Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 107: Healer

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Seo Joon stood up from his chair and Samantha grabbed his hand, "Joon, I don't hate Becca… but I thought you liked Hannah? I thought you two liked each other?". She tried not to meddle with their problem but she hates being in the middle of the two people she loves dearly.

Seo Joon thought about what to say to his sister, but at this point what else could he say? He's already dating Becca. And even if he does like Hannah, does she even like him back? Seo Joon recalled Hannah's reactions but never did he see that she was affected at all.

Hannah also didn't bother explaining and she didn't introduce the two men. She was in fact, in a hurry to leave. Her behavior was something that's making Seo Joon very conflicted; he doesn't know what she's thinking.

Looking at his sister, he gave her a light smile before he ruffled her hair. "Sammy, regardless of whether I like her or not, I don't think Hannah truly likes me judging by how she deliberately let me believe that they were really a couple. Also… I'm quite happy with Becca right now. Anyway, I gotta go. I'll see you soon."

Her brother exited the café, leaving Samantha alone with her thoughts. She was thinking about how it's such a pity that her bestfriend and her brother aren't on the same page. After getting to know Becca a little more, it was even harder for Samantha to be against their relationship because she felt that Becca was actually a genuine person.

With a defeated expression, Samantha got up, gathered her things and left the cafe. Just as she exited, she came back inside right away and ordered some coffee and snacks from the counter. When she was happy with her takeout, she then headed towards the Cho Corporation's HQ.

Although Samantha was already welcome to go in and out of Daniel's office, she was still a bit uncomfortable with his employees' stares. So when she got inside the building, she didn't look from left to right and just headed straight to the elevator. Thinking that she would be able to avoid the gossiping eyes and mouth if she moved fast, Samantha somehow felt confident that they would just ignore her.

But that's where she's wrong. Now that her face is known to the public, just a glimpse of her and they would already recognize her.

When Samantha walked in, the people in the lobby stopped in their tracks and watched her. The last time she was there was a couple of days ago with Alexander during their presentation. This time, she was alone; looking so fresh like she came out of a magazine with 2 cups of coffee in her hand and a box of treats.

She looked like a wife visiting her husband at work and bringing him some snacks. Whoever thinks that she and Daniel aren't a couple are quite dumb at this point. They've been seeing her a few times recently and their boss' temper changed several weeks ago. But those who thought and planned to expose whatever they were seeing inside Cho Corporation or anything that involves their boss to the media; must be the dumbest and are probably tired of living.


"Hey, hun." Samantha greeted Daniel as soon as she entered his office.

Daniel was on his phone when she arrived, he lifted his head and a smile formed on his face. She pursed her lips when she realized that he was busy.

"Yes, that's correct.", he spoke on the phone.

Samantha placed her things on the coffee table and walked towards where he was standing. And as if it was something extremely important for her to do, she embraced her man catching him off guard. She didn't say anything, she just buried her face on his chest and stayed there trying to inhale all of Daniel's scent. She was feeling a bit dramatic after the afternoon's event as she recalled her conversation with Hannah, the video for Mia, and her bestfriend's and her brother's issue.

Daniel was still speaking on the phone while Samantha was being clingy. But not one bit did he ever feel that she was bothersome. 'What is this troublemaker's problem now?', he thought.

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"Thank you, Mr. Ku. Hmm.", he said before he cut off the call.

"Now, why did you suddenly become a cat? I thought you were a unicorn?", Daniel teased her right away. "You're so clingy today."

Samantha pulled back and lifted her head, thinking briefly of how blessed she is for having Daniel. With a pout, she complained, "I am?... So what if I am? You don't like it? I could be a cat... I can even be a panda and just laze around all day!"

"You'd be a very cute panda!", He chuckled and kissed her forehead, "What's that?", he gestured to the coffee table.

"Oh, right! Coffee date!", she pulled her towards the sofa and gave him his cup. "I figured you were a bit busy today so I just brought it to you."

Daniel felt giddy with all the fluffiness that Samantha's showing but he suppressed his excitement and just uttered, "Thank you."

"Umm.. can you spare a couple of hours on Friday?", she suddenly asked.

He took a sip from his coffee and answered, "I guess so, why? What's on Friday?"

"It's... Mia's birthday."

Samantha only said those words but Daniel already knew what was on her mind judging by her expression. He knew that it wasn't only Mia's birthday but it was also the day that they got into an accident that led to Mia's death.

After she spoke, without second thoughts, Daniel already decided to agree. Whatever Samantha wanted to do, he would always support her, especially if she asks him. Wasn't this what he wanted?

Months ago, they already argued and had a misunderstanding about not communicating well. So despite being busy, as long as it was Samantha who asked, Daniel would always be willing to leave anything and everything behind.

Seeing that Daniel only looked at her without responding, she thought that he couldn't go with her. "Forget it, I'll just go-"

"Of course, I'll go with you. I'd be happy to meet your friend.", Daniel comforted her.

Samantha smiled her best one. She was actually feeling nervous but knowing that Daniel will be with her during the process of freeing herself, it was an absolutely amazing feeling.

Daniel saw the spark in her eyes and he knew that she was feeling better. He leaned in and flirted like a player, "So... tonight.... you wanna go to my place? or yours?"

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