Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia

Chapter 19: 19

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“Connor.” A familiar voice whispered from the far end of a hallway when I was walking with everyone towards the cafeteria for lunch.

“Bathroom break.” I said and Izuku nodded as I stopped and went to the closest bathroom. I waited until he and the others were out of sight before I ran off to meet with Red Fury. She was waiting inside a classroom for me and she shut the door behind me.

“You heard about the USJ?” Red Fury asked, her face firmly set in concerned anger.

“Yeah, and it sucks balls.” I said and her face changed from serious to a smile.

“I know you went there for part of a day and it was that class that was attacked.” Red Fury said and I nodded. “Are you going to go off and do something stupid?”

I thought about denying it completely and had to think about it. Did I want to get revenge on the villains for attacking when I wasn't there? Would it be fair of me to stay angry about this?

Red Fury stood there and watched my face as I went over everything. “It's not your fault that other students got hurt. You weren't there.”

I closed my eyes and cursed. “That's what's been bugging me about it... besides the villains targeting All Might after everything he's been through.”

“You think if you were there, things could have been different?” Red Fury asked.

“No, I know they would be.” I said and she looked surprised. “With both myself and Izuku there for the rescue training in their custom facility, and all of the intense training we've been getting from you, we could have dealt with the villains long before the teachers reached the facility.”

“What about the Nomu?” Red Fury asked.

“Izuku told me that it had multiple quirks. Shock absorption, regeneration, and super strength.”

Red Fury gasped. “I hadn't heard that.”

“I speculated with Izuku that the heroes haven't been told, because the police or those higher up, don't want it widely known that the masked villain escaped their secure facility built specifically for him.” I said and her face paled. “Yes, we believe it's true, otherwise whatever scientists they've got making those genetic constructs can somehow infuse quirks on their own into their test subjects.”

Red Fury sat down on one of the student's chairs. “Oh, god.”

“That's why we haven't said anything. If either of those theories gets out before they are confirmed...”

“You'll probably be arrested for inciting panic and probably a riot.” Red Fury said, completely serious.

“Those thoughts have crossed our minds.” I said and sat down beside her. I gave her a questioning look and she held a hand out to me. I took it and we sat there for several minutes without speaking.

“I came to you to convince you to not charge off on your own to go after them.” Red Fury said.

I chuckled. “Now I have to do the same for you, right?”

Red Fury smiled. “No, I realize how dumb that was now. Instead, you have to convince me why you won't and give me valid reasons to back it up.”

I opened my mouth to start as my mind filled with arguments and then I had to laugh. “You're using psychology on me! That's not fair!”

Red Fury laughed, too. “I've kept you from lunch long enough. You better go.”

I stood up and pulled on her hand to make her stand as well. “Thank you, Mariposa.”

“Don't you dare kiss me.” Red Fury whispered.

“Reverse psychology won't work on me.” I said and glanced around. “Plus, we're on school grounds and still in a teacher - student relationship. I can't bend you over the desk to thank you properly until after school and we start our private tutoring.”

Red Fury's face went red for a moment, then she smiled a feral grin. “I'll hold you to that promise.”

I let her hand go and ran at super speed to the door instantly, then looked back at her face. I gave her a wink and left the classroom.

“That took a while.” Izuku commented when I arrived at the cafeteria.

“I'm not describing it, thank you.” I said and sat down.

“EWWW!” A few of the girls said with disgusted faces.

I exchanged looks with Izuku and we burst out laughing.


It was weeks later that I got the news that pissed me off, besides not being allowed to visit the UA students in the hospital. The sports festival that Izuku and I had been training our asses off for, the one we had been looking forward to participating in, wasn't open to other academies.

“That's just stupid!” I exclaimed in the middle of homeroom class.

“Connor, please remain calm.” Miss Aiga said.

“It's completely unfair that only UA gets to show off their abilities for the hero agencies!” I said and looked around the class at everyone's faces. None of them seemed to care. “No one else thinks that?”

“It's always been just UA. Why do you think we hate them so much? They get everything and this school gets completely ignored.” Ming said and crossed her arms with a huff.

I stood up and looked at Izuku. “Come on, we have to go talk to my mom.”

Izuku shot to his feet with a grin on his face. “I've already got the facts written up.”

“We are still in the middle of class.” Miss Aiga said, a little sternly.

“I'm sorry, Miss Aiga. The school's reputation is a little more important than one class discussion.” I said and walked to the door. “I'll attend detention tomorrow afternoon to make up for this.”

Miss Aiga looked a bit too surprised by my defiance that she didn't speak as Izuku and I left the classroom. We ran as super speed to the edge of the school grounds and then slowed to a jog as we went to the train station.

“I doubt she can do anything right away.” I warned Izuku. “It's going to take some digging on her part to get all the background on UA and how they've manipulated everyone to believing that they are the best school and only they are allowed to showcase their students.”

Izuku nodded as we waited for the next train to head into the main part of the city. “I think it's funny that no one else has noticed the blatant favoritism.”

I smiled. “We've been putting a black eye on them for a while, so why not punch them in the gut, too?”

“We worked our asses off to get into UA and then ditched it on the first day. Now we're going to try and horn in on their exclusive televised sports festival.” Izuku laughed. “I love it!”

I laughed as well. “I was tempted to transfer into the school for the month before the festival; but, you know they would never allow me to leave if I did.”

“You would be added to the general classes, too.” Izuku said. “They filled our spots the very next day.”

“I'm sure I could still kick ass.” I assured him.

“If this doesn't work, do you think we should crash it?” Izuku asked with a feral grin that was similar to Red Fury's, which made me laugh.

“You've already got an invitation, thanks to Mei and her big brain?” I asked and Izuku nodded. “I'll keep it in mind.”

“With all of the other students there, no one would even notice two more if we disguised ourselves properly.”

“Good idea. We can wear the Shiketsu uniform under the UA tracksuit.” I said and then we both grinned.

“I have to admit that we make these military-like uniforms and hats look great.” Izuku said and pat his chest. “Our broad chests really show off the double breasted jacket.”

I laughed. “Fashionista!”

Izuku laughed as well.

We hopped on the train and rode it to where my mother worked. I was sure that she would have quite a few words about what we were about to tell her, mainly because it had become almost a crusade for her to damage UA's reputation as much as possible and to point out all of its flaws.


A month later, our efforts were in vain. The contracts UA had with the television studio were iron-clad and another school's students couldn't be added to the UA sports festival. That angered a lot of people after my mother's smear campaign. Unfortunately, we also couldn't raise the money to hold our own sports festival for our school, even with all of the hero students we had. That meant only one thing could be done.

Izuku and I were going to crash the UA sports festival.

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“We have a great bunch of students competing this year.” Nezu, the mouse-like being said as he looked out of the teacher's booth at the mass of students waiting for the start signal. They had already heard the rules and regulations, namely that there weren't any and they were to complete the obstacle course as quickly as possible. He had a superior intellect and as his eyes roamed over the students a second time, it was then that he saw something he didn't expect.

“Snipe!” Nezu said and pointed. “We have two interlopers!”

The gun sound went off and those two students he had pointed to, seemed to disappear as they ran around everyone else and slowed down just enough at the front of the other students for everyone to see them. When the two Zero Pointer robots appeared to block them, both students jumped together and then went right through the chests of the robots and landed with the crushed power generators in their hands.

“I can't take them out now.” Snipe said and lowered his rifle. “Not without severe sanctions.”

“They are trespassing.” Nezu said and watched the two students easily tear through the remaining smaller robots blocking their path and then run over to the next obstacle, The Fall. Three easy leaps had them across it and they ran on.

“It's THEM!” Midnight yelled and shot to her feet. “I recognize those stances! Those are my missing hunks!”

The others heroes in the booth looked skeptical, until she ran outside screaming their names and the two faces on the monitor looked over at the stadium. Both boys shrugged and kept running to the minefield.

To everyone's surprise, neither boy slowed down and just ran right through it without stopping. Explosions went off like fireworks as they ran and then they entered the stadium. When they approached the podium where the winners would stand, Midnight was right there waiting for them.

“My boys.” Midnight whispered as her two very muscular and strong missing students came to a stop in front of her.

“Miss Nemuri.” The two of them said at the same time, then they nodded at each other and stripped off their UA track suits to reveal the Shiketsu Academy uniforms. They put on their uniform hats, did the school's salute to the cameras, then took up positions on either side of her as if they planned it.

“Oh, my.” Midnight purred at their immaculate uniforms that they had worn throughout the obstacle course.

The crowd was stunned into silence. The winners of the UA Sports Festival were two students that weren't even members of the school. Several security guards came over to them and looked threatening.

“You need to come with us.” One of the guards said with a snarl.

“Only if you are escorting us off the property.” The slightly taller and more muscular one named Connor said. “Otherwise, you can shove off and get UA President Nezu out here.”

The guard looked even angrier. “You have no right to refuse! You're breaking the law in front of everyone!”

“Actually, quirks are allowed to be used on school sanctioned grounds.” Izuku said. “No laws are being broken. It's not a law to stop us from participating after being invited here. It was a simple mistake on our parts.”

Midnight laughed at their blatant cover-up that no one would question. “I really wish you boys had the chance to stay here. We could have had so much fun together.”

“I have a girlfriend.” Izuku said and turned around to look at the entrance to the stadium. “Here she comes now.”

There were a group of students scrambling through the last tunnel and Mei was using a grappling hook to swing over their heads. She wasn't a fast runner, so she had wheels on the bottom of her mini-rocket boots. When she landed just outside the tunnel, she hit the activation and leaned forward as she zoomed past the other students and across the finish line.

“My babies did it!” Mei shouted as she leapt and turned off her boots. The rockets cut off and the wheels disappeared before she landed in Izuku's arms.

Izuku easily caught her and kissed her. “They love their mama just as much as I do.”

That made a lot of the girls in the audience make appreciative sounds.

“I'm tempted to say I'm jealous, except that I doubt there's anyone here that would want to kiss me like that.” Connor said with a chuckle. “In public, anyway.”

Izuku laughed and hugged his girlfriend. “I wouldn't say that.” He said and nodded to the group of students just crossing the finish line.

Connor turned to look and saw the girl that they had rescued so long ago. “Oh.”

“Yes, oh.” Izuku said. “Go ahead and make a fool of yourself. We're all waiting.”

Connor gave him a stern look, huffed, then barked a laugh. “Fine. You can worry about cleaning up the mess later.”

“Not a problem.” Izuku said and watched as his best friend potentially went to his doom. “Don't forget about her quirk!”

Connor nodded and his image seemed to flicker for several seconds before he kept walking.

Momo was exhausted and collapsed to her knees when she crossed the finish line. It was a hard fought race and she had used up nearly all of her reserves, which meant that she needed nourishment immediately. As if answering her prayers, a handsome young man in a dark military-like uniform walked over to her and handed her a large sub sandwich covered in mayo and a bottle of milk.

“Thank you!” Momo said and chugged half of the milk and then quickly made short work of eating the sub sandwich. She drank the rest of the milk and sat down on the grass. “Thank you.” She said more sincerely than the hasty one she had previously given and looked at the young man's face. She gasped when she recognized him. “Connor!”

“That's me.” Connor said with a crooked smile. “How are you, Momo?”

Momo was a little stunned to see him there at her school's sports festival. “I... well, I'm...”

“You look really good.” Connor said.

Momo looked down at herself and her dirty and tattered uniform, then she made a small compact mirror and saw her messy hair and dirt on her reflected face. “I'm a mess!”

Connor shook his head. “You look fine to me.”

Momo slipped the mirror into her pocket and looked at his face again. “You're serious?”

“I've seen you wearing a slime suit.” Connor smiled. “Almost anything has to be better in comparison, right?”

Momo took a second to remember that incident and what she looked like afterwards, then she laughed. It surprised everyone around her, because Momo never laughed.

“You have a really nice smile.” Connor said and held a hand out to her.

Momo didn't hesitate taking it and he helped her stand up.

“I would like to see it more often.” Connor admitted and looked into her eyes. “Would it be too forward of me to ask you out on a date?”

Momo was stunned. She could only nod her head in response, because her mouth had just became suddenly dry.

Connor took out his phone and handed it to her. “Can you add your number or text your own phone? You can tell me when you're available to hang out or I can bug you occasionally about it.”

“How occasionally?” Momo boldly asked and ducked her head to hide her blush as she sent a quick text to her own phone that she had left in her locker.

“Does every hour count as occasionally?” Connor asked with a huge grin, which made her laugh again.

“For a housefly, maybe.” Momo joked back, which also surprised everyone, because she was always so quiet and reserved. “How about after the festival tonight? We can discuss the real meaning of occasionally.”

“Sounds good.” Connor said and started to turn away, then turned back to face her. “If it means anything to you, I really regret not being here for you and the others at the USJ.”

Momo's face went sad and he stepped close and put his strong arms around her. “Connor, you don't know what it was like...”

“I know enough about what happened and I'm also really smart. I can easily put myself in the same situation.” Connor whispered and then he shocked everyone by tenderly kissing the prettiest girl in the whole school, right on the lips. “I tried to visit the hospital for weeks and they wouldn't let anyone inside unless they were family.”

“You did?” Momo asked, surprised. Her lips tingled from her very first kiss and she wasn't sure what to do about that. “They never told me.”

“I knew they wouldn't.” Connor said and let her out of the embrace as he pulled out an envelope from inside his jacket. “I've been carrying this around with me since then.”

“What is it?” Momo asked and opened it.

“Evidence.” Connor said and lightly touched her hand. “I didn't quite believe Izuku when he said that we would eventually meet and you would want that.”

Momo wasn't sure what to say to that.

“Look it over and I'll talk to you later.” Connor said and looked over to where Izuku was having a heated talk with several of the UA teachers. “I need to go. My time here is almost over.”

“W-wait.” Momo said and caught his hand. “Connor, you... why did you come here?”

“Honestly? To show off and to prove that UA might be the most visible school for heroes; but, it's not the only one and it's only one of the best, not the best.” Connor said and then stepped back in close. “Getting to see you again after so long just made my day so much better.”

Momo blushed and then felt his lips on her cheek. In the next second, he was standing over beside his friend and she blinked her eyes. How did he move so fast?

She stood there with the other UA students that had crossed the finish line and watched her newest friend successfully argue with the teachers. Again. She was glad that her own teacher, Mr. Aizawa, wasn't there as well.

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