Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia

Chapter 48: 47

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I woke up and it was still dark out. I looked through the walls and saw that Lois had rolled onto her back and sprawled out in a star pattern. I had to hold in my laugh, in case she heard it with the house so quiet at night.

I checked my phone and there was still no response from Mei, so I put it back on the nightstand. I thought about getting up and doing exercises or something to pass the time, then decided that I couldn't do that for the same reason that I couldn't laugh. I needed to remain quiet to let Lois sleep.

I looked back at her on her bed and I wasn't tempted to look through her clothing. I easily could have, considering my powers. There was nothing stopping me from doing it except for my own morality.

I almost laughed out loud at that thought. I had killed people and Lois knew I had. I didn't feel bad about it and I didn't feel bad that I didn't feel bad. I wasn't a sociopath, however. I made the choice to end the lives of criminals and the reasons I did it, did not matter. I would do it again, too. I could justify it as some people needing to die, except other people would say the same thing about me if they knew.

I kind of zoned out as I went over everything that Class 1-A went through. I had thought that they needed Izuku there for the luck factor to be so bad that all of the major events still happened, and the attack at the USJ proved that it wasn't strictly necessary while All Might was still in the picture.

“C-C-Connor... no... we shouldn't.” Lois whispered.

I stopped ruminating about Izuku and focused completely on Lois.

“Don't lick... there.” Lois whispered and her breathing sped up. “Yes, there instead.”

I perked up at that. Is she having a wet dream about me?

Lois moved and closed her legs as she moaned. “Oh, baby... right there. I love... you... so much!”

I think she really is. I thought, surprised.

“F-faster... oh, yeah... mmm.” Lois moaned and panted faster. “Ohhh... yes! Yes! YES!”

My eyes widened as a wet spot grew on her shorts where her crotch was. I successfully did not use x-ray vision to look at her directly to confirm what just happened. I also did not go to her room to wake her up. This was something she might be embarrassed about and I wasn't sure how to handle it.

Should I tell her I saw it and play it off as no big deal or should I pretend that I didn't and ignore it? I asked myself.

“Connor? Connor! CONNOR!” Lois yelled and woke herself as she sat up.

I couldn't ignore a scared yell like that and zoomed at super-speed and sat on her bed. “Lois! I'm here!”

Lois had tears in her eyes and she blinked several times before she focused on my face. “Connor?”

“You were screaming my name like you saw me disappear or something.” I said and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay? Were you having a nightmare?”

“N-no, I... I was...” Lois looked down at her lap and blushed. “Oh, god.”

“It looks like you were so scared that your bladder let go a little.” I offered as an explanation.

“YES!” Lois gasped and her face went redder. “I mean, yes. That's what happened.”

“You sounded scared.” I said and slid my hand to her back and rubbed it a little. “Are you sure you're okay?”

“Yes, I... at the end, you... I thought...” Lois turned her head away. “You were cut and...”

“Hey, it's okay now.” I said and leaned in to give her a quick hug and let her go. I hadn't missed that she stiffened up and I ignored that reaction. “Do you want some help cleaning...”

“NO!” Lois shouted and then blushed again. “I can handle it. Thanks for the offer.”

“If you're sure.” I said and she nodded. “I'll get breakfast started while you take care of things.”

“Yes, that... that's for the best.” Lois said and took one of my hands. “Thank you.”

“I'll always look out for you, Lois.” I promised and she smiled. I stood up and her eyes went to my crotch, as if she expected something. She didn't look disappointed, probably because I was only wearing a thin pair of boxers and she could see my reaction.

As a healthy young man, my body's functions were like clockwork after waking up. Being near a woman I loved after she made those sounds while she dreamed about me, helped a lot, too.

“Eggs and toast okay?” I asked and she nodded. I walked away at normal speed and could almost feel her eyes on me as I left her bedroom. I shut the door behind me to give her privacy and zoomed into the kitchen to start cooking.

I occasionally glanced into her room to make sure she was okay, right up until she went into her bathroom and I stopped looking. It wasn't right to peep on her while she was changing her underwear or bathing, so I didn't. I finished cooking a nice breakfast for the both of us and sat down at the kitchen table to wait for her.

Lois walked into the kitchen and she must have noticed that I faced away from her. “Connor?”

“Hmm? Oh! Hi, Lois.” I said and stood up to let her take her normal seat. I had heard her approach and made sure she saw where I was before I moved.

“Why were you sitting here?” Lois asked as she sat down.

“I didn't want you to think that I was watching you as you cleaned up.” I said and started eating.

Lois had an odd look on her face for a moment. “You weren't keeping an eye on me?”

I thought about lying for a split second and smiled. “I was until you went into the bathroom. After that, my eyes were firmly on food preparation and pointedly not looking in on you.”

“What if I started choking or drowning?” Lois asked.

I tapped my ear. “I can hear your specific voice across the entire city. Hearing you choke or trying to breathe water, would immediately have me at your side rescuing you, naked or not.”

Lois looked like she was going to say something, then she smiled and nodded instead. She started eating as well and we were both silent as we cleaned our plates.

“I better get ready to head out.” Lois said and stood. “Connor, about this morning...”

“Lois, no explanations are needed.” I interrupted and stood. Her eyes dropped to my crotch again and her eyebrows rose, because I still had an erection for her to stare at. I walked around the table and gave her another quick hug and let her go.

“C-Connor.” Lois whispered.

“I'll always be here for you.” I said and gave her a crooked smile. “Unless I'm out somewhere. Then I'll be there for you instead.”

Lois almost rolled her eyes at my attempt at humor. “Try to not get caught using your powers where others can see you.”

I chuckled. “You sound like you expect me to break the law.”

“Connor, I distinctly remember you saying that you are above such petty concerns.”

I grinned at her. “I think someone is encouraging vigilantism for the world's future hero.”

Lois actually rolled her eyes this time. “Get changed and do your morning workout before you check on Mei again.”

I nodded and used super-speed to clean up the dishes before I followed her out of the kitchen and down the hallway.

“You are going to be on dish duty all week.” Lois said and opened her bedroom door.

“You do the cooking and I'll do the cleaning.” I agreed and she smiled at me before she entered her room and closed the door. I quickly put on my workout clothing and did my routine in about ten seconds.

Without Mei's weights to slow me down, it took almost no time at all for my calisthenics exercises.

I took a shower and dressed in jeans and a plain black t-shirt before I went out to the living room and turned the television on. The news was all about what they were calling the Hosu incident and I had to smile as it showed Izuku and I in our hero costumes lifting several wrecked cars. It also said where we were interning and also that they had been cancelled.

“That is going to hurt the Hero Agency Association's reputation.” Lois said.

I tilted my head back to see her with a black pencil skirt, frilly blouse, and her hair expertly tied up in a bun. “You're going for the demure and sexy reporter look today?”

Lois smiled down at me as she bent over to hover her face close to mine. “That was an oddly specific description of my outfit.”

I chuckled. “I call it as I see it.”

Lois smiled. “I'll take an extra long lunch today and we'll go to the bank to deposit that check.”

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“Do you want me to make something or are we eating out?” I asked and reached up to caress her face.

“I think we can afford a little splurging.” Lois whispered and moved that last bit of distance to kiss me for several seconds. “See you then.”

I nodded and watched her as she walked over to the door and grabbed her keys and her purse.

“What color is my underwear?” Lois asked before she opened the door.

“Baby blue and it's riding up a little in the back. They don't fit you very well.” I said without hesitation.

Lois gave me a searching look. “I can't tell if that's approval or not.”

“Mostly not. You look sexy wearing them; but, you're not going to be comfortable wearing them. That's a bit of a turn off for me.” I admitted.

“That's good to know.” Lois said without any tone in her voice.

“I didn't say you were turning me off, Lois. You being uncomfortable does.” I said with a shrug. “How can you feel sexy if it's pinching you or squishing you?”

Lois walked back over to me and bent over again to put her face in front of mine once more. “Feeling sexy is more of a state of mind, Connor. Doing uncomfortable things for people you care about makes you feel empowered, because you are enduring it for them and they are supposed to appreciate that.”

I blinked my eyes for several seconds before I understood. “I. Am. An. Idiot.”

Lois looked surprised for a moment, then she started laughing. She had to brace her hands on the couch to keep her balance as she laughed and laughed.

It took her several minutes to calm down and then she had a look in her eye that sent a thrill through my nervous system. Lois moved her hands from the couch to cup the sides of my face, then she spent the next minute giving me the tenderest kiss I had ever experienced. It was full of love and sensual sensations that I would remember for the rest of my life.

Lois broke the kiss and saw my completely stunned and awed look. “That was what I was going for.”

I stared at her as she walked away with her hips swaying like a ship on stormy seas and I didn't stop staring until she was in her car and drove away. I was too stunned by her to speak and just sat on the couch for about half an hour before my brain engaged and I remembered that I was supposed to check my phone for Mei's text.

I went to my bedroom and picked up my cell phone, only to see there was still no response. I sighed and sent another text as I went back to the living room. I didn't really expect to hear back if she was busy, because she would enter a crazed inventing state sometimes and wouldn't talk to anyone at all until she was done, not even Izuku.

I sat down on the couch and watched television until it was almost lunchtime. I zoomed to the bedroom and changed my t-shirt for a nice shirt and made sure I had my paperwork from Endeavor's Hero Agency, my ID, my account info, my bank card, and the check. I walked to the front door and tucked my keys into my pocket and locked the front door just as Lois pulled into the driveway.

Lois gave me an appraising look and a nod, so I climbed into the passenger side of the car and she drove us to the bank.

Needless to say, I was quite over-prepared for the whole thing and they deposited the check into Lois' account with almost no fuss. Apparently, it was a government check and had a verification number and safety features that couldn't be faked.

We left the bank quite happy and went to a mid-scale restaurant nearby and were seated right away. Our orders were taken and we barely started a conversation about the bank when a woman's voice cut through the relative silence of the restaurant.

“Lois Lane! I never knew you were someone that robbed the cradle!” The redheaded woman said as she seemed to stalk across the room from her own table to approach ours.

Lois glared at the redheaded woman. “Hello, Angry Bitch.”

I wondered who this woman was and then realized that Lois had just called the woman an angry bitch. To her face. In public. “Just when I thought I couldn't love you more, you keep impressing me.”

Both women's glares were wiped off of their faces as they turned to stare at me. “Excuse me?” They said in concert, as if they practised it.

“This woman approached as she hurled a defaming accusation at you, and you countered with such an accurate description of her that I honestly thought it was her real name for a second. That's impressive.”

Both women looked too stunned to speak.

“You didn't have to berate her for her horrendous public behavior that has everyone staring at her like she's a disgusting thing to scrape off their shoe or that she abandoned her own embarrassed date to compliment you for your own prodigious skill in taking someone like me out for lunch.” I said with a happy smile. “I'm quite proud of you for your restraint.”

The redheaded woman looked very embarrassed now and she glanced around to see that I was right. Everyone was looking at her like she stunk and she turned around to face her table and saw the man she had been sitting with, had hung his head in shame. She stood there and didn't seem to know how to react, then she caught her breath as her date stood, tossed several bills onto the table, and walked away without looking at her.

“This isn't over, Lois!” She spat and ran after her date.

It took a minute before everyone returned their attention to their own tables and meals.

“Hold this.” Lois said and passed me her fairly large purse.

I tried to take it from her and she held on as she lifted it up to the height of our heads. “Lois, what...”

Lois leaned forward and kissed me hard. The heat from her mouth as her tongue wrestled with mine and then licked the inside of my mouth, was a huge turn on for me. We both made a pleased sound before Lois broke the kiss and lightly tugged the purse out of my hand. She had used it as a blocker to stop anyone in the restaurant from seeing us making out.

“Thank you for ending that confrontation before it could happen.” Lois said.

“You are very, very welcome.” I said with as goofy of a smile as I could.

Lois looked pleased. “It wasn't that great of a kiss.”

“Wait, it can get better than that?!?” I fake gasped and she laughed softly.

Our food was delivered right then and we put the shared humor on hold in order to eat. When the meal was done, we left a good tip and left to sit in the car.

I touched her hand to stop her from turning it on. “Can you tell me who she was?”

“Lana Lang.” Lois said with some venom in her voice. “She was Clark's childhood friend and she hated that he was never really interested in her growing up.”

“She had a crush on him for years, didn't she?” I asked, not admitting that I knew something like that actually happened.

“More like obsessed stalker love.” Lois said with a huff. “When Clark and I started dating, she kept showing up and trying to get me out of the way.”

“During your dates?” I asked, surprised. I hadn't known it was like that. I just thought he was just the only nice boy near where Lana lived.

“All the damn time.” Lois said. “I swear she had snitches all across the city calling her when Clark took me out.”

I chuckled. “How long did it take for you to counter that?”

“About three weeks after I found out.” Lois said with a smirk. “Clark never knew.”

“Of course he didn't. He was the world's biggest boy scout.” I said with a laugh.

“He really was.” Lois said and then sighed. “Lana has been hounding me ever since he died.”

“Murdered.” I corrected her. “Luthor murdered him and he will pay for that.”

“Y-yes, he did.” Lois whispered and leaned close as she took me into a hug. “Do I have to make you promise me to not hunt him down?”

“I promise to not go looking for him.” I said and kissed her cheek before hugging her back. “If I stumble across him or the League of Villains, don't expect me to let them go.”

Lois smiled and nodded. “I'll promise the same and will even call for help if I see them.”

“Deal.” I said and she let me go.

Lois drove me home and dropped me off.

I gave her a quick kiss through the open driver's side window. “Have a great day at work.”

“I've got Lana's embarrassed face stuck in my head. This day has already been great.” Lois said and waved as she drove away.

I couldn't have agreed more.

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