Scavenger in the Magus World

Chapter 48: Chapter 48 – Reagan

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The little white rag doll continued to experiment.

I approached a relatively intact tree and began to influence it with the help of sound vibrations. The tree suddenly softened. At first, its branches hung helplessly and began to resemble creepers, then the same thing happened with the tree trunk.

It was one of the "recipes" that I was able to find. Entering into resonance and acting in a certain way on this or that matter, I could change its properties. Soft creepers could become elastic and inflexible, but I could turn elastic trees into thick ropes.

Of course, I could not manage the trees in any way, only change their structure and properties. In addition, such effects arose only at resonance with relatively simple materials. I haven't been able to manipulate the dark gold in this way yet, much less the sun crystal.

At the moment I could not think of a good application for this recipe, but in the future it will certainly come in handy.

But the recipe for exposure to sand and earth was more useful. Firstly, I could change the structure of the earth, it was somewhat reminiscent of manipulating the earth element, but it was extremely simple and cheap to do this with sound vibrations in terms of mental energy costs. It can be said that I sang a song and the earth responded depending on the melody played.

I could turn solid soil into sand, with the exception of some extremely durable rock formations. Then, by acting on this sand with sound vibrations, I could make it take certain forms. In particular, in the area of ​​influence, I could make the sand disperse in symmetrical rings, converge into a single sphere, or simply part in all directions.

Approaching a large hill, I began to work on the ground and rocks in front of me. Although the hill initially went up, but I continued to go straight. The whole earth in front of me instantly turned into sand and then diverged to the sides.

An extremely convenient way to create underground cities. At times, I even found magic crystals that did not give in to my sound vibrations and immediately stood out in my mind like a torch in the night. Even a True Magician of the earth element would quickly waste his mental energy trying to influence the earth on such a scale.

After continuing to go deeper and deeper for some time, I decided to practice and create various rooms underground. Spreading sound vibrations over 50 square meters, I instantly created something like an interior space. The sand dispersed to the sides and compacted creating a ceiling and walls due to the effect of sound vibrations of the fortification along the perimeter. Of course there was too much sand. Part of it was spent on creating columns for strengthening inside the room, I sent everything superfluous outside or created compacted spheres of earth right in the room, later they can be taken outside or created from them various furniture or other amenities. In this way I created one room after another.

Soon I decided to go deep underground. The ground beneath me continued to turn to sand and rip apart. I started creating new rooms already at the lower level. It was given to me so easily that I could make good money doing such work for others.

Creating another passage under the ground, I ran into something unusual, namely the human body. The sand parted and I looked at a strange mixed man who got to his feet extremely unsteadily.

Very tall, two and a half meters. Powerful muscular body, charcoal complexion, long black hair. The back was covered with spikes of various sizes, on the head a couple of small horns. He was dressed like a ragamuffin, which is not surprising given the circumstances.

My mental energy was being blocked by some strange dark purple energy filling his entire body. But judging by the appearance and vibrations, I came to the conclusion that this is some subspecies of intelligent undead. The body was dead, although it continued to function, in particular the brain.

The stranger's bright yellow eyes looked at my little rag doll and the transformation of the earth around me with bewilderment. He tried to speak. Nevertheless, he said some rubbish. I didn't know any ancient languages.

- Do you understand me? - I clarified.

- Yes.

- What the hell did you say earlier?

- It's a Klingon. I habitually used my native language. - the undead replied.

- Hmm. What language do we speak now? - I clarified.

- World of Mages language. This is a magical language, it is known to all Magicians, which you obviously are. Mortals usually use the languages ​​of their continents or countries. May I know how much time has passed since the great war?

I have never heard of anyone on this continent using another language. Everyone, including mortals, used the language of the Magic World, without mental energy, its pronunciation had no effect.

- If you are talking about the great war of the Mage World, then two thousand years. It is now 2023 after the great war of the Mage World.

The interlocutor seemed to be speechless for a while, so I spoke again.

- As I understand it, you were lying here for two thousand years? - I decided to make a bold assumption.

I thought it was very likely. Any body eventually ages, decomposes, dies, and so on. This applies to everything. The difference is that the human body can last up to 80 years or so. The body of a golem is from thousands to hundreds of thousands of years and so on. Although the body of the undead must decompose over time, but judging by the strange energy inside the body of this individual, I assumed that his body had undergone some kind of mutation due to which it could well remain intact even for two thousand years.

What I did not understand was how his soul managed to exist for two thousand years, it was hard to believe in this because he was clearly not a Mage. There was only one theory that fit, he was originally a mortal turned undead. He had no soul and no mental energy at all. His brain still functioned, thanks to which he still allegedly remained mortal in the form of undead. But the paradox is that, in fact, due to the absence of a soul, there was a kind of immortal being in front of me. Until his body is destroyed, he will stay alive.

This man was quite interesting experimental material. But firstly, I was not too interested in necromancy, and secondly, I had no idea what his combat abilities were. The whole situation was rather suspicious.

He never responded to my question. Rather, this question made the interlocutor alert. I wasn't going to insist here.

If I did not feel vibrations and met such a creature somewhere in the kingdom, I would hardly have honored him with an extra look. Outwardly, he did not look like an undead, but as a representative of one of the mixed races of which there were plenty. Perhaps he was created by one of the Mages of the past in some incomprehensible way.

- Okay it does not matter. My name is Sam and this is kind of my territory. If you don't want to answer then don't. I'm a golem and I don't care too much about the secrets of your body. Just leave my territory.

- I'm Reagan. - He introduced himself before he left.

Reagan jumped with great force and flew up the earthen tunnel. He soon fled in an unknown direction.

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I decided to stop there. These underground rooms didn't make much sense now. I myself did not need any comfort or shelter, and Rock and Chibi spent most of their time in subspace.

Having got out, I took out a three-meter golem from the solar crystal from the subspace. Although it was even larger than the previous model, it weighed less. The dark gold was heavier than the sun crystal. The weight of this construct was only one and a half tons.

Given that I had further improved the efficiency of the sonic blast, my mobility was phenomenal.

The golem itself was fully solar-colored in the form of a humanoid. On both hands were bracers from which, at my request, meter-long sonic blades appeared. On the back was an additional layer of armor that, if necessary, turned into wings for gliding in the air. Runes of strengthening and resistance to magic were carved from the inside. They increased the resistance of this material by about 20% to all types of damage.

As the main weapon, I created a sword for myself from the same solar crystal. It was three meters long, with a very wide and thick blade. The main emphasis was on its strength and weight, cutting damage was secondary for me. Although outwardly it was a sword, the principle of use was more like a mace. This huge sword weighed a whole ton, and a gravity enhancement formation was carved inside the sun crystal. I decided to call this sword Tsunami.

Approaching one of the dummies, I made a normal swing with my sword. The force of the blow raised a wind that was accompanied by a short howl from the flight of the sword, however, the damage was only about 25 units and the dummy was not injured. Then I decided to test the maximum impact force using all the possibilities.

Each dummy was a solid column of the same solar crystal two meters high and a meter in diameter. Although the durability of the solar crystal was 40 units, however, this did not mean that any damage above this figure could destroy it. If you attack a thin sheet with an attack of more than 40 units, then most likely it will really break. However, a pillar like this, a meter in diameter, could withstand much more damage, even if it received some damage in the process.

The power of the golem's swing was limited only by the strength of its structure. Even an ordinary blow could split mountains. However, during the swing, just like with jumping, the gravity enhancement formation was momentarily activated. After receiving the impulse, Tsunami suddenly gained five tons of weight instead of one, which caused his destructive power to become even higher. In addition, I also added a sonic explosion for additional acceleration of both the sword and my own golem.

As a result, the initially ordinary swing of the sword turned into a surreal spectacle. Although due to the extra ton of the sword's weight, the golem's acceleration power was slightly reduced, but when my target was within a radius of tens of meters, I still took off from my spot towards the enemy faster than a cannonball.

While flying towards the target, I swung my sword. Tsunami seemed to disappear during the attack, leaving afterimages behind.


Shock waves spread from the collision site, sweeping away everything around. I should be careful, otherwise even from a simple wave of Tsunami nearby mortals can simply be killed.

The heavy sword partially plunged into the pillar, causing significant damage to it. The numbers showed that I dealt 54 physical damage. Of course, the sword itself was also damaged in the process, the blade became dull. It is no longer possible to fix this damage, I will use this cleaver as it is, and when it becomes completely unusable, I will get the next one from the subspace.

It was worthwhile to understand that this amount of damage was simply huge for any True Magician, especially one who had recently reached this stage. Especially when you consider that only one hit produced such an effect, and after all, I could move around for quite a long time with sonic explosions, delivering blow after blow.

Of course, such a swing cost me a lot, although I used the sonic blast on my own, but all the other formations of both the golem and the sword were activated by magic crystals. The more force I want to apply during the swing of the sword, the more energy is required to perform such a jerk with the construct's joints.

Initially, I thought about creating a golem ten meters high, if not more. Although it would have taken even longer, the main problem was still the same mobility and costs. With too much weight, the cost of magic crystals would be crazy. In addition, flight or fast movement with the help of sonic explosions can only be dreamed of. Therefore, for the time being, such an undertaking had to be abandoned.

Putting away the Tsunami, I activated the blades on my arms. Meter-long blades popped out and lit up with a bright blue light.

I experimented for a long time trying to create a powerful enough sonic sword. First of all, in order to process a solar crystal that was too durable.

Touching the blade to the dummy, I watched the damage numbers. The sonic blade made contact with the solar crystal and began to gradually corrode its structure. A single contact damage was 10 units of the sound element, however, in one second, the damage figures increased to a hundred. With prolonged contact, the solar crystal gradually succumbed to processing.

This weapon was not very effective in real combat, no one would just stand and watch while it was cut into pieces. However, it was indispensable as the main source of elemental damage. Also with the help of these blades, it was possible to get rid of any material and non-material obstacles. The blades were powered by both magic crystals and myself, depending on the situation.

The downside was the rather high consumption of my mental energy. Still, my innate spell was primarily a sonic explosion and its variations. For this reason, I did not use this spell on the Tsunami, it is simply too huge and my mental energy will quickly run out.

For the same reason, I did not have enough of my own mental energy to process solar crystals. Each part of the golem was processed by me manually, any mistake meant that this or that part could be thrown away, so this process was quite slow and painstaking. I had to modify the machine in subspace and use my reserves of magic crystals to power it.

In general, these two types of weapons remained for me the main way of fighting.

Now I used my classic sonic burst with maximum force and reach. The dummies were placed in the center of the explosion, at a distance of 10 meters and 100 meters.

A small bright star appeared in my hand and I sent it towards the target. Upon reaching the mannequin, the star exploded and a deafening explosion sounded. In slow motion, a light nebula appeared at the site of the explosion, which spread outward in all directions, creating a powerful shock wave causing destruction. Trees were broken into pieces, the earth was deformed.

At the epicenter of the explosion, 5 sonic damage and 25 physical damage.

At a distance of 10 meters, 5 sonic damage and 20 physical damage.

At a distance of 100 meters, 15 points of physical damage from the shock wave.

In general, the damage of the spell was decent enough, especially considering its radius.

For long-range attacks, I could also use a variation of the directed explosion. A star appeared again in my hand, but now the explosion was localized, causing a shock wave in the increase I needed. However, as before, using the sonic blast in this way did not greatly increase the damage from the shock wave.

In addition, I managed to create a teleportation formation and my first simple, but most powerful artifact prototype, not counting the golem and Tsunami, of course, which were also some kind of artifacts. In fact, this is all that I managed to do in the last three years.

However, I didn't just work. Sometimes I just stared at the sky, played with Rock and Chibi, flew around without any particular purpose, exploring the anomalous zone. In general, enjoyed my own existence.

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