Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 113: His Back Is Made Of Steel

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It was lunchtime the next day, Samantha and Hannah were at the Busy Bean Cafe. She asked Hannah to teach her how to make the coffee that she loves so much.

"I gotta buy that machine!", Samantha gushed as she oggled Hannah's badass coffee maker at the side which was used earlier.

"This is a heavy duty one, you can buy something else that's fine to use at home. Let me know when you're planning to buy and I'll go with you.", Hannah offered.

"Yes! Definitely, let's buy tomorrow! So how do I make this?", she eagerly held two Barista tools in her hands, in which she doesn't even know what to call them. She was so excited to learn not only because she likes the coffee but she actually wanted to make coffee for Daniel by herself. And no, not the regular coffee, she wanted to learn the one that's with the same level as those in coffee shops like the busy bean cafe that makes specialty coffee. So she was willing to learn techniques and all that from no other than her best friend, Hannah.

They spent a few minutes learning about some basics and then after which, Samantha learned her first latte art. She made a heart on top and it looked absolutely cute despite its imperfection.

"Wow! Way to go, S! You're learning so fast!", Hannah complimented.

"I know! Aren't I awesome? Now, I feel like it'd be too bad if I drink it… my first work of art in a latte.", said Samantha as she held the cup in her hands. "Oh, I know…", she took out her phone and pressed the record button of her camera application and smiled.

"Look! I made my first latte art!", she spoke to the camera with a charming smile before she focused the frame on her cup.

The video was just about 10 seconds long and when she was done recording, she sent it to Daniel's inbox.

As soon as Daniel received the message from Samantha, he watched the video and a huge grin appeared on his handsome face. He was currently out of town for a business meeting and won't be back the next day so her message especially made him chipper. He tapped his phone and sent a text message.

Daniel: [So pretty.]

Samantha read his message and she brightened up instantly like a teenager who had just received a greeting from her crush.

Samantha: [I know. How can I ever drink it if it's this pretty? Such a waste, huh?]

Almost instantly, Samantha received a reply from Daniel.

Daniel: [No, not the coffee. You. You're pretty.]

'Stupid. Stupid Flirt. How can you flirt with me even in text?', Samantha complained in her thoughts but was obviously liking the attention very much; she blushed so hard.

Just as she was about to reply to Daniel's text message, she received a phone call from her brother, Seo Joon.

"Joon?", she spoke right after she answered.

Seo Joon: "Hey, Dopey. Where are you right now?"

"I'm at Hannah's Busy Bean Cafe. Why?"

Seo Joon: "Are you free this afternoon? Ah, you know what, wait for me there. I'm coming. See you soon!"

Her brother cut off the call right away, not even allowing Samantha to ask her brother why.

"Han, Joon's coming over. Will you be okay?", she asked her bestfriend.

Hannah was washing the tools that they have used earlier on the sink, she turned her head and asked, "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"Oh… nothing."

About ten minutes later, Seo Joon arrived but he wasn't alone, with him was Becca.

"Hey sis, hey Han.", he greeted as soon as they came by the counter where Samantha and Hannah were.

Becca waved to greet them as well. "Oh wow! You're making coffee? That's so cool!"

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Samantha brightened up as she answered, "Yes, Hannah taught me. Isn't it amazing?"

"That looks really good!", Becca complimented.

Samantha turned to her brother again, "So, what's up, Joon? Why did you call me? Did you need something?"

"Oh it's not me, it's Becca. She wants to invite you somewhere.", Her brother pointed with his thumb.

Samantha was a bit confused and so her eyebrow rose when she turned to look at Becca who was smiling at her.

"Right, I was invited to an event which will start in 2 hours. The event is for the Hozzby brand for the launching of their new product in the market. And I was told that I can bring a friend with me during the event later. You're the only one I know who's in the computer field so… I was wondering if you'd like to join me? There'd be free food.", Becca gave her best smile.

"Darn it, I'm sold for the free food!", Samantha chuckled and nodded, "Sure that sounds fun, I need a new laptop anyways, it might be a good time for me to look for a replacement."

"Awesome! Though the event is not until 2 hours later, would you like to prepare with me? I have to change clothes… what about you?", Becca asked as she straightened up looking ready to leave.

Samantha looked down on her own clothes and thought that it might be a good decision to change to a better-looking one so she nodded her head. "Yeah, I guess I could use a little prep."

She turned to face Hannah, "Han, let's buy the coffee machine tomorrow, is that okay?"

Without any signs of hesitation, Hannah smiled and agreed, "Sure, S! You go and have fun!"

Not long after, Samantha and Becca exited the Busy Bean Cafe leaving Hannah and Seo Joon behind.

"Can I get you something?", Hannah offered to Seo Joon.

"Huh? Oh.. I guess I could have a cup of coffee.", he answered.

Hannah nodded and proceeded to make one for him. Seo Joon leaned on the counter as he watched her move here and there. He was suddenly reminded of how they used to be back then, before the lame misunderstanding.

After Hannah finished preparing for his coffee, she took off her apron and walked out of the counter. She instructed her staff about some things before she grabbed her bag from the office. When she passed by Seo Joon, she kept a civil expression and spoke, "I have to be somewhere for some errands. I'll go ahead, Joon."

Taking a sip from his takeaway cup, he walked towards her and probed, "Where are you heading?"

"Green avenue.", she replied briefly.

"Let's go, I'll take you there.", he spoke as he walked towards the door of Hannah's coffee shop.

Her brows scrunched up not understanding what Seo Joon meant. When she finally realized, she caught up to him and refused, "What? No... I can go there by myself."

"I don't see your car parked anywhere here, you must have used a cab. It'll be faster, Han.", he spoke without turning back leaving Hannah flustered.

"Huh? Wait... Joon! Joon!"

Hannah frantically chased after the man but he practically ignored her. When they were outside the cafe, Hannah was still chasing after him when he suddenly stopped in his tracks causing Hannah to bump her head on his back.

"Aw!! What's with your back? Are you made of steel?! Why the heck did you stop!", Hannah complained nonstop.

Seo Joon turned around laughing, "Who told you to bump your head on me? Did you miss me that badly?", he smirked and Hannah was very much annoyed.

"You wish! Why would I miss someone like you? You have become even more annoying lately." she rolled eyes and Seo chuckled.

The two of them are clearly very comfortable with each other even with their banters. It's been a while that they have talked to each other like this and it was like how it was before. Back when there weren't any misunderstandings.

Without thinking twice, Seo Joon grabbed her arm and he dragged her towards his car. "Let's go, Ms.. Chu."

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