Sekai Saikyou no Maou desuga Daremo Toubatsushinikitekurenainode, Yuusha Ikusei Kikan ni Sennyuusuru koto ni Shimashita

Chapter 17: Volume 1 - CH 17

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Chapter 17 – The Final Droplet

I was currently in the library building of Mildiana’s Military Academy in order to kill time.

Due to the city being based on academia, the sheer number of books was tremendous. However, although I had gone out of my way to choose books that seemed interesting, as soon as I had read the first few pages, I lost interest and put them back on the bookshelves.

While the volume did seem large, there were really only common theory books for magic or instructional books on swordsmanship and martial arts. Other than those, there were also books designed to help identify certain herbs or cookbooks, but that didn’t pique my interest either.

“Excuse me, I’m a scholarship student, so am I able to look at the back area?”

After suddenly hearing a familiar voice from behind me, I turned, only to see a small boy with black hair talking to a librarian.

“A scholarship student you say? Then that is completely fine. While you can read the books freely, please remember that you can not take them out with you.”

“Yes, yes.”

After giving a response that showed his feelings of indifference to the conversation, Julian went past the counter and held his medallion, that showed proof of his scholarship status, and held it in front of the door.

Suddenly, the doors to the left and right opened, and after stepping through, closed following him.

To follow him, I immediately went up to the librarian as well.

“Excuse me, I am also a scholarship student, so can you also let me in the back?”

“Scholarship students coming back to back is truly rare… and that blue hair… are you possibly that Theodore that everyone’s talking about?”

“You sure do know a lot.”

“There is surely nobody in this entire school who doesn’t know of you. After all, you were the one who got that amazing score during the entrance examinations… oh excuse me, private conversations were strictly prohibited. Please go ahead. You can enter to the room by holding up the medallion over the door.”


Mirroring the actions of the Dragon-kin boy, I also went to open the door. It seems as though it reacts to the small amount of magical power that resides in the medallion handed out to the scholarship students.

As I made my way inside, my eyes rested on the room which was shaped around the size of two academy classrooms. And then my eyes met with the other user of the room.

“tch.. its you.”

“I saw you come in… what do they keep here?”

“It’s a library that only scholarship students can enter. Unlike the outside books which are accessible to the public, these books, if handled wrongly, can end up with disastrous consequences if handled incorrectly.”

“hmm… sounds interesting.”

While the size was not something to marvel at, the room was lined from top to bottom with small bookshelves, which would take some time if you were to look at each book individually.

Julian seemed to be flipping through a book with one hand.

And just with that, I could feel the magic that was radiating out. When it comes to books that actually hold magical power in them, it gets classified in a very special category. Even more so with the book he is currently flipping through now.

“That’s a human skin bound book, right?” (TL Note: also read as human leather… wtf?)

“Yeah, surprised you noticed. Well, if I had your level of magical ability it would have been a cinch.”

The book that he was currently holding was one that had been made from tanned human skin.

Magical power and grudges (curses) are more common to inhabit with these kinds of books, and if the contents happen to be filled with malicious intent, it is possible for the reader to go mad just by reading it. However, that book does not seem to be on such a high level of power.

Julian, who was extremely focused on reading, looked very serious. How studious of him.

Since he is the type of person to not talk much, he is most likely also the type to get quite unpleasant when you interrupt them from something they are focused in. Well, I do have someone similar close to me, so its not as if I am unfamiliar with their type.

Focusing back to what I was originally doing, I continued to pass through the bookshelves and continued to scan through anything that caught my interest.

These grimoires certainly do seem to be of good quality.

While it may seem like common sense to a demon-kin such as I, for the other races, this type of information would be something to die getting their hands on.

For a while, the only sound that could be heard was the constant turning of pages from Julian.

While it did seem to have a much better selection than that of the books outside this room, the actual contents were not something to marvel at, and I started to get a little disappointed.

I wonder if there are any that touch on forbidden topics… no. No matter how high quality these books may be, its not something that students would be able to access, after all.

Well, if you were to become a soldier, especially one that is higher up the ranks, there would be a possibility to see one at some point, however.

While thinking of such things, I opened the book I had picked up which seemed to cover some sort of traditional prophecy from ancient times.

‘When the Sage of the Forest is to disappear, that is surely a sign of the coming disaster.

The arrogant fool dyes himself in red and laughs in hysterics.

His folly will buy God’s wrath and will be swarmed by the flock of wings sent from heaven.

The wings that symbolize a white meteor will bring all possible destruction, and disaster to the lands.’

(TL Note: This was quite hard to translate. Is it meant to be some sort of prophecy? But used a lot of metaphoric speech so it was hard to find 1-1 translations to English, so sorry if you don’t really get it)

The Sage of the Forest… elves?

However, what is this arrogant fool that they speak of…

And the flock of wings?

‘At the hour of death, the Sage of the Forest will become a drop of water

Which shouldn’t fall into the hands of the fool.

Firstly, fools and wise men are not compatible.

Harmony is but an illusion.

However, the fool will not accept their failures, and will never learn of the difference between people and wild beasts.

And when the fool once again spreads their weeds, the bell of destruction will once again ring’

A ‘fool’… someone who is uninformed…? So, this must mean a human.

Does this mean that the aforementioned ‘arrogant fool’ is also referring to humans?

And the ‘difference between humans and wild animals’… this is probably the ongoing conflict between humans and the beast-men.

I don’t really know the details of this, but it seems that the prophet is trying to tell us of the mistakes of man?

Of how Humans and Beast-men were not compatible, therefore the Humans and Elves should never meet or interact with one another.

And when Humans once again make this same mistake, destruction will follow.

This story is certainly very stimulating… it may cause trouble if it were to be left here on the table.

Especially in this town, where people and elves live together, and where beast-men can also be seen.

“Oi, Theodore.”

“What is it?”

“Can you read that?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

With a puzzled face, Julian seems to be inquiring about this book.

Well, it is probably natural to do so… it is written in ancient characters after all.

While looking around the empire for the past few days, I had come to the realization that the characters used here are quite unique.

I am certainly familiar with the ancient letters that are written in this book. Or rather, there is some sort of weirdness with calling it an ancient text due to me being able to read it normally.

The book’s binding was worn and deteriorated to the point where if handled roughly even slightly, it would tear immediately, so from the looks of it, it does seem quite old.

In fact, the only part that you can make out was the part I had just read, with everything else being illegible due to it being crushed and torn.

“…What’s written in it?”

“Is it something that you, who is so very talented, cannot read perhaps?”

“I don’t really have any particular talent though. It’s only natural for Dragon-kin to be able to produce magic to a high level. But if you don’t want to tell me about the book, then its fine.”

I decided to read to him what I had just read, however after listening intently, he just shook his head in confusion.

“I don’t really understand it. However, there are things that do pique my interest.”

“Is it the part about the ‘drop of water’?”

“Exactly. In all of the books I have read so far, I’ve never heard of that language be used. However, I do know of the ‘Sage of the Forest’ being a reference to an elf.”

It is certainly something that also caught my interest.

As a Demon-kin, I believed that I was well informed about the characteristics of each race, and of magic, but this was also the first time I had heard of such language.

Moreover, the author seems to state that the Sage is the last of this drop.

“There are other things that bother me also. The prophecy states that the Sage of the Forest had disappeared… this probably doesn’t have the direct meaning of what its saying.”

“When it says disappeared, maybe it means went into hiding?”

“Do you not know? Inside of the Empire, for the last 2-3 years, there have been many disappearances of elves.”

This was the first I had heard of such things.

When I asked what he meant, Julian closed his silver eyes.

“Who really knows? I don’t know of an exact cause, but most of the disappeared have no specific problems with their lives, or any other specific cause to do so.”

“Do they really disappear with no actual reason?”

“Yep. I’ve been in Mildiana for about three months or so, but there are always rumors about this sort of thing. Things like an acquaintance has disappeared or an acquaintance’s acquaintance disappears.”

The mysterious disappearances of the Elves, huh.

What’s more, it is quite the interesting topic as this is quite similar to what the book was talking about.

“…No, the story isn’t quite right. It’s more like its missing a continuation.  Well, there can be no mistake that the elves are the final droplet and can not fall into human hands.”

You are reading story Sekai Saikyou no Maou desuga Daremo Toubatsushinikitekurenainode, Yuusha Ikusei Kikan ni Sennyuusuru koto ni Shimashita at

“It certainly does say that.”

Julian murmured while looking at the binding of the book.

“This book seems quite old, probably passes 100-200 years, by the looks of it.”

“I’m not too familiar with the history of the Empire, but when was the last time they used ancient letters and switched to the current, modern way of writing?”

“As far as I know, there has been around 700 years of history for the Empire, so probably around 300 years ago now? It was probably around then that they switched over to the modern way of writing.”

“In short, it means that the book is at minimum 300 years old, if not longer.”

“Well, in that case, it went exactly as this book stated. If you pick apart bits of the text, we can see that the elves started to disappear, due to the humans, which caused some sort of disaster. And the point of this was to tell us to not make the same mistake again.”

“If thinking that way, it may be better to consider that there was a catastrophe that could have destroyed the Empire more than 300 years ago… I wonder if there are any history books that cover it around here?”

The last time the Empire had a war with the demons was 500 years ago.

From then on, I had been eager to know about the state of the Empire, however I do not have any recollection or information about such a disaster occurring.

If that’s the case, could it have been something more than 500 years ago?

Of course, that takes into account that we actually believe what is written in this book as a fact, and even if it is so, it may be highly exaggerated.

“Hey Julian, do you want to just search out the entirety of this library?”

“Are you serious…?”

“Well it does interest me a bit, and we only need to be searching for books related to the history of the Empire. I’ll translate anything found in ancient letters as well.”

“Too troublesome… if you are going to do it, leave me out of it.. is what I want to say but…”

He said while sighing heavily.

“I’ve been fed up by the level of classes being too low at school since day one. It wouldn’t hurt to find time to kill.”

“We still have a bit of time before the building closes, so let’s try and get this done by today.”

“Got it, lets get started. You start looking from this shelf, and I’ll look from the back.”


Thus, I had decided to look through the copious amounts of books with the Dragon-kin boy.

“In the end, these were the only 5 books we could find…”

“…Yeah. Even the things that are written in them are similar to each other. I don’t even think its worth putting these specifically only in the scholarship student area either.”

“These 5 are probably the parts that were censored by the author. From what I’ve read, it seems to be full of discriminatory terms against elves. Its to the level where I’m wondering if their parents were killed by elves or something…”

“So those are the same as well, then. What I’ve been reading has been quite critical towards the beast-men, and in addition, the dragons, elves, dwarves and demons are all treated as foreign enemies… but in regard to the actual history… it’s not really anything special.”

“These kinds of books shouldn’t even be put in a library and should just be burned instead. Think about the feelings of us who have to sit through and read this stuff…”

Julian, after making that comment, threw the book to the side.

Well, it’s not like I don’t understand his feelings though. It took us a few hours to find these books, but in the end, these were the only fully-fledged history books, and only the first one I found was actually in ancient writing.

“I’m sorry about that, but I may have been expecting too much from this library because it was limited to only scholarship students… In the end, the only interesting book we could find was the one with the ancient text.”

“But don’t you think its weird? There is no disaster or major historical event described in any of these five books.”

There is only really one thing after looking this much. Its that, in the Empire, nothing similar to what was described in the book with ancient writing has occurred. While there are listings of large-scale natural disasters such as landslides or windstorms, from the book’s contents, it speaks of something on a much larger scale that could wipe out a continent.

“After looking this far, I can’t help but think that the ancient book is a fake. While the books are heavily biased due to the author, I can’t find any inconsistencies when it comes to the history.”

“That’s true. While there are some gaps and differences in time periods, as well as interpretations of the events, they are all essentially the same. However, I still think we are missing something.”

I picked the book up again in a way that wouldn’t damage the page with ancient letters.

“In this library, they only put things that are okay for us students to see.”

“If you were to say it another way, there are things that even scholarship students are not allowed to see.”

“Therefore, would you know of anywhere that they could put books or resources that have to be kept away from normal people?”

“Well, you know what they say, ‘If you were to hide a tree, put it in a forest.’ Thinking that way, I would think that the Mildiana Library is probably the fishiest place.”

“Have you been there before?”

“Of course. Since I arrived here, I’ve been going there for a month straight. While there are some interesting things, there’s nothing relating to this. At least, for the public to see.”

“Is there anything like the scholarship only rooms where only certain people can enter over there?”

“I don’t know the exact details, but there is a place where only military personnel can come and go. It seems the contents of the room is mostly grimoires, but I’ve only ever seen General Lambert step inside.”

It comes down to the Headmaster, huh.

“It feels a little strange, don’t you think?”

“Do you think so too? I had always thought something was going on with that elf bastard from day one…”

“I guess it means that he had to go out of his way to look up something in a book that can only be found in that exact library…”

“Yeah, and what’s stranger, is that he kept himself inside said library for a full day. It wouldn’t be strange if there actually was something there.”

Headmaster Ludio, while being the officer of the military school, he is also the general commander of the Mildiana army.

For such a busy man to spend a full day in a library, that wouldn’t happen unless there was something special occurring there.

And then, I remembered what Julian had mentioned earlier.

“By the way Julian, you said that elves have gone missing?”

“Yeah, but its not like it just started recently or anything.”

“…It’s a little strange, to be honest, I guess I should investigate…?”

“Huh? How do you plan to do so?”

Damn, it just slipped out…

“Huh? Oh, I was just going to ask the headmaster personally about it…”

“If that’s the case, I already asked him on day one of the entrance examinations. He said that while he knows about the occurrences, he doesn’t know of the whole picture.”

“Quick to ask, I see. How about with Liz?”

“You think that what that crazy headmaster doesn’t know, that loose woman will?”

I don’t think she’s just flirty though. She’s a pretty mysterious person.

Not only did I get caught by her invitation, she also tried to flirt back with me. On top of that, she also seems interested about me in other ways, too.

To be honest, I don’t really like her. But from first look she’s very cute so it’s quite a big problem.

“…But, ‘Flock of Wings’? ‘Meteor’?”

“What about it?”

“No, its not a big deal, I was just curious.”

Instead of having some sort of breakthrough, it seemed as if he was asking and answering questions by himself.

But then Julian muttered something along the lines of, “nevermind”.

“Well, I’ll be going now. It doesn’t seem like there is anything left here anyways.”

“Yeah, thanks Julian. Sorry for making you tag along with me on this.”

“It’s not like I really did it for you though. It was really just to kill time. Well, see ya, then.”

“Oh, wait a minute.”

I called out to Julian who seemed ready to leave.

“If you were to talk about Dragon-Kin, it would be the Zenan Dragon Kingdom, right?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“I heard that country had just had a war a couple of years ago, but its good that you were able to stay here, huh.”

“…I thought you were a strange guy, but you really are one, huh.”


“When I think about how big the war between the Empire and Zenan was, with there still being a big rush on fixing the Northern Territories, and with Mildiana still dispatching troops, I’m just amazed that you can still be looking at the problem from an outsider’s perspective.”

Well I didn’t really know what was happening… Around that time, I was probably spending a lot of tie with Rumiel…

Not good, not good… If it keeps going like this, my lie about my whereabouts may start to unravel…

“Ah… I grew up on a large mountain, so I’m not that familiar as to what happened recently…”

“hmm… for a commoner who grew up in the mountains, you do seem to be quite into stories of heroes, who aren’t even cared about these days…”

“Uh, yeah… My grandfather often talked about that kind of thing…”

“And why can you read ancient letters?”

“Um… that was from my grandmother…”

“Is that so. Well, not like I really care.”

Thank god, he doesn’t seem to be the type of person that treads deeply into someone else’s past… If it was someone like Liz, I definitely would’ve made some sort of miss somewhere.

Rather, if I was to be up against her, instead of just a miss, I probably would’ve leaked some sort of critical information at some point…

“By the way, while I am a dragon, I grew up in the Empire. However, I’m essentially one of the Empires people, so its not like I have any grudges or anything.”

After saying that, Julian waved at me without looking behind him, and quickly left the room.

For the time being, I guess I’ll head back to my room.

You can find story with these keywords: Sekai Saikyou no Maou desuga Daremo Toubatsushinikitekurenainode, Yuusha Ikusei Kikan ni Sennyuusuru koto ni Shimashita, Read Sekai Saikyou no Maou desuga Daremo Toubatsushinikitekurenainode, Yuusha Ikusei Kikan ni Sennyuusuru koto ni Shimashita, Sekai Saikyou no Maou desuga Daremo Toubatsushinikitekurenainode, Yuusha Ikusei Kikan ni Sennyuusuru koto ni Shimashita novel, Sekai Saikyou no Maou desuga Daremo Toubatsushinikitekurenainode, Yuusha Ikusei Kikan ni Sennyuusuru koto ni Shimashita book, Sekai Saikyou no Maou desuga Daremo Toubatsushinikitekurenainode, Yuusha Ikusei Kikan ni Sennyuusuru koto ni Shimashita story, Sekai Saikyou no Maou desuga Daremo Toubatsushinikitekurenainode, Yuusha Ikusei Kikan ni Sennyuusuru koto ni Shimashita full, Sekai Saikyou no Maou desuga Daremo Toubatsushinikitekurenainode, Yuusha Ikusei Kikan ni Sennyuusuru koto ni Shimashita Latest Chapter

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