Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 116: I Want A Negroni (3)

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In the middle of her sleep, Hannah was being very restless as she felt uncomfortable. Unaware of the whole situation that she was in, she removed her bathrobe to free herself and only had her underwear on. Feeling better, she snuggled to the warm pillow that she found next to her.

Little did she know, the warm pillow that she grabbed a hold of was none other than the sleeping Seo Joon.

Back to the present.

Seo Joon's Mercedes had just parked in front of an establishment. "What business do you have in here?"

"We're having problems with one of our suppliers and I'm looking for another one, this one seems to have a good reputation so I'm gonna go and check it out.", she replied. "Thanks for the ride, Joon. I'm getting off now."

"Wait, I'm coming with you.", he said before he got off the car and walked around to the passenger's seat. Hannah at that moment was very confused as to why Seo Joon was being nice to her again.

Samantha didn't tell her that Seo Joon already knew the truth about Shawn so his nice acts were really surprising for her. But as if her mouth was sealed shut, she couldn't say anything to him. In the end, Seo Joon went with Hannah as she goes about her business.

He quietly followed her talking to a few people and finally decided to replace her old supplier with the new one. It was the first time that Seo Joon saw Hannah in her business self, apart from managing the cafe which was only natural, she always looked so carefree all the time. The Hannah who stood before him looked very confident when she represented herself as a business owner / entrepreneur. To him, her confidence and aura made her look even more attractive.

'What are you thinking, Joon? Stop it. This is ridiculous! You're with Becca!', he screamed in his thoughts as he tried to convince himself.

They got out of the building and was crossing the street when a speeding bicycle suddenly appeared almost hitting Hannah. Luckily Seo Joon noticed it and instinctively, he pulled her away from the street and cursed at the passing biker who just ignored what happened.

The sudden proximity within them caused Hannah to blush so hard, she wasn't even flustered because of the almost accident but rather because of Seo Joon's body warmth that was enveloping her at that moment.

Realizing the closeness, Hannah pushed him away.

Looking at the red-faced woman before him, Seo Joon thought that she was in pain. "What's wrong? Are you okay?", he worried.

"I'm fine.", she muttered dismissively as she looked away.

"You don't look fine. Why are you so red? Are you hurt?"

'Oh shut up, Joon! You're the reason why I'm flushed.', Hannah sneered in her thoughts.

"Let's go to the hospital and get you checked.", he grabbed a hold of her wrist and started to walk but then Hannah forcefully removed her hands from his grasp.

"What are you doing? Seo Joon Kim! Why the hell are you being nice to me now?!", Hannah suddenly snapped.

Seo Joon was surprised by her sudden outburst. He was totally caught off guard that he was tongue-tied and couldn't say anything.

"Joon, you're with Becca! Why are you here with me right now? Why give me all the attention? Why are you making me confused!?", she bombarded him with questions that she had always wanted to ask deep down inside of her.

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He caught on to the last one and so he probed, "Why are you getting confused? The only way you would get confused is if you felt something for me before, Hannah."

Hannah closed her mouth when she realized that she probably had said too much.

"Be honest, Han. Is there something you want to tell me?"

She swallowed, afraid that she would reveal herself. She had always wanted to keep quiet yet at the same time, she had wanted to tell him everything.

"Answer me, Hannah Chu!", he breathed.

"For crying out loud, Yes, Joon! I like you! I always have!!", Hannah roared, her lips trembled after speaking.

Seo Joon's eyes softened when he finally heard those words from her. But part of him wanted to curse for hearing it. "Then why didn't you tell me? Why did you always refuse to let things happen?!".

"Because you're already with Becca!!"

"No! Don't you dare go into that, Hannah! You have always pushed me away even before Becca, you were the one who didn't want us to happen!", he fumed.

"What are you even talking about?! When have I ever done that?"

Seo Joon couldn't believe what he heard, he felt that Hannah was doing it on purpose to spite him. "Oh come on! Don't tell me you haven't deliberately made me feel that we can't be together, coz you have done that a lot of times!"

Hannah recalled everything and she suddenly became nervous, was it really her?

"First, that night and the morning after when we woke up on the same bed. You made me feel that I did something horrible and that you especially said that you never want to talk about it and forget that it happened! And you made it awkward after that, not talking to me and avoiding me? You clearly didn't want things to move forward between us even after what you did that night. And don't you ever tell me that it was you being drunk."

She was indeed feeling very guilty. That night, she did stupid things and then went shy the next day; not wanting to admit that she actually liked him so she firmly said that they should forget about it. And Seo Joon who felt that he had to respect her wishes, agreed to never speak about it again.

Seeing that she wasn't going to say anything, he continued to elaborate. "And then when you saw me with my client, Ms. Carroll that one time in the office, you ran away. And when I asked if you were upset, you clearly said that you and I were only friends, that we're not even dating. But it was pretty obvious that you were jealous. So why didn't you just tell me the truth then? Why did you dismiss it?"

"And it was the same with Shawn, fine I was pissed as well but don't tell me you didn't even know why! I know you aren't that dumb, Hannah! You definitely knew that I liked you then but you didn't even try harder to clarify the matter. Even after many times, you still didn't do it and let me think that you really were together!"

Tears formed in Hannah's eyes, her emotions started to stir within her, she was about to crumble.

"I've suppressed myself thinking that you don't really want us to be together. So don't you ask me why Hannah Chu! I should be the one asking you that!", Seo Joon snapped.

Seo Joon never meant to question her as he chose to believe what he was seeing through her actions; that she didn't want them to happen. But when Hannah was feeling confused and started to bombard him with questions, he couldn't help but also ask her why after all those times in the past she chose to act the way she did.

Feeling so emotional, Hannah wanted to get away from him. She couldn't take seeing him like this, why was this happening? This shouldn't have happened!

"I... I can't. I can't do this right now..", she stuttered before she turned around to leave.

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