals inside that this kid could not cope even in a hundred years.

- Just don’t touch the black magic crystals and everything next to them. - I warned Rock.

He nodded his head and then disappeared into subspace. After him, I sent both boxes with my own stuff.

Although I always wanted to start feeding magic crystals to Rock, but there were too few of them. By themselves, they were quite small and Rock would have cracked them like nuts. In order to grow a small tail, Rock will need to eat hundreds of them. I could afford to feed rock with gold, which I had a lot of, but not magic crystals.

Even now, with Stephanie's large stash, I was still a beggar. I needed a lot of magic crystals for my golems, formations, traps and more. Magic crystals went like hot cakes and I always needed more of them than I have now.

Stephanie's wealth was considerable, even without the staff and subspace. Apparently they have a good life in the kingdom of Erinz. I will definitely need to visit their family.

Based on what I saw in subspace and the fact that there was no way to "bind" this artifact to me, I came to the conclusion that it was used by an entire organization. For example, miners who mined crystals and processed them. At least then everything more and less made sense.

Therefore, Stephanie has protected the artifact with layers of protection so that no one can make mental contact with it. I should have done the same. First I used the Mystic Bark to cover the sphere with several layers. This bark will limit any mental energy, even my own. For now, I'll only have to remove the bark when no one is around, but in the future I will create something like an external artifact for the sphere.

All the manipulations with teleports back and forth took only 10% of the energy of the sphere. I decided to recharge it a bit. After spending half of all my True Magician's mental energy, I only recharged it by 3%. Before, I didn't know that there is something as a replenishing source of mental energy with such a reserve exists.

But the internal program for managing the artifact was common. A similar principle was used at the academy when interacting with the mission board, or when I was looking at spells available for purchase. As far as I heard, similar ones are used in other organizations, in particular in the central part of the Southern Continent.

A similar method was used for remote control of golems. For example, a golem was left to protect some zone, a trigger was embedded in its mental program when an enemy appeared. He began to act according to a scheme previously embedded in him. Such programs were simple and complex, yet any unforeseen circumstance could become an obstacle. So this was not ideal method.

The Mengel Teleporter was too big for my current body, so I placed it inside my construct. I'll deal with the blue crystals and the rest later.

Finally, I set about modifying my construct again. A gravity control formation was to be drawn inside the construct's hull. The gravity spell was one of the spells of the ancient Mages. It is believed that this spell refers to the element of earth or metal, however, Mages with this element do not have very distinctive success in using this spell. On the one hand, quite a few Mages can perform this spell following the model, on the other hand, the effectiveness of its execution is different for everyone. It was not possible to derive an exact pattern.

Having received this spell from Melrose, it was on him that I spent most of the time. Perhaps my execution is not too distinctive, but reducing the weight of my construct by a factor of 5 for a short moment should be a perfectly achievable goal.

By focusing all the power of gravity on one fraction of a second, I will achieve the maximum effect, this is enough to use the sonic explosion and the golem will receive a much-needed starting acceleration for me.

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