Screw the Hero!

Chapter 6: The Southern Hero (1)

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[A/N: As usual, maybe I'll fix some things to flow better. Just a warning though :P]



It had been a long time since I had seen the true meaning of fear before me.

When was the last time I could really say I was scared at all?

I didn't know how to answer that question.


''Please... Please, don't---''

Even from a distance, I could hear the desperate screams of people. The creatures' footsteps seemed to tear at my ears as they ran in a pack, killing every single citizen I couldn't defend.

It was surely eerie, but I was already used to it. The current me was not only focused on strengthening his body, but also in tune with many other things.

In short, I've learned enough to adapt to the oddities of this world.

Some of my past instructors used to say that I had a sort of selective bipolarism. Some of them even called me cynical, crazy and other things, but so what?

It was true. Depending on the person or situation in question, I would change my way of acting.

Which was exactly why I kept such a tired expression on my face now.

Flames and ash rose from various parts of the city. And, smoke and soot engulfed entire buildings and construction, giving the place a post-apocalyptic look.

But that wasn't the worst of this situation, as human's corpses were strewn all over the streets, and vivid red painted the walls entirely.

However, the cause of all this no longer moving. 

It had been a hell wolf, a Beast-grade monster. A creature I could snap in half without too much trouble. But, above all it, a catastrophe that could have been avoided.

As to prove my point, he was dead; torn apart in front of me a big chunk of his body missing.

I watched him writhe on the floor while blood dripped from the tip of my blade; the putrid, sickening smell invading my nostrils as I stood still.

Step, step.

Trembling slightly, one of several people who had been targeted by that monster, stepped forward.

He looked scared, but his eyes seemed to burn passionately. Strangely, I was reminded of Mael.

But if he reminded me of that damn old man, then that couldn't possibly be good at all.

''Hero! You are a hero sent by the gods themselves!''

People started screaming, glorifying me one by one.

In a matter of mere thousandths, a huge crowd had gathered, crouching in prayer.

I was brought back to reality by their strange behavior. Anyway, what the hell did they think they were orchestrating, some kind of bizarre cult?

Like, for real, what was this...?

I'm not Jesus Christ or some messiah like that, y'all!

''Hey! Hey! Calm down''

I had my speech interrupted by the man who was carrying several goods in a wooden wagon.

''Oh, great hero! Save us! Show to our enemies whom they dared to challenge!''

I hesitated in answering him, furrowing my brow in response to that word he had spoken.


It wasn't enough that I was a character destined to be used to move the plot forward, now would I serve as cannon fodder at the same time?

The mere mention of that accursed title disturbed me by awakening a dormant part of my conscience.

''Yes, I'll save you. No worries... But stop calling me a hero! OK?!''

''Your humility is so valuable, great sir! This servant will pray in your name!''

Turning around, I ignored his useless screams.

''Go, hero! Go, hero!'' The population chanted in unison.


It was painful to hear such a disgusting word.

Still, I had my task to do: save this place.

My father had gone on a mission under the King's order. He'd trusted me to protect his territory.

To protect our home.

Looking towards the cloud of dust that was closing in on me by the second, I steadied my sword at my waist and raised my hands.

''What did I do to deserve this?''

Displeased, I asked myself where it all went wrong.


[ Two days before ]

[ Martial Pinnacle Mansion ]

[ Steelheart's Territory ]

Eleven long, arduous years have passed since I regained my memories.

Sitting in the middle of the water fall from a river close to home, I reviewed some events while meditating. With my legs twisted, I kept my eyes closed.

The chirping of sweet birdsong peacefully sounded in the background, directly contrasting with the roar of the water crashing against the hard stones.

Currently, I was in the middle of one of my daily training sets, imposed by Mael.

Slowly, I imbued mana into several different regions of my body at once, concentrating as I found myself in a species of reverie.

Until a relatively long time ago, I was nothing more than a layman unaware of the true secrets of this world.

If it weren't for that event when I was five years old, in which I recalled memories of a distant world, I would just follow the invisible rules determined by a plot established by people without creativity.

It was lucky that I remembered so much useful information, even though most of it only served the purpose of annoying me.

But it was even luckier for me to have met Mael in the first place.

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Although at first I disliked him, father proved to be a great help to me. 

That's why I wondered what was the reason the game's Rodiel used to deny the offer to become this man's disciple?

Furthermore, would that occasion have been the cause of his rivalry with Mael, in the plot of the game?

‘’Fuuuh…’’ I exhaled, gathering air in my lungs.

Sweat trickled down my face, dripping onto my pants. Small wet spots started to appear on my clothes, but I ignored them.

As soon as I felt that, I stretched out the palms of both my hands, sliding them slowly over each other in a repeating cycle.

I could feel the mana's impurity more easily by passing it through certain regions of my body. My hands were just another simple purification catalyst, so I calmly continued.

That wasn't one of the techniques Mael taught me, I had developed it myself.

I have in my hands knowledge that no one else has on this planet — so, coupled with an almost endless torturous training routine, getting strong was just a matter of time.

However, my current level, as much as many consider impressive for an individual of my age, was not even close to enough in order to live peacefully in this cursed plot.

In order to truly survive the chaotic challenges ahead in the near future, and to fulfill my goals, I need more power.


''I thought you had business with the King?''

Still deeply immersed in exercising my meditation, I opened my mouth.

With my vocal chords more powerful than ever due to my mana paths flowing through the purification, I let out a deep, vibrant note that put the roar of the waterfall to shame.

Even so, as usual, Mael's extremely loud and excited voice, accompanied by his characteristic laugh, completely buried the sound of water in the small artificial valley.

Honestly, it was a difficult task to conceive of the fact that this man was only a human.

''Puhahat! I didn't expect you to notice me, boy. Congratulations!''

''What did you just say?''

I gradually opened my eyelids and looked at him in surprise.

That was one of the only times in years that he had congratulated me on something.

''Anyway, what are you doing here?''

I asked, concentrating on my breathing once again.

If I lost focus now, those hours I spent there correcting my mana paths would be in vain.

''I came to say goodbye, of course.''

He scratched his head awkwardly. His lips were, almost imperceptibly, trembling.

Was the old man sad?

Now, I had to admit, that was an amazing sight.

''It's hard to think that today is our last day together. So many years. So many memories, isn't it? It's a pity, a pity indeed!''

I stopped meditating, sitting down to face him.

I could leave it to fix the rest of the mana paths later. Certainly, it was more important to interact with my father, for now.

''Haha!'' He laughed.

As I turned, in the glassy reflection of the water dam, I could see my face.

The youthful traits of my appearance have completely disappeared from my 17-year-old body, as if they had never existed in the first place. I had completely matured in my appearance, especially my well-toned muscles and chiseled features.

But compared to the other nine capture characters, I was just an average guy.

Erasing my mundane thoughts, I glanced straight ahead.

Mael was not the least bit different.

His dark skin gleamed like burnished bronze, highlighting his defined muscles. He appeared to be a warrior from another era, ready to fight any battle that challenged him.

He still boasted a muscular body - in fact, on the outside, he looked younger. 

“I am also regretting it… And to think that I need to go out into the world even though I still desperately need your teachings.” 

I said, with a hint of sadness in my voice.

Mael smiled at me; his eyes shining with wisdom.

Though he tried to hide it, his eyes still held obvious sparks of a distasteful look. He wasn't happy with the level I'd reached, but he managed not to spoil the moment.

"Rody, you are ready. I have taught you all I could and you have exceeded all my expectations. You've created your own path, and achieved your own wisdom. But remember that I'll always be here for you, even if you're far away."

Yet another motivational speech was fired my way. However, for the first time, this one hit me hard.

I nodded, knowing he was right.

I had grown so much under his guidance and now it was time to apply everything he taught me to the real world.

Without much thought, and to the surprise of the seven foot tall man, I stood up and hugged him tightly, grateful for everything he had done for me.

"Thank you, old-man. Be sure that I will come back to beat your ass up some day, though!''

He squeezed me back, his voice husky with emotion.

"Yes, yes. You're welcome, son.''

I smiled at him, knowing it was time to leave.

Breaking free of his thick arms, I turned and started to walk out of the valley, but I looked back one last time, seeing Mael watching me proudly.

''Don't you dare come back if you don't become number one in the Academy! Hahah!''

With a funny expression, he made an empty threat.

I had grown up in this house, isolated on a mountain peak. Apart from the things I knew from the game, the outside world was completely unfamiliar to me.

At first, my very existence was essentially alien. Even so, I was harboring a lot of worries.

'...How dangerous will it be for me, from now on?' The answer didn't come to my mind.

The only thing certain was that this would be the beginning of my road towards overcoming the game's plot...

And, without me knowing about it, also the imminent appearance of an adventurer who never existed in this world's history.

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