Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia

Chapter 46: 45

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“All hero internships have been cancelled.” Endeavor said at the emergency conference that was called when I went back to the agency. Since it was Sunday, it didn't impact the regular workday schedule.

There were a few shouts of surprise and quite a few sad faces. I glanced around and saw Rachel, Amanda, the guys from the Flaming Sidekicks, and surprisingly, Fire and her group had sad faces as they looked back at me.

“It wasn't my call. The recent large scale attack in the city has shown that we need to step up our patrols and work harder to root out the villain element that has infiltrated our society.” Endeavor said. “For some reason, the government feels it is too dangerous to allow students to learn while in a state of emergency, despite that being the perfect opportunity for future heroes to see and experience what that is like.”

Heads all around the room nodded.

“All hero interns, please report to my office to turn in your temporary hero licences to my secretary. She will give you a copy of your hero assessments in exchange.” Endeavor said. “I would also like to give you my personal thanks for your service and for showing your true moral fibre last night along with your fellows.”

Everyone applauded.

“Thank you.” Endeavor said and nodded to Rachel, then walked away.

I took a deep breath and waited while everyone stood up and started talking. I knew what was coming and prepared for it.

“DUDE!” Omina said as the Flaming Sidekicks swarmed me and pat my back and shook my hand.

“It is terrible, considering how well you performed in the rescue operations last night.” Jar Jar said and then loudly neighed.

“It's definitely not fair.” Kido said.

“Life isn't fair.” Burnin said and gave me an odd look. “On the plus side, you had some real world experience and a lot of heroes saw that you could handle yourself.”

I nodded and didn't say that I had a lot more 'real world' experience than just what everyone saw.

“I'm sure you're going to do great in whatever you do.” A woman's voice said and the Flaming Sidekicks stepped aside and Fire stood there with her group.

“I'm sorry my time here ended before I could make some more time for you.” I said and Fire's face went to sad again. “If you keep practising what I already showed you...”

“My hero rating has already risen by two factors.” Fire said.

Burnin and the Flaming sidekicks sucked in sharp breaths while Fire's group nodded.

“I can only imagine how much more it would go up if we had more time together.” Fire said, suggestively.

Burnin's face went angry and her hair went a little brighter.

“She meant training lessons.” I said to placate my old squad leader. “She's not interested in me like that.”

“Actually...” Fire whispered and stepped close. “'ve impressed me enough to make me reconsider my stance on my personal status.”

“Uh... unavailable?” I asked and she smiled as she put her hands on my chest.

Fire didn't say anything before she leaned in to whisper in my ear. My eyes widened as she let me know what the look on her face had been when I taught her to make explosive fireballs and then to melt steel.

“I... ah... will keep that in mind.” I whispered back.

Fire leaned away and gave me a smirk before she and her group gave me waves and then left.

“She didn't even kiss you.” Kido said in disappointment.

I couldn't stop my laugh and clapped him on the shoulder. “You don't have to live vicariously through me, my friend. You're a member of the Flaming Sidekicks and a hero sidekick to the number two hero in the country!”

Kido smiled and nodded, understanding what I said. He was a hero in his own right.

I said a few words to the other guys and turned to Burnin. “It was nice working under you, even if it was only for a short time.”

Burnin opened her mouth to say something, closed her mouth, and frowned. She gave me a pointed look for about five seconds, then sighed and walked away. The guys gave her back startled looks, said a hasty goodbye to me, and followed her.

“That was a little awkward.” Rachel said from behind me.

I turned around to see her standing there with Amanda beside her. “Only a little.”

“I think she finally realized how much she screwed up with you.” Amanda said and I raised my eyebrows at her. “Your date with Sarah the waitress is all over the agency.”

“My failed date with her.” I said with a smile.

“Same thing.” Amanda said and glanced around. “Take your time coming up to the office, okay?”

I understood what she meant, so I nodded agreement.

Amanda smiled and touched Rachel's arm before she left Rachel and I standing there.

“I can't wait to see what kind of hero you are going to become.” Rachel said and stepped close.

“The best.” I whispered and she looked up into my eyes.

“For some reason, I actually believe that.” Rachel whispered back.

“It's the cape. Chicks really dig the cape.” I joked and she clamped her mouth shut to muffle her laugh.

“Chicks? Really?” Rachel asked, her face full of humor.

“It's an American saying.” I said with a shrug.

“I think you should stick with the hero thing and leave the comedy for the professionals.”

I grinned at her. “Did you just say Endeavor is a comedian?”

Rachel had to use a hand to try and stop her laugh. She was only partially successful and several people turned to see her and myself with smiles on our faces.

“Take Amanda's advice to heart.” Rachel said pointedly to me, and I nodded once more. I wouldn't show up at their offices until much later and after everyone had left. She nodded back and left me there with the remaining hero sidekicks.

I looked around and didn't see anyone I recognized, so I left the room as well. I waved to the receptionist as I passed the front counter and she looked sad. I whispered that I would be back to sign out later and rode the elevator up to my floor. I could have used super-speed to get back in a second and decided to listen to both Amanda and Rachel.

I took my time and gathered up my things before I packed them and left a normal outfit to change into, just like at my date the day before. Instead of changing and putting my costume away, I tucked my normal clothes into the hidden pocket in the cape and kept my costume on. It was going to be the last time I wore it for a while, so I was going to make a dramatic entrance.

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I used x-ray vision to see if anyone was there and saw that both Rachel and Amanda were waiting by her desk in front of Endeavor's office. I smiled at what I was about to do and used super-speed to go down the stairwell and went outside, then flew up to hover in front of their office windows and knocked. They both turned to look with surprise on their faces, which was why I did it.

I used my telekinesis to flutter my cape out and made it look like I was standing in a light wind. Their mouths dropped open and I did a bit of flying acrobatics for them, just to show off a little, then I opened the window with telekinesis and let myself into the office.

“Connor... good god... you...” Rachel whispered while Amanda just stared at me.

“I had to show off a little before it was illegal.” I said and closed the window before I walked over to them. “Here's my temporary license.” I said and took it out from a belt pouch. “Thank you very much for everything you've done for me.” I gave her and Amanda heated looks. “Everything you've done.”

Rachel took the license and added it to my file, marked it into the logbook, and handed me several pieces of paper. “I was going to say the same thing to you.”

I sped-read the papers and was surprised there were two checks attached. “What's this?”

“One is for the support item I commissioned from your friend.” Rachel said and tapped her wrist. “The other is the combined bonuses you would have gotten if you actually worked here.”

“Wait, what?” I asked her.

“Endeavor himself signed off on it.” Amanda said, which really surprised me.

“You impressed him with both your work ethic and your performance all week.” Rachel said. “Last night's attack just cemented it in all of our minds.”

I was tempted to open my mouth and say that I wasn't supposed to be there without supervision, then decided I didn't need to argue semantics with two women that dealt with heroes every day.

“Thank you. Thank you both.” I said instead.

“We're actually not supposed to be working today, so we're well into overtime.” Rachel said and hit several buttons on her desk phone. “I've just logged out and I'm free for the rest of the day.”

“I'll be right back!” Amanda said and ran from the room to go to her office.

Rachel softly laughed and we waited for a couple of minutes for her to return. When she did, the three of us rode the elevator down to Rachel's floor and we didn't speak about what was going to happen. Or needed to. It was a mutual agreement on all of our parts and the three of us slowly stripped off and took our time, considering that this would be the last time and we all knew it.

Our time in the bed wasn't wasted, either. Not only did we have fun, we made sure it was the best time for all of us. I pulled out all the stops, since it was going to be our last time together, and both Rachel and Amanda loved flying around the bedroom and having orgasms galore.

When lunchtime arrived, we knew it was over. We didn't say anything as we showered together and I played with them enough to get them both off. The grateful and sad looks on their faces was not how I wanted to end this, so I took them both at the same time and made them scream my name with pleasure. Luckily, they guessed what I was doing and accepted that I wanted them to stay happy.

I dried them off and dressed them, then I dressed in my normal clothes. “I'll always remember my time at my very first hero agency.” I told them and gave each of them a passionate kiss.

“The next time we see you, it will have to be in a professional capacity.” Rachel said.

“That depends on if Nezu goes through with his plan to blackball Izuku and myself with the current hero agencies.” I said and both women were shocked. “If he tries, we're going to start our own agency.”

“No... you... would that work?” Amanda asked and looked unsure.

“He can only influence already existing agencies. If we make a new one, we control what influence he has over us, which is none.” I said with a huge smile. “We will need experienced managers to take care of the day to day things for us, too.”

“M-m-managers?” Both women gasped.

“A bump in pay and you really do run everything. That's not a secretary's job. That's a manager's.” I said and took each of their hands and kissed the back of them. “You have about six months before the first provisional exam becomes available for us to take. We can talk more about it then.”

Rachel gave a significant look to Amanda and then to me. “You're not joking, are you? Because saying things like that isn't funny.”

“I'm completely serious. I wouldn't offer if there was a chance that Nezu isn't going to try and screw me over after the way UA has been dragged through the mud in the news.”

Amanda put an arm around Rachel's shoulders and nodded.

Rachel nodded as well. “All right. If you pass the provisional license exam...”

“When.” I corrected.

Rachel smiled. “When you pass, you better call us right away. Establishing a new agency isn't going to be a walk in the park. There are procedures, business plans, facilities to buy or rent, equipment and...”

I kissed her to shut her up. “You're the experts, which is why I want to hire you both to handle things.” I said and Rachel pouted. “Why don't you start with the little things? By the time we have our licenses, we'll just need a building and we can get things rolling.”

Rachel nodded, as did Amanda.

“I never thought I would want to leave a job at the number two agency in the country.” Amanda said with a laugh. “I worked my ass off to get this position!”

I glanced down at her perky ass and then back at her face.

“It's a figure of speech, you lech.” Amanda laughed and smacked my arm.

I laughed, too. “Let me know what your paychecks are going to be when you decide.”

Both women exchanged looks, then they grinned at me.

“Never mind. Hide it in the paperwork.” I said and they giggled like little girls. “I better go. Lois should have heard about the internship cancellation by now.”

Amanda gave me a quick kiss and Rachel gave me a bit of a longer one.

“We'll see each other again.” I said and picked up my hero costume before I walked over to their door. I used x-ray vision to see if it was clear, waved at them, and disappeared with super-speed. I stopped at my room to pack the suit into the metal suitcase and then carried my bags down to the lobby.

Sarah looked sad again as I signed my name out on the log sheet for the last time. “Goodbye, Connor.”

“We'll see each other again.” I repeated for her and her sad smile didn't change. “Look on the bright side. You can call Saida and get her here next week instead of a week from now.”

Sarah's smile brightened. “That's a great idea! I'll send the updated request to Rachel right now!”

I waved to her and picked up my bags, then left the agency. I went to the train station and wasn't surprised that part of it was down because of the damage from the Nomu attack the day before. I found a cross train and hopped on, then checked my phone. I had a signal and called home.

Lois answered after two rings. “I'm waiting for you to explain in more detail what happened last night.”

I chuckled. “I've got to transfer to a different train line, so I'll be an extra hour travelling getting there.”

“That's fine. I'll have supper ready by then.” Lois said. “How did your date with the waitress go?”

I held in my sigh. “Both good and bad.” I said and she listened as I went through everything that happened.

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