School Princess is a Mafia Leader

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Stolen Toy

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“Big sister Yuli, I’ll see you after school!” A five year old Rose yelled, waving her sister goodbye before entering the kindergarten. Yuli waved back and watched as Rose entered, before turning around. She had her own school to attend, so she walked together with her friend Rutsi to school. “Aww Yuli, your sister and you are so cute~” Rutsi professed, unable to hold back her feelings. Yuli only gave a nervous laugh and tried to not think about it too hard, but found it hard to hide a blush. That garnered a pat from Rutsi though, as she found it even more adorable.

Yuli was an eight year old girl who had unusually pink eyes, and had coloured her hair in a deep red dye. She had a dark skin tone and wore normal clothes to school. She arrived to school just in time and sat down in the classroom, taking all the usual lessons. After school, she quickly said goodbye and power-walked to the kindergarten where Rose was. As she arrived a lone figure was crying outside the gate. It was Rose, Yuli could recognize her pink eyes, dark skin and brown hair from anywhere.

Yuli immediately patted Rose to stop crying, but she didn't stop. 

"Big sis Yuli…," she paused to sniff loudly, "some meanie stole my binky…" she sniffed again as 

Yuli realised that her sister's favourite Teddy bear she always carried had gone missing. 'It was a gift from mum to Rose,' Yuli thought as she bit her lips. That was Rose's last gift from their mother before they died. 

"Don't worry Rose, I promise I'll get it back," Yuli said with a sweet smile on her face.

Rose's face beamed with joy as she hugged her sister. 

"First let's go home," Yuli said as she held Rose's hand. 

Before Yuli and Rose were leaving, a female teacher stopped them as she had a nervous look on her face.

"Miss please, do you know who stole my sister's teddy bear?" Yuli asked as she looked at the teacher with a dark expression. The teacher shivered as she let go of Yuli and sighed. 

"You should forget about it because you can't get it back," the teacher sighed as she crossed her arms before continuing nervously, "It was taken by a man with a serpent design on his coat," The teacher bit her nails before continuing in a quivering manner.

"The Hosachi Mafia, you shouldn't mess with them," the teacher warned as she looked at Yuli.

"Miss if I may ask, how did you know about the mafia?” Yuli asked as she looked at the female teacher. “I thought groups like those are very secretive." 

The teacher looked at Yuli, 'A child like her would forget soon, so it won't be harmful to tell her,' she thought.

"I owe them so they came today to collect their payment.” The teacher replied after a moment, “I didn't know they were interested in your sister's teddy bear but I couldn't dare to complain."

"It's okay, I believe you," Yuli spoke as her eyes turned dark. "One more question," Yuli said as hled Roses hand.

The teacher turned looked at her wondering what Yuli wanted to ask her.

"Where's the location of the Mafia?" Yuli asked.

"For that I don't know, but listen to my advice; Don't get involved with them." The teacher warned as she looked at Yuli nervously.

"I won't." Yuli answered bluntly before walking away.


Yuli didn't walk home, but to a maid cafe as she was greeted by a pair of majestic boobs in her face.

"Awww, Yuli my dear, you finally decided to live with auntie!!" A lovely young, dark skinned lady squealed as she hugged Yuli and Rose tightly.

"Not really aunt Sana. I just want you to take care of Rose for a while. I'm having a sleepover at a friend's place," Yuli lied as she scratched her head to make it seem like she was embarrassed. 

Sana was in her mid thirties but looked like she was in her twenties. She had lovely black hair and dark orange eyes. And her shapely body was emphasized in her tight maid outfit.

Sana just looked at Yuli and smiled. 

"Okay then I'll take care of Rose, but don't do anything dangerous okay," Sana smiled sweetly as she waved at Yuli.

"Okay I won't," Yuli nodded as she turned to leave, but Sana crouched down and whispered in her ear, "Don't reveal your abilities okay dear," Sana smiled as she looked at Yuli.

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"Don't worry I won't," Yuli nodded as she walked away. 

Sana looked at the child from afar and then looked at Yuli.

"Rose, what's Yuli going to do?" Sana asked as she looked at the little girl who was about to cry.

"Yuli.. promised me… that she would bring my binky back," Rose revealed as she was still sad about her teddy going missing.

"Hah, I just hope that Yuli doesn't cause problems," Sana sighed as she entered the cafe with Rose. 


"Now I have to find the Hosachi Mafia," Yuli mumbled as her eyes remained cold.


As she was walking on the streets of Accra she immediately spotted a man with a snake symbol at the back of his coat as he walked together with some group of men. 

"I guess my luck is heavenly," Yuli murmured, surprised as she followed these men quitely. 

She waited until it was dark before she walked into a club that the gang members walked into, but she was stopped at the entrance.

"Uncle I am looking for a man who wore the same coat as you, because he took my little sister's teddy bear. Could you please ask him to give it back?" Yuli asked in a sweet, gentle tone. 

"Go away kid this isn't a place kids your age should be," the man chuckled as he looked at Yuli coldly and continued to guard the club door.

Yuli's eyes suddenly turned cold as she looked at the man and smirked before send knock straight in his belly.

"Ughh," the man groaned as he felt like his gut had been hit by a brick. He looked down to see that it was the little girl he was talking to who had hit him. 

'How can a child have such strength,' he thought before he passed out.

"I'll ask again which one of you took my little sister's teddy bear?" Yuli asked in a sinister voice as she cracked her fingers and looked at the other guards. 

"Earlier today someone dared to take my sister's teddy bear and I came to retrieve it since that person is from this gang or mafia thingy. So if that thief doesn't bring it back. I'm going to beat all of your ases!!"

"Hahahaha," One of the other security guards laughed as he walked to Yuli and grabbed her hand. "Just because you can punch someone doesn't mean you can fight us all combined. Only three of us is enough to restrain you. And that teddy bear, I remember Josei bragging about getting some limited edition teddy bear, so kid if you don't want to end up with broken bones I advise you go home. This is not a place for little kids like you to fool around." 

The guard threatened as he applied force on Yuli's hand. Yuli got pissed at his words. Before the guard could realize he felt a painful sensation on his arm as he looked to see that his arm was twisted. 

"Arrghh," The man yelled in pain as he fell to his knees. "my arm, my arm!!". .

She immediately jumped and kicked the guy in the face causing him to fly and crash into the door.

"I planned to do this nicely," Yuli said with an evil grin on her face as she cracked her fingers. "But it seems you all don't understand the concept of nice. I promised aunty I'll be careful but it seems I have to break that promise," 

A few of the men and women who were inside the pub witnessed this and shivered from her words and she had a very threatening look no child should have. Like that of a champion spotting an enemy. 

"Get that girl out of here!" 

"I warned you." Yuli said with a smirk.

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