Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia

Chapter 14: 14

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When Miss Aiga came into the classroom, Izuku shot to his feet and ran over to her to give her a copy of the sheets we had given to Red Fury. No one in the class missed the implication.

Miss Aiga flicked through the pages as she read them in only a few seconds, then she sighed. “At least you saved me from asking about this mess that has half of the campus students talking and the other half are suspiciously silent.”

I hadn't realized it was that big of a split and exchanged glances with Izuku as he sat down.

“I want you all to relax as I relay what this contains.” Miss Aiga said and over the next half an hour, she used her quirk to enhance our learning about the incident, the reactions, and the overreactions. When she was done, Ming was in tears again, only she was genuinely sorry, because the observations and conclusions Izuku and I had made afterwards was as reality shaking for her as her obsession with Superman was when he was killed.

“It's not true.” Ming whispered into the silence, although everyone heard her. “That's not why I started dating you. I liked you and thought we would make a great couple.”

“On the first day.” I said and she nodded. “I could have been a complete asshole...”

Several girls hissed at my wording.

“I'm sorry, I meant complete jerk.” I said and they nodded. “I could have been a horrible person and you had already decided that we would make a great couple.”

Ming saw the trap her own words had sprung and she shook her head. “You're twisting everything.”

“I know.” I said and she looked surprised. “So were you.”


“You brought me home to meet your mother before we even started dating. Who does that unless they already planned to do it?” I asked and a few people looked thoughtful. “Your mother knew exactly who I was and even fainted, which meant you knew as well. You can't pretend that you based your decision on meeting me. You had already chosen me long before we ever met.”

Ming looked conflicted for a moment and then she closed her mouth without responding.

“That I actually liked you was just a bonus for you.” I said and she looked sad, so I turned back towards the teacher. “Red Fury has assigned her detention for a week and an essay that she has to distribute to everyone in the school personally as she apologizes for the lies she spread.”

Miss Aiga looked pensive. “That is actually a very just punishment.” She said and smiled. “Can you tell her that I'll assume those detentions for her? I know she gives you and Izuku extra tutoring lessons after school.”

I had to smile at that. “I would be happy to, Miss Aiga. Thank you.”

Miss Aiga laughed softly. “I assume you meant that on Red Fury's behalf?”

“Sure.” I said with a grin and she laughed again.

“On that note, I'm calling off early today. Class dismissed.” Miss Aiga said. “Go ahead and get out of here.”

Everyone stood and Miss Aiga stepped forward to block Ming from leaving.

“I hope you're not forgetting anything.” Miss Aiga said with a sweet smile.

Ming sighed and sat back down, as did her friend Saida. No one commented on that and we all left the classroom.

“Have fun.” Izuku whispered to me and took off at a fast run to get to our lockers and put on the weighted backpack.

I ran back to the track's locker room and changed into the appropriate fighting Gi, then casually walked into the gymnasium. Red Fury was already in her larger muscular form and had hung up three heavy bags for me to pound the life out of them.

“You're early.” Red Fury said as I walked over to her.

“I am.” I said and then explained why. I also told her about Miss Aiga's offer and what she had said about Red Fury's appropriate punishment.

“She actually paid me a compliment for my idea?” Red Fury asked, clearly surprised. “Huh.”

“What is it?” I asked and started to put on the fighting pads on my shins, the tops of my feet, on my forearms, and on my fists.

“I thought she only saw me as the physical type.” Red Fury said and I raised my eyebrows at her. “I only fight and never use my brain.”

I barked a loud laugh that startled her. “You're kidding, right? You know more about fighting than anyone else I know of, and I know All Might and Superman.” I said and did several fighting stances to make sure the pads were properly secured. “You always use your brain and I think it's probably just as developed as your musculature.”

Red Fury gave me a searching look for several moments, then she smirked. “Do you know Mirko?”

“You mean The Rabbit Hero?” I asked and she nodded. “I don't know her personally. Izuku and I spent a good week going over her abilities from all of the clips of her on the net.”

“Oh? And what did you come up with?” Red Fury asked as she braced behind one of the heavy bags.

“She's deficient in long range attacks, just like Izuku and I are trying not to be.” I said and started using basic hand strikes on the bag. “Her overdeveloped leg muscles give her a massive speed boost for short distances or can launch her through the air in an arc, like All Might jumps.”

Red Fury smiled. “Keep going.”

I nodded and switched to forearm strikes, which made her struggle a little to hold the bag steady. “She has heavily exercised her upper body to compensate for her leg quirk. She's not really super strong, though.”

“Why do you say that?” Red Fury asked.

“She uses her legs to boost all of her physical strength. Her stances and techniques all have her legs as the base and everything derives from them. She is strong from all the working out; but, it's her legs pushing her punches that gives her such devastating attacks during combat.”

“Switch.” Red Fury said and I hopped backwards to start kicking with the top of my foot in a different spot. “What would you do if you had to fight my cousin?”

I stopped kicking and looked into her eyes. “Do you honestly want to know or are you testing me?”

“Yes.” Red Fury said and grinned.

I chuckled. “She's fast. Incredibly fast... because of her legs. It all comes down to her legs.” I said and resumed kicking. “All I would need to do to make her ineffectual is to damage a foot or a calf.”

Red Fury gave me wide eyes and her grip slackened.

I chuckled again and kicked the heavy bag as hard as I could to make her grunt from the impact. “It doesn't have to be debilitating. Any damage she suffers on her main physical quirk will reduce her fighting effectiveness. A broken toe or a deep cut across her calf, and she's weakened significantly. Get one of her Achilles Tendons and she's out of the fight for good.”

“Which is why she wears armored boots.” Red Fury held up a hand for me to stop striking the bag and I did. She inspected the bag and grinned at the pummelled state. It wasn't quite busted; but, it was close. “Next bag for the shin strikes.”

“Yes, ma'am.” I said and we went to the next bag.

“Thirty to start. If you falter once, you start over and repeat them.” Red Fury ordered.

I nodded as I took an appropriate stance, then my leg shot out faster than she could track and she grunted heavily as the force transferred into her body through the bag.

“You're getting stronger.” Red Fury said and braced for the next strike.

“I've increased the weighted backpack that I usually work out with.” I said and kicked again. “I've lost track of what setting it has, because the display stopped working after the last weight upgrade Mei gave me.”

Red Fury laughed. “Are you telling me that you have no idea how much weight you are training with?”

“The display only went to 999 pounds and she said it's too much work to pull the thing apart or make a new one just for an updated display, when it still works perfectly fine for what we use it for.”

“Izuku as well?” Red Fury asked.

“Yeah. We just turn it up until we really feel it, then we do our morning workout on the train ride and spar every day until we move normally. Then we increase it again and repeat.” I said and finished the kicks with one leg. “The bag's pretty beat up. Should we switch to the next for my other leg?”

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Red Fury came around it and inspected it. “Yes, you're right. We don't want you using less than optimal strength when doing this. Your body won't remember its full extent when it matters if you wimp out.”

I chuckled and we went to the last heavy bag. I was sweating a lot by now and so was Red Fury.

“Now tell me about Fan Girl Ming.” Red Fury teased.

My anger rose and I growled as I kicked out, letting my anger fuel my muscles. My shin hit the bag like usual... and then dented it... and then tore through the titanium mesh.

“UGGHHHH!” Red Fury grunted as nearly all of the force went right into her braced body. The bag broke and fell to the floor as she was pushed back several feet, because the lower resistance let me follow through with the kick.

I was by her side in an instant and caught her before she dropped to her knees. “I don't see any internal damage or bone fractures. You're just winded.”

Red Fury glared at me.

“I wasn't thinking damsel in distress.” I said before she said anything. “You're not wearing knee guards. You could crack the floor apart if you dropped in this form.”

Red Fury's face changed to a smile. “Push... on... my... diaphragm.”

I made a gun shape with my right hand, with two fingers as the barrel, then I quickly jabbed her below her belly button.

“HUUUUUHHHHH!” Red Fury sucked in a very loud breath and then let it out. “That was a good hit.”

“Which one?” I asked with a smirk.

“Smart ass.” Red Fury said and stood up. She was a foot taller in her muscled form and pointed to the remains of the heavy bag. “My teasing let you overcome your set mental standards for impacts.”

I stood there and thought about what she said while Red Fury stood there and crossed her arms under her considerable chest. I wasn't sure why she seemed to look so much better in a Gi than she did in her hero costume.

“Tell me what you're thinking.” Red Fury demanded.

I responded like I always did, as if I was answering a fighting question. Without really thinking about it. “That you're a lot sexier in a Gi than in your hero costume.”

Red Fury blinked her eyes at me for a moment, then she growled. “What did you just say to me?”

“I said that I want to screw you six ways from Sunday and then do it twice more, just so we can get all of this sexual tension out of the way and become best friends.” I said and she looked shocked.

“You... you can't mean that. You're only...”

I reached up and grabbed her neck before she could react and pulled her down into a searing kiss. She kissed me back while also struggling and she hit my arms with her fists, only to realize that she couldn't break my hold without proper leverage. She pulled her arms down and slapped her palms together as hard as she could while also shoving them up and into my chin.

“GUH!” I grunted as she forcefully broke the kiss and spread her arms to knock my hands away from the grip on her neck.

“You are going to pay for that!” Red Fury growled.

“Make me!” I spat back.

Her fist slammed into my cheek and I rolled with it, letting myself flip around, and I grabbed her arm to pull on it. She was easily knocked off-balance this way and I jammed my elbow into her spine as she passed me.

“GAH!” Red Fury grunted and twisted away from my follow-up punch. She leaned back as her leg shot out and hit my shoulder.

I let it land, because it pushed me back out of the range of her next kick and I stripped off the pads that were slowing me down. Red Fury growled at me for using her attack to end her combo before it started. She leapt at me with her hands reaching for my Gi.

I smiled at her and let her grab me.

“I've got you now.” Red Fury said in a deep voice as she showed off her teeth in an evil smile. “Now you will pay for sexually propositioning a teacher.”

I grinned back as I lifted my arms and dropped down to the floor, pretending to be boneless, and slipped right out of my Gi's top. I hadn't tightened the belt holding it closed because I wanted more movement for my arms when working out. It really benefited me now, because her shocked look was worth losing the piece of protective clothing.

My hands swung out and impacted on her knees, almost buckling them. I then punched the floor with both hands to where her feet were.

“ARGH!” Red Fury yelled as I broke several of her toes and she hopped away, my Gi top still clutched in her hands.

I didn't waste the opening and lunged at her, tackling her to the floor. My arms wrapped around her waist as she tried to flip herself over to protect her less protected stomach. I punched her in the right kidney and she grunted, then her elbow was in my face and I felt my cheek break. I hadn't rolled with the hit and held onto her waist instead, because she was now facing down towards the floor and I was on top of her.

“Let go of me!” Red Fury exclaimed and tried to struggle. She didn't make any progress, so she stopped and took several deep breaths.

I wasn't fooled by the ploy and tried to headbutt her on the back of the head. She must had assumed I would do that, because she moved her head barely out of the way and her hand was there to grab my hair. She pulled as hard as she could and it shifted my weight just enough for her to get some leverage. She kicked out with one of her legs and her other leg pushed on the floor.

We flipped over and I was suddenly on my back with a larger and heavier woman on top of me. She headbutted backwards and I saw stars as she impacted my forehead. Her double elbows into my gut came next, making me groan, and my grip on her waist loosened.

Red Fury rolled over on top of me and her grin was mean and feral as she gripped my throat. She stared into my eyes as she choked me and as her hands tightened, I could see her eyes start to twitch. I wasn't fighting to make her stop and her eyes widened slightly as she dug her fingers into my skin to cut off my air. She had no idea that I could hold my breath for a long time.

I let her pretend to choke me for nearly a full minute without reacting as I just staring into her red eyes, then I did a very despicable thing. I reached for her armpits and tickled her.

Red Fury gasped and laughed at the same time, unconsciously letting my throat go as she clenched her arms over my hands to trap them and stop the tickling. It didn't work, because I had the leverage and the advantage. I kept tickling her and she kept laughing. When she was sufficiently distracted, I kicked up my own legs and wrapped them around her upper torso. It trapped her arms and I quickly straightened my legs.

My hands popped out of her armpits and she hit the floor with a heavy thump. I hadn't done it hard, because I didn't want to damage the floor or cause her pain. I scrambled up and then jumped on top of her, only to see her face was completely blank. Her anger was apparently gone and she stared up at me as if she had never seen me before.

I was about to ask if she was okay, then her hands shot up to grab my neck before I could react and she pulled me down into a searing kiss. It was similar to the one that had started this whole thing, except that it was her starting it this time and it was me kissing her back. Unlike her that time, I wasn't struggling to get out of her grip.

I reached down and pulled on her belt to open up her Gi. Her hands roamed down my back and then she slid them around to my chest and pushed. I let her break the kiss and I saw that she wasn't wearing a bra. She also looked positively amazing.

“Good god, you're beautiful.” I whispered.

Red Fury's blank look became feral once more and I was suddenly sliding on my back halfway across the room after she pushed me away. My head hit the stack of training mats and I immediately understood what she wanted. In the blink of an eye, I had them spread out to cover a large area and had my pants off as she ran at me.

“MINE!” Red Fury yelled just before I was tackled onto the mats. She was also completely naked and she kissed me like her life depended on it. She broke the kiss as her large hand reached down to grab my manhood. She grinned at me as her hand wasn't big enough to cover it completely, which meant it was the perfect size for her.

I was already rock hard and had been for quite a while, which she knew from the various grappling moves that we had done to each other. Neither of us had kept our hands on safer places during our fight.

Red Fury positioned herself above me and then sat down. She howled with pleasure as she speared herself on me and then she started to move normally. After a minute, she increased in speed and went faster. Her movements were both frantic and timed to give herself the most pleasure, which was surprising, considering I thought she was lost to her fighting instincts. That I was also enjoying it didn't seem like a factor for her.

I memorized her reactions as I hit different spots inside of her and when she made a particularly cute moan, even in her feral fighting state of mind, I rolled us over and pinned her beneath me.

Red Fury growled at me, baring her teeth, and I grinned right back and then pounded her right in that same spot. She howled again, over and over, and her red eyes stayed locked onto mine.

I was getting close and she must have sensed it, because her hips raised up slightly to help me reach as far into her as I could reach. I wasn't going to disappoint her, not after everything we had just went through, and I sped up to drive myself even harder into her.

“COOOOOOONNNNNOOOOORRRRRR!” Red Fury howled as I finished inside of her and her body seemed to soak it all right up.

I wasn't sure if her internal organs were also increased in size; but, the evidence seemed to reflect that. I eventually slowed down and then stopped moving, leaving myself inside of her. I could see by the blissful look on her face that she had a great orgasm, which was something I hadn't thought I would get the chance to give to a woman this soon in my second life. When I started to pull out, she grabbed onto me.

“Conner, we... we can't. This didn't happen. No one can ever know we did this.” Red Fury whispered.

I had to smile and pulled out of her. “Remember what I said before the fight?”

Red Fury's eyes widened as she remembered 'six ways from Sunday and then twice more, just to get the sexual tension out of the way'.

“That was one.” I said and rolled her over on the training mat. Red Fury moaned as I slipped back inside of her and we continued a very different fight than the one we started with.

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