Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 15: 9

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As soon as Ren Yaoqi stood in line, in order of seniority, she heard the voices of the maids outside collectively greeting Old Madam Ren and Old Master Ren.

Ren Yaoqi’s upright back went rigid. She began to slowly take deep steadying breaths, forcing herself to relax.

The men who were seated in the Eastern Room immediately stood up, and the Eldest Madam who had been setting up the kang table also quickly laid down the plate of chilled mixed tofu Fulu 1 in her hands at the southeast side of the kang table. Then, she anxiously went to greet the elders at the moonlit carved patterned door.

Like everyone else in this room, Ren Yaoqi stood upright with her body leaning forward slightly, her arms put to one side2 and her gaze controlled.

Eldest Madam had only taken three or four steps forward when Old Madam Ren and Old Master Ren made their appearance.

Old Master Ren was fifty-six this year but he was lofty and imposing, his mind vigorous with a pair of penetrating eyes. Old Madam Ren, who stood by his side, was a few years younger than him. She had a round face, thin eyebrows and although she was not young anymore, each of her cheeks had dimples which made her seem to be smiling even when she was not. Ironically, they gave her a guise of benevolence where none existed.

Ren Yaoqi watched as the two elders walked in and sat at the head of the kang table, she then bowed her head and followed after everyone to kowtow to Old Madam Ren and Old Master Ren.

She saluted with flawless form, and paid her respects to Old Madam. She listened to the voice above, deep and resounding like a morning bell, “You may all stand up.”

Somehow, hearing the sound of that voice made a memory from her previous life resurface. At a time when she was preparing to leave the Ren Family, it was that voice with an unquestionable and dignified tone that reverberated in her head, ”Little girl, you must never forget that throughout these years, it is the Ren family who has carefully raised and sheltered you, fulfilling all your needs, whether they be food or clothing. Even if you leave the family, always remember – you are a daughter of the Ren Family, and only when the Ren Family thrives will their daughters be able to stand firmly outside!”

She didn’t know if Old Madam Ren taught those principles to every woman of the Ren Family before they left the house for marriage, but the thought of it made her sneer. After all, it was the first time she heard someone utter such shameless words in a very much sanctimonious3 and matter of course manner.4

Old Madam Ren seemed to have forgotten that at that time, this particular daughter of the Ren Family who was about to go out, was not leaving to get married.

Her life had been completely ruined and yet, Old Madam Ren could still calmly demand further sacrifice from her in the name of filial duty.

Ren Yaoqi’s right arm was suddenly lightly bumped, causing her to recover quickly and she turned her head to meet the slightly bemused expression of her fourth sister Ren Yaoyin.

Apparently, everyone else had stood up, but she was still kneeling there, motionless.

Ren Yaoqi pretended to weakly stand up and Ren Yaoyin stretched out her hand to help her, “Fifth Sister, are you still not feeling well?”

Everyone’s gaze was drawn to them and the Eldest Madam hurriedly walked over and raised her hand to touch her forehead, “What’s the matter? Haven’t you already recovered?”

Ren Yaoqi remained calm and collected5 and the clenched fists under her sleeves loosened, and she said in a low voice, “I took the last dose of medicine when I woke up this morning so it must be taking effect. I have really recovered.”

Old Madam Ren indifferently said, “If you feel uncomfortable, why come? Do you think I lack one or two people to pay respects to me?”

Eldest Madam hurriedly smiled as if to smooth things over, “Fifth girl is such a filial child, she just had come and to pay her respects as soon as her health improved.”

“Okay, now let the children go back to their courtyard to eat.” Old Master Ren’s hand gently took a plate from the table, and the room immediately became quiet.

Old Madam waved her hand, her gaze sweeping across the younger generations, “Hua’er6 and Yin’er can stay and have their meal here. The rest can all go back.”

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Everyone bowed and retreated. Ren Yaoying pouted and glanced at Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaoyin, somewhat reluctant.

At this moment, a burst of bell-like laughter suddenly resounded outside. The curtain was then lifted and a Madam7 in her twenties walked in with a reluctant girl by her side.

This Madam wore a purple butterfly patterned brocade with a fox fur outer coat, complemented by an apricot colored pleated skirt, and a yuanbao shaped hair bun.8 Her waist’s jade ornaments9made a tinkling sound as she moved. She looked sweet and pleasant and there was a pair of dimples on her cheeks, similar to the Old Madam.

“Oh! Am I late today?” The Madam looked at the crowd in surprise, who were seemingly also startled by her late entrance, and immediately put on a dimpled sweet smile. “Father and mother, please forgive this daughter-in-law. How could I have made such a blunder today? You all know that this daughter-in-law has always been most attentive with regards to the daily paying of respect and rarely ever come late. This daughter-in-law will now kowtow to mother and father.”

As she said this, she quickly pulled along the little girl who was standing next to her to kneel down in the middle of the room, sincerely and diligently saluting and then respectfully kowtowing to Old Madam and Old Master Ren.

When she got up, Ren Yaoqi, together with the younger generation then went forward to pay her respects and called out, “Fifth Aunt.”

Old Madam Ren glanced at her, “I thought that the rules in this mansion no longer applied since one or two people are always unexpectedly ill. I was just about to discuss with the Old Master about making an exemption for the morning and evening greetings. What do you think?”

Fifth Madam Lin-shi was not afraid when she heard these words. Instead, she covered her mouth and smiled in a coquettish manner, “Mother, what are you talking about? This one doesn’t know about other daughters-in-law, but if this daughter-in-law doesn’t come to the Ronghua Courtyard to wait upon you every day, then this one can’t even eat. My Yu’er also feels the same way, isn’t that so Yu’er?” She didn’t forget to pull her daughter’s sleeve gently after she spoke.

The Eighth Miss, Ren Yaoyu, looked seven or eight points similar to her mother. After she heard her mother’s words, she quickly raised her eyes to glance at Old Madam and nodded.

Old Madam snorted lightly, but her face was normal and there was no unsightly expression there. She was obviously not genuinely angry.

“Father, mother, daughter-in-law will wait upon you for the meal.”

Lin-shi made a show of earnestly10 taking off her pair of jade wrist bracelets and handing them to a maid standing off to the side to put them away. She stepped forward and stood beside the Old Madam, picking up a pair of silver chopsticks to add vegetables to Old Madam’s dish.

Old Madam Ren glared at her, “Alright, why are you pretending to be obedient now? It’s cumbersome! I don’t need you here, let your eldest sister-in-law, nephew and daughter-in-law come and serve.”

Lin-shi pursed her lips and didn’t insist. She handed the silver chopsticks back to Eldest Madam and said with a smile, “Mother dislikes me for being clumsy while sister-in-law has always been more favored by the elders.”

Eldest Madam smiled modestly and did not argue with her.

Old Madam Ren looked at Lin-shi, and then at Ren Yaoyu who had been having difficulty standing still since she came in and, from time to time, would look out the South window.


Chilled mixed tofu (涼拌福祿豆腐): Type of salad tofu that is auspicious (Fulu).

Chilled mixed tofu Fulu:

Curtsied form:

Sanctimonious (冠冕堂皇): talking/standing on a higher moral ground. As a matter of course (理所当然): (Idiom) Proper and to be expected; inevitable and right. Remained calm and collected (不动声色): Can also be, did not bat an eyelid. Originally an idiom, not a word or movement. ‘er: Attached to a name, it’s used as a term of endearment. Madam (妇人-furen): Refers to married woman. Yuanbao (元宝): Carved ingot made of either gold or silver. It was a type of currency in ancient China.

Yuanbao hairtyle:

Waist ornaments:

Make a show of being earnest (煞有介事): (Idiom) To act as if one is taking things very seriously.

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