Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 122: Handsome Dr. Yun?

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Samantha and Daniel reached the VIP floor where Daniel's dad was staying. Opening the door carefully, they entered the room and inside were Daniel's father on the bed, his brother, mother along with Nathan Yun and then there was another doctor in a white coat with a long curled hair.

Daniel's father was still asleep, the rest of the people in the room turned their head towards the door when they heard it open.

"Son, come here. Your dad has a new cardiologist.", Mrs. Cho announced.

Daniel came closer and the other doctor turned to him. When their eyes met, the doctor smiled. "Long time no see, Daniel."

His brow raised, he did not expect to see this woman in this country. "Devyn. You're back here?"

"Oh… looks like you two already know each other. That's great! This is the best cardiologist that I mentioned earlier, Dr. Devyn Nam.", Nathan introduced.

"You are too kind Dr. Yun. But yes, I know him very well.", Devyn spoke mysteriously with a smile.

The room's temperature suddenly felt colder with Daniel's expression getting dark.

Samantha couldn't help but get curious, there was something strange about this female doctor. And the way she looks at Daniel... she did not like it at all.

Devyn walked forward and extended her hand wanting to shake Daniel's.

He contemplated whether he should accept the handshake or not but because he was a professional, despite not wanting to be associated with people he met in Country A those years ago, he received it and shook her hands very briefly.

Devyn Nam smiled and then turned to Mrs. Cho, "Don't worry, I will be in charge of Mr. Cho from now on. I will do my best and take care of him.", she paused as she scanned the people in the room pausing briefly at Samantha who was holding hands with Daniel Cho's left hand. "I'll go ahead now, please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything."

"Samantha, I'll leave now too. Take care.", Nathan bid farewell to everyone else before leaving the room with Devyn.

Daniel watched as the two of them leave until they were no longer in the room.

Samantha walked up to Mrs. Cho, "Auntie, how are you?"

Mrs. Cho's expression brightened up as soon as Samantha went to her, "Child, you haven't visited me for months. You look skinnier, is Daniel not feeding you properly?"

Samantha glanced at Daniel who had a puzzled look on his face and she chuckled. "No, he's actually feeding me a lot. Letting me eat all the time until I could no longer eat."

"Mother, how could you think of me like that?", Daniel sulked.

Mrs. Cho smiled brightly, she was feeling better because of the two, "I was just checking, sweetheart. You must not let her starve or you'll have to answer to me."

Liam who was munching some peanuts on the sofa snickered, "I don't think eating is the problem. That Dr. Yun is."

Mrs. Cho looked at her youngest son, "Why? What's wrong with Dr. Yun?"

Samantha felt a headache coming up due to Liam's big mouth. Daniel also looked at his brother.

Liam didn't care about their glare and just continued to be carefree. His feet were raised on the coffee table and with a pack of nuts in his hand, he spoke, "Dr. Yun is Samantha's ex-boyfriend, mother."

As soon as Mrs. Cho heard that, her gaze shifted to Samantha and her brows raised, "Really? Is that true, Samantha?"

Samantha gulped and then pursed her lips, not sure of how to handle Daniel's mother's question. But how can she not answer? Was she supposed to just stay quiet?

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"Umm… yes, Auntie. We used to date when I was in college.", she admitted.

Samantha did not know what to feel at that moment but what she heard next surprised not only her but also the other two men in the room, Daniel and Liam.

"Way to go, Samantha! Dr. Yun sure is very handsome! He's tall too and he's a doctor! Oh, you have my approval!", Mrs. Cho exclaimed like she just heard really good news.

Samantha had a stunned look, she blinked...

And blinked some more...

She didn't know what to say to her comment.

Liam gaped, his mouth fell open and a few nuts came out of it; he was so shocked by his mother's reaction.

Daniel, on the other hand, his eyes widened and brows raised. Placing his hands on his waist and with an irritated expression, he questioned his mother, "What?"

He thought that his ears must have gone blind.

How could his own mother praise another man for Samantha?

Mrs. Cho had a very amused expression on her face, "What? I can't give praises to another woman's child? I am telling the truth, Dr. Nathan Yun is very attractive and I'm proud that Samantha has got great taste in men." she walked towards the sofa and sat in front of the-still-gaping Liam. "If I was way younger, I would most likely choose to date him too."

Daniel's brows twitched and Liam cringed at the words that their mother is spouting.

"Why would you say that mom? You should be dating someone like my brother or me!!", Liam demanded.

Mrs. Cho guffawed. Clearly amused by her sons, "And why would I do that? I know exactly what kind of kids you were growing up. I don't want my love interest to be someone like you fools. I would definitely like someone like Dr. Yun, handsome and smart."

Daniel couldn't believe his mother's words, he was so baffled by it. Glancing at his woman who was beside him, he saw that she was smiling.

"Are you seriously enjoying this?", Daniel complained with his brows furrowed; he was definitely annoyed.

"What? Your mom is funny.", Samantha giggled. She sauntered towards the sofa and joined his mother.

Liam who snapped out of his trance turned to ask Samantha, "Do you also think that Dr. Yun is handsome and smart?"

Before Samantha could answer, Mrs. Cho already beat her to it. "Of course she does!! Why are you even asking! Dr. Yun is obviously boyfriend material. Right, Samantha?"

Suddenly faced by an awkward question, she stammered not daring to even glance at Daniel. "Umm.. I- I guess?"

Liam wasn't going to let Samantha and his mother stay like this, he has to help his brother! "More handsome and smarter than my brother?"

This time, Samantha couldn't help it. Her eyes slowly shifted to take a peek at her man who was still standing by the foot of his father's bed. His expression was unreadable. He was also waiting for Samantha's answer. She felt a lump was stuck on her throat and she began to sweat. 'Why the hell am I stuck in the hot seat! Of course, Daniel's more-'

"I-", she could only mutter a sound when Mrs. Cho once again answered for her.

"Tch, you can't ask that question. Samantha, don't answer that.", Mrs. Cho chortled and addressed her son, Daniel. "Sweetheart, you have got to feel that you have a competition too. Otherwise, how would you continue to prove yourself to her?"

Samantha was feeling chills all over, Daniel was already looking very much annoyed.. 'Auntie, how could you treat your own son like this?', she thought, feeling bad for her man.

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