SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 30: Tang Wuying VS Gong Jun!

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  The sect was quite active this morning. Jing saw crowds of excited disciples rushing over to the dueling rings. The hype of two geniuses battling was rather large apparently. The only time she saw crowds even remotely close to this size was at the beginning of the month when it was time to get monthly stones.

  Li Li was perched on her shoulder like usual. It seemed he picked up the excitement in the air and also couldn’t wait to see the fight. But he was still just a child, it was easy for him to get affected by the emotions of those around him. She rubbed his excited feathers to try and calm him.

  She followed the crowd and acted just as excited as they were. She also managed to sense Bing and Ying within the crowd. They were walking together while talking about who they thought was going to win.

  Jing figured they must have wanted to see the fight for themselves after she ordered them to investigate where Tang and Gong lived. It could also be that they just wanted to see a fight. Which is the reason why she thought Hu Tao was here as well. She doubted he had any personal interest in either Tang or Gong, they were both weaker than him after all.

  Jing made it to the dueling ring where the two would be fighting each other. The sect graciously built enough stands for people to sit knowing that this duel wouldn’t be ignored despite how recently the two prodigies joined the sect. Jing randomly picked a seat without much consideration. Not too far down and not too high up. Right in the middle of the wooden bleachers. The perfect spot for someone like her.

  But it wasn’t long until something decided to ruin her plans of watching this fight as an unassuming normal. That something came in the form of three familiar persons. One on her left, one on her right, and the last one sitting behind her with an annoying grin. Did these idiots know they were compromising her identity!?

‘What if someone decided to investigate the fact that you three decided to sit next to me?!’

  These three better not talk to her all casually!

“Hey there Jing.” Hu Tao grinned.

“Do not speak to me so familiarly or I’ll break you.” Jing warned under her breath.

“Ooh yeah. You didn’t want anyone to know that you were gatherin---”

  Jing back fisted Hu Tao with such speed that even Ying and Bing could barely see her arm move and they were sitting right next to her! Hu Tao lurched backwards from the force of the punch and had a bloody nose. With his head launched back, he started laughing loudly as if the pain was nothing but a joke to him.

“Alright, alright, I was just kidding you know. No need to get so sensitive about it.” Hu Tao smiled.

  Ying and Bing didn’t want to get hurt like Hu Tao and silently agreed to completely ignore Jing and not to say a single word to her. They didn’t know if they would be able to shrug off a punch from her like Hu Tao. Don’t let it be forgotten that Hu Tao has reached the 1st stage of the Consolidation realm either! A punch from a 2nd stage Qi Gatherer made someone like that back off!

“Haven’t you heard about Tang Wuying?!”

“No, what happened?”

“He’s like a completely different person now! Now no one knows who could possibly win in this fight anymore!”

“What do you mean he’s different? Did he learn some sky-ranked martial art or something?”

“He had a fortuitous encounter and became a completely different person! It’s rumored that he has found an ancient treasured weapon that functions both as a spirit weapon and a spirit tool!”

“If its just a rumor then I don’t believe you.”

“Just wait! It’s a weird weapon! I saw it for myself! It’s said that he is never seen without it!”

  The seated crowd suddenly started cheering loudly. Jing looked over to see the main stars approaching the dueling ring. Tang walked towards the ring with a confident smirk. His handsome face paired with his new tattoos made him look dangerously attractive. The large boomerang strapped to his back did invite many curious looks. Many of those watching have never seen a weapon of such size and shape like that one. Some even wanted to get one of their own just because of how cool Tang Wuying looked holding one on his back.

  Gong Jun walked towards the ring with a kind smile. The type of smile that made you think that he was only doing this because his junior asked instead of an actual duel meant to be taken seriously. His contrasting appearance to Tang’s made him look like an elegant regal prince in comparison. He also had his own fan club within the sect that was trying to scream over Tang Wuying’s fan club.

  Their master was also walking behind them. Is he going to be the referee for this duel? It would make sense if he was. Those two are talented young geniuses, he would no doubt wish for them to both come out of this alive and not crippled. Elder Mo’s other disciples were also following behind him. They sat closer to the ring than anyone else. The strength on those three were quite impressive. Jing doubted her followers could hold a candle to them for a while. Even Hu Tao who was her strongest underling couldn’t take that easygoing looking boy with the spear.

  Elder Mo wasn’t the only head elder present though, Elder Ru and Elder Chang were also here with their disciples to watch. Even the head librarian was here to watch the duel between the two. Jing doubted that Tang Wuying and Gong Jun warranted this much attention. There has to be something else going on here beneath the surface. She just has to look deeper into it.

  Tang Wuying arrived on stage with his Fourth Senior. They stood across from each other and he could see his Fourth Senior smirking at him. That bastard’s still not taking him seriously! He hasn’t ever taken him seriously and Tang plans on forcing him to recognize that he is a threat to him. Even when they first met, he looked at him with those same condescending eyes, telling him that he’ll never be on his level and he will always be beneath him like an ant.

“Are you prepared to be humiliated Fourth Senior? Ready to see that I am more talented than you are? Ready to see that I am more powerful than you? Ready to acknowledge that I am not just a brat and I'm better than you!?”

“Little Tang, I have always believed in your talent.” Gong Jun responded with that disgusting fake smile of his.

“Don’t joke around at a time like this! If you even think about holding back, I won’t be able to help myself if I accidentally kill you.” Tang said wickedly.

“If I died from sparing with you little Tang, I would be able to perish in peace. Please spare me from such a fate so soon though.” He said with fake sincerity.

“Keep smiling. Just wait till I wipe that filthy smile off your face and show you just how strong I really am.” Tang muttered.

“Are you two brats ready?” Elder Mo asked, standing in the ring.

“Yes, master.” They both responded.


  They vanished from as soon as the match started. Tang leapt towards Gong with his boomerang in his hands. Gong rushed towards Tang with his sword. Tang swung down towards Gong’s neck. If something the size of that boomerang landed on Gong, then he could surely say goodbye to his head. Especially with the unbelievable speed that Tang just shown to everyone.

“I can’t believe it!”

“Where did they go!?”

“Third Junior has definitely improved in his training.” Jian complimented.

“You can say that again. It’s going to be harder to tease him if he keeps this up.” Chao laughed.

“DIE!” Tang shouted.

“No thanks Little Tang.” Gong responded as he clashed with Tang’s weapon.

  It seemed that Tang had the edge in strength. His boomerang was inching closer and closer to Gong’s neck but Gong didn’t look worried in the slightest. This unnerved Tang but he didn’t let it stop his momentum. He continued forward and didn’t back down from whatever his Fourth Senior was planning.

“Flowing River Style: Yellow Water Blade.” Gong said.

  Gong shifted his blade to the side, causing Tang’s boomerang to slide off his weapon and smash his boomerang into the floor. A small chunk of the arena was broken upon impact with Tang’s weapon. His Fourth Senior took advantage of his current moment of weakness.

“Flowing River Style: Blue Water Blade.”

  Gong Jun stabbed forward with the momentum of 10 raging rivers. Water flowed around his blade like a majestic serpent. The strength of this attack caused many within the audience to gasp in shock. This attack would easily kill any average 8th stage Qi Gatherer and threaten the life of weakest 9th stage Qi Gatherers! He used such a powerful move on his own Junior Brother!

“Don’t look down on me you bastard! Wild Tempest!” Tang shouted in retaliation.

  A golden aura flowed around Tang and his body spun around just in time to match Gong’s attack but this didn’t end up like the first clash. Tang continually spun with his boomerang and attacked Gong. Gong was forced to slowly lose ground from the onslaught of attacks. Each attack from Tang seemed to get stronger every time he turned around to attack him, Gong, being the prodigy that he is, immediately figured out his next plan of action.

“Flowing River Style: Yellow Water Blade!”

  Tang’s endless storm of fierce attacks was rendered useless by the defensive style of Gong’s blade. Each swing of his was harmlessly deflected away by the sword. His Fourth Senior’s body was stronger than he thought if he could handle the strength of his attacks so easily. His arms should be shaking or on the verge of dropping by now if it wasn’t.

“You can’t block forever Fourth Senior! I can keep this going forever!” Tang boasted.

  His speed and power was ramping up with every spin. Soon, even with Fourth Senior’s strong body, he wouldn’t be able to handle him. Tang Wuying kept his eye on any signs of his senior breaking.

‘There! His legs are shaking! Just a couple more swings before I can crush him!’

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  Tang managed to break through Gong’s defense and his body was unguarded! Now’s his chance to strike!

“This is the end!”

  He swung his boomerang down towards Gong’s head with elation. This is it! He will show his Fourth Senior he’s not a joke! He is even better than him! He’s stronger than him! If he won’t take him seriously, he’ll be forced to with this loss!

Gong Jun suddenly grinned.

“Flowing River Style: Red Water Blade.”

  Gong ducked under Tang’s attacks and slashed at his unprotected stomach.

“Impossible...” Tang muttered as the blade was coming towards his waist.

“It was all a lie Little Tang.”

  Everything slowed down for Tang as he saw his Fourth Senior’s sword coming for him. How could he fail? Even with the blessing of Lord Tyanir? Is it really his fate to be so weak and powerless? Even with all this power, he couldn’t rise above his Fourth Senior? He couldn’t even force him to take their duel seriously. Is this the end of Tang Wuying? Dying as a weakling braggart? Dying without any achievements nor pride?

  No. No, no, no, no! He will not accept this! He will not accept such an end! Dying in such a shameful embarrassing way is unacceptable! He can’t die this young! He can’t die without fulfilling a single dream of his! He cannot die without taking Xiao Hong as his wife!

  Tang’s qi surged with the fury of 10,000 suns. The yellow markings on his skin glowed brightly. A visible golden aura wrapped around his body and weapon. Tang Wuying bent his torso with enough speed to dodge the blade of Gong Jun. Once he landed, he rushed towards Gong with his weapon and uppercutted him in the air with the edge. Gong couldn’t react to his movement but Tang could already feel the strain of whatever is happening to him. His body is slowly getting heavier, his qi is being drained rapidly, and his vision is getting blurry. He has to finish this while he can.

  Tang jumped at the airborne Gong and whacked him multiple times with his Tiger Boomerang. Drove his weapon into his side, smashed it against his torso, knocked it into his jaw. Gong was helpless against the assault, Tang was simply too fast, even for him currently. Tang smashed Gong down towards the ground and before he could crash into the ring, appeared under him with his boomerang ready.

“Dragon’s Cyclone!”

  Tang threw his boomerang towards the falling Gong. The boomerang altered the air around it and sucked Gong into its self-created mini tornado, attacking him multiple times with the boomerang. Tang dropped to his knees as he saw his Fourth Senior crash down in the ring. His boomerang swung back towards him as he was drained of most of his strength. He used the remaining amount to catch his boomerang and strap it to his back.

“Ha...Ha...Ha...” Tang struggled to laugh.

  He was in monumental pain but he could ignore that for now. He’s shown his Fourth Senior whose boss! He’s shown him that he’s better than him! He won! Lord Tyanir hasn’t abandoned him in his time of need. Even though he doubted he could raise his body and stand, he has bested his Fourth Senior!

  The crowd was stunned speechless. A majority of them couldn’t even see how Tang Wuying just won. He was moving so fast that they couldn’t even see a blur on the stage. Regardless of how he did it, the most important thing was that he did it! Gong Jun laid defeated while Tang Wuying was still standing! The odds for his victory was 20-80 and he still managed to pull through despite such odds!

“GONG JUN LOST!?” The crowd began cheering for Tang.


“Wasn’t he about to lose earlier? How did he possibly escape from Gong Jun’s trap?”

“I guess we have another dark horse to look out for in the upcoming tournament.”

“Maybe you do. Little Qi Consolidator. I don’t have to look out for anything but his senior brothers.”

  Elder Mo reentered the ring and checked on Gong Jun. His forehead scrunched up but he soon fed him a recovery pill before announcing Tang Wuying as the winner.


[Mission Completed!]

[Rewards: Group Tab is now unlocked, Martial technique: Snake Fist, 3 rare tickets]

  A very pleased smile formed on Jing’s face. It seems her worries about this duel was pointless. Tang Wuying didn’t let her down. If he somehow had lost with one of her weapons, she would’ve killed him herself tonight, if Gong hadn’t. The look on her followers’ faces were of enjoyment. It seemed like they had a good time watching the fight.

“I’m going to call for you all tomorrow. Free up your plans.” Jing told the three before leaving with the rest of the crowd.

  Bing, Ying, and Hu Tao remained seated, wondering what Jing could possibly have planned for them tomorrow.

“What do you guys think she wants?” Ying asked.

“Probably another task for us. Hopefully this one doesn’t involve any killing...”

“She sends you guys on errands!? What the hell!? I’ve been bored out of my mind and she’s been giving you two fights?”

“It’s not like she wants us to go out killing or fighting anyone. It just sort of kinda happens...” Bing told him.

“If she sends you two to do something, you can bet your ass I'm coming along. The only thing I got to look forward to these days is the ranking matches in the Inner Court.” He grinned.

“Be my guest.” Bing responded.

“Oh yeah you did reach the Qi Consolidation realm. How large is your qi pool?” Ying asked.

“Large enough. I’ve been saving spirit stones for a while to break through. I didn’t wanna break through until I could beat Manchu but the pussy bastard has been avoiding me.

“Are you talking about the #1 ranked disciple in the Outer Court Manchu!?” Ying asked with stars in her eyes.

“Yeah that little coward is hiding some secret technique and doesn’t want anyone to see it. He knows if he gets in a fight with me, he’ll be forced to reveal it.”

“Psh. Like you’re any match for Manchu. He’s what every disciple in the Outer Court inspires to be! Powerful, Gentle, and Handsome.” Ying listed.

“That little wuss ain’t none of those things. We’ve already fought 4 times already but each time it was stopped before it could get really good.”

“I bet you loss all 4 times didn’t you?” Ying asked.

“You know for a princess you sure do got the mouth on ya. What are you one of those fucking idiots that want Manchu’s dick? I can give you something better you know.” He gestured by grabbing his crotch.

“Disgusting!” Ying punched towards his face with all her power.

  Hu Tao only grinned as he casually caught her fist. Bing sighed. He could see where this was headed already.

“If you wanna fight princess meet me in the ring and I’ll show you a good time.” Hu Tao’s erection was visible through his robes.

“Shitty pervert!” Ying grabbed her sword and with a circular swing, aimed to slice Hu Tao in half.

  Bing ducked low so that he doesn’t get bisected by the blade and could only see Ying’s body flying towards the ring. Hu Tao thumped her forehead with enough force to send her away. He jumped towards the ring and only grinned at the feisty redhead. She recovered before she could crash into the ring and stared at Hu Tao with anger.

“Show me what you got princess.” Hu Tao taunted as his chains began moving.

“I’m going to kick your ass!” Ying yelled as she leapt towards the cocky pervert with her monstrous sword.

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