Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 118: A Face Slap

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"What are you doing here?", Samantha asked defensively. She really didn't want to see Andrew anymore.

"I was in the area and I saw you from afar, I just thought that I'd say hi.", he answered innocently.

She looked at him as if she tried to see right through him but all that Samantha could see was Andrew's usual self, calm with a bit of arrogance.

"Now that you did, you can go now.", she spoke firmly.

Andrew chuckled upon hearing her, "Why are you in such a hurry to chase me off, Sam?", he questioned.

"Because there is nothing for us to talk about, Andrew. We're not exactly friends. And I don't want to be seen with you."

He raised an eyebrow at Samantha's straightforwardness. She had already told him that before when they were together. But she said that and her excuse was that she didn't want to be bothered by the media if they're seen together often; as Andrew is quite famous. But hearing it again from her now, he knew exactly why she doesn't want to be seen with him.

And her reason right now is not the same as before. Because of her identity as Trident's CEO; gossips would surely arise if the two of them were photographed together. And that was something that Samantha definitely not want to happen.

Thinking about it, he felt a slight prick in his heart. He thinks that before, it was all about him. But now, it was clearly because of her; Andrew was no longer relevant.

"We're not doing anything, Sam. We're just talking. I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

Samantha squinted her eyes, it was so hard to talk to people like Andrew. Someone who doesn't understand that… 'I don't want to talk to you!', she yelled in her mind.

"Fine, if you don't want to leave, I'm leaving. Bye.", she declared before turning away to leave.

Andrew was so quick, he caught up her wrist and kept her from getting away.

"Let go of me!"

"Don't shout. I told you, I just wanted to see you.", he tried.

"I said let go of me, Andrew Park.", Samantha hissed, gritting her teeth.

Andrew released her hand, "Samantha, when can we ever sit down and talk? I miss you."

Hearing those words from Andrew was very cringey. It was already getting annoying for her. "Andrew, please just stop.", she breathed out and pinched the bridge of her nose as she felt a headache was about to happen. "I will tell you this one more time. You and I can never be together again. You have to accept that and move on."

"Is it because of Daniel Cho?", Andrew probed. "It's him, isn't it?"

"Don't drag other people into this conversation. This is between you and me. And it doesn't matter if I was seeing someone or not, you and I can never happen; never again."

"Do you love him? You've fallen for him huh?", he asked with a pained expression.

Samantha gulped. He wanted to admit but Andrew was obviously not someone worthy to hear those words. She has to tell it straight to Daniel and not to anyone else.

"How could you love someone like him?! You don't know him, Samantha! He was there that night and he took you from my room and had me injured! I stayed in the hospital for weeks because of him! He's not who you think he is! For all I know, he had taken advantage of you that night when he brought you some-"


A loud and powerful slap landed on Andrew's cheek when Samantha whipped the side of his face. It was a forceful one that she even felt the sting on her hand after a few seconds.

Andrew's eyes widened and his brow twitched from the sudden violence that he had just experienced from the woman he was still pursuing until now.

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Turning his head to look at her, his face had reddened. Samantha was fuming deep inside of her but she tried to calm herself as she didn't want to inflict more violence. She was afraid that she might not be able to control herself and end up killing Andrew. She could accept it if she gets cursed or insulted upon but saying those ridiculous things about Daniel? That's something she couldn't just let go and ignore.

"Don't you ever speak to me about taking advantage! Have you already forgotten that you forced yourself and almost raped me?", she snapped.

Andrew got flustered, it's the first that he has seen Samantha like this. "No- I, I didn't force myself on you, Samantha we were in a relationship for Christ's sake!".

"That doesn't give you the right to force me to do it against my will!", Samantha roared. "If it wasn't for Daniel, you would've already done something horrible! You should be thanking me instead, I could've have put your asš in jail but I didn't!

"Samantha, I really didn't plan on doing that. I was just… I was…", Andrew no longer knew how to continue the conversation as he already felt guilty.

The clicking of heels was heard as Becca approached them from the side, "Is everything okay, Samantha?"

Samantha clenched her teeth, she was very pissed that Andrew had the audacity to point fingers at Daniel when he was the one who actually did something terrible. Her eyes shot daggers at him and Becca realized how tense the situation was.

As she came close, that's when she noticed the red mark on Andrew's face like he was hit by someone; probably by the fuming woman beside her at the moment.

Andrew tried to talk again, "Samantha, please..."

"Hey Mister, I think it's best if you leave.", Becca interrupted. She was the one who brought Samantha there and if something happens to her; she would blame herself.

Just as she dictated, another female's voice was heard not far from them. "Andrew, babe? What took you so long?"

Nancy Jung appeared and strutted towards them, she only became aware that it was Samantha in front of Andrew Park. Her eyebrow raised, "What are you doing here?", she asked Andrew.

Nancy spoke but Samantha didn't even bother to look her way as she was busy glaring at Andrew. She was still feeling angry about Andrew's words that were directed towards her man. How dare him speak of Daniel like that?

Andrew turned to the woman who had just arrived beside her; she was glaring at Samantha too, "You two know each other?"

Nancy didn't want to admit it. She doesn't like to be associated with Samantha, she hated her. Her gaze then shifted to the woman beside Samantha and her brow raised. Nancy recognized Becca right away. 'Great! The two of them are friends?', she wondered.

"Come on, Sam. Let's go.", Becca gently tugged her arm.

At that point, Nancy faced Andrew and saw the huge red mark on his face, it had swollen a little.

Samantha indeed had used a lot of force and it felt good!

"What happened to your face?", Nancy fretted as she tried to touch his cheek lightly but Andrew brushed her hand off.

Nancy turned her head towards Samantha and barked, "Did you do this?!"

It was only then that Samantha looked at Nancy directly, her eyes still fierce. "So what if I did? what are you going to do about it?"

Nancy's nose flared, Samantha's trying to provoke her.

Becca looked at the two, "Do you know her, Sam?", she probed when she became familiar with Nancy's face.

Samantha straightened up, a sinister smile appeared on her face that suddenly scared Nancy. "Her?", she scoffed. "This woman? Why would I know someone like her?", her tone was very degrading. If Nancy thinks that she's going to be able to bully her, that's where she's wrong.

Nancy also couldn't bring herself to admit that she knows Samantha, so she had kept her mouth shut. But she was shocked when Andrew tried to stop Samantha from leaving as he tried to grab her hand again.

"Samantha, wait. Please..", he begged.

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