Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia

Chapter 30: 30

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Everyone watched me with interested looks as I left the train and carried my two bags, one with my clothing and one empty metal case for my hero suit. I nodded to several people that said hello and one kid ran up to me.

“Hey, Mister! Who're you?” The little boy asked.

“My hero name is Supreme.” I said. “If you can stick around for a bit, I can come back and show off a little.”

“What for? Do it now!” He exclaimed.

I chuckled. “I have to report to Endeavor's agency before I'm allowed to use my quirk legally.”

“Aww.” The kid said and walked off.

“Kids, huh?” A guy walking by said. “It's now or never with them.”

“Yeah.” I said and started walking again. His words stuck with me, though. I eventually made it to the right place and went inside.

The woman at the receptionist desk gasped at the sight of me. “C-C-Connor Kent!”

“You can call me Supreme when I'm in costume.” I said and walked over to her.

“O-of course, S-Supreme.”

“It's okay. I won't always be in costume.” I said and smiled at her, making her blush. “Are the rooms assigned for interns yet?”

“Yes, I... I have them here somewhere.” The woman said and started searching through her papers.

I glanced at the stacks and quickly found it. I reached down to stop her hands, moved a dozen pages out of the way and pointed.

“Oh! Thank you.” She said and smiled at me. “You're on the fifth floor, room six, across from Hero Sidekick Burnin.”

I glanced up at the rooms and saw how many of them were occupied. “How many people work here?”

The woman smiled widely. “We are proud to claim that we have over thirty pro heroes as sidekicks.”

I was surprised by that. “All of them are Endeavor's sidekicks?”

She nodded happily. “Yes! We handle dozens of requests daily that Endeavor himself is a bit too busy for. He trained them personally to bring out the potential of their quirks and they have all prospered to become well known heroes in their own right.”

I wasn't sure what to say to him training people to only take up his slack. “Now that I've reported in, is there a permission slip or ID I need to carry to use my quirk for hero work?”

The woman laughed softly. “Don't worry about that for now. Head up to your room and I'll let Endeavor know you're here. He's in a meeting right now, so you should expect to wait for a few hours before he can get to you.”

Of course I have to wait. I thought and didn't let my disappointment show. “Do I need a key or anything?”

“No, they are keyed to your hand print. Just touch the panel and say 'register'.” She said with a smile.

“Great. Thank you.” I said and thought about how many rooms there were and how many were currently unclaimed. I picked up my bags and went to the elevator. I rode it up to my floor and went to room six. I put my hand on the touch pad. “Register.”

It changed to green and the door popped open. I laid my two bags just inside the room as the door across from mine opened. I turned to look and saw a gorgeous woman wearing a double-breasted white mini-dress with a black neck collar and black wrist guards. She also wore a black mask over her eyes.

I glanced down and her thighs were clearly seen below the short hem and they looked pretty luscious. She had a normal waist and her breasts looked too big to fit inside the dress and could pop out if she wasn't careful. The flat-head screw top buttons were an odd choice as closures, though. I noticed the fire extinguisher on the back of her belt and raised my eyebrows at her.

“Hello, handsome!” Burnin said and her yellowish-green hair flared out around her head and neck. “I'm Burnin when wearing my costume and Moe Kamiji when I'm not.”

“Moe.” I said, disbelief in my voice. “Your first name is actually Moe.”

“It sure is, handsome!” Burnin said and walked across the hall to look up at me, because she was six inches shorter than me, making her only five foot six. “Good god, look at all them muscles!”

I couldn't resist flexing my arms for her and she grinned at me with sharp teeth.

“If I wasn't going on shift right now...”

“What? You'll go on a date with me?” I asked, completely joking.

“HA! Who has time to date?” She said and smacked my chest with the back of her hand. “I get off in six hours and you better be ready to get me off by then.”

I blinked my eyes at her. “Excuse me?”

She quickly reached up and grabbed me by the neck to pull my head down to her height to look into my eyes. “I said my shift is over in six hours and you're gonna fuck me until I tell you to stop.”

My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to speak.

She pulled me in and kissed me hard and bit my lip. Her hair flared, probably from excitement, and a piece flew off and lit part of the wall on fire. She broke the kiss, whipped the fire extinguisher off of the back of her belt and put the fire out, then put the extinguisher back.

“Don't stare at my ass as I walk away.” Burnin said and started to walk away.

I honestly couldn't help myself and watched a very significant sway for several seconds before she turned around and caught me.

“You better be ready to wreck this pussy when I get back.” She said and pat her skirt in the right spot, hit the button for the elevator with her elbow, then stepped backwards into the elevator. When the doors started to close, she plucked a piece of fire from her hair and threw it at me.

I caught it and held it in my hand, unsure of what to do with it, and she laughed as the doors finished closing. I shook my head and covered the fire in my hand to extinguish it. I was only slightly surprised to see an inch long piece of hair on my palm. It wasn't burned, either. I used my microscopic vision on it and saw it was covered in a liquid like glycerine.

That's a neat quirk. I thought and went into the room and closed the door. I thought about what to put it in and eventually chose a small compartment in my belt. I would have to pick up little plastic bags later to keep it safe.

I walked through the room and unpacked my things into the little dresser there and wondered where people went to eat. I used my x-ray vision and quickly found a cafeteria. I observed it for several minutes and didn't see anyone paying for anything they had. They just took trays, were served meals, and sat and ate.

I guess with over thirty sidekicks, having to worry about money coming in wasn't much of a concern. I thought and left the room. I closed my door and the touch panel went to grey. I glanced at Burnin's and saw hers was grey as well. I didn't try to gain access to her room by touching it. That would be a huge no-no. I had a much better idea for all those blank rooms.

Using super-speed, I went to each floor and every empty room as I touched the panels and said the key phrase. I registered every free room to my touch and chuckled as I ran down the stairs to the floor with the cafeteria on it. If anyone hadn't showed up yet to get their rooms, they were going to be surprised.

I walked calmly into the cafeteria and nearly everyone stopped talking and stared at me. “Hello, everyone!” I said and waved exaggeratedly. “I'm starting my internship today!”

A few people started whispering about me and I didn't tell them I could still hear them. I ignored them for the most part, especially the comments about my suit or the women saying they would like to see if what's under it looked as good. Some even discussed cornering me and asking if I was seeing anyone.

I think I prefer Burnin's approach. I thought as I received a meal for lunch. I asked for another and tapped my 'S' symbol. “High metabolism.”

“Ah, gotcha.” The guy said and handed over another plate. “Enjoy.”

I tried one of the french fries on the new plate and smiled. “I really will. Thanks.”

The guy smiled back and I walked down the line to grab two different desserts and a drink. I glanced around and most of the tables were full, then I saw a familiar head of hair. He was sitting with a couple of other people and didn't look happy about it.

I laughed internally at his situation and walked over to his table. “Hey, Todoroki.”

The young man turned his head to look at me and he didn't recognize me.

“I was at UA for about half an hour before Aizawa kicked me out.” I said and sat down across from him.

“Oh. It's you.” Todoroki said and went back to picking at his food.

“Yeah, me.” I said and started eating. I swallowed before speaking again, because I wasn't a neanderthal. “Is Aizawa still a jerk?”

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“Yes.” Todoroki said.

“You know, your food will die faster if you stab it instead of pushing it around.” I said and kept eating.

Two of the guys at the end of the table chuckled.

“Very funny.” Todoroki said.

“That's me, the funny hero.” I said and then looked at the two guys. “I'm not actually funny. People just think I am.” I glanced at Todoroki. “It's a bit annoying, really.”

The two guys smiled and went back to eating.

“What are you doing?” Todoroki asked and looked at me finally.

“I am having a delightful conversation with the table. Did you know that it's made of composite plastic and rubber for durability? It can't shut up about how it really likes that pro heroes eat from it all the time.” I said, which made the guys at the end of the table laugh again.

Todoroki raised his eyebrows at me.

“I'm just kidding. I was actually talking to the fabled son of Endeavor at his father's agency. You know, because you're his son and I'm at his agency.” I said and took another bite of food and swallowed. “It could backfire on me, though. If he hates you as much as you hate him, I'll be on the outs and stuck with boring duties. If he ignores your open hostility at him, then I could be in good with him and I'll have a great time here.”

Everyone in the room stopped eating and talking to stare at us. Todoroki looked shocked.

“What? It's not like no one knows you hate the man.” I said and kept eating. When I swallowed I kept talking. “Most people don't know why and are curious.” I held a hand up to stop his words as his face went angry. “Not that it's anyone's business but yours. Family business is just that, family business.”

Todoroki's face went back to impassive.

“Just so you know, most people have issues with their parents. Not the same issues by a long shot.” I said and nodded at his hair. “But, if you let that get in the way of you bettering yourself and reaching your potential, then he wins anyway, no matter how much you fight against him.”

Not a single person moved at my words and I kept eating. Todoroki looked at my face the whole time while I finished eating both meals and desserts. I downed the drink and sighed.

“Well, it was nice talking to you, Todoroki.” I said and stood, picked up my tray and dishes, and brought them back over to the counter. “Where do you want these?”

The guy chuckled and pointed to the far end of the counter and the stacks of trays and dishes.

“Ha. Thanks.” I said and dropped everything off, then I walked towards the door... only to see Endeavor standing there with his arms on his hips and flame flowing around his head. “My office. Now.”

“Sir.” I said and bowed to him, then I disappeared. I stood just outside his office on the top floor of the building and watched the reaction in the cafeteria when Endeavor turned and left. I chuckled at the pandemonium and then stopped at the secretary's cough. “My apologies. I'm just excited to finally meet the number two hero.”

The woman smiled and nodded. She didn't ask how I just appeared there, either.

Endeavor stepped out of the elevator and saw me waiting for him. He nodded slightly and stepped by me to enter his office. It was huge and I followed him inside. He pointed to the chair in front of his desk and he sat behind the desk.

“What is your goal?” Endeavor asked.

“I could lie and say that I want to be the number one hero.” I said and he smiled. “What I really want to do is make a difference.”

He sat back in his large chair. “No aspirations to be at the top?”

“I didn't say that.” I smiled and he chuckled. “This world's heroes are under a lot of pressure to strive and become the best hero. To be more popular. To have tons of fans. To earn a lot of money.”

“Not you.” Endeavor said.

“No, that's not who I want to be. I want to be the best crime fighter and I don't have to be the best hero to do that.”

Endeavor crossed his arms. “You've read my history, haven't you?”

“Yes, sir. You've solved more crimes, and submitted the proper evidence to convict them and kept them in jail, than any other hero. That includes All Might.” I said and his eyes widened. “The only reason he's still number one is that he's more popular than you.”

Endeavor let out a growl, as if he was a wolf.

I chuckled. “I wasn't telling you to change right now, sir. Your attitude works for you... for now.”

“What do you mean?” Endeavor asked and leaned forward. “What do you know?”

“You know who my mom is and who my dad was.” I said and he nodded. “Well... if you can keep a secret...”

“Just tell me!” He spat and his flames flared out.

I hid my smile at his outburst. “He'll deny it if you ask him; but, unofficially? All Might is going to retire soon.”

Endeavor looked like he was slapped in the face. “No.”

I nodded. “I'm best friends with his protege. All Might wasn't happy when he was kicked out of UA on the first day of school.”

Endeavor fell silent and stared at me.

“He took the teaching position at UA to look for someone to pass his knowledge on to, because it gets him away from a lot of hero work while having to do a real job.” I told him and he looked stunned. “Yes, he's been ramping down how much crime fighting he's been doing for about two years now.”

“What you said earlier. It's true.” Endeavor whispered.

“Yes, sir. You would be number one if All Might wasn't so popular.”

“And he's retiring soon.” Endeavor said, a bit more confident.

“Yes, sir.” I responded and then smiled. “If they see you and your son out and about for the next two weeks, working together...”

“The public will eat it up!” Endeavor said and a smile appeared on his face. It looked odd. “All right, you've convinced me.”

“Sir?” I asked, unclear of what he meant.

“As of right now, this will become a father and son agency.” Endeavor said and the smile faded. “Thank you for what you said to my son.”

“He needed to hear it, sir.” I said. “If he doesn't start using his fire side, his body will succumb to the overwhelming cold from his other side.”

Endeavor caught his breath. “He needs his fire to balance the ice, just like I predicted.”

“Yes, sir. He suffers frostbite nearly constantly by not regulating himself with his balanced quirk.”

“I'll inform his older sister as soon as she gets home from teaching.” Endeavor said. “He won't listen to me, even if I tell him the sky is falling.”

I chuckled. “He does hate you a lot, sir.”

Endeavor stood. “I'm assigning you to Burnin's squad The Flaming Sidekicks.”

“They are already out on shift.” I said. “Do you want me to wait and...”

“You better find them quick before I mark you late, Mr. Kent.” Endeavor said.

“Do I need special ID for quirk usage?” I asked.

Endeavor smiled and pulled one out of his desk to give to me. “The receptionist has the schedules.”

I took the ID and put it inside my belt, nodded to him, and disappeared. I zoomed down the stairs and glanced at the receptionist's desk to find the schedule for The Flaming Sidekicks, found their route and times, and ran out of the building to go find the girl that wanted me to wreck her after her shift.

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