Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia

Chapter 4: 04

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“Are you staying for supper?” Izuku asked half an hour later when the two teens approached his house.

“Is Aunt Inko making your favorite dish again?” Connor asked.

“Maybe.” Izuku hedged with a sly smile.

“I'm in. She makes the best... All Might!” Connor gasped as the man appeared in front of them.

“HELLO, YOUNG KENT AND YOUNG MIDORIA!” All Might yelled, coughed up some blood, then steam flowed off of him and he shrunk down to barely half his size.

“What. The. HELL!” Both Connor and Izuku said at the same time.

“Ah, I ran out of time again.” All Might said. “Actually, in this form, call me Yagi. Yagi Toshinori.”

“I don't want to know why you need two identities.” Connor said and shook his head.

“It's for the safety of the world.” Yagi said. “If they knew I couldn't be All Might all the time...”

“...the peace would end and overnight we would have another villain upsurge.” Izuku said.

“My father didn't die to have his sacrifice mean nothing only four years later.” Connor said, angrily.

“Connor, we won't let that happen. I have several heroes taking up the slack for me.” Yagi said.

“What happened?” Connor asked and then sighed. “It was that injury during the big battle, wasn't it?”

Yagi nodded and lifted his shirt. His side was partially crushed and there was a fist sized indent there. “Whatever power he used, it destroyed my kidney on that side, part of my liver, and most of my stomach. That's saying something considering my quirk should have negated nearly all of the damage.”

“Maybe... maybe it was a quirk negating power?” Izuku asked. “It makes sense. Hitting someone normal with super strength would leave similar damage.”

Connor nodded. “That makes sense. I've tried researching everything about that incident and there's almost nothing. Not even Dad's medical records could explain why he couldn't heal it. I even peeked at Mom's research into all of the other villains and there's nothing mentioning the masked villain's powers.”

Yagi sighed. “That's because it's a very closely guarded secret and only a select few know what it is and what it can do.”

“One of them is you.” Connor said and he nodded. “Why didn't you tell anyone?”

“It wouldn't make any difference.” Yagi said. “You see, just because we know what the power does, it doesn't tell us what can be done with things that power uses.”

Izuku gave him raised eyebrows. “You're saying it's not a power in and of itself. It uses others... like the sludge villain needing puppets.”

Yagi was shocked at the young man's revelation.

“Yeah, I get it. Good reasoning, Izuku.” Connor said. “It has to be a manipulation quirk of some kind. Either it gets powers from others or it creates them.”

Yagi stared at Connor like he had grown a second head. “How did you know that?”

Connor and Izuku shared a knowing look and spoke together. “Wags.”


“Wild Ass Guesses.” Connor said with a smile. “We usually make the connections and work backwards to fill in the details based on empirical evidence.”

“That works?” Yagi asked, clearly surprised.

“It has so far.” Izuku said. “We wouldn't have had such an easy time dealing with Bakugo if we tried to apply logic and reason to him.”

Connor chuckled. “He'd yell at you to 'die' if he heard you say that.”

“When doesn't he yell that?” Isuku asked and they both laughed.

Yagi could only stand there and look at both teens. They had just fought two battles for their lives and were laughing like nothing had happened. I think... I think I have found my successor. The only problem is, which one do I choose?

“Anyways, we need to go. Aunt Inko's going to holler at us enough as it is because we're so late.” Connor said.

“Wait until she finds out what we did.” Izuku said and sighed. “We're going to be grounded for a week.”

“Probably.” Connor said and looked at All Might. “See you later, Yagi.”

“Bye, Yagi.” Izuku said and the two teens started to walk away.

“Wait!” Yagi exclaimed and they turned back to look at him. “I came here for a reason.”

“Oh? What is it?” Connor asked.

“I've been searching for a successor.” Yagi said and stood proudly. “I need someone to become the new Symbol of Peace and I'll pass on my power to them.”

Connor pointed at Izuku. “There he is.”

“Huh?” Yagi and Izuku said at the same time, confused.

“If anyone deserves it, it's him.” Connor said. “My Dad was a hero and I have a lot to live up to. His name means a lot and I have to work hard to even come close to deserving to wear his symbol.”

“Connor...” Izuku whispered.

“Izuku idolizes you and knows everything about you. He holds your ideals even more highly than I do my Dad's.”

“You can't just give me this, Connor! We should compete for it!” Izuku pleaded.

Connor laughed. “What for? I already have a legacy to live up to! I don't want to live up to two of them!”

“But, Connor...”

“No, buts! Can't you see? When you accept this, we both have something important to strive for.” Connor said, his logic sound. “I'll follow in my dad's footsteps and you can follow All Might's.”

“You're missing the point!” Izuku said. “If All Might gives me his quirk...”

“'ll gain powers. I know.” Connor said. “So what? You saw the things we did without powers. How much better are you going to be with them?”

Izuku closed his mouth on his protest and thought about it.

“Yeah, you're going to be amazing.” Connor said and pat Izuku's back. “Go for it, my friend.”

Izuku looked at his best friend and the sincere look on his face, and nodded.

That went a lot differently than I thought it would. Yagi thought and then spoke. “Well, then. I want you both to meet up with me for training.”

The teens both had wide eyes at this.

“I can't let one of you train without the other, can I?” Yagi said and smiled at their happy expressions. “Meet me at the dump tomorrow at the break of dawn and we'll get started.”

“Yes, sir!” Both teens said and bowed.

“Get going and keep this a secret.” Yagi said. The teens promised and took off running. He watched them go and nodded. He might only be able to pass off his powers to one of them; but, that didn't mean he couldn't be a mentor to the both of them.


Queue training montage.

Dagobah Beach was a mess. Everything from coffee cups to appliances and wrecked cars were piled high all over the place. This was the training ground for both Connor and Izuku to be mentored by Yagi. With his years of experience in exercising and increasing his strength, he knew exactly what to do to help the two teens to increase their physical fitness to its peak and beyond.

Yagi had been overjoyed at their already tones bodies and accelerated his regimen to reflect not having to start from scratch. They had less than a year to get ready for the entrance exams and they weren't going to waste a second of it.

They worked out at the dump in the mornings, went to school, avoided the bullies, then went home to keep working out. Every day. Even on the weekends, neither teen wanted to relax or stop their training.

Normally, someone would pace themselves and not work out every day; but, Yagi knew all about rotational exercise and manipulated the days to cover the entire body's fitness without causing undue stress or damage.

He also cheated a few times and had them healed by a friend of his when the teens were a bit too rigorous lifting things or smashing things and then hauling the remains away.


“We did it.” Connor said six months later, his t-shirt soaked with sweat. “The whole beach.”

Izuku chuckled as they sat down and admired the cleared beach. “We were only supposed to do the marked off section.”

“Would you really leave all that junk here after only doing that much?” Connor asked with a grin.

“No. We would have come back here at night and done it in secret anyway.” Izuku said, knowing his friend would do exactly that.

“Exactly.” Connor said and sighed. “Now what do we do?”

“Call Yagi and ask him what else we can do.” Izuku said and took out his cell phone. He sent a text and waited for a minute. It beeped and he chuckled. “He's rushing here to see it.”

“Of course he is.” Connor said and laid back on the sand. “Want to bet on how long?”

“If he did any hero work today, I'll say three minutes.” Izuku said.

“I get your dessert if he's here in two.”

“Deal.” Izuku said and they shook on it.

Three minutes later, All Might landed on the beach in front of them.

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“Dammit.” Connor cursed under his breath.

“I like mint ice cream.” Izuku said and they stood to greet the number one hero.

“Boys, this... I can't believe...” All Might said as he deflated and became Yagi. He looked around at the pristine beach and couldn't believe his eyes.

“With the two of us working, it went a lot faster.” Izuku said and tucked his phone away.

“You surprised me.” Yagi said and looked at the two young men. “Congratulations to the both of you.”

“Do you have anything planned to follow this up?” Connor asked and waved at the beach.

“A couple of things.” Yagi said and handed over a piece of paper.

“Standing weights on our arms and legs and weighted backpacks?” Izuku asked. “Will this really work?”

“If the weights aren't too heavy to impede movement.” Yagi said. “It will take some trial and error to get the balance right, then increasing the weights when you adjust.”

Connor looked at the details. “I assume you can get us something from Hero Support Services?”

Yagi chuckled. “I'll order them in the morning and they should be here by tomorrow night.”

“Great.” Connor said and flexed his muscular arms. “Those last few loads seemed way too light.”

“You seem to be bulking up a bit more than Midoria.” Yagi observed. “Perhaps more weights for you would be appropriate.”

Connor nodded. “I think I can handle it.”

“Make sure you train hard. When you can move normally, increase the weight again.” Yagi said and pat both of the teens on their shoulders.

“Yes, sir.” The teens said and nodded.

“Go on home and enjoy the day off tomorrow.” Yagi said. “I'll see you tomorrow night at Midoria's.”


“Okay, these are awesome.” Izuku said and looked at the thick weight bands for his arms, legs, and the fancy backpack with the weight controls inside.

“Thank you! I love my babies, too!” The pink haired girl named Mei said as she adjusted the straps on Izuku's backpack.

“Your babies?” Connor asked and turned up the weight on his.

“Yes! Everything I make is my baby. I have over fifty of them now with these two being the latest.” The girl said with a grin that turned feral. “You better treat them right or I'm not going to be happy!”

Connor chuckled. “Overprotective mother hen. Got it.” He said and pat his wrist band. “Good boy.”

“He is!” Mei exclaimed and pat Izuku's head. “Try him out.”

Izuku nodded and turned the dial slightly and felt the weights on him get heavier. “Yeah, these are going to work great. Thanks, Mei.”

“You're welcome.” Mei said and went back over to stand beside her teacher, Power Loader.

“Thanks for this.” All Might said and shook Power Loader's hand.

“I didn't mind having a potential applicant show off her skills to get into my support class.” Power Loader said and nodded to Mei. “I hope you appreciate how fortunate you are.”

“I do! All Might wanted my babies! I couldn't be prouder!” Mei said with a bright smile and a happy face.

Connor and Izuku clamped their mouths shut to stop their laugh at the look on All Might's face.

“Please... don't phrase it... like that.” All Might mumbled, his face red.

Mei just shrugged and kept smiling, oblivious to how awkward her words had made things.

“Would you all like to stay for dinner?” Inko asked.

“No thank you, Mrs. Midoria. We couldn't impose upon you like that.” All Might said and bowed. “Thank you for allowing us into your home tonight.”

“It's no trouble.” Inko said and blushed at the number one hero, All Might, bowing to her.

“Play with those responsibly.” Power Loader said to the two teens and left.

“Bye, Mei!” Izuku said and the pink haired girl waved at him as she followed Power Loader.

“You liiiike her.” Conner teased and Izuku's face flushed slightly red.

“So what if I think she's cute!” Izuku said and smacked his friend's arm.

“She heard you, you know.” Connor said and pointed to the still open door and the pink hair that could be seen.

“Oh, no!” Izuku said and ran over to the door. “Mei! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to embarrass you!”

Mei stood there for a moment before she turned around to look at Izuku's face. “You meant it.”

Izuku's face flushed even more red. “Yes. Your eyes were the first thing I noticed about you.”

Mei reached up and lightly touched her cheek below her right eye.

“I think your quirk is one of the best I've ever seen. Your ability and attention to detail rivals that of the best support hero.”

“My teacher next year, Power Loader.” Mei whispered and he nodded. “He said he's going to teach me everything he knows.”

“That's great!” Izuku said and he took her hand in his. “With his knowledge and your quirk, there's nothing in this world that's going to stop you from being the best support hero in the world!”

Mei blushed deeply for about three seconds, then she seemed to snap out of it and grinned. “All right, Izuku. You've convinced me. You can be my boyfriend.”

“WHAT?!?” Three voices asked, shocked. They were Izuku, his mother, and All Might.

Connor just laughed. “Way to go, Izuku!”

“But... but... but...” Izuku stammered.

“I better get your number.” Mei said and took out her phone, clicked a couple things, and nodded. “I'll call you tomorrow to arrange our first date.”

“But... but... but...” Izuku kept stammering.

“You better not disappoint me after working so hard to ask me out.” Mei said, turned around, and left.

“My little boy is growing up!” Inko exclaimed and tackled her son with tears in her eyes. They tumbled to the floor and All Might and Connor had to laugh at Izuku's shocked face and his mother's happy crying.


It had been four months and I sat down and looked at the weighted backpack that was no longer working for me. It wasn't broken, though. No, I had reached its limits and I still moved at a normal pace. My workouts were also getting ridiculous. I had been doing them on my own since Izuku had gotten a girlfriend and he had changed his schedule around to meet her needs.

I was honestly happy for him and he was bright eyed and happy as well. Mei was the best thing for him and they both liked each other. It was almost sickeningly sweet when they were together. They were both intelligent and bounced ideas off of each other, which should have made me jealous. I wasn't, mainly because I wasn't stupid enough to try and come between them.

I knew they needed time alone without me being the third wheel and I also knew that their time was limited, because he and I were going into the hero course and she was going into the support course. Their time would be cut down to only lunch time and after supper, especially since our homework would be different.

“I'll see him in the morning.” I said and put the backpack away in my closet.

“Conner! Supper's ready!” Lois shouted.

“Coming, Mom!” I responded and walked downstairs to the dining room.

“You look sad.” Lois said as I sat down.

“Izuku's girlfriend is going into the support course.” I said and started eating.

Lois nodded. “It's going to be hard on them at first, until they adjust.”

“That's why I haven't been visiting so much the last while.” I explained and she smiled.

“He knows you've given them space on purpose.” Lois said and I nodded. “Then don't worry about anything. You're starting your new school in the morning.”

“It's just the entrance exams.” I corrected.

“No, it's the first time you both will be officially trying out to be heroes.” Lois corrected back. “Even if they don't accept you, which they would be fools not to, there are a lot of other academies.”

I took a deep breath and let it out. “Mom, I know how you feel about this...”

Lois leaned over and touched the side of my face. “He would want you to at least try, Connor. I can't begrudge him that. You know I can't.”

I nodded and took her hand and held it. “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you, too.” Lois said and leaned in to kiss my cheek. “If you don't knock 'em dead tomorrow, don't come home.”

“Mom!” I exclaimed and she laughed.

“I'm mostly kidding.” Lois said and kept eating.

I shook my head and kept eating, too.

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