
Chapter 109: Proving the process with results (11)

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Dowook, who was taking a nap leaning against a chair, flinched awake at the alarm of his cell phone.

Inside a hospital room containing precision medical devices.

At the familiar sight of the intensive care bed, he turned to look around because he thought he was in a private hospital.

‘It's still Shanghai.’

He was able to quickly figure out where he was due to the Chinese characters attached to the walls and windows.

He greeted the morning of the last day of the joint meeting in the intensive care unit of the First People's Hospital because of Minister Kushner's prognosis.

Professor Hu Xiao, the doctor in charge of the hospital, was also able to manage the patient, but Dowook could not refuse since the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs desperately requested his help.

The sense of nationalism had been weighing on his shoulders for days. He would also be liberated from it this afternoon.

While looking at the condition of Minister Kushner, Dowook further reduced the amount of painkillers being injected. The absence of an intense pain response seemed to indicate the disappearance of the aftereffects of postoperative surgery.

It was worth the careful overnight examination.

『Dr. Claude, I'm going to get some fresh air.』

Claude, who was dozing off on one side, was startled and straightened up. Then he nodded to Dowook.

『Come back quickly.』

As soon as the door of the hospital room was opened, two armed special forces members bowed briefly.

『The whole seventh floor is clear, Doctor.』

『You've been through a lot.』

『Not as much as you, doctor.』

Those who arrested radical environmentalists by turning the VIP emergency center into a battlefield were in charge of the minister's security duties.

‘I think they said they were from Delta Force and somewhere else?’

The United Kingdom and France, led by the United States, participated in the operation. He heard that the troops were waiting somewhere in East China Sea in preparation for possible international terrorism between meetings.

Dowook, who came down to the lobby floor, found special forces members sitting around resting.

Seeing a few who had been conversing raise their hands, Dowook bowed his head slightly.

Anyway, he didn't think any madman would come into this hospital right now.

He pulled a Chinese drink from a nearby vending machine and left the main gate. After taking a sip of a sweet-scented drink, Dowook turned to the dim sky of February when the cold wind blew.

There was not a cloud.

Today's Shanghai seemed to wear a refreshing look instead of a dull one.

Dowook stretched and let the slight breeze blow away his fatigue. Then he turned his gaze to the VIP emergency center where all the chaos had taken place the day before.

Windows that were broken. And a large hole in the inner ceiling.

‘It won't be easy to repair.’

Dowook gulped down the leftover drink at once and put it in the trash can. Then he found a man walking around the parking lot in front of the hospital.

Foreigners with digital cameras around their necks.

He looked closely at whether he was a patient at this hospital, and the other person also turned to him. Seeing him reflexively waving "Hi," the eyes of foreigners grew tremendously wide.

"……Dr. Park?"


Click, click.

The foreigner who started clicking crazily at his camera, shouted loudly.

"Park is here!"

Suddenly, people burst out of the dark parking lot. In an instant, English poured out of their mouths around the hospital's main entrance.

『Dr. Park! This is the Le Monde paper! I'd like to ask you something about the miracle medical practice you displayed during the operation to arrest environmental terrorists!』

『This is Charles Hoffman from Reuters! The whole world is surprised by Dr. Park's heroic behavior of treating protesters and colleagues without distinction during the suppression of terrorism! Do you have any strict rules to prioritize symptoms?』

『I'm the special correspondent in Shanghai for Russia Today!』

『Please, just one interview!』

Reporters from various media outlets raised their voices in the order of arrival.

‘What the hell….’

It was a sight that he seemed to have experienced somewhere.

Even though it was English, the words were so fast and the intonation was so diverse that he couldn't understand the questions at once.

‘Why are they like this so early in the morning? Is the minister’s prognosis that worrisome?’

Dowook tilted his head and immediately remembered what would happen if he made a fuss in front of this hospital.


As expected.

In an instant, special forces rushed out from behind Dowook’s back and blocked the reporters with their flaring guns.

Reporters, who were pointing with microphones and cameras, raised their hands in surprise.

『Dr. …』


In the meantime, a reporter tried to ask a question, but he shut up quickly. The leading Special Forces member spoke.

『Everyone needs to present their ID cards and be examined. As soon as you say a word, I would like to inform you that you can be arrested in immediately for unauthorized access to this hospital on first-class alert.』

『Well, isn't that illegal? We have the freedom to cover!』

『Say the same thing to the furious Chinese government. I don't know if you'll be respected or deported. Do you want me to call the police?』

『……A passport would suffice, right?』

The majesty of the elite forces, which firmly blocked reporters' rush of questions, made Dowook feel somewhat proud.


When he turned to the back of the crowd, an employee from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea stood there.

"Mr. Kushner is looking for you."

"Is he awake?”

He thought it was because he reduced the painkillers, so he hurried into the hospital.

"Why are the reporters so crowded like that?”

"Oh? You haven't seen the news yet?"


The Foreign Ministry official pointed to a large TV set on one side of the lobby.

CNN breaking news.

The anchors had a conversation with his face in the background.

Dowook interpreted the caption flowing below.

‘Even sudden environmental terrorists are impressed by the Korean Schweitzer…… Praise? The Korean what?’

Bern Kushner sat up leaning against the bed.

Dowook asked while approaching him.

『How's your head?』

『It’s fine thanks to you.』

Claude, who stayed up all night with Dowook, stood next to the bed, with all the minister's aides standing side by side.

Naturally examining the minister's pupil response, Dowook commented on his examination.

『I don't think there's any more problems for me to help you with. The treatment is over and all you have to do is relax.』

『But there's one more problem I hope you would help me with.』

『What kind of…』

The minister opened his mouth with a faint smile at Dowook, who looked suspicious.

『I want Dr. Park to read the declaration for me.』

Dowook wondered if he had heard it wrong.

『I can't move anyway, and someone has to act for me, but I wonder if there's anyone else as symbolic as Dr. Park.』

『The Minister and I are of different nationalities, how can we…….』

At the minister's glance, the secretary gave Dowook a luxurious leather file.

『It is a procedural agreement prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea.』

When he opened the file, there was a document with the words "Agreement on Acting French Minister of Health and Welfare" written in two languages.

『Yesterday's accident has now become a concern for all member states. Among the G20's top-level meetings, health issues have never been such a hot topic. Would you be able to attend the last meeting on my behalf as acting minister?』

Kushner's earnest voice.

Dowook turned to Claude. Claude gestured for him to sign the document with a smile. Not only the minister's aides but also the foreign ministry staff who came with him. They were all waiting for his consent.

He thought he'd be free from a sense of duty, but now he felt like he had France on his back.

『I just have to go and read this, right?』


『It can't be helped. If I refuse here, the patient's headache will get worse.』

Kushner laughed.

The secretary held out a pen to Dowook. The secretary, who took back the signed file, pointed to the side.

『These two will assist Acting Minister Park Do-wook. Ivan, Pierre.』

Two aides greeted Dowook.

‘It's embarrassing to be called an acting minister.’

How did he get to this point? Just like working in the emergency room of Myeong Sae Hospital, he just grabbed a patient who seemed to need treatment and took action. This was why habits were so terrifying.

9:30 a.m.

Dowook got into the back seat of a protocol vehicle prepared in front of the hospital. Pierre, in the passenger seat, ordered the departure, and the car soon left the hospital and entered the boulevard.

As he only looked around downtown Shanghai, which he had not had a proper tour in the past three days, the car stopped in front of the International Convention Center.

-Experiment on animals! Say no!

Dowook, who was getting out of the car door, hesitated.

There was a large crowd in the square in front of the center. The protesters of environmental groups could be noticed by the signs they had seen for days.

Pierre spoke next to Dowook, who began to walk toward the building.

『Greenpeace has declared that it will never demonstrate violence. That's why some of the square's demonstrations have been approved.』

A group of people who raise their voices toward the security guard who stood like a bull's-eye.

Someone suddenly raised their hand behind Dowook, who was about to walk past them.


Because it was a call from the protesters, Dowook turned his head reflectively. Then, he saw the Dutch woman who came to treat her lover yesterday.

The woman whose eyes met Dowook’s shouted something to the surroundings. Surprisingly, the voices of the protesters, who were shouting slogans, died down instantaneously.

A sudden silence filled the square.

The Dutch woman beckoned him to enter with a bright smile.

‘Because of me?’

After sending a gesture of thanks, Dowook headed into the building.

When the heated protesters looked at only one person and became quiet, the security guard, who was blocking them, turned back, wondering what was going on.

A minute of respect from a radical environmental group to a doctor.

The media around the world, standing on the sidewalk line at the entrance to the convention center, rushed to record and broadcast the unusual scene.

G20 Health and Finance Ministers' Meeting.

Dowook sat among the ministers of each country with a little nervousness. A wireless earphone connected to an interpreter was plugged into his left ear, and every time someone spoke, an accurate Korean translation came out of it.

The event, which began at 10 o'clock sharp, was a gathering to finalize all discussions that had been held during the G20 period.

This was a meaningful event that he never imagined participating in. The problem was that he had no idea what they were talking about.

‘It's not my place, Never. When will the order come?’

His throat kept feeling dry.

From now on, we will read the declarations of each agenda and have the questions and answers related to them.


Dowook once again looked through the file containing the declaration prepared by his French aide. Practicing English pronunciation with his mouth, he watched the British finance minister question-and-answer on Brexit-related coordination issues.

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After India, Turkey and Canada, France's turn finally came.

-Acting Minister Park Dowook will read the declaration instead due to Bern Kushner's health problems.

The host's introduction helped him get up.

When he stood on the podium, he could see the people who made up the conference hall at a glance. Ministers and directors from more than 20 countries. Working-level officials from more than 10 countries who were participating in the event.

With the attention of officials, Dowook put the microphone to his mouth.

『First of all, Mr. Kushner's health is fine. You'll be able to see him again at next year's meeting.』

Dowook made eye contact with South Korean Minister Kim Jin-hoo, who sat on the left. He didn't have time to make a diagnosis today because of the declaration, but his complexion looked fine.

『Joint Declaration of the Third Health Conference. In order to cope with health threats such as universal medical care and infectious diseases in G20 member countries, the following agenda is selected…….』

He calmly mentioned the financial management of the WHO Emergency Response Fund, encouraging vaccine research, humanitarian aid in Congo, which declared a public health emergency, and antibiotic issues.

『……that concludes the announcement of the declaration jointly agreed upon at the Ministerial Conference on Health.』

After that, it was a question-and-answer session, but he thought they would let it slide because he was not French.

-I have a personal question for the acting minister.

However, U.S. Health Secretary Howard spoke up.

-Environmental groups that actively opposed the meeting, rather silenced the protest slogan when the acting minister entered the venue, showing a significant change in perception. In what ways did they show respect for the acting minister? I would like each country to refer to this.

It was a question of how he gained the environmental groups’ attention.

Dowook thought it over and answered.

『Just as ALF and Greenpeace wanted to save animals in crisis, as a doctor, I only wanted to save people in critical condition. I think they just sympathized with me on this part.』

Secretary Howard laughed. Then he asked.

-Will you be able to attend the meeting next year on behalf of our U.S. Minister? ALF is based in the United States…….


-The UK makes the same proposal. Environmental hooligans that are incomparable to Greenpeace are overflowing everywhere.


-If everyone’s lining up, Canada will as well.

-It's not first-come, is it? Then Russia, as well.


When ministers from all over the world opened their microphones and asked for favors out of the blue, Dowook was embarrassed.

* * *

That afternoon.

The entry was made at Hongqiao Airport, but the departure was made at Pudong Airport.

Dowook was waiting for his flight for Korea to be ready, drooping on the bench in the airport lounge.

"Dr. Park Dowook."

Turning at the gentle voice, Dowook smiled at a woman he had never seen before.

"Do you remember my voice?"


It was the voice of the task force's Yu Yeon-eun, who delivered the information for hours yesterday. Her face was round and cute, but this was an Interpol Detective.

"Are you going back to Korea?"

"No, I'm helping with the transfer of international criminals. I think I'll probably go to Sweden.”

"Sweden, is it….

"That's right, Dr. Dowook. He's the one who you fooled quite well. Please pretend that you don't know, as it's a secret.

-Detective Yu!

Lieutenant Yu's head turned at the call of Jon, who was far away.

"They must be here. Nice to see you, Dr. Park Dowook. Thank you for your hard work yesterday.”

"And you, Inspector."

Jon recognized Dough and smiled and waved.

While watching the two move, Professor Lee Il-soo, who had been to the bathroom for a while, approached.

"Dr. Park."

"Yes, professor,"

"On the way to the bathroom, I saw many doctors from other countries gathered in the east lounge. I'm going to say goodbye. Do you want to come with me.”

Since they suffered as hostages and suffered together as doctors at some point, Dowook also wanted to see their faces for the last time.


Walking to the lounge on the other side, he saw some happy faces. Among them, Claude first rejoiced at seeing Dowook.

『Dr. Park!』

『Will you be returning home, Claude?』

『I'm just a physician. Dr. Liam is flying in to clean up the mess, but we still have more than three hours to get there. He’ll be really disappointed to miss you. Shall we take a picture? I'll show it off later.』

While drawing a V-shape in front of Claude's cell phone, American doctor Garrett approached.

『Are your fists all right?』


『I saw you fighting yesterday. I was making a bet with Dr. Grant. Please answer me. No matter how much I don't look like it, I think you've had special training. But Dr. Grant said that it is possible because Korean men are required to serve in the military. What the hell is right?』

They were both wrong, so Dowook only gave an awkward look.

While saying goodbye to doctors from all over the world one by one, Spanish doctor Ellie approached Dowook.

『I saw the video of you reading the Declaration. It was amazing.』

『Any doctor here could do that. I think I did it as a representative.』

『No, sir.』

Ellie's cool gaze turned briefly toward Garrett, who still glanced at her with lingering regret.

『It was possible because it was Dr. Park. Jon's colleague is a Korean police officer, so I learned Korean earlier. It's an evaluation for someone as great as you. Respectful. Amazing. I heard it means something like this.』

A Spanish beauty suddenly spoke in Korean.

"It's… real. No. Is this for real?"


It was a buzzword in Korea that had some meaning, so he didn't know how to correct it.

-Passengers of A370 flight to Madrid, please come to Gate 7.

Ellie greeted Dowook and Professor Lee at the notice of departure for Spain.

『Good-bye. Can I see you both next year?』

『If I'm chosen,』

『Oh, I've also learned how to say goodbye.』

Ellie, holding a carrier in her hand, looked at Dowook.

"Do you want to eat ramen? Is that right?" T/N: Korean version of ‘Netflix and chill?’

Professor Lee, who was drinking a drink next to him, spat out the drink.

Seeing her disappear to Gate 7 leaving shocking Koreans, he became speechless. He thought he knew Lieutenant Yu’s sense of humor from the words she taught Dr. Ellie..

Professor Lee put his hand on Dowook’s shoulder.

"Dr. Ellie seems to respect you very much. She learned Korean, too.”

"I think she learned a lot wrong".

"Why not? It's all right if we can understand each other."

After a while, an announcement of a flight to Korea came out.

-Passengers of B750 flight to Incheon…….

Dowook moved to the rally gate with Professor Lee. As the general attendants pulled out their boarding tickets from the back of the line, a loud call came in.

"Dr. Park."

When he raised his head, Jin Daeyoung, who could be seen wrapped in a bandage, stood inside the collar.

"Oh, Daeyoung,"

"Can I talk to you for a second?"


Jin Daeyoung came close to him and said very quietly:

"My unit motto is to represent logic by action and prove the process as a result. Please forget that I participated as a member of the camouflage team. As if nothing had happened."

"Do I have to keep it to myself?"

"No, I just want you to erase it from your memory. As far as the result is concerned, the doctor has done everything. I was so ashamed that I couldn't even report to my superiors. I'm sorry for all the mistakes I made."

After Jin Daeyoung said this, he held out a gift box that seemed to have been bought at a duty-free shop to Dowook.

"And thank you for the treatment."

"You’re welcome.”

"Well, then… "

The back of Jin Daeyoung, who quickly disappeared, looked very contrary to his first impression.

Professor Lee, who dragged his carrier in front of the bench, pointed to Jin Daeyoung.

"What were you talking about?"


Not thinking it was important to reveal the truth, Dowook replied.

"I guess he was sorry for pushing the professor when leaving the country.."

"Really, so serious. His ribs would have to heal well if he wants to keep being a soldier."


* * *

D-Rosette, Myeong Sae Hospital.


Ha Sang Joong, who was washing his hands under running water, sighed deeply.

How many operations did he perform in the three days Dowook was dispatched by the country? Even when he was active, it wasn't this bad. The only comfort was that this surgery was the last one.

"Choi Hoo, how hard have you been working Dowook?"

The workload was just crazy. To the point where he felt sorry for swearing at Dowook’s attitude of leaving the office every time.


When he entered the operating room, nurses greeted with nods.

"Come on, keep it clean! I don't want to be blamed again.”

An Hosan, the anesthesiologist who was watching the patient's condition, spoke to Chief Ha, who was preparing for the final assist.

"Sir, have you read the article?"

"What article?”

"Dr. Dowook became a total star in China."

"What do you mean?"

Ahn Hosan told him the news of the G20 meeting in the morning.

Chief Ha looked shocked.

"What are they calling Dowook?"

"The Schweitzer of the 21st century."

Park Dowook, you punk.

He sent him to build a line of experience in the mission, but he fell down after acting as acting minister. It was the French Minister at that.

"The phone’s gonna be on fire again….”

The latest_epi_sodes are on_the novel35.COM website.


sync: A special force member’s coping mechanism

Action: You can do your job on a battlefield full of bullets and fights.

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