Secretly Holding Hands with You Behind Our Friends’ Back. Falling in Love That Cannot Be Told to Anyone

Chapter 7: 6

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After the first semester exams were over, finally, we rushed into the summer break.

“How can you work even though it’s so hot~.”

Drinking juice while in a one-piece dress beside me, Narushima-san let out an exasperated voice.

“Huh? Isn’t it obvious? Behold! My new beautiful machine body 『Neo-Junya Supreme』! Tell me what you think!”

“Hmm…sounds like something a snot-nosed child would name it. I feel sorry for the bike?”

Overhead was a deep blue sky that looked like it was coated with paint.

Accompanied by gigantic columns of clouds, it was a bright summer morning.

I was in the backyard of my apartment building, washing the new bicycle my parents had bought for me.

Adding detergent to the sponge, I thoroughly scraped off the dirt.

Precisely because it was brand new, I had to wash it properly. Lined up along the storefront of the bicycle shop for ages, it had accumulated a lot of dust.

“That reminds me, Narushima-san, you don’t have a bike, do you? Isn’t that inconvenient?”

“Huh? Both the supermarket and school are within walking distance. Why should I go out of my way to buy a bike?”

“Ah, that’s right, that’s right. You’re a good walker, to begin with.”

Harrassed before and made to walk singlemindedly, I remember that time very well.

Seemingly catching wind of my sarcastic comment, Narushima-san glared at me with scary eyes.


“Wh-What’s with that bakery-like accent…or rather, your eyes, they’re scary…”

As I turned my face away in cowardice, the guys I had been waiting for arrived.

“Yo. That the rumoured new bicycle?”

Those were Seiran, Shintarou and Asagiri-san.

Since we were on summer break, the five of us decided today was a good day to plan our big party.

Another reason was that I wanted to flaunt my brand-new bicycle.

“So it’s a lady’s bike again.”

Shintarou showed let out an exasperated smile, to which I replied with a smug face.

“It’s not just any lady’s bike, you know? Believe it or not, it even comes with a basket. On top of that, it’s an electric bike, and the rear wheels are puncture-resistant. I call it 『Neo-Junya Supreme』. So? Looks cool, doesn’t it?”

“Well, it certainly looks cool, but why not a road bike? It’s your birthday present right?”

“If not a lady’s bike with a basket, how else would I carry you down the mountains?”

“Don’t think I’ll forever be a package.”

As Shintarou and I exchanged jabs, Narushima-san timidly butted in.

“Eh, um…Koga-kun, it was your birthday…?”

As expected, she changed into her shy girl persona in front of everyone. Even so, I’m used to this quick change in character.

Asagiri-san shrugged her shoulders.

“It was just yesterday. If he had brought it up, then everyone would’ve celebrated with him, isn’t that right, Koga-kun?”

That kind of thing is hard to say, don’t you think?

“Well, if it’s about Junya’s birthday, why don’t we just celebrate it while we’re at it? After we go shopping for Yukata’s, no matter what we’ll probably eat somewhere. So we can just use that opportunity to buy him a gift.”

Seiran made a very welcome proposal.

Indeed, the purpose for today was for us to decide on a summer plan where the five of us could play together, as well as go shopping for Yukata for tomorrow’s fireworks display.

After all, fireworks displays require Yukatas, right?

“It’s going to be my first time attending a firework display. So I’m excited!”

“We went last year too. Wasn’t it great?”

“Leaving that aside, remember the time when Seiran overate…saying stuff like how he was going to conquer all the menu’s at the night stall before the fireworks go off. And it was up to us to clean up his mess?”

“Hehe. I’m going to make you all fat for tomorrow’s fireworks display, so you best be prepared.”

“No, no, no! I can’t gain any more weight than this!”

A harmonious laughter erupted among everyone.

When the five of us are together, it really is a lot of fun.

“Ahaha…fireworks are fun, but private fireworks can also be nice…”

Narushima-san let out a reserved laugh, to which Seiran replied with a radiant smile.

“I-I think so too! How about we plan a big summer party where everyone buys up fireworks from the convenience store? That way, we can have private fireworks every day!”

“Rejected. As I said, I’m broke, so think of an even cheaper plan.”

“Junya doesn’t seem to get the joke every now and then…”

I’m just sensitive to things that concern money, that’s all.

Currently, even though my rent is paid for, in exchange, I don’t get much pocket money.

Damn it, guess I have to start searching for a part-time job…

I took a hose from the side of my apartment building and turned on the faucet. Then I rinsed off the detergent from my bike, ending the wash.

“A-Ahaha…but this area is pretty rural. If everyone did sparklers, it would look very good…like fireflies.”

Narushima-san muttered innocently. Hearing that, my hands came to a stop.


“That’s ittt!!”

I flung the hose and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

Because I left the water on as it is, the hose wriggled like a large snake, splashing the nearby boys with water.

“H-Hey…! Hey, Junya! I’m getting splashed!”

“What’s going on all of a sudden…”

I don’t have the time to worry about such complaints.

I said in rapid succession while searching on my smartphone.

“Fireflies! Let’s all go see fireflies this summer!”

“Hmm? That’s totally fine, but don’t the fireflies come out in an earlier season?”

Asagiri-san tilted her head, to which Seiran responded while putting away the water hose.

“If I remember correctly, the Heike-fireflies can still be seen until the first ten days of august.”

Yeah, that’s what it says on the internet! Seiran really knows everything!

The nearest firefly colony from here also showed up in the search.

“We don’t have to go far to see them…we just need to cross over a mountain!”

“That’s far enough…”

Said Shintarou.

“Compared to last year’s biking programme, we have one mountain less!”

“W-Wait, hold on a minute. Junya, you don’t mean to go by bike, do you?”

“Of course I do! There’s no trains nearby, so the only option is to take a bike!”

Besides, if it’s by bike, it won’t cost much. Tell me, is there any better idea than this!?

“…F-Fireflies. I want to see them too…”

Oh? Narushima-san’s interested in it?

“Um, I’ll borrow my dad’s everyone…let’s try our best…?”

She directed her mild-mannered smile towards Shintarou. Shintarou, who was weak to such a thing, finally gave up.

“Ugh~, understood. Crossing over mountains by bike once again…I have nothing but bad memories of it.”

“Ahaha…let’s do our best together, Tanaka-kun.”

Shintarou sighed in return, and Asagiri-san rubbed his back.

“Yoru, you said you have a sibling right?”

“Yes, I have an older sister.”

“Then why don’t you borrow the bike from your older sister? Boys’ bikes are hard to ride, you know?”

“N-No, it’s fine. It’s easier to borrow from my dad. Ahaha…”

Her speech was hindered, but I guess we shouldn’t pry into family affairs.

“So, when’s the best time for everyone!? Tomorrow!?”

Shintaro sighed in exasperation.

“You’re going to the fireworks display tomorrow, right?”

Ah, right. The fireflies had such a strong impact on me that I forgot.

“Then, the day after tomorrow?”

“Don’t you have pool lessons that day?”

Right, I forgot about that too.

Shintarou and I aren’t very good at swimming, so we always gave proper reasons to observe the class instead. The payment for that, however, came in the form of supplementary lessons during summer break.

On the other hand, Seiran, who was taking his classes seriously, shook his head.

“That’s why I told you. Take the pool classes seriously.”

I’m ashamed.

“But, supplementary pool lessons are only in the morning. How about we just go in the evening?”

“Look here. We’re going to cross over a mountain by bike, right? It’s hard after swimming. At least for me.”

Oof, is that so?

Then a day without supplementary lessons…

“If I got it right, it’s next Wednesday. Anyone has any plans on that day?”

Narushima-san nervously raised her hand.

“A-Ah…I have a part-time job at a bookstore on that day…”

Did you work part-time, Narushima-san?

That’s, is that so? I’m a student living by myself and yet, I don’t have a part-time job. It’s unbecoming, isn’t that right? I feel really ashamed.

I went around to ask about everyone’s plans, but there were various things such as “I have a family trip that day” or “I have a dentist appointment”, and it kept being pushed back.

As a result──

“The earliest all of us can move at night is on the ninth of November…”

That’s quite a bit later.

Well, if it’s within the first ten days of August, we should still be able to see the fireflies. Maybe.

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“Then, is it okay if we decide to see fireflies on that day?”

Everyone nodded at Seiran’s words.

On that day before dusk, we would gather and ride our bicycles across the mountain to see the fireflies.

Amazing. Just imagining that sounds super fun. It’s very Youth-like.

“Well then, now that the big summer party plan has been decided without incident────eat this, Junya!”

Seiran pointed the end of the hose towards me and opened the faucet fully.

The water transformed into a flat laser, directly hitting my body with great force.

“H-Hey…hey! What are you doing!”

“Of course, I’m paying you back for earlier! Ora Ora Ora!”

“My smartphone’s soaked in water, you idiot!”

I hid my smartphone in a nearby plantation and jumped at Seiran.

“Kya! Lend me, lend me Seiran. Doryaaaah~!”

“H-Hey! Why Asagiri-san!? Mubbuaāāa~tsu!?”

Asagiri-san took the hose from Seiran and mercilessly sprayed my face with water.

“Seriously…what are you all doing…”

“U-Um, if you make too much noise, the people in the apartment building will…”

After saying such serious things, Narushima-san and Shintarou moved to a safe area.

Of course, I’m not going to allow that to happen.

I snatched the hose away from Asagiri-san.

“If that’s how it is, then I’ll take you all with me! Prepare yourselves!”

“Wait, wait. We have nothing to do with this.”

“T-That’s right, Koga-kun. For your information, if you do that, I’ll seriously get angry────yyyyyyy!? T-This person, did he really splash water on me!?”

For Narushima-san, whose cat mask was cast away for a moment, and the flustered Shintarou at the side.

“Do it, Koga-kun…a-ah. Me too? H-Hey, it’s cold~!”

“Damn. A single hose isn’t enough for this? Give it to me, Junya!”

In addition, the Asagiri-san brimming with vigour, and the Seiran in high spirits.

I splashed water on all of them.

“Ahaha! Really, what are we doing!”


Together, everyone laughed while sopping wet.

Amidst the large chorus of cicadas, the five of us laughed like idiots the whole time.

After our water battle, the whole crew went to a nearby bathhouse.

Thanks to the raging sun, our clothes dried a little while walking, but they were still damp, so we tossed them into the coin-operated laundromat placed by the side of the bathhouse and enjoyed the hot spring water in the forenoon.

“Ha~. I feel alive~.”

I said spontaneously as I soaked my shoulders in the open-air bath surrounded by rocks.

Me, Shintarou and Seiran. It was nice to take a bath with three guys after a long time.

“Saying I feel alive is uncharacteristic of a high school student.”

“Now, now, it’s fine, isn’t it? The water fights we had a moment ago were completely child-like.”

Seiran, the only one with an adult-like physique, chuckled.

“Well, it’s already much too late for that. However, summer with those guys was surprisingly fun, was it not?”

Those guys he said, are of course Narushima-san and Asagiri-san, who were enjoying themselves in the women’s bath about now.

“…Though. What are you going to do about that, Seiran?”

Shintarou diffidently broached the subject.

“That? What am I going to do about that?”

“Like I said , Narushima-san. Of course, you’re aware of that girl’s feelings, right?”

“Um…well, sort of. But what can I do.”

Seiran glanced at me.

“Look, we have the no-girlfriend alliance.”

…Sly to bring that up, don’t you think?

During middle school, I was the first person who suggested the formation of the idiot alliance. Of course, it was a joke on the same level as the imaginary squadron games played by children, and no one took it seriously.

“That’s fine, just answer me seriously. Narushima-san, what are you going to do about her?”

I’m embarrassed to admit it, however, I don’t like the idea of having my close friend get a girlfriend and hanging out with us less often.

But, that’s just how it is. She can’t help but fall in love with him, and if they do decide to go out, then I’ll definitely give them my blessing.

“Well, in any case.”

Seiran wiped his face with the towel he had left on the rim of the rock bath.

“Narushima-san’s nice and interesting, but I just can’t see her as girlfriend material.”

“But you, if she confesses to you…”

“Junya, you’re being stingy. I’ve been telling you for a long time. It’s more fun to play with friends…!”

Using both hands like a water gun, he splashed hot water on my face.

…Then, even if Narushima-san confesses to Seiran, she’ll still be rejected in the distant future.

At that time, what’ll she do?

In the end, will she feel uncomfortable in this group and leave?

Even so, I can’t just tell Narushima-san,

“Don’t confess your feelings to him, because you’ll get your heart broken.”

Love in a group is really difficult…

“…Then, Seiran really doesn’t think anything of Narushima-san, right…?”

Shintarou suddenly spoke to himself in a voice that was barely audible.

The expression on his face, it seemed somewhat relieved.

While I was enjoying my bath, my clothes had finished washing and drying.

After changing into them, we three men went to the lobby and waited for the two girls while reading manga from the service.

A short time later, Asagiri-san and Narushima-san came from the women’s bath, fully clothed, with make-up and ready to go out.

“Yahallo. As expected, the boys bathed quickly!”

“U-Um…sorry for making you wait…”

As usual, Asagiri-san was full of energy, in contrast to the withdrawn Narushima-san.

Of course, only I know the second side of the latter.

“I don’t particularly mind waiting. Well then, let’s go buy Yukata’s right away.”

After Seiran stood up from the sofa, I got a personalized message on my smartphone.

Yoru Narushima:

【Honoko-chan’s wet see-through shirt was erotic, don’t you think?】

Yoru Narushima:

【By the way, her naked body was amazing too.】


Just as I thought.

Narushima-san, whose eyes met mine, was giggling with a bully’s smile on her face.

Shortly after that, I swiftly replied, and similarly, the other side also replied in the same way.


【You don’t have to report everything to me in full detail.】

Yoru Narushima:

【But isn’t Koga-kun also interested in it? In Honoko-chan’s naked body?】

Koga Junya:

【I am, but you don’t have to tell me.】

Yoru Narushima:

【Don’t you want to go out with her? Don’t you want a girlfriend?】

Koga Junya:

【No. I don’t want a girlfriend.】

Yoru Narushima:

【Seriously boring. This stupid small fry, virgin, Koga-kun.】

Koga Junya:

【Shut up. You fake normie with breasts】

“Hey, Junya. Stop fiddling with your smartphone, let’s get going.”

Seiran and the rest of the group had already put on their shoes and were waiting at the exit, looking at me as I sat on the footwear scaffolding.

Narushima-san had already put on her shoes and was waiting for me along with everyone else. It seems that the opposite side was moving deftly while exchanging smartphone messages with me.

…Good grief. Don’t send me messages when I’m with everyone else.

Taking out my sneakers from the shoe locker, I put my feet in them and tied the laces.

Then, my smartphone received another message.

She sent me something again…

After tying the laces and standing up, I checked my smartphone just in case.

Yoru Narushima:

【Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you.】

Yoru Narushima:

【Happy birthday, Koga-kun♪.】

Such a note was left in the talk room for the two of us.

It was a secret exchange between the two of us that no one else knew about.

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