Seirafuku Miracle Magical Girls

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Telekinetic Prodigy

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Chapter 1: The Telekinetic Prodigy
Sumiko remembered her time in the brain enhancement program that they’ve made her go through. Her parents (actually scientists in a lab) said it was part of the curriculum for making sure her grades were in the best shape that they have been, though part of this curriculum also involved scientist funded neuro-cognitive enhancements on a country wide level. She was sure that with Japan’s declining inclination for birth rates, genetically enhanced children like her were created for the sake of keeping Japan from dying out. If a people die out, then it’s culture dies out, and if a culture dies out, then the nobility and knowledge and beautiful notions of humanity have a great loss in partaking in that culture and understanding the heart of a people who throbbed with the same hearts and passions and dreams.

None of that mattered much to Sumiko.

She knew on a conceptual level, that she was an experiment like the other espers that were created from these scientists trying to figure out the declining birth rate in Japan. She didn’t have a mother and father in the sense that she was born from an egg and a sperm created through lovemaking (or as Sumiko liked to put it, popping a bun in the Mommy Oven).

She was created through test tubes and careful DNA tinkering that pushed the limits of evolution, so that mankind may one day have the ability to cure diseases or have traits that they desired.

Being blessed with all these privileges—you would think that Sumiko would want an ambitious goal or lofty aspirations or perhaps something like world domination.

Maybe at one point Sumiko might’ve wanted those things. To be the prime minister, to dominate the world, to travel into space and beyond, discover great things in the universe like Albert Einstein.

As Sumiko’s brain grew and developed (she was kept isolated and watched over in a containment field to make sure that personality abnormalities weren’t grown) she read a lot of books.

And what Sumiko wanted was to go to school like normal children.

There were two other friends she made in the containment center where people like her went through the enhancement curriculum.

One was Madoka Fujihara.

The other was Kaori Amamiya.

She wanted to go to school with these two, who she considered her very best friends.

If she could go to school with these two, then life would be perfect, but she wanted out of this containment center where they did experiments and tested her brain and developing powers.

“Sir,” she said politely to the scientist that was observing her.

“Hm?” he asked while scribbling down notes.

“May I go to school?” Sumiko said without hesitation. Might as well cut to the heart of the matter. “I’ve read tons of novels about children going to school, and while reading these experiences, I’ve decided that living the life of a normal girl is something that I would like very much.”

“You’re an important subject here, Sumiko,” the scientist said, petting her on the head affectionately. “We need to study you to be able to discover the secrets of neural enhancements in people’s brains and push them beyond their level.”

Sumiko remained silent for a few moments, before she said quietly. “I think that as much as I would love to contribute to a better cause out there, for ‘neural enhancements’ or whatever you call it, but there are also downsides to this as well. What if this was weaponized and gotten into the hands of the military, whether at home or abroad? The potential for psionics is a wide and vast field, which I’ve read in the scientist’s notes—“

“Wait wait,” the scientist said. “You’ve already read the notes and tomes of volumes that were already in this laboratory?”

Sumiko nodded. “Of course. It’s not like there’s much to do here when most of it is experiments and testing. Anyway, telekinesis is a wonderful and versatile ability that can be used for helpful things. It can also be a weapon of mass destruction if handled in the wrong hands. I hold a responsibility with this power, and I’m not sure if we should aim for making more telekinetic subjects.”

The scientist tapped his pen against the clipboard, before he went down on knee level so that he was eye level with Sumiko.

“Sometimes you’re so wise beyond your years that it surprises me that you’re only eight years old. Then again, we’ve made some neutral enhancements to your brain that allows you to communicate like an adult as well. Sometimes I’ve wondered about that decision from higher up, but apparently they wanted to see how far they could push this neural enhancement program or something.”

Sumiko bowed her head.

“I don’t mind the brain that I’ve been given. However, I believe that having a brain that developed at a normal rate and having the pleasure of childhood and innocence of discovering the world as other children do would’ve been a delightful experience. Sometimes intelligence can be a double-edged sword—on the one hand, you learn many things at a quicker pace and are able to thoroughly understand subjects and connections you wouldn’t otherwise grasp. However, a great intellect can also cripple one into believing too much in one’s abilities and doubting the abilities of others.”

The scientist started to write down notes in his notepad, before saying, “I see. What have you learned during all this time in this laboratory, Sumiko?”

Sumiko considered for a moment, before she said. “I think there’s more I can learn and still learn. I’m not a prodigy by any means. I’m simply a beginner student who likes to learn.”

“I think people would arguably say that you’re a great and brilliant mind,” the scientist encouraged. “What makes you think that you’re a ‘beginner’?”

Sumiko looks up to the light fixture in the building, before saying. “I think all our potentials are limitless. We all have this potential to unlock something in our brain and become transcendent, something beyond this concept of God that was depicted in biblical tomes. Acquiring the Akashic Records or the Mind of God—isn’t that what a scientist would want, even though science has moved on from the world of religion which dominated the world for centuries?”

“Omniscience and omnipotence, you mean?” The scientist said.

Sumiko nodded.

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“Omniscience and omnipotence are having a knowledge that is so vast that you know everything going on in the world—thus the Akashic Records, a living inventory of all the knowledge in the world of every living organism and being and creature and whatever potential entity that might exist beyond the scope of humanity and this known universe. Omnipotence is having the power to do anything with technique and finesse and of course your standard explosions and blowing up the worlds and planets and multiverses kind of things. If telekinesis could potentially be a key for these things—wouldn’t this be a foresight error on the higher ups for giving it to someone like me?”

“What do you mean?” The scientist asked.

Sumiko shrugged. “What if I wanted to destroy the universe or didn’t like people or humanity?”

“I don’t think that you’ll do that, Sumiko,” the scientist said kindly. “I always like our conversations together because you have something insightful to say. You’ve taught me a lot and made me consider so much while writing my notes about observing you. There’s a lot in schooiing I’ve been taught, though I don’t believe I’ve been quite prepared to see what I’m witnessing here.”

Sumiko tilted her head to the side.

“Well, I don’t regard myself as the most unusual or remarkable thing in the world. There are greater minds out there with more experience and wisdom. I probably seem like a novelty, sure, though I’m not a sideshow attraction. I am a human being with human wishes and feelings and dreams much like everyone else.”

The scientist nodded.

“I know that. I’m sorry if I’ve given you that impression in any way.”

Sumiko looked towards the window, towards the outside world, before saying, “No, you’re not at fault here. I think that…given these abilities, I should help other people, right? But I don’t want anything as ennobling as that goal either. I simply want to fulfill the girls’ childhood wish of going to school and making friends and experiencing what other normal girls do.”

The scientist smiled at Sumiko’s wish, before saying. “Why not do both? Things don’t necessarily have to be so binary as that you have to do A or just do B. Or there might be other possibilities that you can think of.”

“True, things are not as binary as they may seem,” Sumiko said as she considered it. “Though I want to relish my time in school as much as possible, and playing superhero and continuing experiments will be a lot of time on my schedule that I wouldn’t be able to complete. I also want a family…oh, I’m not saying that I don’t have fondness towards you or the other scientists here, but I want what they call a Mama and a Papa. Or Mother and Father. Maybe some siblings. I think my dear friends here would be wonderful companions in this family.”

The scientist blinked, before saying, “So you want to go to school and have a family like other girls? You don’t think of yourself as anyone special or anyone with special circumstances?”

Sumiko bowed her head.

“True, there are people with certain circumstances and different life experiences. Though I consider myself most normal and unremarkable in many regards. This knowledge I’ve gathered—given that a person knows how to read or write, they can acquire the same wisdom and intelligence as I. Maybe they don’t have telekinesis, but isn’t there some way that science can one day achieve the same availability to other people as well if they wish?”

“It may one day be possible,” the scientist said. “But didn’t you say that it had the potential to be weaponized by the military?”

“That is what I fear,” the girl said. “It is a useful ability, to be sure. Though to some, it might seem like parlour tricks and illusionists. A deception of the mind. Though I guess you could say psionics is about working with a mind’s blind spots or the hidden potential that is within every brain, should they choose to unlock it. Neural enhancements help in this cognitive training program, but since I’m a natural born telekinetic, I’m put under study here to see how to replicate this process in others.”

The scientist adjusted his glasses on his nose, before saying, “Sumiko, we want you to have a fulfillng of a life as possible. We want what’s best for a child, and we think that school would actually be a good social development for a young child that doesn’t have much exposure to anything else. What we’re worried about is…”

“Whether or not I have full extent and control over my powers.”

The scientist nodded.

“Not to worry,” Sumiko said. “I have technique and finesse when it comes to my telekinesis. I also have raw hitting power of a tank, currently.”

“Just how much power does one little girl possess?” the scientist said in wonderment, before clearing his throat. “Well, thus far, you’ve shown restraint and you seem to be an otherwise normal girl. Besides the fact that you have telekinetic powers that could potentially rip the world apart.”

Sumiko smiled a bit.

“I’m just an ordinary to be elementary school girl! That’s what I want to be known as.”

The scientist chuckled, before scribbling more notes in his notebook. “Well, Sumiko, I’m very glad for the conversation that we’ve had for today. I’m sure that I can probably convince higher ups that you will be able to go to school with your friends.”

Sumiko cocked her head to the side, before she crinkled her eyes in amusement.

“You’re a good person, Sir. May I ask your name…and can I make another unreasonable request?”

“Eh? Satoru. Satoru Orimasa.”

“Will you be my Papa and take in two other girls into your family…?”

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