Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Chapter 38: Arc III Chapter 4

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Arc III Chapter 4


“Calm down, young blood, everything is under control.“ Lambert's hand blocked Michael's way, reassuring him with a polite smile.


Michael objected. “You call this under control? Nothing is under control!“


“Don't worry, Michael, the girl is feisty. Aside from that, the arrogant bastards deserve a little payback. Trust me, you won't see a spectacle like this every day.“


Lambert rooted for the little demon. As his father, grandfather, and even allegedly his great-grandfather said, only a dead elf was a good elf. They despised their northern neighbours. The hatred ran in the family. His ancestors fought the cursed elves in all five wars of the coalition.


Unlike them, he chose a different life, not the life of a solider in pursuit of glory, but that of an adventurer. He never regretted his choice.  


Nevertheless, he might have less extremist views than his forefathers, but still, elves and men were no friends. As such, an annoyed elf was always a good elf.


The girl crossed her arms, refusing to acknowledge the error of her ways. “You heard me right. Your personality is terrible. You will never find a wife.“


Nelaeryn controlled his boiling rage. His hand trembled. “You little rascal, no need to get personal. Only because I haven't found ...“


The girl flashed an evil grin. He misstepped. Once again, he committed a tactical blunder. “I knew it. I was right, mean uncle will find no girlfriend. You will die alone. You unfilial son will bring shame to your ancestors!“


“Stop nagging like my parents! I am only 60! I am still young! I am in my best years. Even when I dedicated my life to academic pursuit. I still have a lot of time.“


The girl tilted her head. “Sixty ... Sixty ... Sixty ... Aren't you super old? I have never met anyone so old.


Do people over sixty really exist? I thought they are only the product of myths and legends? Like dragons and fairies.“


The girl asked her doll for confirmation. Aurora doll nodded. Apparently, old people existed. Curious.


“What do you say? They do.“ The girl listened to her doll. Her doll nodded once again.






Nelaeryn took a deep breath, calming down. This was the fire of youth. The girl got the better of him, but no more. He would solve this in a mature and responsible way, without resorting to petty personal attacks and temper tantrums. He was too old for nonsensical arguments.


An exasperated sigh escaped his lips. “Listen girl, neither am I ancient, nor am I a product of legend. Fairies and dragons do exist, as do I.

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Human and elven age are not comparable. Our noble race possesses a far higher life expectancy. As such, we are aging slower and with dignity. My sixty years make me young, barely adolescent.“


The girl's eyes sparkled with realisation. “So you are a young uncle?“


 “... ... ... Yes.“


The girl crossed her arms. “Doesn't matter, my conclusion stands. You are a mean young uncle. You will still find no girlfriend, and you will still die alone.


Nelaeryn gritted his teeth. Her accusations stung. “I am a Liatháin. I am from a prestigious family of noble lineage. Finding a suitable partner is merely a trifling matter.“


The girl consulted her doll. They formed a consensus. “ Resorting to social bribery and economic coercion. Such undignified measures in this day and age. Exploiting your status and wealth in the game of love. How despicable, but to be fair, I didn't expect anything else from a mean uncle.“


Nelaeryn protested. “Arranged marriages might be a bit old-fashioned, but they are still common! They are widely practised in noble circles.“


The girl grinned. “Oh, so you are confessing your crimes?“


“I don't need to justify myself before a mere commoner.“


The girl clicked her tongue. “Nothing but desperate measures. Desperate measures for a desperate man. How fitting.“


Nelaeryn fumed. “They are not desperate ...“


Arwing finally intervened. “Nelaeryn, behave. What did I tell you about how you are supposed to treat our human companions? I have seen enough. I want peace and harmony on my watch, PEACE and HARMONY. End of the discussion“


“But ... But ... But ...“ Nelaeryn pointed at the true culprit, the little demon in human skin. “She started. She provoked me.“


The girl contested his unfounded and despicable claims, “I object. He is lying. The mean uncle started. My doll saw it.“


Arwing narrowed her eyes. Her cold stare lacked any sign of kindness.“ I said, end of the discussion! I couldn't care less care who started what. Cease your petty disputes! Immediately! Both of you!


You lass, stop bothering adults at work.


And you, Nelaeryn, show some decorum. Your unsightly behaviour doesn't befit a proud elf of Alfreik. Show her your findings. Entertain her, for spirit's sake.“


Nelaeryn accepted her judgement, albeit only grudgingly.



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