Second Marriage with the Alliance Marshal

Chapter 1: CH 1

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Xu Xinghe learned the news of his divorce from a colleague.

Year 329 of the Milky Way calendar, the first day of summer.

There was still more than half an hour before the lunch break. Team Leader Xu has already replied to all the work emails in advance, as well as routine inspection and maintenance of the B16 area of ​​the mainframe.

Bright sunlight poured into the Ark through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, adding a touch of amber to his black eyes and black hair.

It should have been a perfect day, if only his coffee machine hadn’t crashed.

Xu Xinghe stretched his waist under the artificial sun, picked up the cup and walked towards the coffee room.

Then he heard everything at the door of the pantry-

“Breaking news! General Mu just announced his divorce!”

“Which General Mu?”

“Which one is there? Major General Mu Qingyun! Xu Xinghe is his spouse!”

“No way! Let me see- What’s going on? Haven’t they only been married for a year?”

“Of course, General Mu filed for divorce right after the one-year marriage protection period.”

“So decisive?!”

“How can this be the end? Think about Xu Xinghe’s usual arrogant appearance, which alpha would like him? General Mu must have had enough of him this past year!”

“Yeah, Xu Xinghe is an omega, being in the limelight at work every day, what kind of character is this?”

At this time, a girl in the corner whispered: “Eh? I think Team Leader Xu is not bad. He helped me before…”

Someone immediately refuted her: “You just came here, how many times have you met him? Let me tell you, this person’s personality is not ordinary! Otherwise, why can’t he keep the general’s heart after a year?”

The little girl in the corner lowered her head, and remained silent.

“It’s not just that he has a personality problem. To be honest, I sometimes wonder if his physiology as an omega is still healthy—” The speaker pointed to the gland on the back of his neck and made a “you know” look.

“No one has ever smelled his pheromone, and I don’t usually see him using blockers and inhibitors.”

“Ah… Poor General Mu wasted a year on such a person. To be honest, if I were an alpha, I would definitely rather pay the fine than marry him.”

In the interstellar era, the omega fertility rate dropped to a historical freezing point.

For the continuation of the human race, the Alliance began to implement the “Matched Marriage Law”, whereby the mastermind system1 designates marriages based on the degree of genetic matching between unmarried alphas and omegas with the premise of maximizing the fertility rate.

If the matched object does not obey the mastermind’s arrangements, he must pay a huge fine.

And government officials or active-duty members of the Alliance will be subject to additional penalties if they refuse to marry.

“T Club broke the news that General Mu originally had a lover, and the divorce now is to get back with his old lover.”

“Yes! It is said that they both started talking about marriage a year ago, but things were messed up by the mastermind’s matching.”

“Ah? Then why did General Mu agree to marry Xu Xinghe in the first place? For someone of his rank, if he really wants to escape the mastermind match, it’s not completely impossible, right? Why wait for a year?”

“Maybe it’s for the sake of having children? A big family like the Mu family needs an heir.”

“It’s a pity that Xu Xinghe’s stomach is unsatisfactory, and he didn’t get pregnant in a year… it should be difficult too in the future?”

According to the mastermind’s matching algorithm, omegas approaching estrus will be given matching priority.

Therefore, more than 65% of couples will become pregnant in the first year of marriage, and omegas who do not become pregnant within a year have a high probability of not becoming pregnant in the future.

“I think Xu Xinghe came to work as usual today. I don’t know whether to admire him or sympathize with him.”

“Hmph, there’s no need to sympathize with him. I worked with him for a while when I participated in the Young Eagle Project. That guy is competitive, eccentric, and arrogant. What is the use of this kind of omega working? Can’t arouse an alpha’s desire for protection, and will only be annoying!”

Just as the voice fell, someone called out: “Team Leader Xu, good day.”

Everyone in the room: “…”

Xu Xinghe, who was eating his own melons2 outside the door: “…”

Team Leader Xu paused for two seconds, then put one hand in his pocket and casually kicked open the door of the pantry with his toes while holding a blue starry sky coffee cup in his free hand.

The room was suddenly silent.

Xu Xinghe looked around and took a sip of coffee.

There are 4 people in the pantry at present. Three women and one man, and based on their uniforms, they all work in the logistics department.

Xu Xinghe, who works in the technical department, is not very familiar with them.

Ark’s rest areas are divided according to ABO3 attributes, not by department, which makes it difficult for him to meet acquaintances from the same department in the omega exclusive rest area.

Among the hundreds of people across Ark’s entire technical department, the number of omegas can be counted on one hand.

And an omega like Xu Xinghe, who was promoted to the leader of the sixth group right after his first year, is even more unprecedented.

Therefore, he became a “competitive and pushy” outlier in the eyes of everyone.

Xu Xinghe turned his gaze to the male omega whose voice was the loudest, and said lightly: “I’m sorry, I just passed by and heard someone say that they participated in the ‘Young Eagle Project’ with me, so I wanted to come in and say hello. But—”

Xu Xinghe looked at him from top to bottom, and said quietly, “Who are you?”

Dong Yue’s face stiffened.

The “Young Eagle Project” is Ark’s cultivation plan for the outstanding employees who have just joined the company. It is divided into several rounds and layers of screening. The final people who can stay are the key cultivation targets, and most of them will be entrusted with important tasks in the future.

Although Dong Yue was selected that year, he was screened out in the first round. After that, he could only see Xinghe from a distance. The two never spoke at all, so it was normal for Xu Xinghe not to know him.

But the problem is that he boasted that he was part of the Ark’s “Young Eagle Project” and was a key training target. Wasn’t Xu Xinghe saying he didn’t know him a direct slap in the face?

The corners of Dong Yue’s mouth twitched, and he said without a smile: “There are not many people who can enter Team Leader Xu’s eyes. Of course you don’t remember me… By the way, has Team Leader Xu watched today’s news?”

“News?” Xu Xinghe tilted his head. “No, of course, I didn’t. There are still more than ten minutes before lunch break. It’s working time right now. All employees are unable to use their devices for non-work related matters, and violators will be fined 500 union coins per violation. Isn’t this expressly stipulated in the “Ark Rules and Regulations”? Are you breaking rules in private?”

Dong Yue’s face turned even darker.

The other omega beside him silently put her hands behind her back and turned off the electronic smartphone on her wrist.

Most companies will have similar rules, and Ark is no exception.

But these days, everyone basically turns on their personal devices in their spare time to chat with family and friends, or read news. The related regulations have long since become empty words; how can anyone comply with them in private?

Xu Xinghe seemed to see through what they were thinking, and smiled lightly. “It’s because I strictly abide by the Ark rules and regulations, coupled with my strong work ability and high efficiency, that I won the Outstanding Employee Award in the first year of my arrival. All of you work hard. If you follow the rules, you will have a chance to win this honor next year.”

The faces of the people in the pantry turned darker, but they couldn’t refute him.

No matter how cynical they were behind his back, it couldn’t change the fact that Xu Xinghe indeed had outstanding ability.

Xu Xinghe filled up his coffee and left.

The moment he turned around, everyone could clearly see that there was a dark red, pinky-length old scar on the back of his fair and slender neck.

It wasn’t until he was sure that he was far away that Dong Yue gritted his teeth and said, “Just look at him… wait for him to die alone!”

“Where did Team Leader Xu’s gland injury come from? It looks quite serious. Is it because of this that his pheromone smell is missing?”

“I don’t know how it came about, but it shouldn’t affect his physiological function, right? Otherwise, his rating will definitely drop to E. How could the mastermind match him to General Mu?”

Dong Yue said with a sneer: “Such a long scar in a sensitive place, what’s the difference between being disfigured? It’s no wonder that General Mu looks down on him; even an alpha will find it distasteful! It’s ridiculous that he still acts arrogant all the time. Don’t know where that confidence comes from. Does he think he can find a better partner than General Mu in the future?”

“How is that possible! General Mu is ranked second among the top ten single alphas as determined by the Capital EntertainmenT Club. Isn’t there no one better among unmarried alphas?”

“Unless it’s number one. That one…”

As soon as the speaker stopped, there was a brief silence in the pantry.

Immediately, a burst of laughter broke out.

“Hahahaha! You mean Marshal Ling? That’s even more impossible! ”

“Yeah, Marshal Ling has never been on the matching list for decades. Everyone suspects that he has been removed by the mastermind!” ”

“Actually, top alphas like the marshal should have been matched first. Don’t know why he hasn’t been matched yet…”

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“Maybe it’s because Marshal Ling is so good, that no omega is worthy of him?”

“That is, if Xu Xinghe can marry him in the second marriage, I will eat my keyboard!”


After the lunch break, Xu Xinghe could feel the subtle changes in the eyes of many colleagues around him.

Some were sympathetic, some were worried, and some were gloating about misfortune.

However, everyone in the technical department still had some basic self-cultivation. They all pretended that nothing happened, and wore polite smiles.

Speaking of this, Xu Xinghe was a little depressed.

Mu Qingyun, that bastard! Don’t even know to talk to him in advance about the divorce. Hello?

If he hadn’t just heard them talking in the pantry, he’d still be in the dark.

This isn’t the most annoying thing. The most annoying thing is-

He didn’t wash his hair before going out today!

Xu Xinghe quietly took a sip of coffee feeling the gazes staring at him from all directions.

Inner thoughts: F*ck, why!

A person like himself who takes baths eight times a week on average, didn’t take a bath one day yesterday. Why on earth did it have to happen now?!

At this moment, the electronic smartphone on his wrist vibrated.

Xu Xinghe looked down and saw that it was a call from his “future ex-husband”.

Sneering inwardly, he pressed the power off button expressionlessly, and then devoted himself to the afternoon’s work.

“Ethan, are there any errors in the 2210-2830 section?”

“Xiao Zhou, check the operation of the server in B16.”

“Ruisi4 reported the M-M system bug three days ago, why hasn’t there been a response yet?”

Xu Xinghe’s attitude is very serious regarding work.

During this period, countless pairs of eyes swept over him, but he turned a blind eye and did his own work.

Careful and worried members of the sixth group found that their just-divorced leader Xu, seemed to be in a good mood instead of showing the slightest bit of emotional sadness??

This is not an illusion, Xu Xinghe figured it out after a brief depression-

Early divorce and early relief!

Even if Mu Qingyun made a play, at least the ending was happy.

He can immediately return to the relaxed single state of the past, and no longer has to watch Mu Qingyun and his little lover show off their affection!

Is there anything more gratifying than this?

At six o’clock in the afternoon, Xu Xinghe changed his clothes and was about to leave work, but he was stopped as soon as he left the locker room.

“That, Team Leader Xu…”

He bumped into the skinny little girl he met in the rest area.

The girl had changed back to a pale yellow plaid skirt, and was waiting for him with her fingers pinched.

“I’m sorry about the thing at noon. I really didn’t want to speak ill of you, but…”

Xu Xinghe gave her a strange look. “You didn’t speak ill of me again, no need to apologize. I’m off work, and will go first. Goodbye.”

“Eh? Wait a minute! Team Leader Xu!” The girl followed and asked cautiously, “You aren’t… angry?”

Xu Xinghe said lazily: “What’s there to be angry about? They aren’t spreading rumors, well, apart from Dong Yue. Since when have I worked with him? He was kicked out the first day he entered the Young Eagle Project.”

The girl blinked. “Huh? So you know him?”

Xu Xinghe: “I know. The ‘genius’ who turned a closing statement into a loop, how can I not know? For this reason, all of us had to work overtime to clean up the garbage in the system. We were so angry that our supervisor’s nose was crooked, and he scolded and pointed at him for ten minutes, after which he was kicked out of the Young Eagle Project immediately.”

The girl laughed.

As Xu Xinghe walked out of the building, he turned his head and glanced at her: “But I don’t have any impression of you. You said I helped you before?”

“Yes… but you shouldn’t have seen me at the time, so you don’t have an impression.” The girl lowered her head. She blushed a little, and then gathered up her courage and said, “My name is Jennifer, if you have time, can I invite you to a meal?”

“Sorry, I have an appointment today.” Xu Xinghe walked out of the building and waved to the girl behind him. “If you encounter any problems in the future, you can come find me. Bye bye.”

After leaving the Ark building, Xu Xinghe turned on his electronic smartphone again.

Mu Qingyun actually made two more phone calls in the afternoon.

Xu Xinghe laughed.

They were married for a year, and Mu Qingyun made no more than 5 calls to him.

Every time he had a conflict with his little lover, he called to stand up for his little lover.

It’s rare to see him so proactive this time. Did he finally remember to ask him to sign the divorce agreement?

Apart from this, Xu Xinghe couldn’t think of any other reason for General Mu to call him.

The “Matching Marriage Law” stipulates that once the one-year marriage protection period expires, if both parties agree to divorce, the divorce will take effect immediately after signing.

If one party refuses to sign, the other party needs to go to court to apply for a divorce, which may take one month to six months.

So Mu Qingyun can’t even wait to marry his sweetheart?

What are you doing so early?

Xu Xinghe looked at the three missed calls and did not call back. He sent a simple voice message to Mu Qingyun in a cold tone: “Send the divorce agreement and I will sign it.”

A minute later, Mu Qingyun replied: “Okay.”

Sure enough.

Xu Xinghe snorted, put down his arms, looked up at the golden red sunset on the horizon, and suddenly felt an unprecedented ease.

In fact, even if Mu Qingyun didn’t call, he would definitely sign the divorce agreement as soon as possible.

He didn’t want to go back to the lifeless Mu family to be looked down upon…

Now that the matched marriage has come to an end, everything can start again.

Thinking of this, Xu Xinghe was suddenly refreshed.

He didn’t actually have an appointment tonight. He just planned to go home and have a good sleep.

But at this moment Xu Xinghe changed his mind.

At least have a big meal to celebrate?

While thinking about the major issue of what to eat tonight, Team Leader Xu walked towards the parking lot humming a little song.

Before reaching the entrance of the parking lot, he saw a blond man wearing sunglasses in the distance.

The huge sunglasses covered half of the man’s face, but they couldn’t hide his delicate chin and perfect lips.

Clearly he’s a little beauty.

–Miles, Mu Qingyun’s little lover.

Xu Xinghe: “…”

Turning around, Miles saw him and immediately strode towards Xu Xinghe.

Xu Xinghe raised his eyebrows lightly: “What are you doing?”

Miles quickly took off his sunglasses, revealing his angry blue eyes, and walked over. “Do you think that if you don’t answer the phone and don’t sign, you won’t get divorced?”

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